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<br /> 17. '1'rnnsPcr of the I'roperly or n DencQiclul InYcrest In�orro�ver. If�ll or any part of thr,Property or My intcrest in It .
<br /> � is sold or transfetted(or iC a bcnefici�l interest in Borrawer is sold ar t�lnsferred and Dorrowcr is not a nitural person)wlihout
<br /> � Lendcr's prior writtcn consent, Lendcr may, at its option, requirc immediate payment in full of all sums sccuccd by this ,
<br /> ,I Securicy lnstrumene.Huwever,this option sliall not bE exe:ciscd by Lender if exercise is prohibited 19y tederal lativ:�s of the date
<br /> ' oi this Security Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exereic�es this option, Lender shall give Borro�ver notice of aceeleration.The not'sce shall provlde a peri�d of not
<br /> .,,;;l,,,�' less th.1n 30 days fmm the date the notice is delivered or mniled witliin which Borrower nnist pay�II sums secured by this
<br /> , ._,, �,,,t Securicy Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prlor to the expiration of this period,Lend�r may invoke any remedies
<br /> � permitted by this Security Instrument wtthout fnrther notice or demand on Bonower,
<br /> i 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstate. If Borrower mects certaln condltions, Dorro+ver shall have thc right to have
<br /> � enforcement of thi:i Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or such other period as
<br /> applicable law may spr.cify for reinstatcment) before sale of the Property pursuant m any po�ver of sale containecl in this
<br /> Security Instrumenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforcin�this Sccurity Insctument.Thosc conditions are th�t�ortower.(a)pays :��.
<br /> � Lender all sums w6ich then would be due under this Secwity In�trument and the Note as if ao acceleration had accurred; (b)
<br /> cures any defaule of any other covenants or agreemen[s; (c) pays all eapenses incuned in enforcing this Security Instrument, ::-:
<br /> including,but nat limited to,reasonable attomeys' fees; and (d) takes such:.ction as Lender may reuonably require to assure '_��
<br /> that the lien of diis Securlty Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Bonower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ':: this Seaurity Insts�rment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, �his Securiry lnst►u►taent and the -�':'
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fn11y effective as if no acceleratiozl had accurred. Hotfever, this right io reinstate shall ..�
<br /> �' nat apply in the cas^of acceleration under paragraph 17. .a�<
<br /> 19. 5ale ot Note; Change of Loan Servlcer. The Note or a partial interest ia the Note (together with this Securiry
<br />_ ':t.;,�` 4 Instrument)may be sold one or more times widiout prior notice ta Boaower.A sale rnay result in a change in the enAry (known , �
<br /> ' � as the"Loan Serviccr")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiuy lnsen�ment. '1'here alsd may be one =
<br /> _ � or more chanBes of�c L.oan Servi�er unrela[ed to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,BorrowEr will be
<br /> "'�t given�vrit[en noti.ce of ehe change in accordance with paragraph 14 nbove an�applicable laev.The no[ice will state the name and _
<br /> act�ir�s of the ne�v Loan Servicer and the addrrss to which payments should be made.'i'he notice will also coatain any ottur
<br /> � information required by applicable law.
<br />-, ' �• Z0. Hazardaus Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence. use. disposal. storage. or rElease of any _ _.
<br /> . ,�. Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anytt►iag atfecting the �:,.
<br /> � Property �hat is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sent�nces shall not apply to[he presence, use, or i.
<br /> stora¢e �n the Pra�eny of small quanttties of Hazardous SuUstances that aze geaerally recognized to be appropriate to normal �.
<br />• � residential uses and to maintenance of the rropeny. —
<br /> 8orrower shall promptly give I.ender wdtten notice of any investigation, claim,�iemand.lawsuit or other action by any �:
<br />- gover.►naental or regulatory agency or priva[e party involving the Propercy and any Ha•r,aralous 5ubstance or Envira�nmental Law Q
<br />` � of whYCSi Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,ar ta notitied by any gavernmental or regula2ory authority, t�at __
<br /> y'- . any removal or otlier reniediation of any Hazardous Substunce affecting the Pro�rerry is necessary,Borrower si�all promptly take _
<br /> all necessary remedi�l actions in accordance with Envimnmentnl Law. -
<br /> �� As used in thia paragraph Z0. "Hazardous Subsumoes" nre those substnnces defined as toxic or h�zardous substances by ._
<br /> �- • � Envirmnmental Law and the follotiving substunces: gasoline, kerosene, other flnmmuble or toaic petroleum products, toaic �
<br /> :a-, pesucides and lierbicides,volatile solvents.mAterlals contnlnin�asbestos or formaldvhyde,and radioactive mateda►�Js.As used in e„
<br />_�.�.��. -, ', this pazagraph 20, "Environmental Iaw" means federal la�va and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propetty is located that _
<br /> »_°f{ relate to healdi,safecy or environmental protection. __
<br /> '' NON-UNII�'O;.T7u1 COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender further covenunt and agree as follows: -
<br />�..���- 21.Acccleratlmn;Aemedies.L,ender sbAil Slve nottce to Borrowcr prior to aaelcxatton fotlow[ng Borrower's breach =_
<br />-��ri>>�.���•��-'- � of any covenant or egreement in this Securtty InsErnmeut (but not prior to acceleratfAn under paa�graph 17 uriless �
<br /> _}�.;_�:1;:.:. .,.
<br />- s�r• 3x+�- appf➢cf+ble law provides other�+fs�➢•The notfce sflull spc;c[fy: (a)the default; (b)the nctfon requlred to ture the detsult; �,_�_
<br />�.,., . :.�^ . -
<br /> �,•••!f';w^'� . (c)A c�ate�nat less than 30 d�ys[rom the date the nottce is given to Borrawer, by whlch the de[ault must Le cured; and —
<br /> s.Y<;:,���.���;-...,, , (d�t�stt tall►tre tm cure the default on or before the date spectfied in the nottce may result in�cceleratlon of the sums = �
<br /> - secured by thi�Security Instrument and sale of the Pronerty.Th�e nottce shall turther inforw Borrowa o!the right to =
<br />'"- " ' reinntate aflter acceleretton and the rlght to be�tng a rnurt action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other _
<br /> � af
<br />—�.`__i,.?���� c�eTersP o[Bacr��ver to acceleratton and sale. It the default Is not cured on or before tde date specitlal fn ths notice, �,_-�
<br /> ,,;,.�. � Lender, at its dption,may reqatre immediate payment iu full of ali sums secured by this�ecurfty Instrumeni without _
<br /> z?��4�' �"' turther demnad end tnAy Invoke the power oS sale and uuy other remedies perm[tt�d by appltcable law.Lendcro shall be _
<br /> - -`K•�- •� endtled to calLeM a11 cxpenses Incurred in pursutng tho remalies provEded in thLs paragraph 21,Includtng,but not ILt�ited ��..
<br /> �-:�.4`,;��,���:; to,reasonnhM,s�R�t�tarueys'[ees and casts of tttle evtdence.
<br /> s,,
<br />_y;;.; • If thepoen+Ra�of ssde ts Invoked, Trassec sdall record a notice of de[ault �n euch couvty tn whtch any part of the —
<br /> :;ti��t^�'f.� prop�rty ts I�cated and s6all mail copfes of such notice in the manner prescribed by a�plicable law to Borrower end to -
<br /> +•, the 62�er pe►sons prescrlbed bY applicable law.A[ter tt�e time required by applicabl�e law,Treutee shul�give pubiic notice __Y
<br /> ' oT sate to iRe persons nnd in 4�he manner prescribed by s��pl[cable lew.'IY�stee,w�t�hout decnand on Sorrower, sh�1l se11 �����v_�
<br /> the Yroperty art 7P�b1[c uuction to the hlghest bidder ut the time unJ place and under thne snle of a�lo r�any pnrcel tof the - `-
<br /> "" sale in onc or usafc purcels and in any or�Der Trustce detcrmines.Trussee�nay postpo - .
<br /> �� . Froperty by{�ablic announcement at tt�e time and plac.�of uny prevtonsly scheduled sale. Lender or Its de�ignee may ,_
<br /> pwchnse tlxe Property uY any sslle. --
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