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<br /> � payments may ao lonBer be reqmired,at the option of I.en�ier, if mongage insurance cove�age(in the:unaunt and for the perlod �
<br /> . that I.endc� reqi�ires)provtded by an insurer approvecl by Lendcr again l�ecomes nvailable cu►d is obtained. porrowcr shn:l pay �
<br /> the premiums required to m:iintnin mo�tgagc insuraxice in eftect,or to provide u loss rsservc, until thc requirement for niortgage
<br /> � insurana ends in accordAnc.�wi►h any written ugramEnt l�etween Borrower and Lender or applicable Inw.
<br /> �,1�•���e�n�. I�nder or its egent may malce reasonable entries upon :uid ins�ctions nf the Propeny. Lender shall�ive
<br /> � � Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspecKian. .
<br /> 10.�ondemnatlon.The prc�ceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential, in conneciion with a,�y �
<br /> � ,r,;�„� � condemnation or other t:ilcing of any part of the Propeny.or for wnveyance in lieu of condemnntion,are hereby asslgned and
<br /> ,,,.,,..�.+aia . sitall bc p.1i�1 to Lcnder. ••
<br /> In the event of a total taking of ttte Prapeny,the procceds shall t�: applied to the sums sesured by this Security Ins[runient, , .,
<br /> �vhether or not then duc, wwth any axcess paid to Borrower. In the eveat of a partial taking of the Propeny In which the fair 1'{�`�'
<br /> . 4 mar ke t v a l u o 0 6 t h r.P r o p e r t y i m m e d l a t e l y b e f o r c t h e t a k i n g i s e q u a l t o a r g r e a t e r t h a n t h e a m o u n t o f t h e s a m s s e c u r e d b y t h i a � -"�`
<br /> � Secutity lnstrument immedlatcly bcfore thc taking,unless Borrowcr and Lendcr otheewise agree in wdting,tPie sums secured isy '
<br /> thls Securiiy Insm+ment shall fx: nduced by the vnount of t6c Proc$eds multiglied by the following fraction: (a) the tou�l ���4"
<br /> amuunt of the sums secun.�d immed!ately before the takL�g,divided by(b) the f'air market value of the Praperty immediately �'��-
<br /> � bcfore the ca3�i�g. Any Dalanc�shnll be p�id to Borrower. In th�s event of a paitial takiag of the Property in which t6e fair �;-
<br /> t cnaricet valuc of the Froperty in�mediately bofore thc takinB is leas[han [he amount of che sums s�cured inunediat�ly before the -
<br /> • " ta&ing.unlcss Borrower au�Le�cier oZ`�er,�ise agrze in writirig ar unless agplicable law atherwise provides. thc pmc.^.:.ds shail =_`
<br /> be applied to ths sums sscured by t�is Securiry Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. �'-`'°
<br /> ��� If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if.after notics by Lender to Borrow�r that the condemnor offers to make an - -
<br /> �`� award or settle a claim for ddnagcs, Borrower faile to �ond to Lend�r within 30 days after the dace ttie notice is given,
<br /> '' , ` I.onder is auth�ri7�ed to collect and apply thc proaeds,at its optian.either to restoratior_or repair of the Property or to the sums =��
<br /> securr;d by thin Securiry Instnm�ent,�vbetker or not then due. �`'
<br /> Unless L,ender an�Bvcrowct othenvLse agree in writing, any application of pnocecds ta principal shall not eatenaA or =
<br /> postp�ne the due date of the montlily payments refereed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymencs. �'�
<br /> . ll.Bormo►u Not ReleaSed;FarbearAnce B�IIrtader Not a WQjver. Eate�.as�on of the time for payment or modification ``
<br /> of amortizatian of the snms secur+ect by this Security Instr�ment granud by Leader to uny sucoessor in interest of Borrower shali _
<br /> not operate to nlease the liabfltry of the orlgtnal Borrower or Borrowcr's successors in interest. Lender sLall not be requfred to
<br /> �~ COAtAlCOGG NiOVC,i�iu$�uj�uia�a�aI'ij ouw�..uan fA u7tC.t'i"'.ot vf a�.fi3w�L`C���°.r� tiSf`�-�II�IS«�IIiCT.:L`t IIS�S�I':.':.°�.°.Y`.^..^..�'!j:S`^.Ivot�O.q
<br /> .�','i.'::'°
<br /> of the sums securtd by this Securiry (nstrument by reasan of any demand m�de by the original Ilorrower or Bonower's
<br /> �� � � • successors ia interest. Any forbearance by Lcnder in�exercising any ri�tit or rcmedy shall not be a waiver of o:preclude the --
<br /> .-, ... '; � eaercise of any rigdt or rcmcdy.
<br />," ,��, 4K�., 12. Succ.ess�re and.�ssigns Bound; Joint a�7 Several Liabll�tty; C,o-s(gners. The covenants and agreement� of thi� —
<br /> _�+ ;'�:� .
<br />_;.,.---...;•.� ' Sccurity Insaument shnll bind and benefit thc successors and assigns of Lender and Borrowcr, subject to the prov�sions of
<br />__.-_�::Y ��. paragraph 17. BorroweII's covenants and agreements shall be joint and sevara2. Any Borrower who co-sigus this Sectuiry
<br />''�"°•`'"- Instcuwent but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instnis��.nt anly to mUrtgage, �r�nt and oanvey that
<br /> . �:�•vny'�
<br /> � '"- �� Bonower's intec+esst in Rhe Properdy under the te�of this Securiry lastrument;(b)is nat personally obligated to pay tfie sums
<br /> - � securod by this Security Iastrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree td extend. modify,forbeur or
<br /> ;�..;.,l�.
<br /> '�-.�'� make an aaommalatioss witL re ard eo ame terms of this Securi Instrument or the Note witiiout that Borrower's conseut.
<br /> _.,,_.I•:a.` � Y 8 t5'
<br /> 'r�a`''" 13.Lo�n C(n�rg�.lf tl�o loan secured by thi3 Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loam charges,
<br /> -__
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