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<br /> ��5- � U�m�s recetpt of�pyment ot thc petcc bld,Trustee stt�il dellver to the pw�stuiser'1lrustee's deed eonveying th�e -
<br /> ' P►roperty. 'i'he recltals In the Trustce•s dc��l ehall be primu fACte evtdeRCe at the t�utl� of the stetements mAde therefn. °-
<br /> � �'.� � Trustee shnll applr the pmceeds of the sate Em the[o�low[ng order: (A)to oil zosts ttnd expcnse�oi extrcls[ng the powec o[
<br /> ;,. P�le,r.nd tl�te«►.e,8�cl��c�+n^the rsprnen!oE'R�he'�'ns&ee's fecs eett�Ally Incm•red,not to exceed `Xo -
<br />:`,:..,.�� ot tlto prlucip�l nmount at the note ot tB�t.�lane otthe declArntlan ot de[t+ult,�nd re�sanAble attorneys'tees as pe�m(tted
<br />�f"�:� by la�v;p�) fo all sums setured by this Secci�ty Ynstrument;aad(c)wny excess to the person or persons legally entitled to _
<br />- �_ It.
<br /> =-- z2. Recoaveyance. Upon payment of �11 sums ucwut by this Security lnstrument, l.ender shall request Trustec to _
<br /> .; �:?� reconvoy thc Property and shall surtcnder cL.is Secnrnry Instrument and all notes cvidencing debt secured by this Securiry -
<br /> �-�=� Jnstrumont to Trustee.Tnistcx sh�ll rcconvcy �.he Pcoperty without warranry and without charge to the person or persons legelly
<br />: ,�.�.,� entitled tc►it.Sucia peison or pe�so»s sU�ll pag+ any f�co:dation costs. _
<br />:�•.�.::: Z3. Subs7itute'ricusiee. Lendee,at its��;tia�;,i�y Pion�time to time nmove Trustee and appoint a successor uustce to
<br />'-:•�:;': any Tntstee nppaintecl dereunder by an in5mv�snt recosded in the counry in which this Securlty Instn=ment is racorded.Without
<br />._:�:r;� conveytuic�of the Property, the successor tnu�ta shall succetd to all the titie.gotr•er and duties conferred upon Trustce herein
<br /> � ' and Uy npplicaUlc law.
<br />':�:a��` ?e1. l.�cquest for NoWces. Borcawer reqr,tests tGat copies of t�e notices of default and sale be sent td Borro�rer's addcrss
<br /> �:'� whicL is the Property Address.
<br /> ���r� 25.I��ders to this SecurEty IastrumenR,.If ane ar mon riders aze exceutcd by Borrawer and�rcorded together witb t3�is
<br /> �'•��� Security Itt::uument,the covenants and agrees�ents oteach such aider shall bc inou�,anrated into and shall amend and supgiement
<br />'�"-'��'� the wvonnnts and agreemente of this Securtty ilnstniment as if tite dder(s)wera a ganrt of thls Securiry Insmu►�ent.
<br /> _.,;;.�w��, [Check�pplicaUle box(es)l
<br />��:,�;'�v�
<br /> ar. A�justable Rate Rlder �� Condominium iiider �1-4 Family Rider
<br />� �� Gsaduated Paymcnt Ridcr �� Flamaied Unit T�evelopment P'.a�ler �Blweekly Payment Rider
<br /> :'�� i�alloon Rtder ��7 Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider �
<br />=,-- V.A.Ridcr (� mther(s) [specify]
<br /> ,-.��•
<br />.,:°'�'�!
<br /> f a�
<br />-K-� BY SLGNING DELOW,Borrower acoc}s8s anml agrees to the cerms and covenxnu containsd in this Securiry Instrum�ni and
<br />��-"r'`�' la any rider(s)eaecuted by Bonower and reccavled witt� it.
<br />'��'i� Witnoss9s: �;!���/�
<br /> -"�� -..�`��c.cr�; G#/
<br /> �L ._(Saai)
<br /> -�� : tdartin L. ��smer -r��W��
<br /> 1
<br /> -- (�)
<br /> -°-T— T na K. B�smer -Bo�roW�r
<br /> •'� � ..—(seal) . (�)
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