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<br /> S. Hars�r� ur 1'n►rK�ty Insurmue. Rottower shal! kecp thc hnprovcmcnts now cxisting on c�reall�r cr�c�cd un tl�e �
<br /> ' � Pro�eny insurcd ngainst luss by fire,h.u.ar�t� includcd within the term "extcndcd cavcngc" and any othcr hvurds, incliiding �
<br /> nM�s or no«�i���, fur which l.cnder rcyuiecs insunncc.This insurance shall be maintained in[he amounis and for thc{x:ricxls
<br /> � �hut I.�ncler requires. The iusurance cattiee Nrovidin�; the insurancr shall Ix;ci►uye��by Borruwcr subJect to Lender's approval
<br /> which shall not be unreasc�nably wi�hhcld. If Bonowet flils to maintain eoverage dcscribed .lbovc. Lcndcr may, at I.cnder's
<br /> r.;�,,:.a optian,obttin coverage to protect L.end�u's ri�hts in the Propeny in acsordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> �. � AU Insuran�e policies and renexsls sh�ll be acceptable ta l.c:nAer and sh:ill include n standatd nlortgnge clause. Lender ,
<br /> shall have th•right to hold the policiea:uid renewals. If Lendcr requires,Borrowr,r shall promptly gi�e t�Lender all receipts of
<br /> � paid premiums and renewul notices. I.n the event of loss,I3arrower shall give prompt rtotice to the insur.+nce c.znier and Lender.
<br /> � Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by 8orrower. . . '
<br /> Untess B.ender and Botrower oaherwise agree in wri�ing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or rep:ux of the � _„
<br /> ,, � Peopeny daniagcd, if the restontion or repvr is economically fe�ible and Lender's security is no[lessened.If the restorativn or .,��_
<br /> � , � repair is nat econamic a l ly feasi b le or L en der's sec u ri t y w o u l d b e l e s s e n e d, t h e i n s u r a n c e p r o c e e d s s h a ll be a p plied to the sutns
<br /> � ' secuced by this Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Bonower. If Borrower abandons the , �_
<br /> '��.� Property�or does not answer within 3�days a notice from Lender that the insurance cacrier has ofiercd to settle a claim, then .,�.�,
<br /> „i l,ender may collxt the iusurrncr �roceeds• L�endcr may use the procecds to repair or restore the Propaty or to pay sums ,�.,r.,�,
<br /> . sccured by thls Securiry instrumene,whether or not then due.The 3MIay period will begin when the notice is given. . ��}
<br /> • Ureless I.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in waiting, any applicatlon of proceeds to priacipal shall not extend or �y,1:�
<br /> : postpone the due datc of the monthly pay�nts refermd co in{vlragraphs 1 and Z or change the amoiunt of the payments. If -�-
<br /> � under paragraph 21 the Properry i$xquired by i.ender.Borcower's right to any insur.►nce policies and proceeds cesultins from ��_u_:�-".
<br /> , � , damage to thc Properay pdor to thrt acquisition shall pass tu L.cnder to th�c eatent of the sums secured by this�ecurity Instrument x -�-
<br /> ,�.,�A.
<br /> inunediately prior to the acquisi�ic�n. ��
<br /> .._r:,�.-v
<br /> ��� 6.(lccup9nc9,Pteservation. M�inten�nce and Protect6on ot ttie PropertY:Bormwer's l.aan Applicz►4ian;I.easeholds. _ =y
<br /> s Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Praperty as t3orrower's principal msideace within sixty days after the eaecution of _- �
<br /> � : �tus Securiry lastrument and s6at1 continue to occupy[he Property as Bonowu's PriaciPal residence for at least one year after � �`�;�,,
<br /> , �� the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherwiu agrees in writing. WhIC11 COIlSGR[S�1�I ilOt bt UIIICaS011�Iy W1tJI�ICId.ox unles.s _- _
<br /> _ ��a.,,,�.�a ��mnmctanccc e�[ist which aze beyond Bormwer's conuol. Borrower shall not destmy. damage or impair the
<br /> property, allow the Property to dereriorate. or commit waste on the F'roperty. Borrower shall be in detault if any ioriei�uc�c ��:_�
<br /> action or pr��cuding, whether civil or criminal. is begun that in I.ender's good faith.judgment could result in forfeitune of the r.
<br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by tlnis Securiry[nstrument or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower may ["
<br /> � cure such a default and reinsca�o.as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that, in I.ender's good fa�th c!etermina�ion. precludes forf�it�are of thc Borrower's incerest in the Prope�ty or othcr matcrial e
<br /> impairment of thc lien created by this Securiry lnstrument off[.�nder's sccuriry interest. Sorrower shall also be in dcfault if =
<br /> '" Sorrower,during the lvan application pracess,gave snaterially false or inaccurau information or statements to Lender(ox failod
<br /> ` to provide Lender with any zuaterial information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Mote,including,but not limited
<br /> .''��t to� representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instrwnent is on a
<br /> ' leasehold, Borrower shall compiy with all the pr�visions of the lease. [f Borrower acquires fce title to the Property, We
<br /> ^• �'�l';.. �.� leasehold and the fee title shaLl uot merge ualess i.endcr ag�r�ao the merger in wridng.
<br /> "r�?`��:�:.=�� � 7,pro4ectton of I.eedcr's Rights in the P�+opert��.If Borrower falls to perforai the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> `,; �._..,.,.. r
<br /> ,� _ , this Securlty Instrun�.�xat.or there is a legal prnceeding Wat may significandy affect Lender's righu in tha i'ropeny (such as a
<br /> -.':��•`.'� '� procading in ban3uuptcy,p�obate.for condemaation or fodeiture or to enforce laws or ngulations), then Lender may do and __
<br /> �;,,4i:;:�. . _
<br />'`•t'��;.�;%',•��.t � pay for wha•�er is nacessary tm �rotect the vafue of the Froperty and Lender's rights in t6e Property.Lender's actions may °
<br /> ,S:':,;::st:•;�,�. include paying any sums sea►r�d by a lien wluch has priarity over this Security lnstrument. appearing tn oourt, paying E�-
<br /> ��•�;,,, . --
<br />����=� reasona6lc attomeya' fees aad entering on the�ROperty to make repairs•E1lthauF,to L.ender may t�ce acaon undcr Wis paragraph ___
<br /> '.� . .. t ' 7. Lender @oes noe�nve to do so. -
<br /> ;��, Ri,. ..-, ' �.
<br /> y,�,-4}�� ,: ppy ��� disbursed by Lender under [his paragraph 7 s6a11 become additional debt of Bo�tow�r secured by this _
<br /> �-+�"':�`�'-"•°' Security Instrument. Unless Borrower aad Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from We ['-'.
<br /> ,:;: �i�;•i':.•.:: .
<br /> • ..ti;,;
<br /> . ;..,.,.1�'r�' � daze of disbursement at the Note rate artd shall be payable, with intcrest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestin� �,_:_
<br />_-- t'." payment. __.--
<br /> ' � ° 8.Mo�tgage IIaunranse.lf Lender required mongage insurancc as��ondition of making the loau secured by this Security ���,____
<br /> Instnunent, Borcower shall pay [hc premiums �equired to maintain the mortga�e insurance in effect. If, for any rcason, t�e �=-�;.__---
<br /> :' .,.�._
<br /> �'�' morag.��e inyurance coverag�required by Lender lapses or s�ases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiuius Qequired to ,_�; �,;;_
<br /> m
<br /> ;.1`�;•�:_�
<br /> -•,'��..+;;;,�� ;�1 obtairn coverage substantiully equivalent to the mortgage iasi�rance previously in effec�¢.at a cost substantiatly equi�+�lent to the �:;�;�,�.�
<br /> !� cost to Bonower of tho moztQa�e insurnnce previously in �fftaxt, ftom an altemate mongage insurer approvod by l..ender. If :;,�_
<br /> substantially equivnient mortgage insuru►cc wb�erage is not available. Boraower shall pay to L.ender e�1ch month a swn eq�l to ��`` �_
<br /> � � one-twelfth of thz yearly mflrtgage i��surance pn�:mium b�in�paid by B�iao�rer when die insurance a►v�rage lapsed or ceased tm ���-.�'-�--r,`:°
<br /> . . .; '' ,.,t•'::
<br /> ,���,� -� be in effeci.Lender will accept,use and�etain these paymznts as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage u�surance. Loss mserve ,
<br /> ,��,:,
<br /> , , .�� Forrr�3D28 sr4o ;�;; ::�
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