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<br /> Bor�owor mny cure vuch n doluull ond reinstnlo, aa provlded in pa�agroph 1B, by causing tho nctfon or proceeding to bo
<br /> r� _ .s.n,nu
<br /> dismisaod with n rulinq thN. in Lcndcr'e�ood Inllh dotcrminnllon, precludas Iorleituro ol Iho Borrowor's Interest in tho Property or '�. �'
<br /> oihcr mntednl Fnpalrment ol tho hen creal4d hy Ihis Secunty Insuument or Lender's sr.curlty interost Borrower shnll also b� In .
<br /> dolaull It Borrower. during iho lor.n upplicqtlon proeoss.povn msir,daliy Inlso or ineccuralo inlormation ur slatemenis to Lender (or
<br /> Inllod to prnvida Lander wilh any rnnierlal Inlomiation) In connectlon wilh the loun ryidenced by the Note, including, bul nol . _
<br /> Ilmltad to. ►epresentailons concerreing Borrower's oca�paney o1 the Property as n principai residenco. If thls Security _
<br /> � Insirument Is on a lensahold, Borro�ner shall comply with nll lho provlsions al thc� le[+so. II Borrower ecqulros fon tillo to lho :. . -
<br /> j Property, tho leasvhold and the lee tetle shall not morge unloss Lender agrees to iho merger In wdting. „ `
<br /> � 7. ProteeHan of Lender's Righte In the Property. n Borrower �au5 to perfomt ihe covennnts and agreementn �.
<br /> �_,� contained in tMS Security Instrument, or there �s a legal procooding that may significantty attect Lender's nghts in the PropeiTy . ,�• •
<br /> (such as a p►oceeding In benkrupicy,probato, tor condemn9tion or forlelture or to enforce Inws or regulations), ihr.n Lender mny
<br /> do nnd pny for whatever is necessary to protocl thn vnluo 01 the Praperty and Lender's righis in the Property. Lender's ections „
<br /> ...� � may includo paying any sums secured by n Iien which hos priority over thfs Socudly Inslrument, appearing in court, peyinp
<br /> reasonubla attomeys' tees und entering on lho Property to mnke repairs. Allhough Lender may take ectlon under Ihis parngrnph
<br /> � 7, Lender does nol hnve to do so. _
<br /> Any amqunls disbursod by Lender under paregraph 7 shall become edditional debt o1 Borr�wer socured by this Securily , �.�; .,
<br /> Instrument. Unlass Bortower and Lcnder agree to other terms o(paymenl, these amounts shall bcar interest Irom the dete of , �-• ' �••f��
<br /> disbursemont at the Noto rato and s ha�be pnyable, with Interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestin a ment. `�"�����'•`�
<br /> 9 P Y ..:rzt.���•�
<br /> 8. Mort�8e�0 1�18uI8no8. II Lender requlred mortgage Insurance as a condition oi making the loan secured by this ; •;,,�`_��
<br /> Securiry Instrument. Borrower shell pay lhe premiums requ(red to muinlaln the mortgage insurance in efiect. If.(or any reason, thn ^'��-�A;
<br /> morigage insurance coverege required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in eHect. Borrower shall pay the premiums requved to �-
<br /> obYaln coverage substantially equivufent to the mortgage insurance previously in eHect, at n cost subslentialiy equlvalent lo the � .•__-
<br /> cosl to Oonawer o1 the mortgnge insurance previously in eNect, iram an altemate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. II �;.-v=—
<br /> , substantinliy equiveleM mortgage insuranee coverage is not available. Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum oqual to +'`c _
<br /> �::r.r:
<br /> ' 1 one-N�etrih of Ihe yenrly mortgage insurance premium being puid by Borrower when the insurance coverac�e lapsed or ceasctd lo �y __
<br /> � be in effnct. Lender will eccept,use and retain lhese payments as a loss reserve in lieu oi moYl�age insurance. Loss reserve ��,-,G:,;
<br /> . � payments may no longer be required,at the option oi Lender, if mortgage insurance cc�erege (in the amount and for the perlod ��;,.,�
<br /> ' thflt Le��er requiies) provlded by an nsurer approved by Le�dor egain becemes avadable and Is obtainecl Borower shell pey �u"`_ _
<br /> , �� the premiums requlred to malntain rnatgage insurence In eNect, or to provide a loss reserve, uni�l ihe requirement for mortgage __ -
<br /> �''' ' insuranee ends in accordance wiih �ny wriUen agreement botween Uorrower and Lender or Applicnble law.
<br /> � � . f� ,t' -
<br /> , 9. Inspection. Lender or fls egent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections oi ihe PropeRy. Lendor shall give ,�;
<br /> r' Borrower notice at the time oi or prior to an Inspection sFecitying rcasonflble cause for the InSp�ctlon. �___
<br /> � 1O. Condemnation. The procoeds o1 any ewerd or claim for damages, direct or cansequential. in connectlon with any
<br /> „ , condemnation or other taking ol any pert ot ihe Property, or tor conveyance In lieu o1 condemnation, are hereby asslgned and
<br /> � ' shall be pald to Lender. -�
<br /> � In the event of a totat teking of the Propetly, the proceeds shell be npplled to the sums secured by thfs Security r'�
<br />-- � inai�unic�d,wto�k��� r•ai:::�^da^.:�:!!h s•"•� °-Yc°°s pai�i�n Rorrower. In the event ot a partial taking of the Property in which
<br /> the falr merket value of the PropeRy immediately betoro the taking Is equal to or greator than the emount of the sums securad
<br /> ' by this SecurNy Instrument Immediatey betore the teking, unless Bonower and Lender othenvise agree ln writing, the sums
<br /> secured by thie Security Instrumeni shall be reduced by the amount o1 ihu proceeds mulllplied by the following fraction: (a) the
<br /> total amqunt ol the sums secured irnmediately betore the taking, divided by (b) the talr market value of the Properry Immediately � �
<br /> , . �;.';��'�- belore the taking. Any balanco shatl be pald to Borrower. In the event of a partlnl taking oi the Property(n which the talr market y
<br /> '�` � � value of the PropeAy Immedlately before the taking Is less thnn the emount oi the sums secured Immediately before the laking, 1'i
<br /> �:'.,..�.� .
<br /> s�;,,,�;!
<br /> • unless 6orrower and Lender otherwise agree In wrfting or unless applicable law otherwise provldes, the proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Securfty Instrument whether or not the sums arv then due.
<br /> It the Proparty is abandoned by Bortower,or If,after notico by LendQi to Borrower thet the condemnor oHers to make en
<br /> award ar seltlo a clalm for damages, Bortower tafls to rospond to Lender wii�in 30 days efter the dato the notico Is gfven.
<br /> L�nder Is authorfzed to coliect nnd apply the procoods. at (ts option, either to resioration or repalr o`, the Property or to the - --
<br /> � sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ' Unless Lendar and Borrower olherv+lse agroe fn writing, any applicetion o1 proceeds to prindpal shall not exlend or ���
<br /> postpane tha due date ol tha mont hy payments refeaod to In paragr�phs 1 and 2 or chartge the amount o1 nuch payments.
<br /> `' � �,�,, , 11. Borrawer IVot Released; Forboarance By Lender No2 a Walver.Extensiun of tho time tor payment or
<br /> � modiliccttlon ol amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument �ranted by Lender to any successor in Interest of
<br /> `� ��;;�f::��� , Bortower shaY not operete to release ihe Ilabllity o4 the original Borrower or Bnrrower's successors In interest. Lender shall not
<br />-- ��'r f%�'. ha requlred to commence proceedings agalnst any successor In interest or refuse to exlentl timo for payment or othonviso = __
<br /> <ii...:.-..
<br /> .,:��-• modly emortiietion of the sums secured by thls Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand made by the odginel Bortower or _
<br /> ''M' Bortowers successors In Interest. arv lorbearance by Lender In exercising any righf or remedy shall not be e waiver of or =__ -- -
<br /> ' preclude the exorclse of eny dght or remedy. �__
<br /> -' " S 2. Sucaessora anc� Assigns Bound; Joint and Severai Liability; Co-stflners. The covenants and
<br /> �• • agreements ol this Security Instrument shell bind and benefit tha successors and ass�gns oi Lender and Horrower,subJect to tho �^�_ _
<br /> � � " provislons ot paragraph 17. Borrower's covenents and agreemems shall be Jofnt and several. Any Borrower who co-signs thls _
<br /> "' , SQCUrIty Instrument but does nol execute the Note: (a) Is co•siqning thfs Security insiniment only to mortgage, grant and convoy _______
<br /> �� � •• that Bortower's Interest In the PropeAy under ihe terms of thls Security Instrument: (b) Is not personally obllgeted to pay ihe � _-___ _
<br /> '' sums secured by thls Secudly Instmment; ond (c) agrees thet Lender and any other Borrower may ogree to extend, modily. � �
<br /> forbear or make nny acoommodations with regard to the tertns of thls Security Instrument or tho Note wiihout thut Borrower's �__.__�
<br /> �--=--�n�.:
<br /> , C-4 G•_�.$�f?li�iy�'
<br /> � consent. �T �- -=z-::
<br /> . 13. Loan Charges. It the loan secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to a Iaw whlcA sets meximum loan �i;;
<br /> � chnrges,end ihat law Is finelly Interpreted so that the Interest or other ioan charges collected or to be Coilected In connectlon ."f�:; z,�;r-'j{�%n'
<br /> wlth the loan exceed the pertnilted limlts,then: (v)any such loan charge shall be roduced by the amo�mt necessery to reduce ���; ^����;;�*}.',
<br /> � thio charge to the permittod limit: and (b) any sums niready collectcd irom Borrower whfch excaeded permiried ifmits wfii be . '- .��`t• '�„'g�,'J�1, •
<br /> refundod to Bortower. Lender may choose to make this rolund by redudng the princlpal owed under the Note or by making a - . :.M�:::' �
<br /> ' � direct paymant to Bonower. If a relund reducos principal, the reduction will be treated es e partial prepayment without any ' � �• '' '
<br /> prepaymont charge under the Note. •
<br /> 14. NOt1Ces. Any notico to BoROwer provided lor in thfs Security Instrument shall be given by delivering It or by mailing ft
<br /> by first class muil unluss eppliceble�aw requires use ot unother method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> --- - -- --.. _.�---���__ o_._........ ..a_.�.....,�m w.. ....e�..o e.. ia,aw n�y nnftnn r� IPnf�P� ehall hr afven 6v first class mall to
<br /> .... _. _-- - v� any ou.c� a...nvo.� ..v..v..o. .�..r - .
<br /> y.....__ _� .. . .-.—.-__
<br />- • Lender's eddress statQd herefn or ony other uddress I.ender designates by notice to Bortower. Any notice provfded for In lhis
<br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed lo hove 6een given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in ihis paragraph. �,
<br /> - 15. Governing Law; SBVe�abflityl. This Security Instrument shall 6e govemed by federal Iaw und the law of the
<br /> Judsdictfon in which the Properly is located. In the event that eny proaision or clause of Iliis Securily Instrwnent or the Note �
<br /> con0icts with epplicable law. such cantiict shall not aHect other provistons of ihis Security Instrunient or the Note which can be
<br /> given eftect withoul the confiicting �rovislon. To lhls end tho provisions ot this Security Inslniment end the Note nre declared to "
<br />'T � bo severable. �
<br /> 16. BO�roWet�3 C9py. Boirower shall be given one contormed copy oi iha Note and of lhls Secunt� Instrumenl.
<br /> . �',� /d
<br /> , r171G LMG(t,a71 t�arn� 1 •f•.
<br /> . �
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