. , �
<br /> ,�p�, " . .... -,-t.::i:r s"
<br /> Kkxar '� « . . ';��,?•-
<br /> n..,i, ,_ .� •�. .n -- . ...,,d ....._ . •...stknc.�.w,�:�:
<br /> ,.
<br /> . ,.
<br /> .�_...�»r., - .. -. . �- ' - .:..��.��--���
<br /> .. - .__ --"'- . _..... . .. .. _ -. �w�, - . ...,.
<br /> � . . �7'��p2�U2 �:: �.��-�=-
<br /> •'u1l�V..fYd.lA.ti.��Yh�-.1
<br /> 17. Yraneinr of tfie Praperty or a B�n�flclal IntRrent h� 13orrower. u nu or nny pan �I Ihr� Property or ; .�cr.rw--�x;n�•
<br /> nny Intcrost In il Is sold or trnnslerrod (�1r ii o bannlld�il mlmo�l u� (�orrowA� In spid or Irnnolorrod nnd Borrower la not n nAlurpl
<br /> pr.�son) wllhout Lendar's prior writton cumumt I.mtidiv may N d� npllon, roqulrn unmodinln pnyment in lull ol nll oum:> cncured by • _
<br /> � this Sr�cudty Inoirument. Hewovnr. Ihla uptiun �Y�uil nr�t bn oxcrr.inntl hy Lr�nrJrrr d nxr.rr.fsr c� p�nhilulyd liy ledqrnl Inw ns ol Iho ,, , ,
<br /> dato ol Ihls Security Insirument =,
<br /> II Lcnder e�erclsos Ihis optlon. Lcnrinr vhnll qrvo Fionowm ��nlir.n M nr,c��lmnllon The nouce stmll piovldn n penod ol nol -.
<br /> loss th8n 30 dnya Irom iho dnto Ihn nnticn Iu �Jnlivored or mm:od wi11Nn a�Nlr.h flouowr.r musl pny nll 9ums nncurod by Ihis • . _
<br /> Security InetrumeM. II Borrower Iqdo tn pn�Ihnan cums prior In Ilin nrpuntlon nl Ihm pr.nod. Lendr.r mny urvoh�� r�ny remerUes .
<br /> permittod by this Securlty Insirumcnt vnlhaut hutf�r.r notlr.n or dornnnd nn Hotrnwnr .
<br /> 18. Borrows►'B Fiit�EtQ Qm R�f�ar�@���. I( E3uui�.•�cr montr r.ntlmn condlUnn�. Rrnrrn•�rr �,nnn hnvr �hn nqM to hnvo
<br /> enloroemem o1 this SacwNy lnninnnnnl dler.ontmuod m nny limn prlot t� Ihn r.mlior oL (n) 5 dny. lor auch �Iher perlod as „ • ,
<br /> applicatslo law mny spociiy lar rqfnsdtTmm�nt)bqic�ro sttl��ol lho Pmpn�y {►uinunnl lo m�y power ot snl�conlnln�id 4� ihlc Secunty , ,.
<br /> .- Instrument. or (b) entry oi a Jud{�mant enfarcmp �fm3 Sncunry Inni�umnnt. Thnnn cnndlllons nin Ihnt �oirovier (nl I��ay3 Lendr,r n!1 _
<br /> sums which then woutd bo duo undnr Ihlt► Socunly InetrumoM nnd 11io Nnln nn il no nccclr.roilan had occurr�d. (b)curns nny
<br /> � dofault of nny other cavanunt ur aprr�nmrtnt:�: (c) pnyo nll oxpnnno� Inrunnd In nt►lorcln�Ihls S�cudty Inninimr.nt, including, but . ,.
<br /> not limited to, reasonable ottumeyc' t��ns. nnd(d) tnkos such�ctton �o Lon�inr mny rr.naonnbty roqulro to ncaurn Ihnt tho Iien o1 ,
<br /> , this Securiry Instrument, Lendar'b dphtr> fn tha Property and f3nrrmvnr'n obllpnllon to pny the oums sr.cured by lhis Secwily _ �*a;.. �'i.
<br /> Instrumont shall continuo unchanpod. U��on rolnstntomenl by Anttmvm. IIHa Socuiity Instrument nnd ihn �bll{�apons secured . ;:,;�Y ��`_
<br /> ,,��•.�,
<br /> horeby shall �emain luity ettactl��o�a it no nr.csl�wtlon hud occurrntl. laownvnr.Ihly dght to minstale shnll not np��ly in Iho cnso ���,`p����,
<br /> • oi ecceleration undur pamarnpfi 17. �^" "-
<br /> 19. Sale �AP Pi4t�; CPoa��o o� Loan �orvlcer. Thn Nota or n n pmtinl interest in the Note (1�{�r:t{ier wi�h this : ''1°____
<br /> Securiry Instrumeni)may be sold ono ar more timos w�thout pdor natlr.n t� t3nrrov�rtr.A sale� muy r�tsull In n chnng�a in the entity V,,<<�;�*=_
<br /> (known as ih�t 'Lonn Survfaor') ihat colinets monthly pnymanta dun undnr iho NMn nnd Ihis Secudry Instniment. Thera also moy �,.�---_
<br /> be one or mam chnngea of thu Loan Sarvicer unrolntod lo n sala o1 iho Not�. II lhcro is u chnnAo of the I_oan Scrviccr. �r':'*_` - - -
<br /> ;t •
<br /> Bortower wi3 bo gHan writtan notice of tho chango in nccordenco willi pnra{�rnph 1A nbov� and eppllcnblo Inv+- TNe notice will „��,:.
<br /> � state the nnme ond addrnsa of th�nuw Loan Snrvicer and tho�ddrano to whlch pt►ymnnts should bm m�de. Thr, notice will also "�'+CY=
<br /> , ;� :i.
<br /> contain any�thar intormntlon rctGwrod by applicable Iow. ``°" " �
<br /> �o`.�L.�__.
<br /> 20. Hti.''.dPd��t�R SlDf3l3teILCB3. Bortower shall no1 ct�uen ot pnrmit tho prosenco, usr., disposnl, storagn.. or releaso 01 =_-
<br /> !
<br /> �, nny Hezardaun Substpnr.as on or in tho Property. Borrowor shnll nnt do, nor nllow anyonc clse to do, anything allecting the �;3''-,'��Zj�—�—�°
<br /> _ f, Propercy that In in violutlon ot any Environmental Law. Tho procodin� two sontonces shull not apply to th� presence, use. or
<br /> � storage on tho Proporty of srti�ll quentities of Huzardous Substanr.fln Ihnl flro�anernliy recognized to bc�nppropiinle to normal _______
<br />-:?,�� rasidential uses and tn m�intanance ot thQ Property.
<br /> ' Bortower shnll promptry give Lender writton notice o( nny Invostl�allon, clnlm, demnnd, Iowcuit or other �eclion by eny
<br /> . �
<br /> �:��,a;;' govemmental or rr�gule�tory agency or privata party involving thu Propnriy nnd nny Hnzardous Substancn or Environmental Law o1 .
<br /> __,� whlch Barrower hns qcluni knowiQdge. If Borrowor leums. or Is nn110od by nny govemmental or regulatory nufhr;riry, thet any ''R
<br />-- �— -
<br /> ,T �;�.'_ removal or other rnmedtation of any Hazerdous SubstanCO nfln�im� Nroporty is ner.essary, nortuwe+ aiinii p�o���j,ttr .aka a�� �
<br /> .t'i;�' � . �)}:�}' nocessary��modi�l actlono in accorrl.ance with Environmontal Luw. ` _
<br />;��;,,� ''f As usad in thle purngmph 20, "Hnzardous SubstanCes' aro thoao subatpnces definnd ns toxic or hnzardous substances by ' -
<br /> �� Environmentpl La�v and the follo�ving substances: �asolince, koto&ono. othnr (Inmmable or toxic petroleum p�•oducts, toxiC
<br /> s
<br /> ' �f� pesNcldes and herblafdas, volntila sotvents,matodais contalning asbnstas or tortnaldohyde, and rudionctiva mnterial�3. As used in _
<br /> , paregraph 20, 'Envtrenmentel Law" means tedaral Inws and la�vs at iho Jurisdlctlon where tho Property Is located that reiate to
<br /> health, sefery or Qnvironmentel protoction. �`„ �
<br /> � NON•UNIFORA9 COVENANTS. Bortower ond Lender turthor covnnnnt nnd apreo as follows:
<br /> � 21. laa¢eloratlon; RQm�dies. l.ende� ahall glvo natico to L�orrower �nrior to m�celoration
<br /> .�' following Bmrrdwor's lareach of any covenent or eqroomont in thta �eau►ity Instrum�e�t (but not �- �
<br /> °�� pr(or to �cceloratimn undor paragraph 1T unless apptlanblo luw provides atherwise). The notice �
<br /> shell specily: (a) tho defauft; (b) the actlon required to auro the defautt; (c� . datv, ��ot less than �'�
<br /> �ti " � 30 day� fro�ro ti�o d�R� the notice is given to Dorrowor, by which the default m�ar f¢� cured; and
<br />