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.�� :. <br /> �. a <br /> � . . , . . . � <br /> '1� .. . - .. µ�_r71tH�y_' .''.'h';'D�•"c� <br /> � ,,. � <br /> ;; .� . :. , _... ..��.�. . , i.. . <br /> � .. , .. ._ .. . ...... � . . ,��. <br /> .. •.,,—.,.� � . .. . n . . . . . - - . . ,,T._ ,,.�a.:�..+n.- <br /> �+ .. . � '• ' Y I �� ��'^�.7�'U'� , - <br /> ,�.��/:-\�„v�_i�7�t�:.. <br /> � • { ' . ' '.:t�eit';- <br /> � 70(3ETHER WI'fH ull Ihn fmprovemrnis now or hereafler erectnd on lha proporty. nnd all easemente, appurtenuncos. and . <br /> Gxturoe now or hercnllo► n parl 01 Iho property All replacomr.nla �nd additions shnll nlso be covornd by this Secudty Instrument <br /> All of tho larcgulnn le roteued to in Ihis Secucity Instrument os ihr. 'Property " +:�;'•,. <br /> E3URROWF.P C13VE•NANTS Ih<d Fiorrowor is Inwlully ,cizrd o� �ha oslnta harody convoyr.d nnd hes tho right to qruM and ��.� <br /> comcy Iho pr�pe.rty nnci Ihat Ihe Propc�rty is unencumb�red- oxcopt lor oneumbrances ol rACOrd Burrqwor �vnrrants and w:ll <br /> dafend gonarnlly thn Iillc� Io Iho Proporty againsl all elnims nnd demunds, subjecl to uny encumbrnncos ol rncurd- , __ <br /> THI3 SECUflITY IA!9TRUMENT combinas undorm covennnts for nalfonnl ue�e nnd non�unitorm eovm�nnls with limdod , <br /> ' vurlatlons by Juri:•dictlnn Sa eunstiluto n undorm s�curity Inslrument covcring rcul property <br /> UNIFORM COVEA'ANTS. Borrower ond lendnr covonnnt nnd agreo as tollows: W��c� <br /> . , 1. P�+ymeat of Prin�lpal and Interest; Prepaymant and Lae��Cmp ige�•�8��h fl fl�shd���u dc��in n No�o. . • <br /> duo lho principN ot and �Merost un thu dobt evldeneed by Ihr NotP end nny p P�y <br /> 2. Fun�la for Taxea an d Insur a n c s. S u b�o a t lo a p plicablo law o�to fl writtan wnivor by lc�dFr. Borruwei shall pay <br /> to Lendar on thn day monihty payments are duo under tho N�te, until tho Noto Is pnid i� (uIL a sum (`Funds'1^ar. lea chold . <br /> tc�xos niid u:�nasumc+nu; whlch mey urinin pdodry ovor ihis Securlty Instrumenl as n lifln on thn Prqpnrty: (b) y• N <br /> puymonts or qraund ro�ts on the Property. i1 eny: (c) yearly hnzard or propeAy �nRUrnnco prr.miumfl: (d1 yea►iv tlood Insurnnce ,Y <br /> premiums. ii any: (0)ye��Y mort4ago insuranca premiums,It eny: nnd (Q eny sums pnys�blc�by Barrowor to Lender In accordnnea <br /> with the provl<lanfl oi pnregraph 8, in lieu ol the pnyment ot mortgago i�ss���+nce premlums. Thana itams are callod "Escrow � <br /> Items.` Lender mny. at any Iime. collect and hold Funds fn an amaunt not to oxceed ihn mvcimum amaunt a lender for n ,,, , ;:.iI <br /> lodernlly rolated martl1ago loan may require for Borrowor's oscrow account undc+r the fede+rAl Real Estfdcr Settlement Procr.dures � ;�, . :, <br /> ���...,r, <br /> Act oi 1874 as nm�ndHd Irom time to Ume. 12 U.S.C.� 2601 et seq. ('RESPA'), uNass anathor law thnt applies to the Funds � � 4�,� <br /> sets a lesser ama�ml. II so. Lender may. at any tlme, collect and hold Funds in an amaunt nat to exceed ihe lesser amount • �,�,: <br /> '�c++s�--- <br /> Lender may astimt�la ihe emount ol Funds due on thn basis ot curronl data and reasonnbl� estimfltc�s oi expenditures o� luwre ` '' ,,''a _ _ <br /> �� Escrow Itnms or othonrsise in eccordance with applicable law. y , ;�,�:,,;o,,, <br /> Thn Fundc shnll be held in an instfWtion whoso deposits are insured by a fc�deral aqoncy. innt'„�Fuods torpayt henEscrow �_�=---- <br /> � Lendt+r, If Lendur is such en institution) or in eny Fedaral Home Loan Bank. Lendar shflll apply ��x-,s-_� <br /> - in the Funds,ennually annlyzinp thn escrar+ accounL or vedlying „�•-,z_ <br /> Items. Lender m�y nat chnrge Borrower for hoiding and nPpN 9 :`�"' <br /> tho F.scrow Itema. unls�ss Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and app��cablfi I�w puimits Lender ro meke such a <br /> charge. kqwm�er, Lender may requiro Bonower to pay e onedimo charge lar an indopondent rnul estata tax reporting sorvice .;��..� <br /> used by Lend�r in conneclion with Ihis toan. unless eppliceble lew providas otherwise. Unlvss en egreement is made or ��',� <br /> applicabla bs.w raquires iNerest to be peid, Lender shall not ha reqwrqd to pay Borrowor any intarnst or eamings on the Funds. - -. _ _ �� <br /> � Borro�ver and Lendor mny agree in writing, however, that Interest shflll ba pNid on thn Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. .: ----- <br /> without cnargo, nn annuul accounting of the Funds. showing credits end debit� to thfl Funda and tho purpose for which each • ���; <br /> ` °.,dii�l5�a-- <br /> '; debit to lhu Fundc was mxde• The Funds nre pledyed as additional security tor atl s�sms securnd by the Securiry Instrument. <br /> � ;9,he ��unds held by Londer exceed the amountts �:ermittnd to be held by appl:aa��a �2w. Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> �.� tor�he e::ess Funds in accordance vait* tfie requirements oi appliceble law. Ii tha amaunt oi Uin Funds held by Lender at any �� <br /> timu Is noi suttclent to pay the Escre�v .tems when due, Lender mny so notily Borcpwer in writing, end, in such case Borrower <br />;� �� shnll pny tn Lender the emounl necessary to make up ihe deficiency. Bortower shall mnke up the deticfency in no more then <br /> ` ;� twolvo manthly Lender's sole discretion. <br />-�`�..__._.___- up�n oayment In tu� of all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument, Lendar shflll pramptly refund lo Bonower any funds <br />_4�""'—_'— A <br /> p opo y LshallrapplyuanyrFund 9rhp d?�/ !ender at the timer of acqulsition orM ele as�a crudit^egafn tQthe sums�sacured by this <br /> r; , . <br /> U SBCUI11y�nStN�TIBnt. ; .:. <br /> 3, 81�plicatio� of Payrr���ola. Unless applicable law providcts otherwise. ail payments received by Lender under it ' <br />- ;', persgraphs 1 end 2 shen be applied: flrst,to any propayment charc�es due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under ,Y�; .;n_• <br /> . � paragraph 2; third,to interest due; fourth, to prindpal due; and last,to eny lato charges due under the Noto. <br /> �5. Ch8►gee; LlBtts. Borrower shell pay all taxes, essessments, charges, finoe and impositions attributable to the <br /> Proporty whlch may attein prtor(ty over ihis Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents.H any. Bonower shali <br /> � pny thase obligatlons In the manner provided In paragraph 2, or If not paid in that manner, Borrower shall poy them on time <br /> diroctiy to the person owed payment. Borrower ahell promptly tumish So Lender ell notices o(amounts to be paid under thia .: ' <br /> - p�regraph. H Bortower mnl<es these payments dfrectly, Borrower shall promplly fumlah to Le�dar recelpls ovidencing the �f���� <br /> �' pflyments. --- <br /> y%� Borrower shall promptly discharc�o any Iien which has priority over this Security Instrumont unless Borrower: (e) agrees In p�,M��', <br /> ;r.,�^, , <br /> writing to the paymont of the obllgetlon secured by the Iien In a manner acceptable to Lendor, (b) contests In good fafth the �� <br /> lion by. or detends agelnst enforcement of tho Ilon in, legal proceedings which In the Leader's opinlon opernte to preve�t the — <br /> , , l. ' entorcement of the Ilen;or (c) secures irom the holder of the Ilen en agreement satistactory to Lender subordinating the Iien to _ <br /> �' lhis Securfly Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of lhe Property fs sub�ect to e Iien whlch may attaln pdodty over thls _�___ <br /> � Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower e notico Identilying iha Ilen.Borrower shall satisty the Iten or teke one or more of <br /> ' the actions sot forth abovo within 10 days of tho gNing of notice. _ <br />- 5. Hazard o�Property InsuranGe. Borrower shall keep the Improvemenls now existing or hereatter erected on the <br />��- Property Insured ega(nst loss by flre, hazerds Included wlthin tho tertn 'extended covnrege" and any other hazards, fnctudlog = _� <br /> � floods or tloodfng,for whlch Lendor requlres Insurence. This Insurance shell bn maintained in the smounts end lor the perlad4 <br /> � thet Lender requlres. The insurance canler providing the Insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subJact to Lender's approval <br /> � which shell not bo unreasonably wlthheld. If Borrovier t�fls to malntafn coverege described ubove. Lender muy, at Lendor'a -- <br />-�; 4 � . optlon, obtafn coverage to protect Lender's rights In the Properly In eccordance with paragraph 7. ��-` <br />� � '" ?' All Insuranca policles end renewals shall be acceptAbie to Lender and shall Include a standard mortgage clauso. Lender _ -_ _-_ _ <br /> ;h� . <br /> � .} .�.. . snsll have tho �iflht to hold the policfos and renmraals. It Lender requl�es,Bortower shell prcmptiy give to Lender all recelpts oi �� <br />" � �? ' � �' � pnid premiums and renowel notices. In the event of loss. Borrc�ver shail give prompt notice to the Insurenco carrfor and Lender. � � ��f;�± <br /> �• � Lendor may make proof of Ioss if not made promptly by Bortower. � ��-=;� <br /> Unlass Lender and E3orrower othervviso agree in wrlting, inaurance praceeda shell be applled to restoretion or repelr ot the �r;�.� ..1 <br /> �;:.r._,�,. <br /> �. ; Property damagod, it iho restoratlon or repnir Is ocanomfcally leasible and Lendor's security Is not lessened. If the restoratlun or -�:�« b xy- <br /> repair Is not eaonomicnliy feaslble or Lendor's secu�ity would br. lessenod,the insumnco proceeds ehall bo epp�led to the sums _:� <br /> socured by thls Securiry Instrument, whathor or not ihon due, wlih any excess pold to Borc�wer. If Bortower ebandons tho ,."y�{v�A`.ry•.''r <br /> ' ' Praperty, or doos not anIIwer withln 30 days a notice Irom Lender lhat tho Inaurance cerrier has oNered to settle e clalm. then �%� :E �:,r�, , <br /> Lendar may collact tho Insurmnco proceeds. Lendor may usa the procoed� to repeir or restore tho property or to pay sums , ,fs•�,,�.._ <br /> : � , _. <br /> ( ' secured by thls Secudly Instrument, whether or not then due. The 30•day period w11i bugin whQn tho notfce is givQn. :{:y <br /> � ! Unless Lendnr end BoROwer otherwise egree in writing, any epplication oi proceed, to prtncipal shali not ements.�I ' . �• � <br /> postpono tho due date of the monthly peyments refr.rred to in paragrephs 1 und 2 or changa tho amount ot the poy , , <br /> - under pnrr+greph 21 lhe Proor withecac'rufsitoo shellrpass to Lend ehto the extentr ot the�sufms by hlscS curity In`strument • <br /> damaga to the Property p 4 <br /> - - ---- �__. ��,o,pdintatv nHor to the acquisition. � <br /> _ _ -----*--� . . - - - <br /> • _ -�-• ^----...__�.. �..e.. � <br /> ' � 6. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection or tne rropnr�y, ���.....o. o -w--.. - -; <br /> ' � Applicatlon; L�888holdS. Borrower shall occupy. establisli. and use the Property as Borrower's principal residenco withln <br /> , � sixty days efter iho execution o1 thls Security Inatrument and shall continue lo occupy tha Property as Bonrower's principai <br /> residence for at Ieast one year etter the data of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall nol <br /> be unreasonably withheld. or unlass extenuating cfrcumstnnce&exist whlch are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not . <br /> 1�� destroy, damage o� impalr the Property, allow the Property to detedorate. or commil waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in <br /> detuuit il any forleiture action or proceeding. whether cfvil or criminnl. fs begun that in lender's good laith judgment could result <br /> - ' in IoAeiture ot lhe Property or othenvise materi�lly impalr the lien created by this Securfty Instrument or Lender's security interest. „ <br /> _ - F,,.,. . -��, l/.��j�— . <br /> . . i i ily LMG��.'�l'� .� <br /> i <br /> I <br /> . �'>__...'._. __ <br /> .. I . . . _ - .._._....�.�-�.�............... . __. .. . . _. <br />