NOU-25-2011 15:24 Fram: To:81�7742�9960 P.5�20
<br />201109325
<br />Any application of paymenW, insurane:ce praceeds, or Misceilaneous Prpcc�ds tc� }�nnCipal ciu4 un�ier thC Nc�tC
<br />sh�ll not extend ur postpone the due d.�te, or chart�e the amc,unt, of the Periodic Fayments.
<br />9. Funds foe Escr�w [tems. Borrower shall pay tp Lendet an ihc day PCricx�iie Paymenls �sre due under th�
<br />lYote, undl the Note is paid iu full, a sum {tha "Funds"} to provide for paytuent of au�ounts due far; (a) taxes
<br />anci assessm�nts and c�lher itcros which can attain priority ovcr this 5ccurity in�trum�nt as a lien or
<br />encumbrance oei the Properry; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (ej �re�iutns
<br />i�r any unci �tll insuranc;e n�quir�:d by Tfender under Section 5; and (d) M�rt�a�e InsuranCe premiums, i f any,
<br />or any sums payable by �arrower to Lender in ]ieu oF the payment of Mortfiage insvrance premiums in
<br />�Urcj:inC� with lhC ptt)visiqns pf 5ection lU. Tl�ese items are called "�scrow [tGms. " At origindtion vr a.t
<br />�uy time durin� the term of t�e Loan, i.end�r may rcquir� th,u Community Assaciation Dues,, u�d
<br />Assesscuents, if any, be escrawed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments sEtall be an Esorow
<br />Ilem. �ormwex shall Promptly Curnish tc� Lc:ndcr a11 notices oi' $m�iunls ta b� paid under this Section.
<br />Borrower shfill pay Lender the Funds for Escrow jt�ms anless Lender waives Borrawer's obligatiaa to pay
<br />thc Funds for �n�+ nr �11 Eacraw ltcrns. Lender may waive �orraw�r's c��iligation t� pay to T.ender Funds for
<br />any or all Escrow Itenis at �ny tune. Any such w:�iver may only be in writing. In the event of suel� waiver,
<br />�orrnwor Shall pay dirCClly, whcn anci wherc payabie, th4 arnaunls due fc�r any Escrow Items for which
<br />paymeut of Ftinds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, sl��ll furnish to i.ender reccipts
<br />�:videnCin� yuch puymCnt withir� such Citnc periad as L�nder may rCi�uirc. Bc�rrower's obli�atian to m�ke
<br />such payments and to provide re.ceipts sh�ll for all purposes be de�emed to be a eovenant ancl agreemcat
<br />eoatainecl in thia Sc.�c,urity Instruntcnt, bs tt�c ptitase "�ovcnant anci dgreement" is used in Section 9. If
<br />B�rr�wer is obli�ated to pay �scro�v ltems dirscGly. pursuant ta a waiver, 1nd Boeeower fails to pay the
<br />amouut due for an Gscrow Item, Ixnder niay exercise its rights under Sectian 9 dnri pay suc:h amounk and
<br />Borrower shall thcn bc pbligatefl under Secdon 9 ro repay la LcnciCr any such amount Lender niay revoke
<br />iha waiver as tc► any or a11 �scrow items �t any lim4 by a notice given in accordanee with Seetipn 1S dntl,
<br />ii�on suc� revocatian, Borrawer shall pay to Lender �ill Funds, and in sueh amouncs, tbat are then required
<br />undcr thiS 5cx:tipn 3.
<br />Lender may, at any tin�e, collect and hold �ads in an aiuount (a) sufficicnt !U permit Lender to apply the
<br />�undg 2tt 4hC Gim� ,c�cifiExJ un�er R�SFA, and (b) nol tn exceed the m.aaximum ain�unt a lendcr Can rGquire
<br />under RFSPA. Lendzr shall estintate the amount of Funds due �a the basis of curr4ynt data and reasonable
<br />estimates of cxpcndiiurus oC futur�:. Escrow itcros or oth�rwise in accordance with ApplicaUle Law.
<br />The Funds shall l�e held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a fcdcr�l agency, instrumenli�lity, or
<br />entity (including Lcndcr, iC Lc;ndcr i3 an inseicution whv�v de�osits are so insured) ar in any Fedcral Hc,mC
<br />Lc�an Bank. Lender sh�ll apply the Funds to pay tha Escrow Items no lster than thG tiroe sgecified under
<br />RESPA. Le�der sliall not cliarge .�onower for holdin� snd spplying th� Funds, annually an�fyziug the
<br />esexpw ac:Cc?unL, pr vt;rifying lh0 E�Cr4w IlcrnS un14KS I„ender pays Borrower interest on thC FuncLS; and
<br />Applicable Law gernuts Lender to malce such a char�e. U�1ess an agrct;meni is made in wriLing or
<br />ApplicahlC [.sw reyuirCS in�CrCSl �o t►C p�id c�n thC Funds, i,ender sh�il not be required w pay Bc>rrc�wCr any
<br />interest or eaznin�s on the Fands. Borrawer and Lender can agr� in writin�, however, thlt interest shall Ue
<br />paid on the �'un�S. I.e.`�ndt;r slt�ll givc ta Bprrow4r, withQUt charge, an annua! accountic�g af the �'unds as
<br />require� by RFSPA.
<br />lf th�rc� is a sur�ilu.a af Funs�i hela in escrow, as de�ined ander RESPA, Lendcr sh�.lI atr.ount to Borrawer for
<br />the excess funds in accardance with RESPA. If there is a shartagc c�f Funr,Is held in escrow, as detined under
<br />RESpA, l.�nder shal] nodfy Borrower as rcyuireil by RESPA, and Borrower sha11 pay to LenQcr ch4 ame�unt
<br />necesssry �o m;�lce up the shnrtage in �CCC�rdar�Ce with RFSPA, but in no morc th�r, l2 monthly paymeats. If
<br />thcre is a deficiency af Fands helct in escrow, as defined under 1tESPA, Landcr shall notify Borrower as
<br />NEBRqSKA-Single Famlly-FantilC Ma�F��dlq Mac UNiFORM 1NSTAUME��'�' Fofin 3026 1fOt
<br />VMF � VMPdSNE)11 i06�.00
<br />WuStC�s KqiwOr FltWnr,�Al Servlc¢s Page 5 af 17
<br />11/25/2011 12:32PM CGMT-07:00)
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