MOV-�5-ca11 15:24 From:
<br />To:818774229960 P.6�20
<br />�o1io932J
<br />required by RESI'A, aud &►sower shall pay ta Lender the amaunt n�ss�ry to n�ake up tbe deficiency in
<br />acc<ircla,nce with RESFA, but in no more tha� 12 cnollthly payments.
<br />Upan payment in fvll of all sums secured by tfiis Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly rehind ta
<br />&arrcawer any Funcis h�id by L.cnder.
<br />4. Charges; Liens. $oreower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions attributaUle to
<br />the Praperty which can attain priority over ttiis S�ecueity Instnunent, Le3SCh61d pSyrilCrttS (�r grUUnd rCnt� Un
<br />the Pro�e�ty, if any, and Community Assc�ci�tion Due.s, Fct:s, and Assessments, if any. To the extent that
<br />th.ese itenss are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Seetion 3.
<br />Bc�rmwer sh:sll pmmptly disch;�rgC any lien whieh has priarity over lhis Security Inskrument unless
<br />Borrower: (a) ag,rees in wtiting t� the payment of the obli�ation secured Uy the licn in a manncr as;c�peahl�
<br />tU Lonci�r, but c�nly so lang a,s �rrpwcr is performing such agreemc,~nt: (b) ccmtests the Gen in �ood faith by,
<br />ur defends against enforcenient of the lien in, legal procee�ings which in Lender's npinion oper2�tc to �irev�nt
<br />die cnfc'�rccment �)f tri� 1;4n whi1C thc�se proeeedin�s are pCntiing, but on)y unti! such proceedings are
<br />conclvded; or (c) secures from the holder af the lien an agreement satisfactury ta Lender subordinatieg thc
<br />lien tc, ihis Sr;curity lrscrum�nt. [t` Lcnder detertnines thaz any �ri t�f the Property is subject to a lien wkuch
<br />can attain priority over this Security Instrument, I.ender may give Boreower a notiee identifying the licn.
<br />Within lU dsys aC the date on which that natice is given, Borrower shall satiwfy the lien or take one or more
<br />of tric ��iom set fqrih abc�vc in �hiti Sectipn 4.
<br />Ixnder may require Borrower to pay a one-tuue charge foe a rcal cstatn ta�c vcri[ication and/or reportin�
<br />scrvicc used by Lender in connection with this I,oan,
<br />5. Prvperty Insurance. Burrawer shall kee� the i�nprovcmcnts n�w existing nr hereafter erected on the
<br />Frc�perty insured against loss by fue, hazards included within the term "extended covcragc;," a�td any other.
<br />��xards iuclu�ing, but not liinited ta, eartbqualces and iloods, far which Lender requires insurance. This
<br />insur�n�e shall be mai.ntained in the amaunl�s (inclutiing deductible levels) an�i for tt�e }�riod.c th�t l.ender
<br />requires. Vf/hat Lender requires pursuant ta the pre,ceding senrences can cltangc during the term of the Low.
<br />1"he insuranCC carricr prQVitiing thc insuranc� shall bc �ho,�c;n by B�rrower subject to Lender's right to
<br />ilis��rove 13arrawer's choice, which risht shall not be eeercised unreasonably. I.cndcr may require
<br />Borrawer to pay, in con�ection with tktis Loan, eit]ier: (a) a aac-time c.harge fluod zone deteruu�ation,
<br />certi�'icstic�n and traeking scrvie�s; ur (b) a onatimc charge for tlooci zone deteraiuiation and Ct��'�iFca�ic�n
<br />gcrvieCS and subseyuent charges each ame remappings or similar changes ue�ur which reasoaably might
<br />�ffect such detecmination or certitication. Barrower shall alsr� be rcy,spansible for the payu�eut of any fees
<br />impc�s�ci by �he F�cl�ral �merge;ncy Mana�cmen� Agency in connection with the rcvicw aF any tlood zone
<br />determination resulting from w oUjection by Borrower.
<br />If Botrsywer f;�ils to maintdia any dF th@ r;nverages describecl above, Lender may pbtain insurance covera,�e,
<br />at I.Ender's optioa and $orrower's expense. Lender is under nc� pbligation to purchase auy particular rype �r
<br />amount of cov�ra�. Therefore, such c:Uvera�� sh�ll cover Lender, but might or rnight nc�t prot,ect Borrower,
<br />Borrower's equity iu the Properry, or thz conteuts of the Properly, against any risk, hazard or liability and
<br />might pravide �r�dtur c�r t4sser wv�r;�ge than was previously in effect. Dorrower ackn�wleages that the cost
<br />�f the insurance cvvera�+e so ob&�ined niisht si�nnificantiy exceed thc cu;st of insur,znce that Borrowzr eauld
<br />have obtaiued. Any anmunts disbursed by Lender und�r this SecRian S sh�ll fa�come additiqn�l aebt ��f
<br />$orrow�t sCCUrCiI by this Seturicy Insirument. These amounts shall bear intcresl' at the Note rate from the
<br />d�stc of. disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest upc�e nc�LiCe irom L+ender to $orrawCr
<br /> payinent.
<br />NEB(iASKA-Sinplrt Famny Farpun M�fr�g�aMOC UNIFbRnn IN57'qIFMEN7 6uCm 3028 1f01
<br />YMP � VMPBWC} (Z�C5�.00
<br />WpIjG�R I{IUWBr ��,�gl SBfVICd4 Pip9 8 Of 17
<br />11/25/2011 12:32PM CGMT-07:00)
<br />