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PI�U-25-z�11 15:�3 From: <br />To:818774z29960 P.4 <br />20�109��5 <br />BpRRQWER CQVENANTS that Borrower is tawfully seised af the estatc hcrcby ct�nvGyut and bas the right to <br />�. grant and convey the Property and that the Properiy is unGncumt►�red, e�cept for encumbrances of eecord. <br />Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title ta the Pr4peety a�ainst a11 claims anct acmand�, subje�;t lo <br />3tly enCuml7rdnt;� Uf rBCUrCI. <br />THIS SECLiRITY IN5TRUMENT combines uniform wvenants for natianal use and non-unif�rm cov��nl3 wilh <br />lunited varia�tic�ns by juriac�irlicm lc� Cpnstitutc a uetiform security in,ctrument coverin� real property. <br />Unifotm Covenants. $orrower and Lender covenant wd agree as follows: <br />1. P�ymant of Principsl, Interest, Escr+�w It�ms, R��payment Gharges, and Lete Charges. Bc�rruwer <br />shall pay whcn due the principal ot, and intemst on, the dcbt evid�nr;e�l by the 1Vote wd wy prepayment <br />charges and lare charges due under the Note. F3c►rrower shall �lso pay fuads far Escrow I�em� pursuanl to <br />Section 3. Paymcnt� du� under the Note and this Securlty lnstrum�nt shall be made in U.S. currency. <br />However, if any check ar other instrument received by Lender as paymeat under tlyc Not4 or thi,; Security <br />Instrum�nt is rcturncd to Lender unpaid, Leuder uiay r�quirc; tha� any c�r all subsexluent payments due under <br />she Nc�te and Seciirity Tnstrument be made in vne or m4m of tlie foilowing forms, a.s sc:loctcd k►y i,.�nder. <br />(a) cash; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank cf�eck, treasttrcr's chcck or cashier's check, provided auy <br />sush check is cirawn upon :�r, in�titution whose deppsics arc insared by a feder�l agency, instnlm��ntalify. or <br />cnlily; t�r (d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br />Payments arc dr,cmCd re4civr,�, by Lencicr whcn rcccivcrl at the lacation designated in the Nc�lc: pr at suCh <br />other location as may be desi�nated bp Lender in accordance with tt�c notir,c provisions in Section 15. <br />L.+ender may r�nlrn any p�ymcnt qr partial �symcnt if thc �ayment o7 partial payments aro insufCicient to <br />bring tt►e �.aan current. Lender m1y accept any payment or partial payrnwtt insuf�cient to bring the Loan <br />curreut, without waiver of any rights hercundc;r or pr�judice tv its ri,ghts to refuse such paym�nt vr partial <br />paymen�c in the future. but �.ender is not vblig.�ted to applv sac� payments at �.he dme such payments are <br />accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its sr.Y►��iulccl clue date, then Lender need not pay intcrest <br />on unapplied funds_ L�nder may hald such unapplicti funds until Barrc�wer ntakes p�}+mCnls tio brin� the <br />Lcran eurrent. If 8curower does not do sv within a reasonable periad of tima, i,ent�ar shall either apply suctz <br />Cunds ar return them to �arruwer. If not apglied eazlier, such funcl,c will be applied to the antstanding <br />principst balanca undcr chc; Nptc imm4'tliat�:ly prior lo fare�losure. No �ifset or claim which Borrower mi,r,lit <br />havc: nnw oc in the future a�ainst Lender shall retieve Be�rrowee trum making payments due under the Nc�te <br />and this 5e�arity (nstrurncnt or peri'orming the cAVenants and agreements securcd by rhis Security <br />lnstrurn�.�nC. <br />2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. �x�e�t as otherwise deserit�d in chis Sectivn 2, a11 payments <br />�:Ce�ted �nd lpglied by Lender shall be apglied in the tollpwing order of priority: (a} intcrest due under the <br />Nate; (U) principal duc undcr the Note; (c) �mmounts due �md�r Secti�n 3. Su�ri payments sh�il be applied to <br />c.�ch Periodic Payment in the order in which it became duc. Any remaining am.ounts shall bc a��ilica fint to <br />late charges, seeond to any other amounts duc unclr,r lhis Secueity Instrument, brtCi thcn lo reduce tl�e <br />peincip�l naldnce c�P the NoEe. <br />1f Lender receives a payinent frorn �orr�wcr for a ci�linquent Periodie Payment which includes a suff'icient <br />amuuat to pay any l�ta char�e due, ihe payment may be applied ta tY�� delinquent payment and th� latc <br />chargc. If more th�sn one Periodic Payment is ouistandin�, I.Gncier may lpply any paym�:r�t receivecl from <br />BUrrower to the repaynient of the peric�dic PayrnCnks if, and to tbe extent that, cach paymeat can l�e paid in <br />ful1. '1'o tYie cxtenc lhat any excess exisES after the payment is applicxl to the full payment ut' anC or more <br />Peric�aic i'a�yments, such excess may Ue applied to any l�ic charges due. Valuvtae°y pr��ayments shall be <br />applaecl �irst to any prepaym�nt c hsrg�:s ant� t h C n as descrihed in the Natc. <br />NEBRA$KA$ktyl8 F9ntily-Fannie Mae(Freddio Mac UNlFOPM IN$7RUMEntT Form 9tS2II 1/O1 <br />VMP � VMPB(NC) (1 f451•00 <br />WOttbt8 Kluwcr Financial $r.rv�p:r, f'age a O7 17 <br />11/25/2011 12:32PM CGMT-07:00) <br />
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