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N�U-25-2011 15:29 From: To:818774�2996� P.13�20 <br />2011093�� <br />in tl�e Propeity and ri�hts under this 5et:urity Instrument; and (ct) takcs such actian as Lender may <br />reasonably rcquire to �ssure that Lender's interest in the I�roperty and right3 und�r fl�is Securiry Instrumcnt, <br />aad Barrower's bbli�ation to pay th�: sums secured by this Sc�urity instrument, sh�il continue urtehst►ged. <br />Lcndcr may require that Barr�wer pay such rcinstatement sums and exp�nst:,e in one or more of the fallawing <br />forms, :� scl��eted by Lender: (a) eash; (b) money �rcler; (e) cenified check, bank check, tr�:asnrer's check or <br />c��shier's check, prnvided any such �he.�ek is drawa u�n ;�ri instilutian whose deposits are instueci by a <br />federal sgen�y, instrurnentaliry or entity; or �tl) �lectronic Funds Trwsfer.. U�ion rcinatatement by Borrower, <br />this Security Instnzmeat wd obligations secured hert;by sttali remaiu fully effective as if. nc� ae�eleration had <br />c�ccurred. However, th►s right to reinstate shall not apply in the case v� at;ccicratian under Section 18. <br />20. Sale of Nate; Chanae of Loan �ervicer; Notice of Grievancse. '1`tie Note or a putial inlerest in the <br />Note (tagether with this S�qurity Instrumen�) can he sold one ar more times withc�ut prior notice to <br />�kirrnwer. A sale uught result in a change in the entity (knpwn a.g thc "l:va�t Servicer") that callects Pcripdic <br />Payments due under tltc Note and t,his Security Instrument and performs other mpr��a�c loan servicing <br />c�hligatic7ns under t1�e Note. thi;e 5ccurity Instru�►ent, antl AppiicaUle Law. T'l�ere also mighi be orta or rnore <br />changes of lhe Lpaut Servicer unrel aled tg a�ale of the Note. If there is a change c�f� the Loan Servicer, <br />�orrower will ba given written uotice of the change whieis will state the name and address oC the ncw Loaa <br />Servir;er, th� address to which paymcnts should be made and any Qther intonnation 1tE5PA requires in <br />conn�tion with a ntrlicC of transfer of servicing, lf the Note is soid and thereafter lhe Lsaan is scrviced t�y a <br />L.aan Servicer other than the purchaser af the Note, lhe mt�rtgagc loan servicing abligations tv BorrnwCr will <br />remain with the Lodn Servicer or be transf�rred ta a successor Low Servicer and �re nol acsumed by tt►e <br />Nptc: puecliaser unless other.wise prr��ided by the Note purch�.�or. <br />NeitUer Borrower nnr Lcndcr may commenCe J4tA, s�r be juined to any judici�l action (as eith�r an <br />individu:�l litigant or the member of a clsss) that arises fram the other party'� 2�c:Cipns �ursuant ta t1�is <br />Security Instrument c�r that alleges that the olhcr parry has breached any provision of, or any duty awccl by <br />rcason of, this Security Instrumc:nt, until such Borrower Qr x.entler h�,4 notitied tt�c other p�trrty (with such <br />ndtiu: givcn in eornpliance tivith the rcguircrnents of Section 15) of such a1le�ed bre;�:h anti a[fordec� the <br />other p:uty hereC� t� r�a.sonable period after the giving ot sueh aotice to take correcti�e lction. If A�(+lit.abi� <br />Law provides a time pericxt which must elapse before certain acti�n �:�r► bc takcn, that tune period will be <br />ri�;c:mcd to bc reasonable for purpr�se,� c�f this paragnph. The notice of accelerativn and o��wrtunity cq eure <br />given to Borruwcr �ursuant to Se.�tion 22 and the nocice of aeceleration �iven t� Borrower pursuant ko <br />Section 18 sht�ll be deemeci t� satisfy tl�e notice and op�ortunity lo tak� c�rn;Ctiv� a�tinn pravisions of this <br />SCt;tiprt ZQ. <br />21. Hazardous Suhstanc�s. As us�rl in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardvus Substunee.s" ;� lhqsc; suhs[ances <br />de�necl as t�axie or hazatdous substances, pvllutants, or wastes by L�nviroamental Law and the followin� <br />substances: rasoline, kerosen�, ather fla�nmable or toxic petroleum produet3, tpxic pt;slicici�s and hcrUieides, <br />v�latite t:olvcnts, materials containing asb�.g��s or formaldel�yde, and radioactive materials; (b) <br />"�i�vironnm.��rual Law" m�ns federallaws wd laws c�f the juriscticiicm wher4 the Prpperty is lasated that <br />relate ro health, safety or envimnm�ntal proteetion; {c) "Environmentat Cteanup" includes any resperosc <br />aS;tiun, remccli� action, or removal action, ax cicfined in Environmeata! Law; and (d) an "Enviranmcntal <br />Coridition" means a cc�ndition that can cause, contribute tv, o.r Utherw�se trigg�;r dn EnvironmGntal Cleanup. <br />Bt?rrqwCr Sh;�ll nat eause or germit the pr�s�nr,C, use, dispossl, storage, or release of any Haz3rdous <br />Subst�nces, or tbreaten ta relcase any I�aaz�udous Substances, on c�r in the f'mpcny. &mowcr ahail not do, <br />nor allow anyane else tv do, anythin$ aCl'CCting the Property (a) that is in vioTation of any Environment��l <br />Law, (b) which �rc3tc.s an Enviranmental Condition, or (c) which, �.ue to �hc: �r�scnco, uec, ar rElcase of a <br />Hazardons Substance, creutes a c:anciieion that adversely affects the v:ilue of the Properry, The preceding tw� <br />NEBRASKA-5ii�jia Fanu'ty-Fannie MeefFreO�s Mac UNtFp1�A INSTRUMEN7 fo� 302fi � f0� <br />VMP d VMP6IPJE) I110�1•00 <br />Wptie�s Kluwr Finarxial $enices P&p9 13 01 17 <br />11/25/2011 12:32PM CGMT-07:00) <br />