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NOU-z5-2011 15:28 From: <br />To:818774229960 P.12�20 <br />20110932� <br />desi�nateci a substitute noticc address by nc�ti�e to Lender. �tirro'wer sl�atl promptty nc��iCy Lender af <br />Barrower's change bC address. If Lt;nder specifies a pro�edure far reporting Bcrrmwer's change �f dciclress, <br />then BdrrUw�r shall only rr;pqrt a chanse vf address throagh ihal spc�ified prooedure. <br />Thcrc may Ue anly onc designated notice address under this Security Instnunent al sny ane time. Any noticC <br />ta Lencter shalt be given by dclivering it or by niailing it by fir�k cl�,� mail to Lender's address stated herein <br />wnless Lender has designated anather address by noCiccs ta Sarrower, Any notice in coruiection wich thi� <br />Security Instrament sh�ll nut be deemed ta have been given to lrentler ut�til actu�lly reCeivc�l by Lender. If <br />any natice requircfl by tius Securiry Instrument iS �lso eequired under Ap�licable Law, the A�plicable Law <br />rcquir�ment will satisfy the carresp�nding requirement urnlcr tHis Security Instrument_ <br />16. Govoming 4aw; Severabilitya Rules of Cunstruction. Ttus Secti�ly Instrument sli�il be govemcd by <br />Cederal law and tha 1�w of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. AIl ri�hls a�td o�ligations <br />c�antainect in this Security Inst,rument are subjcet to aziy requirements and litnitations of ApPlieabie <br />Applicable Law migrt explicitly c�r implicitly allow �he parties ta agree hy contracl c�r it might be silent, but <br />sur;h �ilcnce sha11 not be ��nstrued as a prohil�ition ag�inst a,�reement by cuntract. la the event th�t any <br />provision or clau�c of this Security Instrutuent or the 1'd�te c.�nflicts with Applicable, suCh caaflicr shall <br />noc aC[�cc ottier provisions of this Securiry ir�trument ar the Note which ean be given effect without the <br />conflicting prvvisipn. <br />As use�! in [his Se�;urity Instrument: (a) words oF the masculine gender shall mean anri include correspvnding <br />neuter wards ar wc?rtls of the feminiru� gender; {b) words in lh� singular sliall mean and inclucie the piural <br />and vie� versa, and (c) tlyc ward "may givr,s sule discretion without any cybligation to take any acti�n. <br />17. Barrawe�r's Capy. Barrorver shall bc given on� cbpy of thc IVote snd of t}�is Security Instrument, <br />78. 7ransfer of the Property or a Beneficiel Interest in Bnrrovyer. As used in chis S[�ccion 1$, "Iuterest in <br />the Pro�erty" mcans any 1ega1 or bcncticial interest in the Arnperry, ineluding, but nat limited tU, IhQSC <br />beneficial interests lransferred in a bartd for deed, contract for deed installmCnt g31CS e4ntraet ar escraw <br />a�rc�ment, dte intent of whi�h is the transfer vf titl� �,y Strrrower at a future date to a purchascr. <br />lf all ur any put of th� Aroperty or any Intetcst iu the P'roperty is sold or tsansferred (ur if Borrawer is not a <br />nal.urai persdn and a benefieial interest in Borrower i;� �c�lci c�r transfeered) withc►ut Lender's prior writccn <br />consent, Lender may tequire inzmediate paymeut in fiill of all sums sec:ur�d t�y this Securiry Instrument. <br />Hvwever, t�is option sh;ill not be exercised by I.enr3er if such exercise is prohibited by A�spli�ablc Law. <br />If Lender exerCises this option, Lender Shall give Borrower nokice of accelCratinn. The notice shall providC a <br />geriod of not less than 30 days from the date �he notice is given in accvrcianca with Sectinn 15 witl�in wluch <br />Bprr�ywer mnst pay alt sums se�ural by this Serurity Instrumeni. 1f eorrower fails to pay these sums pripr to <br />the expirartion �l I.His period, Lender may invuke any remedies permitted by ihis SGCUrity Instnuuent without <br />Curthce ttotice or dem�nd bn Borrnwer. <br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After A�Celeratian. If BQrrower meets certsun contiitic�ns, &irrower <br />shali havc thc right to ha�te enfarc:cment oF this Security instrument di�eontinucd at any time prior to Ehe <br />earliest of: {a) �ive tldys before sale of th� Prpperry pursuant tu any power of sale containe�i in this Sec�rity <br />In�trurnCnt; (U) sucl� other perinti as Applicable Law mi�ht s�cx:iry fc�r the t�rmination �f Borrawer's right to <br />reinst��te; or (c;) antry oP a judgment enCvrcing this Security Instrument Those cvnditipns �re that 13oreower: <br />(a) pays Lender all sums whieh tben would be duc: uncler this Sceurity lnstrument and tbe Nate as if ncf <br />a�;ecleration had accurred; (b) cures any default of any otber uavCnants �r agreements; {c) pays �11 expenses <br />in�urred in �nLqrcing this 5ecurity Tnstrument, iucluding, but not limited tv, re�c�nabfc uttnrneys' fees, <br />praperty inspectit�n :�nd valuation fees, anci othcr fees ineurred for the putgose of protecti�n� I.�n�t�r's interest <br />NEBRASKR-5dtp18 Femlly-F.ttuil¢ Mac/Freddia Mee 11NIFOflM �NS7RUMENT Fcrm 3028 1/01 <br />VMP N7 yMp6lNFJ (1 zp51.00 <br />Wahers Kluwer Firw�cial SmviCeB PeDe 12 Ot M17 <br />�1/25/2011 12:32PM (�MT-07:00) <br />