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NOU-25-2011 15:30 From: <br />To:818774229960 F.14�20 <br />20i10932� <br />sentences shall not apply td lhc Qresence. usc, ar stora�e vn th� Properry of sma11 c�uankiti�s of l�azardous <br />$ubst�ces that ar� gener�illy reCC�gnixed to be apprapriate to normaf resicicntiai uses az�d tv maintCrt�nnce of <br />che Frc�x.rty {including, bu.t not limited to. hazardous substanc�s in consumer product�). <br />Bonower sh�ll promptly give Lender �ritten notice oC (a} any investigation, C]aim, c��mand, latvsuit or vtl'►cr <br />acdon by any� governmental �r regulatory ag�ncy or private party invcylving the Property and �ny Hazardous <br />�ubstance or Envirpnrnentai Law of whieh Borrower ha,� actual lcnowledge, (t�} �ny Envirunmental <br />Conditian, including but nv4limited to, any �pillit�g, leaking dischar�;e, release or threat of rclC�se af wy <br />Haz�zardous Subslanec, and (c) at�y Candition causetl by the �resence, use or relea.�e af s Ha�zardous SubSt�nce <br />whi�;h adversely affects thc �alue of the Prnperty. If Borrawer tcarcts, or is notified by any guvernmental or <br />regulztory auUtipriry, or zny �riv�te party, that any removal or other remr,clia�ian of any Haza.rdous Substaeice <br />aftectiug the Praperty is necessary, Borrower s6aI1 promptly tal.e a31 necessary remcilial actions in <br />accotdance with Envirvnmcntal Iaw. N�thing tierein shail creatc any obligation on Lender fc�r an <br />Envintimnental Cleanup. <br />Non-Uniform Covena�ts. Bc�rrower and Lenticr ccrvenant and agree as Tnllaws: <br />22. Aeceleratit►►t; Remedies. Lender �hall give ►�vtice to l3c�rrower prior to �cceler�tioo fullowing <br />Born���er's brcach of any �ovcnant or a�reement iu t.his S�urity InstruMent {but not prior ta <br />accelersrtion und�r Sc�tian 18 unl�s Applic.�ble �rovides ot�crwise). The notice shall s�►ecify: (a) <br />the default; (b) the Actinn requiecd ta cur� tNe clefault; t;c} a dute, nat less th�n 9Q d�ys fram the date <br />the notice is giv� to Sorrower, bp whicl� the defaWl must be cured; And (d) thut failure to eurc the <br />c�cYault on or befare the datc specifed in the aotice mAy ces�ilt in ac«ieratlon of the sums secarctl by <br />thps Seeurity Insirument and sale of t�ic I'roperty. 7.`he noticc shall further infurm t3urrawer of the <br />right ta reinstute aCter acecicrution and thc nght to�; a eourt action t�n asscrt the non-exiskence of a <br />default or any other def+�tse of Borrower tr► ac�cclex�ation And sAle. If the default is not curcd on ar <br />before the date spixi�icd in the notice, Lcndes at its �pkit�n msy requirc immodiAte payment in Pull of <br />all sums secured by thi.� Security Instrument wlthaut fiirther demand and may invoke the power of yale <br />ttnd �ny olher rcmeciies p+ermiited by Appl'icuble l,aw. Lender shall bc �ntitled to arlt�l all expenscs <br />incuer�d in pursuing the rcmcdie�s provided W this Seetion 2Z, intluding, but not limitcxi to, reASOnahle <br />�tlurn4y3' P+�s and oosts of tille eoidence, <br />If tl�e pawcr of sAle is invoked, Teustee �hall record a notice of default in eanc �ounty iu wWclf any <br />parl pl' the Praperty is locateri ancl shall mait et,pits of sueh noticc in tlie n�an�e� pre,ycrit��d by <br />Applicable l,,aw to �arrowee stnd to lhe othcr persons pr�crif,�xt by Applicsblc Law. After the time <br />requircd hy A�ptir�blK Law, Teustee shall give public notiee of sule to the p�rSOn,c 3nd in the mauner <br />pre�crif►ed by Applicnble Law. "1'nistce, without demand on Borrawer, s�all sell the Property at publie <br />auction fi the highest bidder ut the time and place und under the tern�s designated in tl�e uotice of sale <br />in onr. or mare parcel.� �tnd in any order Truatc+e detcrjniacs. Trustee may pastp�ne gale af all or any <br />p�r�el uf the Property by publie annouaccmeat ut the time attd place of avy previously scheduletl y:�le. <br />Lcndcr or its de�i�nee may purch�se the �'roperty at any salc. <br />Upan receipt of paymcut of tt» pr�ce bld, Trustee shAll deliver tu the purc.has� Trustcc's dced <br />canvcying the Praperty. `Y`he racitals in th� Trustec's dcxd shall be primu facie evid�nce oP the truth of <br />the stdtements made therein. Tru�tec shall apply the prc�d.k of che sale in the following order: (a) tc� <br />aB casts Aad expxn„e� af excrcising the p��wea' af salc, and the sAle, indudin� the p:�ym�nt of t�e <br />'1'ruste�e's fees actaally incurred and rrR€onuhle att�rneys' Cees as permittcil by Applicable Law; (h) ia <br />ull sums a�ur� by tliis Security Instrument; and (c) any exc�s tt► the pe.r�r,n or perso� 1eFally <br />cniitled to it. <br />NEBft�SKA-Sitt9�e femllyFaM�g M�glfrnudir Mac UNIFOflM IN57RU�fM Fwm 9028 1lOt <br />�yp VMp$tNEI (t 105�.00 <br />Waltcrs ICluwer Finenciel Sa�viC¢e PpgO 14 et 17 <br />17/25/2011 12:32PM CGMT-07:00) <br />
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