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NOU-25-2011 15:28 From: To:818774c29960 P.11�20 <br />�o��os�2� <br />9 2. Borrower Not Released; FctrBearance By Lend�r Nqt a Waiver. Extension of tlie time for payment nr <br />mcxlif ��lion of amortization of the suma sccured by this Se�curity Instrumem granteti by Lcndcr to Sarrower <br />ar any Successor in IntGrest of 13orrower shall not operate to release the liability of Borrower or any <br />Suecessors in Interest of Bvrmwer. Lender shall nvs be required to wmmcri�c proccedings agaiust any <br />5ucc;e.,sc�r in Inter�st of Borrower dr ecy rcfuse to ektend ti�e for paymeat ur otherwise mortli ty �mt�rtization <br />af the sums seCUred by �his $ecurity Insuumeot by rC�.�on 4f any demaad made Uy the aeiginal $orrower or <br />any Successors in Iuterest of R�orrcywcr. Any forbearance by Lender in exerctisin� any ri�h� or remedy <br />including, withc�uc litnitation, Leader's aece�tanee of payments from tt�ird persons, entities or Successors in <br />Interest of Borrower or in amvu.nts lcss tF�an tl�e lmount then dtie, shall not be a waiuer oF ar prec.lndc thc <br />ex�rcis� af �ny right ur remedy. <br />13. Joint end Seveeal LiabiPty; Ca-$igners; Suecessors and Assigns 8�und. Borrower r,ovenwts and <br />agrees that $orrc�wer (lbligatlons and lilbility sh;�l) be jUini �nd stiy¢ral_ HUwCvCr, any Bc�rrawer whv <br />co-signs this S�curity Instauumenl but does not execute tbe Nate {a "ca-si,�nar"): {a} is co-si�aning tl�is <br />Scx;urity Ins�rurncnt oNy t� m4rtgage, grant and c:anv�y th4 c��-3igner';, ir�ICr�t in el'sc PropCrty under the <br />terms of this Security Instrum�nr, (b) is not personally obli�ated to pay the sums secured by this Secu�ly <br />instnuncnt; and (c) agrees that Lender and any ather Borrower can agree ta extend, cnodify, farbear or n�ake <br />any ac:cc�mmdcl:uions with regard to the terms of this Security instrumenk qr khe Nvte withaut lhe �-si,�ncr's <br />consent. <br />Subjeol' tu the prc�viRipns of $ection 18, any Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's <br />obligatious under this Se�curity Instrumcnt in writing� and is approved by Lendcr, shall ubtain all of <br />Borraw�r':� rights �nnd bener3ts under this Security Tnscrument. Horrower shall not be released from <br />Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security lnstrument unl�ss LcndCr agrccs tc� suCh rcl�ase in <br />writittg. The eavenants wd agreements af tbis Security �nstrument shall bind {except as provicled in Section <br />20) and benefit the suc;r;o.ssurs and assigns of Lender. <br />14. Loan Gharges. Lender may charge Barrowcr fc,e,s Far scrvices r,c.�rfc�rmr,�i in c�nnecti�n wilh B�rrower's <br />rlcfault, 1'or th� p�urpase of pratecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights undee this 5ecuriry <br />Inslrument, inciudin�, but nac limitc� to, attorneys' fees, praperty inspecti�n ancl valuatinn I'GC:s. [n rcgarcl to <br />any other fees, the absence of express authority in this SCCUCiIy in;;trument t+v chax�e a speciftc fee to <br />Borrnwer shall not b�: construe� as a protubition an the charging of such fee. Lender may nat ehse�e fecs <br />that are expressly prahibited by this Security lnstrumcnt or by Applit;�ble Law. <br />If th� Lcaan is subj�l tcy � law which sets maxicuutn loan charges, and that law is finaliy int(xpr�lCd sn Ihdt <br />tt�e interest or other loan charees collect� vr to be �ollected in conneCtion with the Loan exceed the <br />permittca limits, nc�n: (s) any such laan charge shall be reduced Uy the aaapunt ncx,cs4ary+ to rr,�iuco th� <br />charge to the permitted timit; and @) any sums �lrc:aciy cc►llected fmm $orrower whic� e�ceeded permitted <br />litnits will be reftrncied ta Borrower. Lender may choose to make tYus refund �iy rcducing lhe print;ip;�l owc:c� <br />untier the Note vr by makin� a eiireet p�.yment tc� Sonowcr_ I i a rcfund principal, t,t►e reductioa will <br />be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment chuge (whether or nat a prepaymeat eharge is <br />provid�xl far unticr the Note). Boerower's acceptance of �ny sueh refunci mad� by c�ircct paymenl to <br />�orr�wer will consticute � waiver of �ny right of aeti«n Borrnwer mi�ht have arising out of snch overcharge. <br />15. Wotices. A31 npticc�s glven by Borrawer or I.ender fui canuection witt� this Security In,titrumcnc must be in <br />writin�. Any n�rice to Borrower in t;onn�liUn wilh this Secsurity Tnstrument sh�ill be deemed to have been <br />$iven ta Horruwer wheu mailed by first class mail ar w}�en actually delivercd to B�rr��war's n�lir;� acidress if <br />scnC by [�LhBr means Ivdtit� to any c�ne Bc�rrc�wcr shall canstitule notice ta all Barrowers unless Applicable <br />Law expressly requires othenuise. The notic�e address shall be the Property Address uuless Borrowor has <br />NF.BR95KA•Sdnpla Femiiy-Fanr�n MenlFiedd'ie MBC UNIFOflM IN57RUh1EflT Form 3028 tlpt <br />VMP � VMF'6(NEI 1� 7U91•00 <br />Wvitvro Kluwer Firmncinl Services Pog6 11 Ot 77 <br />11/25/2011 12:32PM CGMT-07:00) <br />