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� .. , "' _.... . , . .. , ' ' . �'- ' ''3 .. _C. ��_. . . . . _-'_ <br /> . ' . . " . � . �. ' . • ' � .. . . _ � . . � . � . � ._ . __ .'._.._...� � !� � . . � ' a <br /> `��'. `- .. _"'__.—.._ . .. __.. _ .. ' ' � . ` , . .2� �� � <br /> � � ��`�' �d1�i �� i f� -_------ -- -- _ <br /> ' 4. A�tlons AffecUng Trust Eut�te. Ttustot Shall ay�ear 6n eno concese eny acuon or pracoedinp purpar4hp to af`ect tit9 � ; � - <br /> ; • securrty h�roof or tha rtphts or porrers ot Benaftctary or 7r�stea, end shap pay al costs and e�enses• tnc�dfny cost of eviCence of tRl� ' , `. . ;;_ - <br /> end attamaYs'tee��h anY suCh acWn or proceed{ny In vrhbA B_n�fielvY or Tnfstee mey aFP�'.!f TrusbDr fa�s to mako eny pBYmeM ar to ' , - �+:. _ <br /> � do any act as and in the menrtar pmvkSed in any of the Lonn Instruments. Ba�efrct3rY and�or Tnrstee.eecfi h theY own dlsaetbn.wRtwut . . .. � .°• ,�-: <br /> obUgattan so to do and wRhout noSca to or d;dnand ugon Trustor end w0hout releasing Tr�stor from eny ob►i�aUon, may malco or do tihs � • , <br /> _ i same n suth manner end to such s�cent as e@her may Eeern necessary to Dro� �s &�^�Y hareof. Tnistor shaR �msdEstey upon � ; ; � <br /> dert�d therafor by BeneSciary. Pay a9 eosts end �unses hcurred Dy Benefl�iery in connectton w3h the �a Dy B�eficiary of t�a <br /> faregoing riphts.§�eluding w�tiot�t IimPtaGbn aasts af evi4enee at tRta.coun eosts.a9Pratsab. sunrays end attomey3'tees. • °,� <br /> 5. �anlnent �am�fin. I!ttte trust Estate. or t�,iy p8rt thsreat e� a�.�t thsr9h. be takan or difna9ed bY teason o! anY WtbGC - - -. -- _ <br /> ?; 6nQro��ement or CondemnaUan ptocesuatg.or n any otner manmr inciuu'icy i,00i�o� �:N•��:'•^.=".�!^"iton°�, or it Trustar receNes enY � _-_- <br /> notice or oth5r tnfortnation regardinp such pmcs5tltng,Trustor shaii give prompt vrrdten nottce theraof ta S;n;.i�is1Y•Ycus44►sh¢8 be ant&�d -- -. -__ -- _ _ <br /> to a!I compensatbn.awards and other payments or refief thereof end shaU be enWed at Rs optEon to commence.eDPear In and p*asacute tn , : � <br /> as own name anY ection or proceedinQs.Tcustor shaU a�o ba ent$ted to make eny compromise or sottiertient in cannectton witA such takinp , ; � <br /> ur d�maya � . . ,.'._, : ..••,� <br /> IS. A��1DlR�i48tfY a! :�s�r Trus2..°r. E�efis�tY rt�y. from tlme to ttne. b9 a wriltan hstrument axeeuUd and .------':^ _,T'- ,i= <br /> acimowtedged by Ben�ficiery,maAed to Tnistot and recardsd b the County in which the Trust Estate ts bcated and by otheiwESe compryinp , • y;.��.���` <br /> wdh the provJsions of the epp6cebSe Iaw ot tAe State of NebraSka subst�te a successor or successors to the Tnistee na�s�ed hereTn or ; , : _ <br /> acthg heteunQer. . .x;�,._4�-- <br /> �r- ��; <br /> 7, SUCC@6SOf8 811d ASSIgfl&This Second Q98d Oi Trust epplles t0.etures to the benefit o!8nd bads eU paRiBS hereto,Meir :�y�.�, <br /> �eks� Issetess, devts6es. Pe�sonal representatlues. successors and assigns.The term 'Beneflc�erY� sha0 msan the owner en0 hotder oi any d::::, - ,.:; <br /> promissory npte given to�enaftciBry.[whetffer or not named as Beneficiary hereh]. � ' �� �� � <br /> .�,'�:m,�" <br /> S. MCfgCI, C01180�1618t10T1, S8IE8 Or L@8SE8.Trustor covenants that Trustor w(U not se0. iaase or othwwlse dispose of enY • - --=-?-�'°.� <br /> af the Ttust Estate.!n the 6went that TnuWr ss4s,laases or otherwlse disposes ot any part of the Trust Estet0.Beru�letarll�Y at as oAtion :' �,.�._� ��; ..� <br /> dec�re the indebtedness seCUred hereby tnmedietety due and payabla, whether or not eny defauR e�dsts. Benefictazy ShaH consaflt to a • :_;' �--��, —_ <br /> -'`�=`:;�".., <br />- trensfer oi ttie Trust Estate ta a ffiYd pasty to 4h3 extent svch tA�d Qatty meets the requirements contained tn,and essumes the obQpations ' �;••�� ___ <br /> set forth in the Ftst Oeed of Tnis�The covenants contahed Aerein shaU run wRh the PcopeRy and shafl cemah in tuY fame ond eftect unt➢ . �- , �� <br /> the indebtedness is paid tn NB. -."�'" ,, �:°' _ <br /> �• ,,�S <br /> _. _:� ' :.;: ^�--- <br /> ' 9. EYEf1tB O��t'�HUI1. My ot Me folAwhg events 6heU be deemed en ever►t of defBUN her6under: _._ -._ � �'�a� :'- ��''- <br /> :'� 1 <br /> (a) defaua sha0�e made in the payment of the indebted+iess or any otfier sum secured ha�eby v�hen due: �',�.* ��.•... "! <br /> qr .'',� :'"' — <br /> • (b) Trustor shaU periorm eny 8ct in banlwD2cY:or :,._ i. � • � <br /> :L:. ,_ <br /> ' (c) a caurt of competent jurtsdicflon shaB enter an order.judgment or decree apArovinfl e DetNbn fli Bd aQaa►st Tn�stor seelcinp enY ,.� � : � <br /> reorpani�tton, dissoUUOn or stnPar ra�e! under any prese+�t or tuture federal, state or otAer statute, law or reguffit6on relattn0 tc "�"•°' .�'`*' � • � <br /> �antauAtcy, hsoNenoy or otAer raiet tor atebtors, and sucfi order. Iudyrr+en: or deeree sAaB rernab um�acatsd end unstaysd tor�n •'-".�' `�; � 'j� <br /> • apprepate ot sbRy (60)daYs (whether or not cons�cuWe) irom the tUst date ot enhy thc3r�ai;or any trustee, recaivar or equidator or ���: " - <br /> .°1�. :• � <br /> Trustor or of aH ar any paR of N�Trust Estate, or o} my or all ot the royaRias, ravenues.wnts. Issues or prof� theraof, sha9 be c;" <br /> � o �: �°` <br /> � appolnted without the consant or acqutescence o/Tnistor end suoh c�ppolnbnant shaD remain unvacated and unstayed for an aparep�to ::,.,;,., ���:. <br /> ot s6dy(60)daYs(wheU+er a not consecuUve};or � � �` <br /> . °����� <br /> (d) a wr� of execu8on or attachment o!eny simtler process shau be enterad apainst Tcustor wh(ch sha6 becartw o Ben on the _ �-��� <br /> ,.:.��---�_ <br /> Trust Estate or any partlQn the�sof or Intetest ther�b end such exeCUtbn,attachment or sinilar procoss of Jud9mant is not relYased. � ��" <br /> bonded,saUst(eQ vacated or stayed wxhb sbcty{60)days after Rs enOY or levy;or <br /> r :�•• , ,�f'.= ' <br /> - (e) there has occume0 o breach of or defauR unCer any tertn,covenant,agreernent,condkba,provisbn,reprasentatbn or warranty ,__ �_ <br /> � eer�tained in any prbr deed of Wst or mortpaQe aftectfnp the Trust Estate. = <br />. - :� ''•1�'_..-..'__-.,. <br /> 1n.Acceteratlon uooa Detaul4; AddittonN Remedtea �t nn e�ene of aeraue occurs. eenat�cia�y may aec�ue me ` _ <br />- - _��':.. _- <br /> � hdeDte�ness secured hereby to be due end paya4te and the same shnH thereupon become duo enti pey&Di9 wrtnout eny prasa�b+�o.�i. -_--�'""�N�;+.;;,.. <br /> . dqntnd.Drotest or noUca of any kind ThsreaRer,BencBe(�rY�Y � " ,. <br /> �_�.��.., �:'•''�'�.. �,__ <br /> '� (Q eRher h person or by aps�� w�h or wthoul brhphp any actlon or proceeding, or by a recelver appointsd by a court�nd ,,°:,�..•�,;,..;,,�,� __ <br /> " w�hout ropnr�to tho e6oquacy ot Rs sscuriry.enter upon and teke possesabn of the 7rust EstatO,ot any part tAaeof,h �s own neme ;�;,, _:,,� : <br /> or in the nama of Trustee. and do eny acts whi�h N deems necessary or des(rabte to preserue the value, mulcsttb9RY or ranTaDdly of �� :., ';� 'r,^y. � <br /> the Trust Esffite,or paA thereof or bterest tAerain. increase the �ncome therefrom or profect the security hereof and,wkhh or wRhout �,.;;. , . � <br /> �' talcing po3sessbn of the Trust Estste, sue tor or otherwise coltect the rents, issues end profts thereof, Incbding thosa aast dua ond = _ <br /> • i13310.1M0(3/a8) Pap�2 of 8 � � �- _- <br /> " � . �R!r_�, . <br /> . �.- <br /> . 1 �.: <br />_ ' . .. ._ �.� <br /> � t:. <br /> t � . .. <br /> � . <br /> � �'° <br /> . E . � . � - <br /> � . f. � --. . <br /> .__ ;i _ ..--�-;-- -. - �- �: <br /> � . . . <br /> 1 soe . .. - : . <br /> �:-., <br /> . . . . �. .. .. . . .� . �: �. � : . . , . .. . . , <br /> .�. . . . .. . . , .. . . � . . .,. , . . . .. . . , . . ,. . . . , � :;: . ... <br />