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<br /> .� NE�FtASiiR .� _`
<br /> . , ,
<br />.. � - SECOND DEED O� ��tl��T 9�� l�e�°,C�� .. . , � �',—L
<br /> �.� (ti�a�oan) 4 ... . ��x�€.
<br /> � � � This Socond Qc2d of Trust Imis'SeCOnd 06od of Toust�.�S made es of MpPCh 398t . 199 by and unon� I; ; -` '. .'_�
<br /> 1 MARK B ROZENDAL AN lD RRIED IWOMnUAL (�"��o��• . �
<br /> � wnose ma��y address ts ci ia*: tOTH ST GRANp IS3.AP1D �1����68801 J . , -
<br /> . E COTIAMERCIAL EDER BANK A FEDEFIAL SAViNGS BANK ('rrustee)�vvt�ose ma�'np . _
<br /> eadress's 8 0 'N4'Sf. MAHA NE 6 1��-2 56 Netuastca:
<br /> ,-� and Nebraske imre�sisrtsn4 F:►a;�:o�cr:t�;('E--'�i'x�Y�}.whose mai!'ng add�ess is 200 Comm�rce Court. 123�D 0 Straet,Linco9n. Nebraska .—_ ` __ �
<br /> 7 �14�L - _
<br /> � FOR VALUABtP CONSIDPAA't10N,Tnistcr trrevacabh Manste�s.conve}rs end assigns to Trustee.IN TRU�. W�� POWER C.°5�11.E.t�f �� - —�
<br /> � the beneffi end secur�tyr of Beneficiary,under end subi�ct to the tertns and cond�ns of this Second Deed of Trust,ths rea!proPertY.IeS�N • � . -�
<br /> descr�ad on Exh�bR A attached hereto and hcorporated hereh by refa�ence(the'PmDertY�):and '
<br /> t •- -
<br /> � :•i TOGETH�1 WITH.E1II rents,P��s,roYa�c�s.income end othsr benefds derNed from the Propaty(cottecthraH�the•rer+ts'J�e es or . : `.'..,,� -
<br /> subleases coverin8 the ProRenY or any portion thereot now or hsroafter a�![n8 or entered hto, and all riyht, t�le and intarest oi Trustor - .. • �
<br /> . ; Mereundsr�ai1 rlght,t�te end interest oT Trustor in end to any greate►eslate in the ProAertY owneaf or heraaftet acqutred,ali hterests.estat& ��;;�-w; .=
<br /> hts�of-w8y. �.`� •�'.i.
<br /> or other ciaims. both in law and tn equnyr. whteh Tnistor rtow has or may hereefter acquire in the PropeRy. eB easements. rf� . , ,, .
<br />. . ,.I tenements, heredRements end eppuRenances thereof and ther8to.a1�water righis.all right,ti6e end interest of Trustor. nov� owned heretifter .. . :y's �L�_6
<br /> in within the ripM-ofway of eny st[e9t or h hway adjoining the PrOpetty,and 8ny end alf a(Isys end str(ps -=�f���
<br /> •_ � acputred. in and to any land.H 8 � � ... -� .
<br /> . ..�.:,........ ..
<br /> and gore�of Iand adjacent to or used In connectbn wRh the Property,and any end aD bu�dhgs,fbctures end improvemsnts now or hereafter � ..,�,::
<br /> � sC_�- ;" ; � .
<br /> � erected thereon (the'Impro�ements�.end ell th9 estate�inte�est,riDht,t�fe or any clatm or demand which T�ustor now has ot may hereatter _,.y _.
<br /> acqute�the PropeRy.end eny end sll awards matd�tor the taking by am�ent domain.or by any proaeedinp or purchese h Beu theraof.ot ,�..�:,_� •
<br /> the whota or any part of the T�ust Estate,incUding w�Thout limRatlon eny awards resuRing irom a change of�rade of strsets and awards far =� _ � _,
<br /> Sevet8t1C9 demases• ,�. - ,"t
<br /> . �•: +. T --
<br />' The Property and the enUra estete and�terest comreyed ta tf�e T�ustee are rete►red to oc�iecthreN as the"TNSt Esta�°�' '"
<br /> __�'"^��'
<br />� For the Furpose of Securing: __...�-�–; . .,=_-___.—�
<br /> "�—� �-°�;-
<br /> A. Payment of indebtedness evidenced by eny promissory note of Trustor h favor ot Beneftciary:a�d .'�:;:�':� —
<br /> B. PaYment of ail sums a�►nced by 8eneficEary to Drot�t the TNn Estate.W�h interest thereon at the rate of sDdeen petcent(t6%) - � . �
<br /> .•�,
<br /> per ennum. = -� • �`
<br /> •�• ::. i; � �j'..
<br /> The hdebtedness desc�ed b paragraPhs A and 8 ebove ts refe►red to as the'Indebtednsss.' "�,,t _•�-}�(;:.
<br /> This S e c on d O e e d o f Tru s t,a n y p r o m i s s o ry n o t e o f T ro s t o r i n t av or of Benefi�f e ry and ar►y oiher nsbument pken to evt6enca or further x�. � �
<br /> seCUre the psyment and peRortnances uf any obligation secured hereby are reterred to collecWay as the`Loan Instrumeats'• `'`
<br /> Trustor covenents that (q Truswr hoids t�b to the Trust Estate anC has lawtul author�y co �cumber the Trust Esfate. (i�the Trust �„ '�
<br /> �{ , —
<br /> � Estate is free and otear of aU Gens and encumbrances mrcept far ease�nents,res0'(cttons end eovannnts ot record and the Oeed o1 Trust trom : , },
<br /> , Trustat encumbeth8 the P�oPertY Q2ted on or ebout the date herect(the'Ftst Oeed of Tru�Yy,and(ii�Trustor wID detend the Trust Esffite -�; _ . _ �
<br /> � agamst the tawful ctains of any person. �.. � i •,rf-:�l
<br /> ,:. .,, .
<br /> � � � To P►otsct the Security of thta Second Deed of Yrust: '�--
<br /> � �::�:�': =---
<br /> 1. PaymeM of Indebtednesa.Tn,stor snau pay wnen due ene nrr�c�ai of,and the hterest on, the hdebteQness end eli othet •C.. � ,_. -,-�
<br /> J•' -.�.., ' .�s.0
<br /> sums as pravtded In the loan Instrumenta. : '�,--. ,.-. _.
<br /> 2. T�cP.8.Trustor shall pay aach insmtiment ot aU taxes and speciul assessments o!every kind.now or hereafter levied apatist the =- _
<br /> � Trust Estate ar erry p3rt thereol.before Q8lktquenCy.without notfce or damand. :_..�.. "y � . .-
<br /> � � 3. tnsurence and Repalrs.Trunor snae mahmh we ana e�aenaed cov� r►surc�nnce �nsurino tne imprwements const�nh� F.�v,a,_„ -
<br /> : . _ _ ,
<br /> • , part of the Trust Estato tor suc0 amounb end on such terms reasonaby saUsfuatory to Beneficlary.So long as tA0 Property is secuted Ey n �
<br />__=_,.._ .„�,�_,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,�,�b���,�,g rt,.t,�,�n�m�ct nr mertaaqe shaU be sufficient to 58tiSty . .
<br /> ^ . •
<br /> ,- fUst de6d ot Otust or muriyayn��:unw��+��.•�M�O..w.�.......-.+..-�• . - _ _- '�"
<br /> the requYecr!ents Ot thls pe►8praph 3 refaUnp to hSUrMCe. ! F'�" �_��-
<br /> `�'�.-:�.•..���.: _
<br /> Trustor shall promptly repair and►ePtace the Truat Estate or any part thereaf so that,�ccept(or ordinary wear and tear,the TNSt Estate _ -� .
<br /> � shall nat deterbrato.In no event shaB the Trustar commh waste on or to ttFa Trust Estate,ar commh,suffar or permit eny ect to be done b �� _.; ::..: _
<br /> or upon the Trost Estate h vblatbn o! eny law, ordinance or re�uintion.Trostor sha0 pay and Dromptly dischar�e at Trusto�s Cost end - . • -
<br /> �enss ali Rtx►s.encumbrances end charpes Ievled,imposed or assessed ayainst the Trust Estate or any part thereof. NIFA 3198 � •'��
<br /> . . . � �".
<br /> . F�auo.uao�a1ael v,o.� m e � • ..`:� :_ .
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