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. ` ; i : .. . . . . . ... � ... . .. _ .. . .� ' • . .. .�l___ . .. . . . . • ' .! ..-, <br /> - i .. _ .. __ . � .. . <br /> - 'r . � _ <br /> .� ��32;��� . ,.,F_..`_T,--_ .. <br /> ` ' 'n end the sert�u. lass costs end exp�nses of operat'nn end co4�tlon inctudtng attomeys�� upon anY h6ebtedness . . ` � . . <br /> u pai0. �DFN � " <br /> ' • secured hereby� a9 in such order es Bsrteftciary may dete�mine. The sntsdn9 �POn and mk�g possassion of the Trust Esteta. t4�e �: <br /> � oos7actlon of such rents. tssuss end profds and th9 app�ation thsreof e$eforesatd shaG not cure or eraive any dsfauQ or noUco of , ' . _ ` - <br /> datnuk her�under or hvaBdata any nct dona in rasponse to such dataug or pursuant to such notka of detau$and, notwRnsfandlnp the i ;� <br /> cont�u2nce�n Das��n o4 4he Trust Es4at� or tha co0eet[on,receipt and app�ication of rents, �sues or profi'ts,T�ustea or L�naNciery F; , . �^ <br /> shall�een ent�ted to exmrc�s�everY r�pht Provtded for in anY of tho Loan im�truments or by taw upan occurtence of any event ot defau9, I. < < . <br /> . hctud�np the rqrtt to exe�cise tt�e Dower of sa�; ` <br /> ((Q commenCe sn eGtbn to forBGbse thts Deed of Trust as a mortgaSe, ePPe�t a reeelver or spscificetlS� entoree any of the � . . <br /> � � Covenants hersot , . • ' . <br /> �_� i�f ��, � r;,�� o �.,arQn daetaratton ol detauh and dsmand for sale and a written notice of detauR attd e�ctio� to ��suse <br /> i.. _ . <br /> ��� � y---=�'___��— �- <br /> Trustor5�stsre�t'st 2lt9 Ttnst�Slsts to be so�d,whi�h �otice Trust66 sfi&U t&uso to ba duty fi�d for�+9CO�d in the eAproprtate offices o{ � ,� ,_ _ <br /> - {R . ,- .- ...-- -r <br /> t4�e County �whieh the Trust Estate ts Wcated:or . , �� ' <br /> � (iv) a�cerCisB SuCh othsr rlgAts or�emedbs at[3v�or in equ$Y• , ` � , . <br /> 11.Foreclaaure by Poonrer of Sale. If Banefietary efeets to forecbsa by �cise oi the Powar of Sale heretn con�ed, _ • <br /> BeneficiarY shatl noLYy Tnr.,f^�a an6 shz!' 89posfi w��Tn��a�sN s^r,.^^�sd Deed of Tn�st anA any note svidencing the indebtsdness and sueh � .:_--_:,�•,'..'-:'f,�--�`, <br /> receipts and evktenCe of expenddurss made snd SeCUted hsreby fls Trustee m8Y reQuire. _ , - ' - <br /> . •, (a) Upon re¢eipt ot such nattce trom Beneficiuy.Trustee sAaO cause to be recorded, Pub4shed and deflvered to Tcustor suct� ., . : ,_ <br /> Notice a} Oef�uQ and Notice af Saie as then requtred bY mw e�d by thts Second Deed of Trus4 Trustee ShaB, wRhout dert�and on �- <br /> •:�,.�+--z•:' : <br /> Tnistor,aRer suah tlme es may then Os�eQ�ired by Iaw end aftor reeordntlon of such Notke oT UetauR and aftsr PloUts of Safe havinp {, _ <br /> . �i4�:" - � <br /> been ylven as rsquted by Faw,5e0 the Trust Estate et the time and p�ace of sate ib�ed by�in such NoUce a?Sal�.eBher as 8 whoia.Or 4.: ��•T�1. <br /> in seperate bts or pareels or @ems 8s=NStee Shall deem expedient, 0nd in such order as� �neY det� pub�c auctlon to t�e ,�< <br /> highest bidder Mr cash � tswful money of the Un3ed States payabie et the t�ne of sala.Trustee shaQ deiiver to sueh purohaser or . .�;rT,;�_..�- <br /> purchasers thereo4 fts good c�sed sufft�ient deed or deeds comeying the property so soid,bue wRhout any covensr�t or wartenty,a�ross ; ' <br /> se " <br /> or imp9ed.Yhe rac�)s in such daed of eny matters or facts shaB be conciusive Proo!of the trutAfubess thereot Any person.incNdinp . �,;,�:,�_ <br /> . wilhout fm�atlon Tnutor,Trustee or Bs�eTiciary.may putchase at such sala . ...-°L�.;, <br />- ; :.� '•�a�.�,!'. <br /> . } (b) As may be permRted by I�w, aRer deducthy eD wsts, fees and e�enses of Tnutee end of Mis Tnist, includmg costs of - . �`�`,, <br /> evidencs of tNb h connection wRh sab.Trustee shaY apPN the proceeds of sale to pay+nent of(q the hdabta�ess M�o��sums . � �. ; � ,, <br /> .. , : then sect��d hereby.nnd(f6)the rertiahdar.B the person or persons IegaDy entR7ed thereto. .: .,y �. <br /> __, �_• . ,.'•. <br /> . �` `� � . <br /> (c) Trustee may in the manner Provided by law PostDone sai�of a0 or any Portion of the Tiust Estate. �. `. . :.. ; <br /> , ' �.Ji.: <br /> 'r 12.Remed[ea Nat Exclustvc.Trustee and BeneEtciary.end each oi Mem,shaU ba entitfed to entorce paY+�t and pertormReca ,;�,_µ <br /> of any indebtedness or obll�atlons secured herebY enA to e�cise ap riphts end powars undsr th�Second Oeed of Trust or under any Loan •� :Yr, .,_ : <br /> tnstrument or other agreert�ent or eny 18ws now or hereafter in torce;notwRhstendinQ,some or all ot tho suCb tndebtedness and obYpations :��i.M•'� � �y t , <br /> �i '..s' _� . <br /> � secured hereby mey now or hereaftsr bo oMerwise secured, whether by mortpape. deed �f trusL D�e. �� ��^�t or otherwise. ��F.� <br /> � Neither the aeceptance of this 3eeond Daed af Trust nor Rs enfor�eme►�t,whether by couK actbn or pursuant to the power of sale or otAer �;t <br /> pawers Aereb contained.s�afl prejudce or h anY menner eHect Trustae s or BeneBcieiy's rqht to reallxe upon or entorce eny other secu� '.� ..��ir;��;' <br /> • now or hereniter held by T►ustee or Be�eNctery.R bain➢e�sa d t ha t Tru s t s a e n d B a n e H C t a ry.e n d e a c h o!t h e m,s h a f l b o e n t@ f a A t a e n �,� <br /> this Secand Deed of T�ust and any othsr securdy no�►or hemafter held by 8eneftctary or Trustse h such arQer anA menner es thaY or eRher �'�'�`�-'' <br /> , o}���y h thefr absoMiie disaxetbn determfne.No remedy hereln conterted upon or reserved to Tn�sisa ar B�ssflc�ry !s int5nded to be _�, ,�,�__-; <br /> � <br /> e�lusiue of eny othor �emedy h�ein ar Dy�w prov(ded or pamRt�O, but each shaY be cumui�tivo ond shaD bo N addRion to e+rsrY othe► -� �-� <br /> ' recnedy 91ven h�mder or now or her8aftor �dsthy at law or tn equRy ot by statute. EverY Dcwar or�dy yluen by any of th�L.o�n ��w_• <br /> (nstrumonts to TNStee or Benefkiary or to whkh eRher of them may be otherw�se entYted.may be ��Sed.Co����h°�hd�pan6�ntly' �'-;,R� •�-. <br /> ' irom tVna to t6iw and as often es maY be deemad e�edient by Trustae or Beneflciarfi and eitAer of tham m4Y pursua Inconslster►t�dbs• � : ==.,�'M <br /> na <br /> � Nothinp hereln shaU be consWed 8s prohbkiny Beneficiory hom saekinp e deflCiencY lud0�t��the Ttustor to th�e�QSnt such aetbn '=�"`,. <br /> - °��r_ <br /> � is Perm[tted by law. l'-- <br /> �3 <br /> .., 13.Raquest For Notlee.Trustor and ali athe►parties set tortA hereh hereby req�ests a copy of any NoUce ot OefauN end a copy �_�. <br /> — w�w� �.�a»• s. ..n n�thin Seeond DeOd of Trust �� '.�- <br /> � of eny Notice of Sal�nerevnGer oe ma�ed m mar*�ni�ro��a�^ •� -� _ -- � <br /> . 14.Governin� Leea.Tt►!s Seeond Qeod of Trust shaU be aovemed Dy and Construed in aceordance wkh the i�ws of the StaW of .. : ��'"'"��'`•'' <br /> � Nobraska In the event thet eny pr6victon w claus�of eny ef the Loan Instruments confli�ts wkh eppilcebt��.such cont8ct shse not aflect _-,�, : ;�r <br /> other Drmrisbns of such Loan Instruments whbh can be qlven eHec!wkhout the conf9ctinp provision,end W 4his end the provisbns of the ,��,.`:=:"�i:r`'.,- <br /> Wan instrumenb ere Qectered tc be sv�e�abte•Thls hsuument cannot be waNed.chanped, di�charped or tertnhated oraRy,but ony by an <br /> � insWment in vm'tfiy s�ad by the paRy eaainst v�hom entorcement of any waNer.chenge,dfscharge ar tetmin�ctlon Is s0upht. <br /> � Pap�9 01 b ' ' �' rF�. <br /> � �j Ft3340.LM0(9l0B) , . .. _ . . ,. <br /> . • ' !.. <br /> I <br /> i ` ' . ' . <br /> . � . . <br /> . , <br /> ., � � <br /> .. . � .. <br /> . I . . _ <br /> , �: � . <br /> � � � : ------ �--- <br /> i aue . �' <br /> .. ; 1�,� ,_� . .- . <br /> . ,` :. . � , .� . . ' . � . .. ..� ' : . ... a�. . ' " ' ..., •: ' . ��� . ..._. . . �i�. • ' . ` .; . <br /> � _ •u . ._ . .. <br />