. , , . � - �.—.
<br /> � . � . , � . . , `:
<br /> . . . - , . , , - ' ._ - . r . . . � � .. . - � . '�.
<br /> 7 . �:.
<br /> < -
<br /> �a " � 9�� �4�e�';Z93 `� . .' ;,i:
<br /> � , —
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowrar sha�be given one conformed wpy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrumea4 � y F
<br /> � 17.Transter of the Property or a Ben�dal In3erest m Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it is � . �. :�,r
<br /> sold or uansfeired(or Lf a ben e�iaal int�st in Bonawer is sold or uansfer�ed and Borrowed is not a nauual person)without � , __
<br /> L.ender's prior wriuen consent,Lender may,at its oprion,reiluire immediste payment in full of all sums secum,d by th�s Securiry E - ,
<br /> i Insuument However,this option shall not be exercised by Leader if exercise u protubited lsy federal law as of the date of this t `� x •
<br /> Seaaity Instrument f -- - . —
<br /> � If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of accelaation.'It�e notice shall provide a period af not less f . , _
<br />- ti�an 30 days from the date the notice i�delivered or�ailed within ahich B�rrov�er must pay all sums s�ure�by this Securiry ! . �. -
<br /> InstNmeni.If Bonower faiLs to pay these svms prior to the expiration of this periad.Lender may invoke any remedies permiued + � .
<br /> � by this Security Inson�ment withaut fu�er norice ar deanaud ap Bflrrower. � , '
<br /> � 18.Borrowrer's Right to Reins9�4e. � ��R+� m� � �ndirions, Bonower shall have the right w have � ,
<br /> enfom.ement of Wis Security Enstr�ment disconpnued at any time prior w the earliea of: (a) S days(or such other peacod as t '
<br /> applic�ble law may specify for reinstatem�t)before sate of the Property puisuant ro any power of sale contained in tbis Saauity
<br /> Insaument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfo�mg thiis Secarity tnsaument Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)PaYs Lendea all . � - - �
<br /> sutns wiuch then would be due un�er th�s Seauity Insuumeut and dce Note as if no acceleiation hsd oc�ured; @)aues anY � ' ` =
<br /> � _
<br /> default of any othar covenants or agreements:(c)PaYs all exPenses iaciured in enforca►g this Security Insuument,includmg,but { . ,,. .
<br /> " not lamited tQ,reasonable aitomsys'fees;and(d)takes sach action as Lendea may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this . - �
<br /> Seauity Instrumemt, L.ender's nghts in the Progerty and Barrower's obligation w pay the sums secured by this S�uriry �. . . .� ;�-"�'"'
<br /> `� Instrument shall continue unchanged.Upon reinstatement by Borrowea,this Sec�uity Instrument and the obligaflons sc;cured . . .. �r:
<br /> ' heaeby shall remau�ftiliy eff'ecti�ve as if no acceleration had occarred Howevex,this right to reins�tc shajl aot apply in the case of . . . . , 3,
<br /> accele�atioa under par�graph 17. � �,
<br /> 19.3ale af Nate,Change ot Loa�n.Servicer. 'llie Notc or a pardal inrraest in the Note (tngether with this Security . _ g_:e
<br /> Insttument)may be sold one or more tunes without prior notice w Borrower.A sale may res�h in a change m the enrity(known '.. '�
<br /> a4 the"I.oan Searvicet')tl�at collects monthly paymencs due under the Note and this Secarity Instrumen�'Il►ere also may be ane or . . � ,'.- .�,�-'�:_
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicea unrelaLed to a sale of the Note.1€theae is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be .. �� �^•?�
<br /> ! given written notice of ihe change in aocardauce wiW paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The nati�wi1i s�taic the nasue and • � --
<br /> tte •��'1_
<br /> - address of the new Iaan Sezvicea and the address to wtrich paymenis shoWd be made.i he norice will also contau�any other `�r
<br /> �'��' infom�tion�quired by applicable law. j:�', ..�
<br /> 1A.Ha7ardans Sabstances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the gresence, use, • :� .
<br /> � ll disposal, stniage. or release of any ��'�� • ..
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor allow a�►yone else to do,anything affeain8 the PropeatY `
<br />, . that is in violarion of aay F�viranmentel Law.'It�e preceding two sentences shall noi apPly w the presence,use,or storage on the : ; t�!'.'.�. .-
<br /> Piopeaty of small quantities of Ha7ardous Substances that are genetally recognizzed w be appmpriate w normal residential uses • '�
<br /> gni `
<br /> and w maint,e�ce of tha Property. � �� '.� ,;1..
<br /> . �, . .. .
<br /> Borroaer shall promptly give I.eadea written notice of any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other action by any ¢
<br /> goveanmenial or regulatory agency or pnvatc party involving the Propeny and any Hazardoas Substance or Environmental Laa . • ���` ','. � '`; ',:
<br /> nm
<br /> of wtucb Boirower has achial lmowledge.If Borrower leams,or is nonfied by any govemmental or regularory authority.that any �� � -� ,�,�. .,� •
<br /> removal or othea remediarion of any Hazardous Subsiauce affecsing tlie Propeaty �s necessary,Bo�wer shall promptly take all ' • . ,_ �;�k�'
<br /> necessary remedial actions in accord�nce arith Environmental Law. .*j 9
<br /> � As used in this paragiaph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those sabstances defined as toxic or ha7ardous substances by � v i� _,
<br /> Environmental Law and the followmg substances: gasolia�e, kesosene� oiher flammable or toxic peuoleum �roducts, wuc . , � . . F
<br /> pesdcides and herbicides,volatile sotvent4,matenaLs contannag asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacave matea�als.As used in , '�' , x;� . `
<br /> i8 Il
<br /> this pata g r a ph 20,"Fnviranmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry is located that relatc . � :- -- r, �:
<br /> to health,safety or environmental prot�ction. �'�_
<br /> . � . . . �:�':.r:
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Leader fuithea cover.ant and agee as follows: "` '
<br /> Zl.Acceleratioa;Remedles.Lender shall glve notice to Borrower prtor to acce[eration folfow[mg Borrower's breac6 of - . ' •��
<br /> ...
<br />� any coveaant or agreement in Shis Secariiy Iastrament (but noi prtor to acceleratton under paregraph 17 nnles9 � ��
<br /> . applkabk law provides othera+�se).The natice s6all specify:(a)the defaula;(b)the action required to cure the defaait;(c) ,,1�..`''°°"''`'�.
<br /> a date,not less than 30 daya f}om the date the notice is given to Barrower,by which the default mvst be cured;and(d)
<br /> tl�t ta�lure to care the defaatt on or before t6e date spedtied in the no8ce may result in acceleratton of the snms secured . _ �'^�'�.
<br /> n ����._
<br /> by thi9 Securjty Instrument and sale ot the Property.TE�e notioe shatl fnrther Inform Borrower of the right to reinstate �''�'�
<br /> after acoeleradon and the right to 6ring a coart adion to assert tde non�adsteuce of a detaolt or any other detenEe ot : .''ti,�;�'_� `:
<br /> Borrawer to acceleration and sate.U the default is not cured on or 6efore the date specified In the notice,Leuder,ai its , • � •� �" _
<br /> : optloa,may reqaire immediate payme�t in fuD of aU snms secured by tht�Secarity Inistrument w[Wout further demand . • � ��'' '
<br /> • and may invo&e the power ot sale and any other remedies permitted by appllcable Iaw.Lender s6sD be entitted to collect : _ �.._
<br /> : all e�penses incnrre� in pursuing t6e remedIes provided in th�s paragraph 21,includtng,bat no!limited to�reasonabte ' ° ' �.--��
<br /> attoraeys'tees and costs of title evtdence. � . ' �
<br /> � It t6e Rower of sale i� invoiced,Trustee shall record a notice ot defauit tn each rnuaty in w6ic6 any part ot the
<br /> Property�v lacated aud shall maU coyies of suc6 notice in the manner prescrtbed by applicable faw to Horrower and to the � _
<br /> � . other persoas preseribeA by applicable law.ARer t6e time required by applica6le law,Trustee shall give publlc notice of • �
<br /> sale to the persons and in the manner prescri6ed by applicable taw.Tn�stee,without demand oa Borrower,shall sell the � �
<br /> Piroperty at public auction to the highest 6ldder at tl�e ttme and pl�ce and under the terms d�tgnated in t6e notice ot sak • . • �
<br /> . � Form 3028 9/90 I _ ' • :
<br /> 1 �-BR(NE)�o2�zl.o+ vaoesae inmaia: E �
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