'� _ . . . . / . _ . . C . ._ .
<br /> , . . . - . `. . . ` . � . - � . _ . �� . . � . . _ �.- ..- . . _ _-.' �:S:LFi
<br /> - .• ' ' . . , � . � . ' .. . . - , � .. ` - . `;� —
<br /> , . ; • a � _( ' , ' . ' . . • � . � .. � ' ', ., . .... .,....., ' �. _ � a�:�.
<br />.. ,�u. . ., � ... . • _.t.' L.' ""'_""' �.�..._—.._.. _. _. _.. � . • . �- • � V� , 1 .` . � �Y;_��.
<br /> .� �`�� �(��2`,��3 t ' � . . � y�. ..
<br /> payments may no longer be reqnired.ai the oprion of Lender, if mortga�e ins�uance coverage(in ttie amount and for the period � ` �7
<br /> that L.ender requi�es)prnvided by an insarer appmved by I.ender again becames available and is obrait►ed.Borrower shall pay the , ,�
<br /> premiums�equired ro maintain mortgige insurance in effect, or tn pmvide a loss reserve,until the requsement foz martgage � • - �
<br /> �ance ends in a�cordance with any written agreemea�t between Bonowe,r and Lender or applicxble law. i
<br /> 9.InspecGian. Lend�r or its agent may make reasonabte entries upon ansi inspecaons of the Pcoperty.Lender shall give � . :`-l . :
<br />_ Borrower notice at the time oi or prior w aa inspecdon spe�afying reasanante cai�se far ine;n,ya:u��. � - . —• =-----_ ,
<br /> . � 10.Con�iemnatioa The proceeds of ar►y award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, ;n conneciion with any � _ • . . -:---- - -
<br /> : � condemnarion or other taking of any part of�ha Propexty,or for conveyance in lieu of wndemnauon.are hereby assigned and " -, - --—��� � ` '
<br /> shall be paid w I.eader. � -'-- - --
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,the proo�ds shall he appHed w the sums s�cured by ti�is Securiry Insmunent, I� '� . ;
<br /> w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e n d u e,w i t b a n y e a c e s s p a id to Borrow�.In the event of a p a ro a l taldng of the Propeny in w}uch the fair market � . . . �
<br />� value of the Pcoperty unmediately before the ta�dng is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by tdis Seciuity ..' �.' �r..-,
<br /> Instrumeut immediately before the taku►g, uriless Borrower and Lendea otherwise agree in writin ,the su�ns secured b this �'� . � ---
<br /> g Y � ;..'::;�-;::'�.-
<br /> . Secarity Insutunsat shall be reduced hy the amount of We proceeds muldplied by the following frac6or�(a)the tntai amaunt of � . � =` �
<br /> the sums secured immediately befare the taking>divided by @)the fair marlcet walue of the Property inunediately before the • Y-Y-
<br /> ta3ang.Any balance shall be paid w Sorrower.ln the eveat of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair marlcet value of the , , .r, � �� . •-
<br /> Propeaty immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the s�nns secured immediately before the talang, unless � �-�`��""�-='—
<br /> x..,.�_.,,�...,
<br /> Borrower and Lenda othawise agree in writing or unless applicxble taw o�eiwise Provides,the pmceeds shail be applied tn the -�;.�_
<br /> ' snms se�aued by this Secarity Inst�umeat whether or not the sums are then due. � . � �„}����
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,aftrr notice by Leader to Borrower that the wndemnor offers w make an � : -.—
<br /> � award or seWe a claim for damages,Borrower faiLs tn respond tn Lendea withII►30 days after the dare the norice is given,I.ende�r � . ;� �F' �.`
<br /> � is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,ai its aption.eithar w restotarion or repair of the Property or to the sums secured -T_-�- ��-��
<br /> b y t h i s S e c u ri ty Instrumen t,whether or not then due. . :�£--: ---
<br /> Unless L.ender and BomawPa otlneawise agee in writing,any applicauon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone . . _. ;Ir'.��"�
<br /> d►e due date of the monthty payments referred w in paragrephs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of such payments. . . • � ��y�;= ;'.�
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Re�eased;Forbearaace By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification �3r : � '. :-�-
<br /> of amordr�tion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bonower shall "`.`''' �,.. { ...
<br /> not op�rate ro release the liab�ity of the original Borrowes or Bonower's successors in intere,st.L.ender shall aot be required to � � ' .
<br /> commence pmceedings against any successor in interest or refuse tn extend time for payme�t or otherwise modify amortizarion of � �� .`�`
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors ; '"• ��� �;��=�; . : _ --
<br /> in interest Aay forbearance by Lender in exentising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any .� � . • �;'t � _
<br /> .' right or remedy. • •->-: �,� �
<br /> V•'
<br /> s}�i':�i„
<br /> � 12.Saccessors aad Assigns Bonnd;Joint and Several Liability;Casigners. The coveaants and agreements of this ,,�� , ;;��� '. �°
<br /> ." Security Inst�ument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lendea and Boaower, subject to the provisions of ,
<br /> ' h IT. Borrower's covenants and agreements s6all be joint and sevezal. Any Borrower who co-sigus this Security �'�'�'� '
<br /> '�:.. . �+•.
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is oo-signing ahis Seciuity Inspvment only w martgage,grar►t and convey that ���' - t ..
<br /> gra►
<br /> --.��
<br /> • Bomowa's inteaest in the Propeaty under the terms of this Security lnsuument; (b)is not petsonally obligated to pay the sums . . ':;�'�?�
<br /> secured by this Saauity Insuumen�and(c)agrees that Lender and any othea Borrowea may agree to eactend,modify,fnrbear or �``�-��----
<br /> make any accommodations with r,zgard to the teams of this Secauiry Instrument or the Note without that Borrowar's consent Y"��"Y�'"':�-.,�`��f'.� _--- •
<br /> . 13.Loan Chuges. If the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject w a law which sets maximum loan charges, . .;�.�.,.a��'-r-:-
<br /> � and that law is finally interpreted so that the inteaest or other loan charges collected or w be collect�d in connection with the loan � '"�� _:_;.
<br /> pr
<br /> ,.. .—
<br /> e�cceed the peamit�ed limits,then: (a)any such lo�charge shall be reduced by the amount nec�ssary w reduce the charge w the ,���..�.�,.�_M —
<br /> � permitted limifi and(b)any sums almady collected from Bomnwer which eaceeded pe:miued limits will be refanded to Borroaer. ..�:�,,„; _ .� "�
<br /> _ Lender may chaose w make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment t� -:.,� , ,� � ---
<br /> Borrower. If a refund reduccs principal,the reduction will be ueat�d as a paitial prepayment without any prepayment charge --'_
<br /> undea the Note. � � —...
<br /> - 14.NotIces. An notice w Borrower rovided for in this Se�aui Instrument shall be rven b deliverin it or b mailin it "-z`�' = -
<br /> . Y P �i' S Y S Y �� .;_ ,z.,'�
<br />