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<br /> in oae or more paroels aad in anp ardes Trastee d2termines. Trusterz may pastpone s�afe of all or any parcel of the . , . `� �`'�
<br /> � Property by pnblic annoancement at!he time and place of any previously schednl�d sala Le�der or its designee may . •: . �<<, .'
<br /> i Pnrchase the AmpPriy at gny s&[�. � "�•=
<br /> `ti llpon receipt of paymeat of the prtse b€d, Trustee shall deliver to the pwchaser Tros4ee's deed rnnveytng the , ; ° `
<br /> $ Properiy.T[ie recitaLs dn ti�e TaasLee's deed s�a1i be psdma iasie evideace of the tratb of fhe statemeats made�erein. • , • .
<br />--�y Tr�tee s6aD aPPt9 the praceed4 of the sak in the foIIowing order: (a)to aIl costs aad e�ensPS of exerdsIng ttie powe�of ' � . :
<br /> _ �te,a�i th..�sa�,dnsmslhsg t�pagmeat a�the TrnsiQe's Pe�s ac8e�4p IncQned,got to exceetl 3.oo a % - = -- --- --->
<br /> • of 4he princtpal annannt of t�e note�4 t�e time ot t[ie derlarAttnn of deP�nit,and reasonabte attorneys'fePS as permitted by � "
<br /> levr(b)W aII soins secareal by i�i�S �ngtrament;and(c)anp escess to the person or p2rsans legally entitt�f to iL , . ��. ' , .
<br /> so ns �ity
<br /> , 22.Reconveyaace. Upon payment o� all sums sectued by this Se�uriry In.snvment, Lender shall reqnest Tmstee to �. :.':...,,�:,,.._;,;;,�._.:., �
<br /> , ieconvey the Progeny and shall s�mce�dea this Security Instrument and aII notes evidencing debi secured by this Sec�rity f._.. ; . ...-
<br /> Ins�r�ment m Truste�.Trustee sdall recunvey We Property withaut wananty and without charge w the peason or peasons legally -,. - -�'�`"
<br /> � ea�dtted w it Such n or ns sdall . ,- ;=:'W�<'-Y�''�
<br /> P� P� YmY any r�ordation costs. �—�•:--
<br /> . ?.3.Snbstitute Trastee. Lendes,at its option,may from time to tima remove Tn�stee and appomt a successor orustee to anY ,� "''.:`=—;.,:__--
<br /> .;�'�;'�`�_ . ..
<br /> Trustee appOinled heTeund�by au ' �mant recarded in the cAtmty in wtucll dus Secvrity InStrumertL is teCOrded.�ihouL " .__�'�___
<br /> conveyrancc of the Propeaty,the successor tnutee shail succeed to aIl the titte,power and duties wnferre�upon Tiustee hereui and . ... � �_o„�,�=.�
<br /> by agplicabte law. F �.. ` '`.• ..
<br /> �• 24.Reqaest fqr Notices. Boirowea requests that cogies of the nouces of default and sale be sent to Boirower's address �����'
<br /> ��. which is the Propert�r�Addr�.ss. , ""-J�`�-�.
<br /> ; ?S.Rtdc�rs fo t6 Secarity instroffien� If one or more rideis are exeaited by Borrower and recorded tngether with t6is __ �t-�-�=•
<br /> SecaritY Instrament,the wvenants and agree�nts of each sucd rider sLall be incorpordted into and s6all ame�d and su�p2emeat .•. .. .�-„�-'�°` _�
<br /> the covenants and agcements of ttris Seauity Insn�umeat as if the rider(s)weae a part of this Secnrity Instnunent ,.Y� . - , "�
<br /> Check licable box es j�
<br /> r.� [ �P ( )l �.,�;,:,-`: - -�'�:�
<br /> LJ Ad,jnsisble Rate Ridcx 0 Condominium Ridea []1-0 Fa�y Rider - --.='•-- .., -.,.':'�;
<br /> �Graduaied Paymeat Rider �Planned Uait IIevetapment Rider []Biweekly Payment Rider . ` ';��`
<br /> (�Balloou Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider -..�'�:^ ..��:.:
<br /> 7�[ Asaiqnmeata of Rent ��� �
<br /> �c. 0 VA Rider 0 Olhet(s)[SpeCifYJ ,;.,{;' _:„�;
<br /> ,. �
<br /> •�• -
<br /> . • ti.
<br /> BY SIGNINt3 BELOW,Borrower . . -:.:`.;�'.�
<br /> accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained'm tbis Sec�ttity Insuuiuent and in - ....#�, ,
<br /> any rider(s)executed by Boaower and recorded with it � <��•�
<br /> �
<br /> wime.sses: - .:k�� ;
<br />' (Seal) " tc . -
<br /> ONALD R MASON .Bar.swer .. r� .
<br /> � .
<br />,.; /j %'T 3r�-."
<br /> d (A•�������"v ($�al) � . _
<br /> � . .... �
<br /> DORIS A MASON - - '�
<br /> -Sorroaer �" - -
<br /> .:��,rr-- - -:.
<br /> ��'�� �S�\ . :tn.��d:anr��i� ,
<br /> J y r� ue,-;, �
<br /> -Borrower -Ba:rower �--
<br /> 1-',�'a"� • ..
<br /> � - -
<br />. State of Nebrasica, �L Cannty ss: � �"�`.'�� __
<br /> 'Ihe foregoing�su�ment was actrnowiedged before me this 31ST �y of MZ►ttCH � 1997 . -�����, _�
<br /> bY DONALD R MASON AND DORIS A MASON, HlJS811ND AND WIPE • � M'�y'�:,�_��".°'
<br /> �tness my haad and aotarial seal at GRArrD IsLAN�. RASttP, in said County the date aforesaid. .�.-�r`,«::��,.;.. .
<br /> MyCoaunissionExpires: GEHERAIROT�AY•St�teatNeDrosla � /����y2�' `c.-� _�_.;+_- --
<br /> � OEBORIIH L N1MBlE Naury Pablic
<br /> Mhtomm.up.idot.Y3.1999 '���'�'- r`,-�-� •
<br /> �- +��.:
<br /> '•r,' �_
<br /> _ �- ' ��i���'.
<br /> , '��.i•4Kj�1�`1.••'
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<br /> .,'o �, . .
<br /> �•8fl(HL�(o2t2J.Ot Papo e of o Form 3028 9190 - : _
<br /> � 630-6� ' , �
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