• 03-20-�9�� D�ED OF TRUST P8�y . . �.
<br /> co�u�u�� 97�- g(l2��0 �.:�
<br /> �g�n No 441251 � _
<br /> of such rents,issues and profits,and the apD�iCado���eof shall not Cure or waiva eny defautt or no�Ce of de4suit urtdar thts Deed of Trust .`;�
<br /> a�����a���R�,;�,�,�,e����.i,kra,rf�oursua�to such no�oe of dafauifi and,no��dlny tho continuance in _
<br /> possession iri��� ?s�.'"��L��'nn_rcnelnt and appliCation of rents. issues ar profits.Trust9e or Lendec shell be erttitletl to _�
<br /> exercise every riqht provlded tor in ths Note or tha Ftelated Documents or by la+x upon ths acurrence ot any evsrti of deisuii,irtduwr�i�'� ;•s
<br /> dght to exercise the Power of sa10; -
<br /> (b) Commenoe an acUon to foreclase 1hLt 0�d ot Trust as a mortaage,appdnt a rec:etve�or sPecifl��Y enforce any of the covenants �•
<br /> nereof,and °:
<br /> (c) Deliver to Trustee a written dedaration oi defauh and deniand for sale anC a written noike cf detautt and etecHon to cause Trustora .!
<br /> lnterest in ihe PropeAy to be sdd.whtch notice Trustee shall cause to be duly fited�O��d in Lhe appropriate oftices ot the County in
<br /> which the P►operty is located:and ."�
<br /> l� Nfith respect to ali ar any part ot the Personel PropertY�Lender shaN have all the rtghfs and remedies of a secured party under the �
<br /> Nebraska Uni(orm Commardal CotlB. .
<br /> FQ�p�,���yy ppy�r�y p}g�, i}Lander e1ec15 tn foredo�e by exereise of ihe Power of Sele hePein contained,Lender shail notity Truslee and
<br /> s1�au dsposit with Trustee thls Deed of Trust and the Note and such reoelpts end evfdenee of e�enditures made and secure0 by thts Deed of �,
<br /> Trust es Trwtaa m&y requtre. . _
<br /> i�j �y�n�-v��v���:�,l:r�r•,^�'„r"•!°•.T.,�ow cn�e cause to be reccrdad,pubiishad end deGvered to Trustor such Notioe oi Deffiutt , __
<br /> ' 8nd N01iCe Of Sete&S then tequ(red by 1&w 8nd by thls Deed of Trust Trustee shell,witT�OUt aemand ori T�wiui,arroi'siii.Y�Y+�s3 8���a►r � —
<br /> •� ihen be requlred by Iflw and after recordation of Such Notice of Defauit and after Notloe of Sele havinp been qiven es requlred by Iaw.se�l =
<br /> tlie Property at the 6me and ptace of sate fnced by ft in such Nofice of Sale,eiths►es a whoie,or in separale lots a parceis or dems as
<br /> � Trustae sheii deem expedient,and fn such order as d maY���a!p�ifc audfa:.to the hiphest bidder for cesh(n tawfu!money ot t
<br /> deeds conve�ylny th¢p o08erty so d�b wfthou�i a�nY��to s���ap��TPsa rcctL°ts!�n such d�sd af�arry matte+s � -__ _
<br /> a tacts shs0 be condusive proot of ihe truthtutness thareot My person,InduQfnB without pmita�on Tnistor,Trustea,or Lende.rr�Y , .
<br /> purchase 8tsnch saia � —
<br /> (b) As may be pennitted by lavr,after deducdny etl cosls.(ees and�ens5s of Tnistaa end of ttUs Trusf,induding costs of evidence of � ,
<br /> tiUe in connectlon with sala Tnistee shali apAly the P�esds ot sele to PaYme^�of (�8�sums�ended under the tertns ot this Oeed of
<br /> Tnist u under the tertns ot the Note noi then repeid indudlnp but not Omited to aaxued intetest and Iafe chargss. M e0 other surr�s ther► -���
<br /> secured hetebY.end f�)the remainder.ft etry,to the Person or Persor�s Iegally entiUed fhereto. `
<br /> (c) Tnufee may in tha manner provtdod by law postpone sala of all or any portlon of trye Property. ���
<br /> RemEdtes Mot Exclwive. Trustee and Lender,and each of them,shali be enBfled to eniorce payment and pertomiance of any indebtedness . . ���,�•
<br /> or a66gations seaued by this Daed of Tnut and W exercise ell dghls and powers under this Deed of Trust,und5r the Note,under any of the . _
<br /> Retated Oocuments,or under 8rty other a�eement or eny laws now or Aereafter In farce:nohv(thstanding,some or atl of such indebtadness , ;:
<br /> artd obtigatlor�s secured by this Deed of Tnut may now or hereafter be othe�wtse secured,whether by moRpage,deed of hust,pledye.Aon. :,_.s��f,
<br /> ����►pr o1h�w�e. Neqthgr the acceptarice oT this Deed of Trust nor ib enforcement,whether by court ecUon or pursuant to the power of � .� .�,��: .;!; ._.
<br /> � sale or other powers contained in this Deed ot Tnut,sl�ail preJuNoe or in any manner aNecl Tnisteas a Londers riah!to ceaAze upon or �.-.
<br /> e�+tarce any other secur(tY now or herenfter hsid by Trustee or Lender.it hetnp apreed that Tnistee aed Lender,and esch of them,shaA be � s �1 �-.
<br /> erdttled to enforoe this Deed o!Tnut and r+ny other security now ot hereafter heid by Lender or Trwtes in such order and manner as they or
<br /> either p}the�n rr�ay in iheir absolute discretton detertnine. No remedy conferted upon or�eserved to Tnatee or Lender.is(ntended to be ,
<br /> e�odustve ot any other ramedy in thts Oaed of Trust or by law provldad or perm(tted,bul each shaU be cumutaUve and shefl be tn ad�tion to .. ��
<br /> Bvaryr ott�er�emedy given in this Deed ot Trust or now or hereatter e�dst►n9 at law or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy qhren by the �
<br /> Note or any of fhe Related Documents to Trustee or Lender or to whfch efthet ot them maY be otherwLse entitfed. maY be�r�d. . ..•� _
<br /> concurren6'y or independentty.from tlme to tlme and as often es may be deemed e�edient by Trustee or Lender.and eilf��r of tham may
<br /> piusua tiscorss�ton2 rerr�d�s. Nothlnp in this Deed of Trust sha0 be eonstrued as prohibtdnp Lender Nom seeldng a deflciency ludyreient . --�,:, �, _
<br /> • agahtst the Tn�sta to t7�e extent such actlon is permiHed bY�aw. ( :;� ,., aos-'
<br /> , Requsst Fa Hotke. Tnutor,on behal!of Tnistor and Lender.hereby requens that a copy of any Noticce of DefaWt and e copy at anY NoUce t ,+Q}�� _
<br /> e
<br /> of Se►9 undar this Osed of Trwt be mailed to them at the aEdrasses sot forth in the flrst parapa+Oh o}Ihls Daod of Tnisf. ,
<br /> Wat��r;pxtion o!Remedtea. A watver by anY CertY of a bre4ch of a provfsion of this Deed of Trust sh�fl not consUtute a waiver ot a , - �,��,�x� •
<br /> p�ajodice iha part�/s riphb otherwlse to demand strict compliance w►th that provfslon or erry other provlsion. EfacUon by Lendw to pursue ar►1► ,
<br /> renwdy provtded in this Doed of Trust,the Note,in any Retated Documant,a provldad by Inw st�9 not axduda pursutt of�ny othw romody, "�:�:�
<br /> anE an etectlon M make e�enditure5 or to talce ecUOn to pertorm an obUqatlon of Trtutu under thts Dced of Trust afler fellurc�of Tnista to •f ,`�.�
<br /> " perlam sheN nol atied Lenders rlpAl to dectare a defautt and to exercise any oT ib rert�edies. =,�`
<br /> AttorMya'F�a,;E�cpen�es. 8 Lender instltutes any suf!or a�UOn to enfores any of the terms of this Deed of Tnist,Lendzr shaA bs enUllad to �,,�. ���
<br /> recover sucl�sum as the court mny adjudpe reasonabb as attomeys'fees at Mat and on anyr appeal. VI►hethe►or not any coutt actlon b ,
<br /> Invdved.a9[a�sorsabto a�enses incurred by Lender whkh In Lendar's opinion are neoessary at arry tlme tor the protecdon ot f!s interest a the � �'_
<br /> a ---
<br /> enfaoement of i1s riphts shali become a paA of the Indebtedne�payabte on demand and sha0 bear ioter�t at the Nota rato irom Uw Eata of .
<br /> e�enditure unUl repaid. F�enses covared by this Paragrnph Include.without OmitaUon,however sub}ect to any Umits under apAlir.abie Iaw, �•,�_.,�,_,�..-
<br /> Lende$attomeys'fees whether ar not there is a I�wsuit,Indudlna attomeys'fees fu baniwptcy proceed�nps n�dudlnp eiforts to modity a ` �
<br /> vac4te any eutomatic stay or InjuncUon), appea�s and any antblpated post Judymem coflectlon sorvfees.the cost of seuch�np �ecor�s. • —
<br /> � ob�ining Urie reports Qndudnp forectosure repoAs).surveyors'repoNS.r+pA��,�i+���•8^d fees for the Tnutae.to the e�dent .
<br /> perm(tted by apDlicable lew• Trusta atso wi➢pey eny court costs,in addiUon to eD othe►sums Drovided by tew.
<br /> Al�t�of TrustQO. Trustea shaA have e1!o}ths rlphb and duties o7 Londer es set forth in thb sectlon. I '
<br /> ppWE6i$Q[�,iD C�L[til1Y[ONS OF TRUSTEE The toilowing provtslons retaUng to the power,►and oblip4tlons of Trustee o»part ot thLs Deod of � �":
<br /> TruSt. . -
<br /> �
<br /> � Paran of Tru�t�e. In addlUon to att powers o!Trustee eifslnp as a mafier of law,Trustee shali Aave lhe pawer to toka the loilowlry ac8ons � , _
<br /> wlih respect to the P►opsAy upon the writton request of Lender and Ttustor: (e)Jdn In prepariny and filinp a map or pfat of the Reat ProperlY. ! `_
<br /> indudinp the dedk;aUOn ot steets a other riphts to ihe pubNO; (b)Jdn tn qranUnp any sosement a txeaHrp anY restrictlon on the Real PropeAY. f �
<br /> and(c)jWn In nrry subordirsa"on or oiher apreemant atfectlnp this Deed of Tnist a the Interest o}Lsnde�undqr thb Dead al Trust. f
<br /> Tnui�e. Trustee ahaU rneet all queTiflcatlons requked ta Trustee undar eppOCabte 1aw. In additlon to tlie Aph�and nrtwNas set torth�bove. —
<br /> with r�sect to oH a any part of the PropeRy,the Tnutee ahaD have the rfp�t to fa�ctos�by naUoe snd safe,and Lender sha11 haw Ihe�Ipt+t to .
<br /> tareclose by judWW tondosurs.in Nther easo�n accordenoe w(th and to the fuB exlet�t provided by app!lcabb law. i
<br /> Sueewo►Tru�te�. Lender,at Lenderg opUon,may from tlme to tlme eppolnt e sucoossa►Trustee to any Trustee appointad hereunder by an ! --_��
<br /> ; instrumer�executed and acknowted0ed bY LeRder And racardod lo ths oNloa o!the recorder ot HALL County.Ne4reska. The ir�trumsnt shs!! �
<br /> icanlain,in additlon to all other maiters requVed by state taw,tho names o}the orq►nrJ Lender.Trustee,and Trustor.the book and pape(o+ �"
<br /> � oomputer system reterer�ce)where this Deed of Trust Is recorded,and the name and addrass ot the suooe�'.,sar trustea,and the ins4ument shaH ��
<br /> i tr���ecuted and acknow�dged Oy aY the 6eneflclarios undel the Doed of Tntst or thelr successors in int�aresl The sucassa trusfee.without
<br /> conveyance o!ihe ProperN.shal�succaed to all the titte,power,and duUes cnnterred upon tfie Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by eppi�abio
<br /> i taw.This procedure ta substihrtton of trustes shali povem to the exetusion ot aB other provlsior�a tor subsUlWon. �
<br /> ' HOTICE9 TO TRU9TOR AM�OTiER FART�ES.My noHce under thls Deed of Tn�st shaN be in wriUn�,may be be sent by telefatsimilia,and aheB ---
<br /> be eltE�cUvB when aclualtY delhrered,a when deposited with a nationeoy recopnl�d overnlA��d b ttie a�ddresses shown neer�he bepin�ng ot
<br /> his D�eed o!Tretat�tMY P�Y meY��� 1��8ddress fot�o�tices un)der h1s Deed of Trust by qlNnp fwmal wrltten notbe to the other pfuUss. '�
<br /> SD�M�9 tAat the purpose of the noUce b to ehange the partys 8ddress. All coples o}noUoes of forociosure hom the hdder of ttny�sn which has
<br /> �_
<br /> priorlry ov�this Deod of Trust shall be sent to Lendsr's address,as shown ne+u tho beglnning ot ihis Oeed ot Trus� For notloe purposes.Tnutm
<br /> agrees to keep lender and Trustee intormod at a11 llmes of Tnutors current eQdress.
<br /> �_-..
<br /> MISCt11ANE0US PROVISlOMS. The fottowinp miscelleneAUS provfsions are a part o}this Ossd ot Trust:
<br /> pmendmtnls.This Oeod of Trust,together with eny Related OopYments,constltutes the enUro understanding and agreement of the pardas es ._._
<br /> to the matteB set foRA In thks Deed of Trust. No alteration o}or amendment to this Deed o!Trust Shali be etteCtive unless yivan in writing and �
<br /> ;�r�py�Q�y qr qames sought to be cherged a bound by Ihe alferatlon or amendmenL .. ,
<br /> � -_
<br /> -- �_�•.
<br /> .-T--� , . .
<br /> ' _ .. � � , t'_ , T _ . . . . _ • • ...• . '.. . ` .. . :• ., . • t�' ' •' .
<br /> «� , ' . �. 1 ,.��, . .•�.. � .. ' • ' ' , ' . • .. � . . ' �
<br /> � - . . .. . _ . . • •. .. . . . . . . ,
<br />