<br /> 03-24-1997 DEED O��IiST i��t�e 4 . .
<br /> Loan t10 449261 (Cmntlna[e� ����i�°�� , ,-.
<br /> Tates. The faUowis�g shait constitute taxes to wh�h tlu's Sectlon app(fes: (a)a specc;iflc tax�on thls tyrpe af Oeed of Trust or upon aA w any -
<br /> part of ttes Indebfadness secured by this Dt�F� �t�m�of D d�of�rtuk fc1�a tax on�this lyDe o Deed af Tnst�charQeabie e0alnst the Le�ar � �
<br /> p8ymcn;J in�ii.e��tiw!8d�`-�F°f�-Y :x:'.
<br /> .��o���.�,u..,,,,��-g,.+� ,.�;Q v,Adftc tax on ali w anY Oordon of the Indebtednsss or on peyme�of prir�Ra!end�mtrest mado oy _
<br /> TruStor. :T
<br /> ${iWqUenl T�7t0�. If eny tax to wtdch thls seeBOn eypites is enadsd SubsaQusnt to the dats of WS De9d of TnBi.Ws evant shail have the �:
<br /> sams elisct ss an Event of Defautt(as deflned beiow).and Lender msY�e anY w all at its avaiiabte romedles for en Event of DeTautt as
<br /> provi6ed bdow unless Trustor etthar (a)PaYs the iax before it becomes ddinquent,or (b)corrtesfs tha te�c as Drovlded abave in the Tax�and
<br /> Uer�s secHon and depostts wfth Lender cash or a sufftdent cor{sarate surety bond or other securftY��s4ada5►to Lend�.
<br /> SE(�tITY AGR�ENT:FlNANCING SYA7EliAENTS. The fdlowinp provstons retatlnq to thts Dsed ot Trust es a secu►flY eqreemen!are a part of .
<br /> this Qeed of Trust. ;
<br /> �ri?�r dl�gCenenL ThSs instrument shell corstitute a s�xrrft�r a9���r�t to the e�dent any of the Pro�ertY consUtutes Podures or other ;
<br /> personal property�and Lender shaU have e0 of the dgfits of a secured parly un6er the Unfform Cammerctat Co6e es amended from tima to i
<br /> �ttrna ,
<br /> Seqtrity InAeresL Upan cequest by Lender.Trustor shafl e�cscute finaticfrp statements an0 take wtia4evar othw acUon ts rsquested by Lender j . ,
<br /> to pariect and conHnue Lenders security Intecest in the Renis and Personel Praperly- In addiUon to recordinp d�ls Deed of Tnut tn the real � v
<br /> cropeM recards.Lon@sr may.at any tlma and wHhout furttwr authoriffitton trom Tnstcr.fde executed counterP�.coDt�ar reproductians of �
<br /> th(S Oeed of Trust es B financtr�statHmeni. Tnsior siraII r5im�ur�La��t.��sx^^:..�itxtrr.�Ln��!t�er r.nnUnuino this sectuflY : ---.----
<br /> interest Upon defaWt,Trustor shaU essemb�e the Personal PropsAy in a manner and at a place reasonablY conveMent to Tnutor and Lsndet `
<br /> � and malca ft available to Lender within three(3)days aft�x reoetpt ot vrrltf�n demand!rom lender. ;
<br /> gran�t�thts Deed o}Trust�abtalned�(e(ach as�requfr d b�the Unitortn C�omm�rdal Code)��stated on thenflrst page of this Oeed ` , ' .
<br /> of Trust. --- -
<br /> FUi�T1fA ASSUFiMlCES:ATTOfi1�Y-IH-FACT. Tho fo(towinp provlsior►s relatlnp to furthar assuraness end aitomay-ir►-tad ere a part of thL3 . :
<br /> . Deed of Trust. � . ;.
<br /> Furth�s ptwrsr�ea. At any tfine,and from llme to tlme,upon request of Lender.Tnestor w91 make.execute and deHvsr,or u�l cause to be � . �
<br /> � made.executed or deavered,to Lender a to Lenders designes.and wtwn reqt�ested by Lender.cause to ba f�ed.recorded.refitad.a y ., .Y
<br /> reiecorded,es the cese may be,et such tlmes and in such otRces and ptac��s es t.ender may deom apPropriate,a�ry and all such mortya�es, '
<br /> deeQs of trust.seCUrfry deeds.seauitY ayreemerds,flnandny statemertts.contlnuation statemerds.InSWments of huther assuratxe.�tes, `•
<br /> ' and other docurtwnis as may.In the sole opinion of Lender,be�rY or des�able�rt order to effectuate,compteRa.PeAacf.co��•�► '
<br /> preserve (a)the oblipaUons of Ttustar undar the Note,thts Deed of Tttist,and the Rdated Documants,8nd (b)tha Iians end s�cto(ty�ote�s � � . 1�`"--�
<br /> �traryd bby Lenderan wrlHnp,Trustor s�t�aU�reimburse Lender for all costs na d w�e�bynCUrred(n conneCUCn wit`h the mBttets[e�t to n � , ��'
<br /> , � , ,:��
<br /> dUSpatagreph- C � '"r`.;�-�'!�i
<br /> Atlqney-In-Fe�t. If Tnutor feits to do any of fhs thfnps referred M in the preoeding parnyePh,Lender mny do so for end in the name of
<br /> Tnuta and at Trustors e�ense. Fa such purposes.Trustor heraby UrevocabN 4VPdnts Lender as Tnstars attomey-io-fact for tNe purpose ; . . ,
<br /> of makiny�execWnp.deitvert�9,fitlnp.reCOr�nQ.and Q�olrtp aB other thing3 as may bs nec�ary or desirebie.in Lender's sote optnion,to ; . •
<br /> accompRsh the maitsrs referted to in the precedfig para�aph• � ." ; .
<br /> fUJ.PERFORMAlSCE. If Trusta pays eli the Indabted�ess when dua,and otheru�se peRorms a0 the oblipatlons impo5sd upon Tnutor undet ttYs
<br /> • Deed ot Trust,Lentter shall euecute end deliver b Trustee a request for i� recom�eYance and shali exeCUte snd deNver to Tntstor suitabie � , .,,�
<br /> statemants ot tertntnaUon of any ftnancing sfatement on 6te evidesidrtp Lendefs secur(ty intewst M the Rents and the Persanol Propwty. My • . • �y�
<br /> : reconveyance fee requtred by law sha!t be pald by Tru.tor,if permitted by applk�ble taw• .< -
<br /> ' � DFFAtB.T. Each of tiie(ollawinp,at the opUon of Lender,shell consUtute en event of defautt(�vent of Defaut�undar ihis Deed of Trust ' �
<br /> .�!.ti� .
<br /> � DHaWt on indebtadness. Faflure of Tnutor to make anY PaS�►nent when�ue on ttia lndabtednsss. ;, .-�:�:�,`�
<br /> p�(�on Othet Paymenta Fa9ure of Tnistor v�thin the Ume requaed by this Deed ot Trust to make arry payment tor texes ar inswance.or • tj.
<br /> u ed
<br /> any othar poyment necessary►to P�event fiiing of or to ettect dfscherAe of any�en. . x}
<br /> . !�.:;� ,< _
<br /> CampparKe De}wit. Feilure of Trustor to complY with any other tertn,obliQaBon,covenant or condiUon contained in thls Daed of Trust,the .:.�
<br /> • Note a in ar►y ot the Related Documenb. ;�=�`=-
<br /> Fat�s St�enaa►i9. MY rrartanty�reAresentaUon or statement made or tumisl�ed to Lsnder by a on behalf of TnMa under thts Deed of Tnut. , : t, -
<br /> • : � the Note a the Retated Documents Is fatse a mtsieading In arry matarial respect.eflher naw or at the tlme ma�e or(umished. . . ,� �_
<br /> ..1 p�����rYi�tlpo. This Deed of Tnut or any o}tha Retated Documenb oeasss to bo In fuU for�e and e(fect pndudinp fa➢ure ot any i
<br /> � coAste�al dxumertls to create a vaQd and peAected sewdty irrterest a Aen)at arry lime and for any reason. . . _-
<br /> � Dwt9f or tnsoiYencY. The dwdh ot Trustar.the InsoivencY of Trustor.the appolntmerd of a recalver fa a�Y Part af Teustofs properfy.anY
<br /> ins�ohre laws b apainsl Trostor��a n y t y p e o f c r e d(t a w a k o u t.o r t h e c ommencement of an Y P rooeedhp under anY bankruPtc�►a ' "�
<br /> l � Y ��
<br /> ' ForKiosWS,Forkliur��ote. Commencemont o1 tor�ctasure or fortelture praceedJnps,whether by Jud�IW P r o c o e�nQ.s e l f-I w i A.wP o s s a s s i o n '• . ..
<br /> a arry other rtwtAOd,by any aadl'tar of Trusta a by any povemmental apencyr apoinst anY of th�Rroperty. Fiawevar.lMs subs�ctlon ttwY not • .�� "
<br /> � fa pi W�tt�aa p o�cancdlnQ,proNdodt tha�nntayqlvefs L�nder writter�noUo�a raaso�ubWim and(urtdstws reswv�t or�s u ro t f r b o n d t�c l a i m
<br /> ..�
<br /> � satishctaY 4o Lender. : , .
<br /> � gnaeh p!pt}Nr Apreement. My breach by Tnrstor under the tsrms o}anY other apreement betwesn Tnista and Lender that Is nW rort»dMd .
<br /> I w(tMn arry qrace peAOd provtded U�erein.tnciud�np wlthout llmitadon arry apreement concerrtfnp any indebtedness a Wher obAgaUon of Tnistor �
<br /> ta lender,whether wdstirg now or later.
<br /> � EyMu�}heHnp Quiran4or. My of th�praoodisp averib oocws w�th rospoct to any Gusrantar of any of ths Indabtadness a arry Ouarantor ,
<br /> b
<br /> :� �pr bocprt�t Incortpatant,a rovokaa or dlsputas tfw vaYdity of.or H�bNHy unde►.nnY t3u�ranh�af iha Indabtodn�s. Landor.at ils optbn. �
<br /> may.but ahnY not be nqutnd to,permit th�(iuuantors estata to assume uncondiHonaBy the obHgatlons arising undor the gueranty in s
<br /> manner saUsfactory to Lender,en0,in ddnp so,cure the Event of Deta�d� I •
<br /> j InManrtty. l.ender in yood faith deems Rsei!Insocure.
<br /> pd�qnp�ndeptedness. A defauit shaN occur under any E�dstlny indabtednass a under any instrument on the P►operty secudnp ury 6dsri+g
<br /> � Indebtedr�ess,a commencement of any suit or ottier ac�on to foroctose eny e�dsHiq Nen on the Prop�rty. _
<br /> i Al{/d to Curs. It such a isilure is curabte and it Twtor hes not been piven s notice ot a breach of the snms provision o(this Deed af Tn►st � `
<br /> � I wlthin the preoodinp twetve(12)months.H may be cured(end no Event ot Default w1N have occurred)if Trustor,atfer Lendar sends written �. • �
<br /> � noUCe demandinp cure of such fetlure: (a)cures the taliure wlthin ten(10)days;a (b)N lhe cure requhes more than ten(10)days,ImmeditUty
<br /> i InHiates steps sNficient to cure the failure and thereaftx conUnues and comp�etas a7 reasonabla and necessary steps sufflcleM to produce �.
<br /> { compNanoe as soon as reasonably pracY�eal• I
<br /> � RIGHTS AMD RENim16S bH DEFAILT. Upon the occurrence o}any Event of Oetault and at any Ums thereeftsr,Trustee w Lender.at Ib opllon.
<br /> ; may exw�ise anY or�a more of the foilowinp rfphb and rememes,in addltlon to any other dghis or remedies provlded by law:
<br /> � �p�r�tlon�epon pa}�uf�AddRioml Remedtes. I!any event of defauii oocurs as por!he terms of tha Note secured hereby,lender maY _
<br /> ' deciare YII Indebtedness secured by this Dsed of Trust to be due end psyabb and tho same shall thereupon become due end payabt0 wilhout
<br /> arry presentment,demend,protest or notice of anv kind.Thereafter.LenQet rcaY•
<br /> (a) Either in pe�son or by ayent,w(tb or without brirp�np eny actlon a prooeedinp,a by a recNvar appdnted by a court end without
<br /> regard to ihe adequacy o}tb seeurity,er�er upon and take possesslon ot the Property,a any part thereo},In ib awn name or In ihe name
<br /> of Tnutee,and do flny ecis which It daems neoessery or desktb�e to preswve tho valuB,mericetabl�ry or rentabUity ot the PropeAy,or RaA ,
<br /> of the PropeAy or interest In 1he PrOpertf,Increase the Income irom the PropeAy a ProteCt the securtry of the Property,and.wlth or without .
<br /> taking possesslon of ihe PropeAy,sue fa or othsrvtlse cof!�ct tho renb,Issuos and profits of the PropeAy,induding those past due end
<br /> � unpeid.ond eppry lhe same,less Costs and a�enses of opxaUon and cdlectlon,Inctuding ettomeys'fees,to any Indebtedness sec�aed
<br /> � by INs Dsed ot Tru�-f,alt In such ord�x as Lendet may determine- The e�terinp upon and teking possesslon of the ProperlY,the coliectlon
<br /> � o • •
<br /> 1 •
<br /> i �
<br /> . � _.
<br /> � T
<br /> . . , • . . . y� � . . .': . . . .. � . +. . „ , . .
<br /> . � '_ • .;,�.• . • `,. . ' �c. ° . . .s .. . � � � ' ' . . . .
<br /> , . . . ��, . . . . .�•: .. .
<br /> . . � , . . . . . ... ,. . , � . . - . �,��. . . . • . , . . , _ . .. , .
<br />