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<br /> DEED OF TR1J�4 � �r� p��s ..` �,��; .
<br /> .� i o��a-�s�a ^a � . . :-
<br /> � � 1 a�r�¢In A89°�S9 (�Ifl�lfllt@� e�9's ���GtFr�91 � �-
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<br /> � _� Appliaibt�t.nw. 7P,1s r�at 7rua:naa cecn atuarfres7 co t.c�.::s cn�.ec�ea EY�enaer�t�e sade o4 awbra�ic� rnts o�a o9 mua 1 � ,.. ,_
<br /> PP�
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<br /> C �.-:_—�, _;�;
<br /> . , � G e��fl n I i e s G�y�. C B PUOn t�ea�n p s in this Desd oiTrust are tor comen�erios P�P�o�Y anti ate n�t io be useti io m�prei a��nna ma , .. _ �
<br /> prcv[sions o!tN9 Deed af T�ust
<br /> I It�s�r. Th�e ShaY ba no meryer of the Interest a estata aanted by MIS Deed ot Tntst wHh arry ottfeo keterost or estaYO tn tha ProA�rt1►at anY . .`� �
<br />� , ' ffma Aetd by a tar the ber�sfit ot Lsndar in arry capasity,vrfthout iha vrtf6�n cor�ent ot Lender. ` . -
<br /> . • tlu�tinie Pa�fks. AU o4�afions af Tnatar under this Deed of Tnist shaD b�jaint and ssvsr�l.end 8J1 re�Cenoes fo Trustor shall mear�oach end � T` . -
<br /> , ' ev&ryr Tnistor.This mearis that esch of the Borrowers sign[ng hetow is respor�te for�7 ob�Uorts in this Q::d at Tnut • . '
<br /> � i ,
<br /> ", � g�v-�rC3�ty. If a cotut of competent jurtsd!c9on flnds arry provlsion o}Ws Deed oi Trust to be irnrn8d a unerdorcoebb as to enyr person ar ,
<br /> . � cUcumsfance.such fin�np SheD not rendor that prov[ston InvaAd ar uneMorceeble a,to erry other pe�sons or ei�rt�stancss. If teas�is.anY ` �?
<br /> r v
<br />___ ? such ott�an�np Orov[ston shall be Qaamsd to be mod�d to 6e wfL�tr►i,1e Br�ot�.`°tY ar v�=+trty.ha'�'s+•x.�the oi�ns�Rrav�or+ - .--; . -- - •
<br /> Shs
<br /> cannot ba so mod'�&id,it st�aA ba strtdcen and eH other pravEsions ot tl�is Oeed of Ynat in a7 other raspects stuD rsrtWn va8d and entaca:ble. , y
<br /> .. � � �ss meJ A9�i�na.•Ss�ject to tha OrNL�oas.�tated M tlds O�ed o!Tnst on tratr�fer�Trusta's tntenst,Ws Deed ot 7n��tw��a � .
<br /> • � bi�trp upon and tnure to the beraBt of tlie partios,their succassots and tssi0+�s. li ownersNP d tha RroDsrlY bocomas voctad In a paison `
<br /> � �1 ott�r than Tnator.k8ndor. wNhout notice to Tn�r. may d�1 wM Trlstors suoC�65ors e� re!ererr�t�Uds D2ed ot Tnst an0 iha .;
<br /> :=-� w,o'iooai�a`vji�ritji 6i e�viisoioo;,uo.�a""�....°"-'...w^�s'�!!..".a.s°�°��'•�•Ti��rf};r iram ttu cb9oalbns of tlJs Dwd ot Tn1St ot i�bIIlh►undit� . .:. •." �, _.
<br /> ; Indabtadnass. � � `- � —
<br /> '' Tfms(s of fE�t Es,pnce.Tirre is of tho essence in the peAortnar�oe of dds Ooed af TnuE. "���-� ,
<br /> �,
<br /> Waivars s�d Con�e�tta. Lender shaA ttat ba deemed to have walved anY rgh�s under tlds Doed af Tt+rst(or urtder the Reialod Dowmords) �.•->�..-.=^.
<br /> uNess such watuer is in wd9na and sipned bY�ender. No delaY or ortdsstan on Uw p�+t of Landsr in�wrcis�rp ury ripM sha8 opora�es a •• --._`_:.__
<br /> w
<br /> - waNat of such�ht o�enf�ath�riDfii. A waa'wx bY�►Y V�":Y�t a p;au�a.i�tt��!o!Tnrst&!b9 rsat ear�lts�e:�:_[+rs ot�pr!�u it+9 — . _,�.,�.=:—_
<br /> party/s rf�M ottww4o to 6::mand strtd comPnannzv wffh that Pmvis�n a at►y oNwr Drovhlan. No prior walvsr by Londar.nor arry cauraa of �'.���'"-.^. .-
<br /> 9
<br /> deaQry betwean Londor and Tnator.shaD car�s4'iuta a walver a!nny ot Lend�a rlyhts a any ot Tn�ator'a abilpafkns as to Qny f�urs �°•�'--:�-:-,:,
<br /> - trac�sadtons. Wlwnever conserd by Lender is requtred In th(s Deed o1 Tnst,the�artttnp of sucti cor�sent by Lender fn arry ir�nco SheY not , �
<br /> cor�,�idtte conUnutnp cor�sent to subse4uent instanoes where such cor�serd(s rsQuired. . ''. �' -��._:S
<br /> .�:4,.,�
<br /> � WatvK of Hom�te�d F]wmDtton.Tnutor here�bY reteases and waives al rtyhts and benefits oi the homestead exemp9on faws of ths Sdafe of . ._ '{ �� .r�
<br />• Nabraska as to a�tndebtedr�ess sectaed by Ws Deed o?Tntst �', �'� .
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<br /> � IndhAdwls dsscr�d tn and who aacubd ltr Qad of Tnisf.and qCknowlsQ�d thd tl�ey s�ned the of Trust as tlafr�res u�d vatUr�ry�cf ��'�<<`'� �.�—
<br /> and QMO.for tlw�s and purpos�tl�erWn me � �/� . :..,�.�•�:
<br /> � GIYNf IafdN �rld Olf(eW Mii t1fl� dN Of _L• •'. •"'-"
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