• ` �Y .
<br /> • u3-2�s-�997 DEED O�YRUST + Paga 3 t. .°_
<br /> t,.8sn ��:eS, (�ontireued) �� �,����
<br /> �.
<br /> i >__
<br /> .�»�„�,�_�tn�ttscharae tha lier►olus any costs and attomays'fses or olher charyes that coutd a�as a resuit ot a tuedosure or sete � `_
<br /> under the Qen. In any conte�t.Tngta shsll Getend flsetf end L¢nder ano snan sa�iY enY ao'w��a i..�,�,�::~.�s••��-'�--p1ef°^t�btcf fho ,
<br /> ProQeAy. Trustor sn81I nante�end�as an du'u��,:�'o:r-w°wn°-�"�°'onv aaaty hond htmished(n 1he Contest PraCeedingS. _ --
<br /> Evtdenee of Parment Tn�star shall upon demand fiimtsh to Lsnder saUSfectaY evldence ot paymertt uf d�e faxFS or essessmeMS an6 SheD •
<br /> authorl�tha eDA�D��po��ntal offi�tal to delivsr to Lender at arry tlme a writteo stateme�rt of the taxes and osssssmants a�inst Ihs L,-.
<br /> Props►tY.
<br /> ' tiotle6 0!Conabuctlon.Trustot stta7 notiif Lendet at(east ftfteen(1`r7 daYs betare anY work is Commenced.enY servkes are tumEslied.u aaY .
<br /> meteria►s aro supplled to the ProPertY�M any mschanics Iien,mate�ta►men's Oen, or ott�er Cen could be esserte0 on aocour�t ot the work. . -
<br /> se�vlces,pr materials. Trustor vn1�uAon request of Lender fumish to Lendar advance essuranozs saiisfadory to Lend9r that Trustor can and wip ,
<br /> pay the cost ot such improvemenis.
<br /> ` PROPERTY OA/AA at'�iNSii6iASrI�E.The to0owing provstons re�ting to 1s�suM9 ths Pm9e►1f'are e Part of this Deed of 7rust.
<br /> IMaintenanee o!Inauranee. Trustor sha➢Proeure end malntain Pa".,dos ot fire Insurancs with standard e�dended covera0s endasemerds on a •
<br /> reptac;ement bes�s for the ftdl insurabte velue eoverinp an Improvements on the Rsal PropertY in an amount suffidertt ta avold apfl�tion of enY
<br /> cotnsuranca datue,and with a standerd mortpflpee dause in favor of Lender.topether with such other hamrd and Ueb�ty tnsurance as Len66r
<br /> may reasonabty cequtre. Pai7des shall be written in fortn.amounts.coverxQes and h�Hs reasonably aoceptable to Lertder and issuad by a ;
<br /> c:,�pa�';cr.^rsr.Res�!�4!+�+�N n�tabte to Lender. Trusta.uAon r84uest of Lender.WnU deltver to Lender tram time to tlme the poF.ties -
<br /> or�tiftcates of insurance in form SaUsfactorY to Lender,indudng stlpu3atlons ihat coverayes wU�noi be�d or mrrn��a�:•;.��`.:,,•�:� i .
<br /> least ten(10)days'prtor written no8oe ta lender. Each(nsuranoe polt,y also Sha�indude en endasemertt provldinp ttiat cavsrage in tavor of
<br /> � Lender wiU not be impaired in any way by any ad.omission a deTault of Trusta or any other person. Should the Raat Proyerty at enY time ' . -
<br /> M ment Apeney es a spocial llood t�td erea.Trustor
<br /> becoms located in an area designated by the Directw of the Federai Emerpency anape . .
<br /> egrees to obtafn and mair�in Federal Flood Insurance for the full unpaid princtpal balance Gf the loen.up to tt�e ma�dum policy Qrtdts set undar ..
<br /> ' tl�e Mational Flnod Ir�urance PrcDram.or as otherwfse requ�ed by Lender.and to malr�afn such ir�sursno�for ths term o1 the Iaan. �.� =Y__-._
<br /> �p�p}pirpeeeds.7nistor shaU prompty natity Lender of any lass or damage to the PropeRY• Lender maY make Proot ot lass N Trustor i � ,
<br /> faDs to do so within frReen(t�days of the cas+iaitY. 4Vhether or not LendePs securitY is�mPalred�Lender may.at ils etectlan,receive and retain � ,
<br /> the proceeds ot any iresurance and apply the proceeds to the reduction of the Indebtednass.Paymerd of arry Aen atfedlrp the FroperlY.a i�e n • . .
<br /> u
<br /> rasttorstlnn and repair of tlie Property. if Lender etecis to ap�iy the proceeds to restoraflon end reDab'.Trustor sNaD repatr ar repiace the
<br /> as .
<br /> damayed or desboyed Improvements In a manner satlsfadory to Lender. Lender sha0.upon satlstactorY proof of sucA exPsa�iture.PaY a ` : .
<br /> relmburse Ttustor from the proceeds for the reascnab�e C�t of reDair o►�toranon if Tnlstor is not In defauit under th�qsed oi Tn�st. My � �
<br /> prooeeds whkfi have nat been dtsburse'within 184 daYs after theU recelPt and wh'.ch Lender has nat commftted tc the repair or restoration o! .
<br /> the Property sha0 be used flrst to pay 9ny�nounY owinp to Lender under this Deed of Tn�st,then to D8Y e��interest,and Uw rematnder,it �� '.. ��'*
<br /> anY.shall be apP�d to the D��P�baY�Y.�rw�e ot the Indebtedness. It Lender hdds a�ry D�eds aRer PgY�M In fuB of the Indobtedr�ess,such I • �
<br /> . � procee�shs0 be p81d to Ttustor 0.S Trustors interests m8Y ePC�• . . , :ir
<br /> !lntxp{red InsutanCS at Bale. My unexptreB insurance st�aU inwe to th9 bene�t of,and pass to.the purchasor of the Propaly covered by thls ,{t..,`;'Y i
<br /> Oeed of Tntst 8t arry trustee's saie or other sele held und6r the prOVlsions ot ttds Desd of Tnest,or at 8rry fasdos�se sele of such PreDerty. , � ` �
<br /> � Comptisnee with Existina Indebtednes,s. Durinp tt�e perfod in whkh any 6dstlrg Indebtedness described beiow is fn eftect.cemp9anoe wffh ;
<br /> i U�g insurance provisions conTalned In the insUument ovidencin9 such 6dstlny Indebledness sheU cor�stftute comDLanc�v�ith the insuren� �,
<br /> ? provlslans under thLs Daed ot Tn�st,to the extent compliance w(th tha tem�s of thls Deed of Tnut would cor�stitute a dupifcatlon of insuranoe � , �
<br /> ���m ��at poAlpn o}tt�ie prmoceeds not payable to the hdder of 1 E�dsUry I debtod iness. Deed of Trust fot divislon of prooeeds ShaB •. �,.
<br /> SGP�I HY = ` �
<br /> i D�EI�iTilFtE8 BY LE�IDEA. If Trustor taits to comP►Y with any provfsion of th(s Deed of Trust.indumnp any obUy4tlan to malMain E�dstln9 .. =. .: ��
<br /> LEi
<br /> Indebtedness(n qood standinp es re4Wrad betow,or H any acUon or proceedirrp�commenced that would mate�te�Y aHect 6enders tnWr�ts in the ,. ��
<br /> Property,Lender on Trustors behaif may.but shail not bo requhed to,fake any acdon that Lender deems approPriate. My amount ttwt Lender
<br /> expends tn so ddny wifi bear interest at the�te provided tor In the Note fram the data inr�+rsed cr paid by Lender to the data oi cepaY+�nt by . .,,_,:t•
<br /> Trusta. AB suoh e�er►^,os.at Lenders optlon,wm (a)be payabte on dertwn0. (b)be added to the balance of tha NoEa ana b�appoAlon�d amonp ��:�',�
<br /> ? . ��j :
<br /> and bo PaY��wlth arry IratQAment paymer�ts to Cscome du3 durfrtp eithet (q the term of anY aDDBcable insuranoa GoiicY a M Uw ramalnirp i�rrn
<br /> of the Note.a (c)De Veated as a baAoon payment whirfi w�U be duo and PaY�a at the Note's rnaturfty. T�is�eod of Trust also wW�acure ,,
<br /> payment of these amounts. The riphts proNded for in this Para�ePh shall be In additlon to any other�tphts or any remedies to wtdch Lender maY de '�;=.i' ,.:
<br /> ts tt�e detauti so as to bar Lender fiom any remsdy that , �,
<br /> en�Yed on account of the defauit. MY such ecHon by Lender shelt not be eor�strued as cudn9 tw,r�_
<br /> e
<br /> �- it otherwlse vtouJd have had. ' :%�.c�
<br /> • WAAAANTYp O�EENSE OF TITI,E.The tdiowing provtstons relaUng to owrwrs►ilD of the Property are a part of thb Deed of 7nisf. _� - f
<br /> N
<br /> THie. Trustor warranb tha� (a)Trustor hotds pood and nwAcetabte tlUe ot record to the Prop�rty In fee simple.fra�and dw M�I YBris and . • �v.•
<br /> encumbrances oth�x than tha5a set faAh in the Reai P+opertY descriAUon or in the ExisUnp Indebt6drwss sec�on batow a In ar►y tlW irtswar�ce , i�
<br /> Pop�y.�tle repart,or flnol tftle opinlon Issuad In tavor of.and eaeptod by.Lender In connecUOn wtih tNs Oeed ot Tnist and (b)Trustor h�s tt+e � �
<br /> ��.w°.- '
<br /> tuA Apht,pawe►.and authority to execute and deUver this Deed of Trust to Lender.
<br /> O�fat�e of Tttie. Subjecl to the exceptlon In trie parayraph above.Tn�sta wartants and wiU forover detend Uie tltle to the Property�painst the ,-'��,�'�_
<br /> � Iawhp qalms of e0 persons. In the everd any ecUon a praoee�np is cemmenced that questWna Trustds�iN a the interest of Tnist�ar �:-:
<br /> Lendar under tt�s Deed of Tnut,Tiu.tor shaU defend Uw adlon at Trtista's e�ense. Tn�ta maY���rn�P�Y in such proceediW�but _ .
<br /> Lender ShaA iao sntltted to Oa�Pato In ttw Orooesdln9 anA to be reAresentod tn th�Procaodie0 by counsW af I.�rtdars own choica.and . .
<br /> Tntsta wHi da6u�x.a aus�to be deYuwed.to Lander such instrumenb as Lendor m�Y��Kom tlrt�to Urtis to Pw�such p�Nc�atlan. � . �w+�-. _
<br /> �ompi{inq Nf►t!i Law�. Trusta werranb ttw!the Prop�rtY and Tnistors use of ih� PropKty comPfles with aB�dsU�O�PD�laws. • �
<br /> ordinarw�s,and reO�Cat�ons o}yovemmentd authorftles. • _.
<br /> EXISTINQ INOEBT�NESS. The foNowlsp provis�ons coneerniny e�sUnp indetotedness(ttie"E�dsilaD IndeDtodness9 are a P�of this Doed of • _ -
<br /> I Trust. . .
<br /> i ESCIWny LNn. The Nen of this Oaad ot Trust securloD i���nds�Unp dabted�s as d to preven any da'AUN on such Indob�f�dnees.�dofa� • •
<br /> � eov�nanb anA apraes to PaY.or sev to the payme �� ,
<br /> und�r the iratrumonb eNdsndnp such indobtedness.or any detauit uncbr airy security dacumenb for such Ind�btsdness.
<br /> D�i�i. lt the PaY�nt of anY InstaYment of D��D�a any interest on the E�ds9np Indabtedness is no!made wltldn the Ume requtred bY lhs . _
<br /> rtota�vldenctrp such Indebtadness.or should a detaut occur under the�asCrument secisinp such indsbtednoss and not be cured Qurinp anY •
<br /> eppycabt�qnce per{od tffareln,ttwn,at the opUon of Lender,ttw Mdebtedness secured by ttds Deed of Trust shtt bscome immbiat�ty due
<br /> and payabk.and thb Oeed ol Trust aha►I be In dotauli , .
<br /> �p!!��(��n. Tnnta s►�e11 not enter into any agreement wlih the hdder of arry mortgaqe.deed of trus►.ar otM►secudly apreement which .
<br /> has pAodty over this Deed of Tnut by wh�h that ayreement b modifled,amen0ed,extentletl,w renewed wiihoui tt�e pdor writtaa co�ant ot �
<br /> Lendor. Trustor sheU neither request nor axept arry future advanoes under arry such securttY ayr�eme�1 wf►hcul the VAa wr(tte�coruant of �
<br />� Londer.
<br /> CpNpEIYINATtIX�.The fdtowing provlslor�s releUny to condemnaUOn praooeQirgs are a pAA ot lhis Deed of Trust. ..
<br /> Appiicatton o!!kt PraeeeQa It eil or arry parf of the PropeAy�condemned by eminent domaln proceedlnys a by any Rroceedlrp�r
<br /> purehase In Ileu oT Condemnatlon,Lender may a1 ib electl��t Rer��of the award shall�hmean�ttpia awetd�ofter paymen of B�BDeasonable
<br /> Indebtedness or the repair a restoraUon of fhe PropBAy. _
<br /> eosLS,expenses,and attomoys'fees Incurred by Trustee a Lender in connecUon wtth lhe condemnatloa �
<br /> ProCeWinps. It any proceeding in condemnation Ls filed,Trustor sha(I promptly nolly Lender In wdtlnp,and Trustor shall prompUy take such �
<br /> steps ss may be necessary to defend the acilon end obtein tho avfard. Trusta may bO tho nominal party in such proceeding,buf Lender sheY
<br /> CBUSe to be d0 I�sd to Lender su�c�h I�nstruments&s m6�be�requested by t h�ometlrtta 0 ticme t0 perml SuCh pWC1A8Uon.Trustor w(il d911ver or
<br /> IMPOSRION OF TAXES,FEES AND CHAAGES BY QOVF3iN1AEHTAL AUiHDRR�EB. me(WOwing ptovfslons reli8n9 to govemmentol fexe�, .
<br /> tees and ct�arges aro e paA o!this Deea o}Trus1:
<br /> q,innt Ta�ceo,Few a�d Clmrgaa. Upon roqu�st by Lend�sr.Tnuta sha11 mcecute such doeuments In addi8on to thts Osed ot Tnut and take
<br /> wheYvor other actlon Is requested by Lender to pafect and con�nue lenders Ilen on tRe Real Property. Trusta sha!1 reimburse Lender fa all
<br /> taxes,as described below,topother wlth all oxpenses inourted in recwding,perfecUny or con8nuiny th�Deed o!Tn�t,Includlny withaut
<br /> ilmifia8oa aa la,:....t�.d�umsn+.e+y s��mps,and�the+charges fa rocording a►ogistoAnp fhis Qesdef Trlatf.•• �.� .
<br /> _ . . . ..----�, • . . . ,. . y.. , . '' „ . .
<br /> . . �
<br /> :� .. . . . . . . .
<br /> .. . . . . . .�� .. .
<br /> .
<br /> .. . . .� � . .. . . . ..., .. . �, , . . ' _ .. , . • ,, . �� . .� , ,. . , . : . . .� �,� �. _ .. , . , .. . , . •
<br />