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�; <br /> 03-24-1997 ��ED OF TR$1ST ��� �4;�,�r� Fege 2 , � _: <br /> 1 nan N9 a41�51 (COeUit!!ed) 1W <br /> Merch 15.2000. �t� <br /> veroefnal ProoeftY. Tha words'Personal Propertyr mean sI�equ�m�rt4 mmares.and oine�eroc�es oi parsar�a;vioi+�•r�n+::•�•�•°•^ -= <br /> awned by Trustor,end now or hereefter attaChad or a r4'D�ed to the Heai rroPariY: ��ro+��� ' '�s.�°f'-�a�trt'rHnne to,all - _ <br /> replapemenis of. end all SubstituUons ior.any ot sucii property;end!opether vrtth alt proceads pnctudinp without GmiffiUon e!1 insurence ° <br /> prooeeds and refunds of premiums)from arry sals or other disgosttlon o4 the Proparty. �,. <br /> property.TAe ward'Propertyr means collecUvelY th�Real Property and the PerSOnai Properiy. - <br /> RMi Prppetry.The words'Real ProAe�tyi'mean the properly.intarests and dgMs desc�ed above in the'Comtayance and GranY'secUon. , <br /> Related Oocume�ts. The words'Reiated Doeumsnts"mean and induda withaut amiffi�on eA promissory notas,aedit agreemants,toan <br /> agreements,envtmnmerdai a9reements.pusranUes�securitY g9reemunts,mortaages.daeds ot V�st,and all other InstrumarAS.agreemants and <br /> documents,whethsr naw or hereafter e�dstlng,e�mcuted fn connadion wilh ths Ind2btednass. .. <br /> RE�ts. The word'Rsnts"rneans ell present end tuture rents,revenues.incame,issues.royalties,Profils,and otP�er benefiG deriwd from th� � , - <br /> Property. <br /> Trt�atee.Tha word'Trw�tee'means UNRED NEBRASKA BpNK and any Substitute or sucoessor trustees. <br /> Trustor. The word Trustor means any snd aU pe�sans and entiUes execuGng this Deed of Tn�st,Iredu�ng wffhout iimiffiUon etl Trustors named � <br /> a0ove. . .". .. _ <br /> ' pR�OPE�.IS GI�V6�O�SECUREt(iTMP YMENT OF TFiE�IND�'fmNE33 AHD (2l PERFORM�MIIOF AAJiI AND ALLSOBLI�BN�� ' �. : , <br /> TAUSTOR tJNOER TF�M07E,T!�AELATED�OCUMENTS,AND THIS CEED aF TR!!S'f. THIS OEID O�TRUST IS(iNEN ANb ACCEPTID <br /> ' ON TF�FOLLOWIRG TERMS: � ' . • . <br /> " PAYRAEI7T AND PERFOAI:9ANCE. F�ccePt a,othsrwiss Providad In this Deed oi Tn�,Trustcr shali pa��ta Lasid�a!!smauN5�s.vusd by this Deed _._, -. ....- <br /> �)I of Trust as they hecome dus,and siiall strictly and in a tlmaly manner perform ai�of Tnistors obC�aUOns undsr the Note,this Deed of Tnut,end the , , , <br /> �� Related DoCUmer�. , t "° <br /> ppSSEgg[Q�1 pr{p�qA11NTEtaAAtCE QF Tt�PAOPERTY. Tnstot agrees that Trustc�s pos�sian and use of Uie PrepeAy shelt be�overned by � <br /> `' the toeawing provislons: : ' <br /> jPosaessi�a�td Ws. Un57 the occurtenoe of an Event of Oefaul4 T�o►�Y (a)remain in p�on and controi M the PropettY. (b)use. `_ <br /> � operate or msnaSe the Property.and (c)co8ect any Rents frum the Proparty. . _-.f <br /> in tanen�le condNon and prompUy PeAorm aU reDelrs.rePlacemenis,snd matntenance �=� <br /> � Dltty to IY�YMafn. Tntstor shri(1 maintaln the P►cPertY . - . <br /> . neoassery to preserve its valu9. �:� <br /> ' Ffavardotts 5ubslancea. TAe tetms'he�rdcus waSte;'4�azordous subslence."dt�osal��Ye�easa.�&nd'tTveoter�ed ralense;es used in th}s • . I� <br /> Deed of Trwl,shall have the same meardnas es set forth in the Comprehensrie Emhonmenfal Response.Compensatlon,snd L1abL"+tyr Act af � ., .;'': <br /> � amendsd�a2 US.C.SecUOn 8801,et seq.('(:ERCLA'.the Supertu�d Amendments and Reautho�tbn Aci of 1988.Pub.L No. �:.�::'�%� _ <br /> � gg�gg(�SApA7.ihe Ha�arCous Materiats TrenspoRatton/4ct,49 US.C.Sectlon 1801,et seq.,fhe Resoura Conswvation and Recovery Ad. ��' .� �' . <br /> � 42 US.C.Sectlon 6901,et seq.,or oih�apPt�abte state a Federal iaws,rulos.°<<eputatlar�s adopted pu�suant to any of the forepdnp. The . .� <br /> terms'harardous weste"end'hazardous substance"shall aLso indude,wlthoul fimitaUon,peboieum and petroteum by-produds a arry fractlon ', <br /> therec}snd asbestos. Trwtor represents and warrants��nder thak (e)Durinp the per�ad of Trusto�s ownership of the ProPerry.ihare has - <br /> been no use,generatton,manufacture,storage,heatment,d'�sposel.relsase or threatened re%ease of amr harardous waste a substance bY nny : ��� . <br /> petson on,unEer,ebout or from the Properly; (bI Trustor has na kncrAedpe oL or reason to beUeve that There hes been,exCept as prevtousry � , � <br /> dlsctosed to and acknowiedged by Lender in wridng, (�any use,generadon,manutact�ue,staage.treatmenl,d�Pose1.�eiease�or threate�ed , . , _ <br /> tiu <br /> release of any hazardous waste or substance on,under,a6out or trcm the PropertY by any pdor owners or oxupants of fhe Property or M�Y . . jf � <br /> actual or threatened�iUgaUon or deims o}any kind by any person retattn8 to such matters:and (c)Exoept as previo�lyr dtsc�osed to and � 1 <br /> aeknow'sd�ed by Lantfat in uritlng, p)�Itt�.as Tnbtar ncr any tenanL contrector,egent or other authorized user of the Properly sha0 use, : '%`"t+ <br /> .r .._Y-„1:� <br /> ggnsrate,manufachua,store,treat dispose of,or ratease anY hamrdous�vaste or stdlslance on,undar,ebout or from the PropBtty and �i)anY . ,� <br /> sucA activ(ty she8 b9 conducted In comptlance with su eppNcable tederel.state.and ixai laws,regWaUons and crdfnances.inciu�ny wilhout , .: `) <br /> �rt�taUon those laws,repu�aUOns,and ordinanoes descrt4ed above. Tn�tor authoriz�lendar and its apents to enter upon tha Property to ,�.;.;� <br /> meke such Inspectlons and Tn�sta's e� Lendar nwY�eem ePD�P�Te to cktermine eompBarxe of ths PropeAy wHh U�is ,�. `�;� <br /> secllon of the Deed of Trus� Arry InspecUOns a tesls made by Londer stw�be for Lenders purpases only and stwY not be consGrwd to creata � • . <br /> anY resDonsibiGtY or tiabffity on the paR of Lender to Trustor or to arry other person. The representatlons and wermnUes cor�talned hawin are ' �'?��" <br /> based on Trustors due diCpence in ImresfyaHnp the Propady for ha�ardous waste and haazrdous s�stanoes. Trustor horeby (a)�eieases and ; .� '� <br /> waives any tuture daims ayainst Lender fu indemnKy w contributlon in the event Tn�sta becomes Yable fc�cieanuP o►otlwr conls under any , '� <br /> such taws,and (b)ayrees to IndemMty and hotd hannfess Lender apat�ut arry and all ct�ims.lo�'�,P��and �; <br /> �u <br /> wcpansaa wt�ch Lander maY dkecdY a IndtrecCy s�estsln or sufis►�esWtlnp hom a bre4cfi of this sacllon of tho Oaed of Tnat m as a <br /> con�quenoe o!arry�e.peneraUon.rtwnufacturo.stonpa�disqosal.ceiwsa or threa4aned cetaas�oaurth�D G�to Trustofa owncrship ar . . __ <br /> interest In ihv ProparlY.wliether or not tho samo was a should haw b�n known to Trustor. lTw provt�tor�t of this sactlon d tlf�Daad of Tnat, �_. � • <br /> Indutlirg tha obRp4Uon to indomNty,shal survfw the paymerd of tha InQabtedrwsa and the saNS(acUon an9 ncorneyana ot the Uen of thFs ( _ ��;� <br /> Oeed of Tn�st end shaU not ba affected by Lenders acqulsi8on of any intecest In tfie PropeRy,whether by taectosure or otheiwfse. f . . � �.�--;.- <br /> NWs�nee,Mlute. Trusta shall not causa,conduct a perm�t any nu�sance na commit.perm(t,a suHer eny strtpD�eD ot or was�on ar to the t ,, _ <br /> prpporty a any PoNon oi the Property. Without qmttlnp ihe penaality ot tha forepWtq.Trustar w91 not romove.or qrant to any othar party ths � . � <br /> Ayht to ramove.arry tlmber.minerals(Inctudlnp oU ana pas�so8.Yrawi or rodc producls without tha prla writWn catrsant af Landar. ; . -.-'' <br /> R�movr of ImprovsnNnts. Trustor shaU not demdish u remove any improvemenb hom tAe Real Piropaty wlthout the Wio►writkn consan! ; ' . z <br /> ot Lender. As a condiUOn to the remaval of any improvemer�,Lender may requke Tnista to rtwke�rtargartwnb std�tactory to Lender to : , � <br /> : ; replaee suCh improvemenls wtth Improvements of at least equel vetue. <br /> ! LendoPs iU�ht W Fshr. Lender and ib aqenb and representxtives may onter upon the Real Property at aH reosorwbte Brtws to att�nd to <br /> � Lenders interesb end to Inspect the PropeAy for Purposes o1 Trustnrs corr�uance w(th the terms and condHare of tAts Deed ai Tnesf. � <br /> � Camp{tmce wlth GovEmmentM ReQt�rementf. TnuMr shalt prompUy oampry wrih ell laws,ordirwru;es,and ruputaUons,now ar hereaRer In • � . <br /> e(ied.of atl pavemmentel euthaitles epplicable to the use or oocuperwY ot the Properfy. ���lonp es Tn�stor rhas onHyHed Lender � <br /> . � adinannpa.or reyulaHon and wilhhdd compllance durinp enY Proc9edin0,indudlnp apA oD <br /> � in wriUriy prla to doinp so and 50 lonp as,tn Lender's sole opinlon,Lende�'s!nterests in the PropertY are not jeopardmed• Lender maY reQuke , _ <br /> I Trusta to post adequate securiN a a surety bond,reasonabtY setisfactaY to protect Len6er's interest. <br /> � Duly t0 Prot�eL Tnata a�eeitfirx to abandon na teave unetlandsd the PropeAY• Tnntor stuA do�A othK� adQltlon to those acls � <br /> ; set forth abovs In this secUOn.whlch frem the etwracte►end use of the Pro9erty ere reesonabty�sary to proUct and presww tfw Propetl►. C . <br /> p�q,�gALE_�pptSE�iT gy LENDEA. Lender mey,at fb optton,declare Immedtately duo and payabte atl sums socursd by thb Ooed ot Tntst � . <br /> upon the sate a irensier�wllhout the Lenders pria wr(tton consent,of Ni or any perl af iha Rael PropeAy,a erry Intareslln the iieal Property A I <br /> "saie a transte�'means Iha eonveyanaa ot Reei Property or any Apht,tltle or interosi therNn;whether Iegel.beneflclal a equitable;whether vduntary <br /> or involuntary;whether by outrfyht seie,deed��nsteJlment sale contraCt,land ConhaC�contract for deed,laesehdd interest wlth a term qreater lhen = <br /> three(3)years,lease-oDHon contract,a by sole.essfgnment,a transier of any beneftdel interest In a to eny tand trust holdinp tltle to the Fieat � <br /> Property.w by any other method of conveyance of Rea!Property Interest. It any Tnuta Is e corpwefion.partnsrsh�er Umlted ilabil(ty eompuny. <br /> transfer aiso Includes any chanpe in ownership of more thsn twenty-Nve percent(2b%)of tha vo+�np sfocic,peRnershlp Intarests a Umited Ileb(Nty <br /> company Interesfs,as the case n►aY be,of Trustor. However,this opUon shaB not be ezercised by Lender M such exerdse�prohfbited by ieclerai — <br /> law or by Nebreske law. = <br /> TA%ES AHD LIQIS. The fWlowlnp prmAstons retallnp to tAe taxes and Qans on the Property ere a ptut of thts Oeed o}Trust. ' _ <br /> paymenf. Trusta shall pey when due(and in atl events prior to deiinquency)all taxes,spedat texes.essessmenb,churges pnciudinp water <br /> and sewet),flnes end ImposiUons levled agoinst w on aocount of the Property.and shal!pay when due ail oleims for work dona on or fpr <br /> servloes rendered a material tumishsd to the PropeRy. Trustor shnil malntaln the Property free of all Itens havinp pdority over or 6qual to the _ <br /> Interest oi Lender under thts Deed o!Trust,exoept fa the Ilan o1 t�es end assessments not due,except lor the e�dstlng indebtedness refeaed - <br /> to betow,and except as otherwise provlded in this Dsed of Trust. _ <br /> Rly�t To Contesl. Trusto►may withhold payment o4 any tex,assessment,or Gaim in connectlon with o good feith dtspute over the obligaUon <br /> to pay,so long as Lender'S interesf in the Properly is not Jeopardtrad. If e tien artses or is filed a5 e resutl o!nonpayment,Trustor sheil wilhin <br /> fifteen(15)days after the Ilen aris�or,N e tien is fited,withln flROen(15)days after Trustor has noUCe of!he fi;1ng,secure the dischargo of tho <br /> i�n,or M requested by Lender.deposft wtth Lender cash or a sutflclent Corporete surety bond or other sscurity saUsfactory to L.�ndsr in an <br /> � <br /> �T- <br /> —� .—:.�.�--�--- �,. . � � � , . , � • � � <br /> . . <br /> _ . , . ... . . , . <br /> , .. ... .. ..• . .. . ,, •�' . .,. , .. . . . , • , . <br /> : . � ,.., . , . . . . . <br /> . . � , ,. . . � . . � �, ' • �.. . ;... .,� . : � . �� � , • '' . .. <br /> . . �.�, . .., . . . . . , . . .. . • . . . . .. ,.� � :�,.� .. ..,� , .. � . . , . . . . . . . . � <br />