'; < . � _
<br /> �ubtitantf�ll} �yu��.�lcnt murn_a�sc in,uran�c ru��ra=r i,nut a�a�l:�blc. Borru�.�r,hall pa� tu I.�narr w�h m„ntii a,um cyual to ` - •..� r
<br /> �,nr-twrlttn��f d� }rsrl} mortga�e in�urapce premium hein�paid h} Burru«rr uhrn the�mnranrr c�,�er.i�_�lap�rd ur cea,�d tu .; y> . . -
<br /> he m ett�rt. Lenu�r��ill a�cept.�u;e a:��rctaut[hese p�}ment�a, a lu„ rc.�rne m lieu uf m�,nka�•r in.uranc�. L�,,, rr,ene , ,
<br />� pa���enc>n�a} rn� I��n::rr be reyuired. at the uption ui Lender,it murt�=3ge in.urancr c�neragr nn�he�m��unt and t�+r thr prriu�l� - . _
<br /> �� that Lrndrr rrywrc�� pru�id�i b} an intiurer appm��ed h} L�ndrr aasin hccumr•.��ailable:�nd i.ubtamed. B��rrnwer.hall pa}� ,
<br /> .,u .. '....1 r,.n.,.nt�in m.�rt�±<<• �n.ncNU'i IT1 P1ttiL ��f(u pictl'It�C���)>>iC�21'�C,llfl[II [Ilt fC(�WIC(11t0I ltil'IIIUI'[iT:1=0!
<br /> ,,p:.�t;::::..y:::..�... _ — _
<br /> � �,,.��ra�,_�•rr„i.�n.,rrnrd:mceµith am ��nttrn aLr�t�mcnt het��trn Buttu��rr 3nd L�nder ur applirablr la��. L _ -
<br /> 4. Inspection. L�nJrr ��r�h a�ent ma} mal:e r�awnablr�ntrie.� up�ro:u�d m,p�cuun,ut the i�rupem. i.ruu�� ���s��r�rc � - � _
<br /> B��rcuarr nutire at thz time uf ur priur tu an in�.perti�m+p�tiit�ing r�awnahle�su+e for thr imperticm. Q , ,
<br /> 10. Condemnation. The prurced,ol am a«arJ nr rlaim t��r �lamage�. dircrt ��r run,eyuential. in c�mnectiun with am
<br /> r�mdemn:eti�m ur uthrr tal:ing �,t an� part u(the Pr��pert}. ��r I��r r���z:r�an�r in lieu of cunJemn:it��m. arr hrrrh� a,+ign��i and� • _
<br /> , ,hall he p�id t��Lrndrr. � • .
<br /> In[hr e��nt uf a tutal tal.in�u(thr Prupem. the pn+rral..hall he appli�d tu thr+um��rrurcd h� thi�Serurit} Imtrument. •• ,
<br /> �+hrthrr i�r nut thc•n clu�, aith am �ti.•c»paiJ tu B��m�w�r. In th� r�rnt nl a parti3l tal.�m_ �d thc Pn�p�rt} m �chirh thr fair� , �
<br /> marl.rt �alur.�t[hc Prup�m imtnrdiat�h htturt tfi� tal.in�_ �.ryual t���u _reat�r than thc anu�unt ��t thr .um++«ur�J hy thi, �
<br />' Secunt� [n.trumrnt immcxli.�ttl� h�ti>rc th�t:tkm,�. unlc„B��rcu��rr�nd LrnJ�r othcr���.r,r_r�Y in �annn_. th�wm.•crunti h} --- ----.—, - - --
<br /> th�. Scrunt� hi.trument �h:�ll hc rrducr� M Ihr .nu„unt ul ihc pr�k��r.l. mulUplirJ h} thc ��,Il��uim_ trarnun: �:,� thr total . -
<br /> amuunt ut thr wm, ,crur«i m�mrJi�trl� hrt��rc�hr taF.m_�. dn�dcJ t,� �h� thr t��r marh�t �alur ��t chc Yn�p�n� immrd�atrl� . .
<br /> hrtur� th�• tal.mg :\�n halanrr ,hall hr p.��.1 t„ H�,rr,�arr In d�r c�rnt ut .i parual t�hini ut thr {'ruprrt� in «h�rh thc fau ` '
<br /> marhrt �alu���I thr Prnp�rt) nnu�.•diatrl� hr1„r.thr taAin� n Ir•.�h.�n thr.om��unt �,! thr �um��r.ur�J wuucdi.�t�l� hcturc �hc •
<br />- t.���n�. unlr•• f3urrus+rr.�nJ l�n�l�r ��ihrn�i.�-.��r«• m ��ntme ��r unic•• .�ppii.ai�ir ta}. ��i��.-i..�.� ���,,:�J.�. s��. ��r.kr:::. :tr:!t --. - •-- ---`_
<br /> h�,�pplirJ lu thr,um,..•.urrd h� ih�. �r�unty In,truns.nt ��hrthrr��r n„i thc.unn arr�hrn Ju�. . ' ��-
<br /> U tlir Pruprm �,:,bandunrd h� Bnrruu�r.ur it.aucr u��urc hy Lru�lrr t��H�,rruwcr that[hc r��nd�nm��r ulf�r,[n mal.r an
<br /> . .•_����.,,_
<br /> .iwaril �n utdc � �I.�im f�,r damaEr�. Nnrnn�er I:ul, Iu rr,(��ud tu l.�n�rr �•ithin �U 3:i�, sttcr thc Jatr Ih� n�Uicr �� gi►�u. ' ' - - ^
<br /> � L.n.lri i..wthun<<YI �n rnll�ct and arpl} th:prur�rJ,.a�n.��pnun. rUhcr tu rc�u�rau�,n ur rcpa�r uf tl�r Prup�rt} ur t�i thc,wn, � . ��•,,,,,�.,
<br /> .rrur�J hy lhi�Sr�unty In.trum�nt. .�hrthcr��r nul �h�n�1ur. - �L
<br /> 1'nlr„ lAn.lrr .�nd Hurru��rr uth�r�v.r aercr tn anunL. �m appL�aticm ul� pr��r��cd, tu pnncipal .hall nut �etrnd nr � �-^'�''�` _
<br /> u.t �fn�lhr Jur Jatr u�thr munthlr � mrnt.r�trrred tu�n ar:� ra h, I auJ 3 ur chanir the amuu�u ut•u�r,��y►n����,. ;''= � --
<br /> , r r �,y �. � �,. . ..•: .�.
<br /> 11.Borru��er Vut Relrased;Hbrhe�arancr B} Ixnder��n a��aivrr. E!.tcn,iun nf ihe iime tur paymrnt��r mu.liticauun `;..tr�. r�_
<br /> n�anwrt��atit�n of thc wm..uurrd h} �!u.Srcunt� In.trun�rnc gram�J h� Lrndrr tu an� +ua•cw�or in mtcr��t��f Burruarr.hall •=_
<br /> nut up�ra[r tu relra,�thr I�abdrt} uf thr ung�nal Burruucr ur BurcuHrr',wcrc.y,ur, in�ntrrr,t. l.rndrr,hall nut h�rcyuireJ to ��''''�=.,�'—.�
<br /> . . '9,�'.R',_�-
<br /> �ouimencc pr�xceJrttg,again+t an} w�r�„ur �n int�r�+t ur rrtu��t��ertrn.l timc tur p;t}tn�nt or othcrui,r m�xlify amunizati�,n . . .•, • ,�st'
<br /> ut [hc +um, +�rur�J h} thi, Scrurity Intitrument h� rra.�m ut :m} demanJ medr h} the ��riLinal Borruticr �v Burrower'ti _ --�-'•�_
<br /> �urrr,�ur, �n inttre�t. An} ti�rhraranrc hy landrr in errrci+in�sm nght ��r remedy .hall nut hc a u�ai�'rr i�I ur prrcludr the ` � ''�``
<br /> ererri�e of any right ur remedy. �'
<br /> 12. Suce�+orc and A+si�ny Bound: Joint and tieceral l.iability; C�iRnen. The co�enantti and agrecmcntti ��f this : � �.��°'p��.
<br /> Security Imtrumrnt ,hull binJ und henctit Ihe tiu��t++on anJ a++igny uf L.ender 3nJ Borrower. ,uhject tu the pravisiun� uf � � x: �.'�� ,
<br /> . paragraph 17. Burrower'+ cc�ccnant� and agrcrment+ ,hall he juint :utd �everal. Any &�rmwrr Who ro-ti�gn, thi+ Seruriry . :� ��� .
<br /> .�-.i�_,.
<br /> (ntitrument hut dc�e. not exerute thc \otr: (a) n cu-.�gning thi, Scrurity In.[rumrnt �ml}� to murtgage. grant and cunve�• that
<br /> • Borruaer'� inter��,t in the Pruperty und�r the termti��t thi, S�runry [n.trument:Ih) i,nut per.nn311y ubtigated tu pay the sums •����d��� I ;,
<br /> .ecured by thi,Srcurity instrument: 3nd tci agre��that Lend�r anJ any��thcr Bcirruw�r m�y agrk t��rxtend, mudify.furhear or
<br /> make any armmmodations with regard t��the terma of thi�Serurit}• In,trumcnt ur the Nnte withuut that Bnrrower'�coment. ��t, .,
<br /> i l3. Loan Char�es. If the loan ,ecureJ b} thi�Securit}•Imtrument iti�uhjert to a 13w whirh set. maximum loan charge,. .. -�-_. . '.
<br /> ' and that law iti finally interprctul,u that the intere�t or othrr luan rharge�roUrcted��r tu hc rullected in �omiec.Kion with the ', ` ;.,� ,,. " i' ,A.
<br /> ` loan erceed the permittrd limit,. then: 1ai any tiurh loan charge tihall he reduced b�• the amuunt nece,.+sry to reduce the charge �'r••`
<br /> �� to the permitted limit:anJ �bi any.um,almaJy cullected frum Borruwcr which exceetiieJ permit[ed limitti will he refunJed to � '}t
<br /> ': Borrow•er. Lender ma}� nc��utir [u mal�� thi� refunJ by rcducing the prinripal uwed under thr 1Vute ur by making a direct � ;,�,: '� }
<br /> .�' ayment to Borrnwer. IF a refund recfuces principal. the reduction will be treated a+ a p�u'tial prepayment without any �.��'
<br /> P � •
<br /> • prepayment charge under the No[e. `�'•:''�"'-: '��: =
<br /> � 14.\otices. Any notice to Borruwcr prc�vided ti�r in thi.S�curity In,tn►ment tihall be given by delivrring it��r hy mailing ----. ��
<br /> i�.n!,'.:• = .
<br /> it by flnt cla+ti mail unles� epplicable law reyuires u�c uf anothcr methoJ. The nutice,hxU be directed to the Property Address ��_-_
<br /> . or any other addresy Borro��•er designate� by nutice t�� l.ender. Any noticc tn L�nder ,hall be given by fint clasti mail to . ,..•�r� _
<br /> • Ixnder',address stated herein or any othcr addre�+ Ixnder detiignates by notice[o Burr��wer. Any notice provided for in this ,.:
<br /> Security Instrument shall be Jeemed to have been�iven to Burrower ar l.enJer when givcn as pmvidcd in this paragraph. '•�''�•��`�
<br /> ' ' �..:���- —
<br /> ' 15.Guvernin� Law; Seve�ability. Thiti Securiry (n,trument .hall be gc�verned by federal law and the law of the • �_ ��. ---
<br /> �" jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any prov�tiion or clawe of this 5ecurity lnstrument or the Note �: • •
<br />�� ��, conflicts with applicable law.,uch conflic[shall not affect uther provisians of�his Security lnstrument or the Nate which can be 'i ��_:�
<br /> given effect withuut the conflicting provision.To this end the pmvisiuns��f thi�Serurity Instrument and the Nc�te are declared ��
<br /> to be+everabte. -�.�~�
<br /> ��"..
<br /> ? 16.Borrower's Copy. Burrower tihaU be given one cunfurmed copy uf the Notc anJ of thi�Securiry ln�trument. _��_-'r�"�:
<br /> ��� 17.Transfer of the Property or a Ben�fccial Interest in Borrower. lf all or any part af the Property or any interest in it _����-- -
<br /> i�u�ld or transferred(or if a beneficial int�rr.t in Bnrmwer i+.old or transferred and Borrower iti not a natural person)without � j�. .��.�.�
<br /> L.ender's priar written consent. LcnJer may. •rt iu option, rcyuirc immediate p�yment in full of all sums �ecured b th�s : �•��T�
<br /> y :.;..,s,,,r�.:. t--:
<br /> Security Instrument. Ho«ever,thi.aptiun+hall not be cxerci+cd by Lender if exere��e�.prohibited by federal law ac of the date _ �
<br /> of this Security Inctrument. - = ':_ . .
<br /> If Lender exerci,e.this uption. L.�:nJer tihall grve Borrow�r nonce uf arceleratiun. The notice�hall provide a period of not __��_,er:a�:� •.
<br /> le�ti than 30 days From thr Jate the nutire iti dclivereJ or mailed within which Borr��wer must pey all wm> tiecured hy thiz �;�;,�����
<br /> Security Instrument. If Borrower fail.te�pay th��c.um�pnor tc�the expiration uf thi+perioJ. Lender may im��ke any remexlies _
<br /> pemiitteJ by thi�Security In,trument withnut funhrr nutice ur dcmanJ�m Borcower.
<br /> IS. Borcower's Rl�ht to Reinstate. I( Bott��wer mcctti ccrtain runditinn.. Bi�rrowrr .hall havc �hr right to h.rvc , •
<br /> enforcement ot thiti Security In,trument Ji.ronlinuui •rt any tinte priur to the earlirr��f: la) S day+ tor ,uch othcr prnuJ as . , .•-�• ..•,-.�:,_.
<br /> applicable law may �pecify for reinstatement) before sale of the Pmperty pursuant tu any power of sale contained in th�s . ,
<br /> Security Instrument:or(b)entry i�f a juJgment enforcing thi.Security Instrument.Tho�e conditiom are that Borrower. (•a)pays
<br /> Lender all tiumi which then wuuld be due unJer thi,Security ln�trument and the Note ati if no acceleration had occu�red: Ib) � � . .
<br /> cure�any defauk uf any <uher cuvenanu��r agreement�: (c1 pey+aU expemea incorred in enfurcing thi. Serurity Instrument. .
<br /> ineluding, but no[limited ti�, rea+unable auotney�' Ire+: and�d)t:ilce.tiuch action a+lxnder may rr.�.onably rryuir�to a+tiure �
<br /> that thc lien��f thi+Security ln,trument. Ixnder'ti rightti in the Prc�peny and Burrowcr'.��bligatiun to pay the wm�securui by ,
<br /> this Security Instrument yhall cuntinue unchanged. Upun rrm�tatcmrnt ny� ���n��w�r. �n�� 5ecurity Instrument anJ the • . •
<br /> nbligations ticcureJ hcreby �hall re�nain fully effcrtive a+ if nu accelerat�un had nccurreJ. Howcver,thi+right to reinstate rhall �
<br /> not apply in thc ra�c ul'acccleratiim undcr paragraph 17. ��
<br /> 19. Sale of tiotc: Chan�e of la�an tiervicer. Thr N��te ur a panial intcrc,t m thc Nut� Uugethcr u•ith this Security ... . .
<br /> � In�trument)may be si�ld onc or mure umr.with��ut priur nutice t��Borruwer. A tiale inay rewlt in a change in the entity(known
<br /> ati the"L.oan Scrviccr"►that rallcct� nwnthly paymrnt�duc undcr thc Notc anJ thi.Sccurity In,trumcnt. Thcrc al�u may bc unc .
<br /> nr morc change�uf the Luan Servirrr unrclatrd to a.al�uf thr N�ric. If there iti a chang�of the lw�an Sen•tcer. Burrower will hr .
<br /> givcn written noticc of thc changc in arrurJanrr�vith parsgraph ld atH�vc and applicaMc law.Thc nuticc will,tatc thc nanir and
<br />- addreti+uf thr nrw Luan Servicer and the addre�� tn which pa}ment�.hould he made. Thc nat�rr w�ll al�o cunt3in any uther
<br /> information rcyuircd hy applicablr Isw.
<br /> 20. Hawrdous tiubstanc�w. Bnrruwrr +h:�ll �iut rauu ur permit the preunrr. u+e. Ji+pocal. .turage. ur rrlcatic uf any � .
<br /> H:vrrJ��u. 5ub�tance, un ur �n the Pruperty B��rruwrr +hall not do, nur alluw anyunc rl.e tu du, anythmg affernng the � �
<br /> Property that i, in viulatiun ul any F.nvironmental Laµ. Thc pre_�tiiing two .cntrnrc. +hall not apply tu thc prcticncc, u�c. or � .
<br /> .torage un thc Pmperty of timall yuanUUC� ��f Hai�rduu� Suh�tanre+ that are genrrall� rrcogn�ied In he apprupnatr tu nurmal • •
<br /> i r�;idcnti.�!a�,::ti:sr�c:ta�:ai::icsiar.ce t•rthe Prt��ert;•• E --...--- - -- --:
<br /> o.,�,.�.,�� Fo�m 3028 9/90 � .
<br /> � , ,.
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<br />