. . . . _.._. __. � ..
<br /> _'��`_ � - .w_ , a. ; --
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give l.ender wrinen notice of any im•estigation, claim, demand. la�•+uit or other action by any `���
<br /> `^���� govemmental or reaulatory agency or private part}•invol�ing the Property and any Hazardaus Substanre or Environmentai Law � ",f< •`�. . �
<br /> of which Borrower has actuad knuwlecige. If Borruwer ltam+. or i� nutificYi by any governmental or regulatury�authorit}.that (� : - ----�=-
<br /> � �� an}• removal ur uther remediation of an� Harardc�us Substance affecting the Property is neces�ary. Bomiwer shall promptly take � , `;'.�: ,' _
<br /> � all necessary remedial action�in aca�rdance with Environmenta!Law. � .�
<br /> � A� used �n th»aaragraph _'u. 'kaz:►rdous Jubstanccs are tho�e �uo�tn,��r+uci:��cu :;s tax:.^ar:::.�:��u:,�ubstaa..� :sy �==__•=• -- ',£.,
<br /> Environmental L.aw and the following tiubuancc�: gasoline, kerosene. other tlammadie ur toxic prtroieum prouucta, tuaic ==• -
<br /> pesticides and herb�cidL�s.volatile�uh�ent�.materi;il,rontaining asbe�ws or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials. As u,ed in� �`���
<br /> ' •�,� thi, paragraph '_0. "Em•imnmental Law" mqm federal law�s :u�d la�v� ��f thc juri,Jictiun where the Property i. t�x�teJ that� � _ �
<br /> .. r e la t e w h�:a l t h.n a t e t y o r e m i r o n m e n u il p r u t e c t i o n. • ��_,
<br /> - ' � NON-UNIFORM CO�'ENAIvTS. Burrower and Lender funhe�rcn•enant and agrer�.+foll��w,: : : � ' _
<br /> � 2 L Acceleration: Remedles. I.ender shaU �i�•e notice to Borrn«er prior to acceleration fottow in�Bomn�er's breach •
<br /> of anr coveaant or a�reement In this Securit�� Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unlr;y
<br /> __ 3 applicable taw provides utheRtiise).The nofice shall sgeclf�: (a)the default; (b) the artiun reyuln�d to cure the default: ( \ - • ��
<br /> (c)a date. not less than 30 dati�s fr+�m ihe tlate the nutice iti Kiti•en ta Borrotiver,by �tihirh the default inusi br cured:and � ;-_ . _
<br /> ' I (d! that failure ta cure thr default on ur Ifefore the datr +pcicifted in the notice rnay re+ult in accrlerution of the sums , '� . ��
<br /> +crureYl b} this Securit� ln+trumrnt and sale of thr Propert}. The notice+hal!further Infi�rm I3orro�rer of the ri�ht tu •
<br /> rein+t:�tr after decrteratioa and the ri�;ht te brin�; a caurt actiun t� as.�ert the n�an-exis�tenre��f u dei'ault or s�ety othrr ��_�-'�
<br /> defenu of Horrutirrr to arcelerotion and�ale. tf the detautt i+ nut cured on or beture the dste +peciiied in tttr notice, • ' • � �
<br /> I.endcr. a! its:�teo�. s�s�y r�u's.re i:nmetli�te ix:;:r.rnt i: ::s!! eP a!! ssm� ucurc��� ihi�, �C!!!iLS IR4�Riti!YR1 «ithnut =-.----__`---= -
<br /> e t � �
<br /> • fbrthrr demand and may invoke the pe�arr��f.ale and anv other remedies prrmitted by appiicable la«. [.endrr tihall be . ' . ;;,�;;'.;�.;:.�.
<br /> • entitled to cnllect aIl expensrs incurred in pursuin�the remedtes provided in this parugraph 21,i�icluding.but not limited , '} "' '''''
<br /> r •, �a�,�""�'
<br /> to.reaconable attoraeys'fees and costs of title evidence. ��*;.�;�.. 4 ,—
<br /> � If the power of sale is invoked, 'd'rustee shall record a nottce of default in each counri in which any part of the ,.�-�.;_, -_
<br /> = S'mgcrly ':s lr,�i�!a:3 skaf! r.sa's!copies oY s�rh not:zf's� ihe manner nresrribed by applIcable laa•to Borrower and to •- --_
<br /> • the other pecsons prescribed by applicab!e law.After the time required by applirable la«•,Trustee shall gi�e public notice
<br /> of sale to the rsons and in the manner rescribed b a lIcable law.Trustee, withoui demand on Sorrower.shall sell ���� .__y
<br /> Pe p Y PP �:r���„
<br /> t,: ,:
<br /> the Progerty at public aaction to the hIghest bidder at the time and place and under the terims designated in the notice of . r�,.�,�::',-_-.
<br /> • sale in one or more parcels and ia any order TruJ:ee determiaes.Trustee may postpone sale of all or an} parcel of the , ���-
<br /> Property by public announcement at the time and place of any pmviously schedulcYl sale. I.ender nr itti designee may , . ,';;-�°--__�
<br /> � purchasr the Property at any 5ale. - - J�°'��{�`�._`:__:,,
<br /> _ Cpon reeeipt of payment af the price 6id. Tnistee shaU deliver to the purchaser Tnutee's deed conveying the _ � •: �` - ;-.:�:
<br /> Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. i.,� - "°+F': .
<br /> Tnistee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the fotloisi order:fa)to all co�ts an d ex enses�f eserc isi t he wer o f -`�.�-��'�
<br /> , n� P � p° ��*..,;�z�
<br /> � " sale,and the sale,includIng the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred,not to exceed the� of 50.00 or'�% ,,..��.�. ,:.
<br />. .• of the principal amount of the note at the time of the declaration of default,and reasonable attorrteys• fees as permitted ' `�� �'."� �'�� _:
<br /> •'i.-�" by law: (b)to ap sums secured by this Security lnstrumea�t;and(c)any excess to the person or pe�sons legalty enHtled to . : , :, "''
<br /> it. �
<br /> ,' .�:;� `, �` . �
<br /> � � . 22. Reconveyatece. Upon payment of all sumti ,ecured by thi� Security ln,trument. L,�;nder shall request Trustee to �'
<br /> ;�;. reconvey the Praperty and shall surrender this Sr,�urity Instrument and aU notes e�•idencing debt �ecured by this Security ._
<br /> s shall reconve the Pro ert withuut a•arrant and with<iut ctiarge ta the person or persons legally �.,��:... ....
<br /> . Instrument to Trustee. Tru tee y p Y Y
<br /> . entitled to it.Such penon or pencros shall pay any recordation cost+. " '��' �i
<br /> ' 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at it�option, may from umr to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to ��
<br /> ; any Trustee appointed hereunder by an in�trument recorded in the counry in which thia Security Instrument is recorded.Without '�
<br /> .; � ��
<br /> ', conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee tihall wcceed to aU the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein . �, �
<br /> and by applicable law. _'��� "� ' . _
<br /> -. �•' lA. Request for Notices. Burrow�r reyuest�that cupieti uf the notice�of defaµlt anJ ,dle be sent to Borrower's address . l -�
<br /> � � '$ which is the Pro ert Address. �� �x��-� ,
<br /> P Y
<br /> . 25.Rtders to this Security Instrument.[f one ur more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this — �•�• '""�`"—
<br /> Security Ins[rument.the covenants and agreements af each+uch rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement '�"
<br /> the cuvenants and agreement,af thi,Secunty In�,trument a,if the rider(s�were a part of�his Securiry Instrument. � ��rJ� � �-f :�
<br /> ' [Check applicable box(es)� - -
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider 0 1-4 Family Rider =____--- -----
<br />