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.. . . . �_ . . . �� ._ .. . . _ __ <br /> . , .. <br /> ,---- - --- —.. ..... . .... . _ . .. _... . .....--.• .------- �� , .. ,` • . r-.. <br /> � The Fund+ .ha11 be held in ;tn in.titutiun Hho,e depu,its are in.ured by a federal agen� nT�e-ntaliT}'�r tntiry .. . - <br /> � i inrludin� Lendtr.if Lender i..ueh:ui in.utution�ur in:un FeJrral Home Loan Bank. I.ender+hull apph� thr Funds tu pa}•the • i ,`,:;�., <br />� , � E,�row Item,. Lend�r ma} nat rhargc Burroaer tur hold�ng and appl}•�n� the Eends,annuaily anal}�mg chr acruw ncwunt,or � - -- -` =�_� <br /> _ � <br /> �rrilymg thr E�crow Item,. unlrv Lender pa��B��rrower mterest vn th�Fund�a�id applicable law pem�its Lender to make tiuch <br />. . �3 :1�I�:tl�,c. �i���i�:�Ci. :.CA'v.:. .. . R�. .,.���Nr t.� n•�� •���n.�-time��•h:�ru,•t�,r an mdenendent real e+tate tax reDottinr+cnire �`'___ —__ _ ,-__ __ <br /> ' ��.`.1 {.�• [��.t�: .:: �:h..,..`..��:•.h�w�hythi. Inin, nnl�� ;rnnlu•:�hlc� I:iR nru��ide� uII1C1'WIS�. Ultlfti� ;ui :�greement IS m:ide ur r-�_ _�— �s_-- <br /> � f applicable law reyuirr,inter�wt tu he paid. LenJer,hsll not be reyuireJ tu pa}� Borri�wrr an} interrst or wrnings on the Funds_ • ` <br /> �• . � Borruwer and Lender may :igree in«nung. huwe�rr, th�t int�retit �hall he paid un the Funds. :xnder shall give to Bormwer, _ <br /> ; without rharge. :�r. :fnnucl arr��unting ��f the Fund�. �h��uing rredit,and debitti tu the Fund. and the purpose for which pch _ _ <br /> '� dehit to the Fund�wa,maJr.The Fund�are pluiged a�additiona!tierurity for all �umti tiecureJ by thi�Security lnstrument. , <br /> � � !f the Fund�hrld hy Lcnder excc�i the amuunt�perniitteei tu be hel�i b} spplicable ISH�, Lrnder shall :�ccount ro Bormurr • � <br /> ' ti�r the rxcesti Fund, in arrordsnre with the reyuirement+uC applirable law. If the amount uf the FunJ� held by Lender at an}• : � �_ <br /> . time i�n�t �uffirient to pay the E�rruw hem.w�hen due. Lender mdy +o notify Borrower in W riting, and_ in+uch catie Burrower � <br /> ,hall pa� tu Lcnder the amount nece„ary to make up the deticienr�. &�rrower �hall make up the defirienc� in nu mure than , � , � <br /> __ twrlvr munthh•pay�ment..:�c Lender'.wIe Ji,rretian. ( � -- �`_ . • . <br /> ' Upun pa�ment in tull nf 3ll ,um, ,n:ured hy [hi. 5erurin In,trument. Lendrr tihall prompth r�fur�d tu Bnrren<<r :�ny . . -- <br /> - � Fund,hrld b�• Lend�r. If. unJ�r paragraph_'I, l.cnder.hsll acywre nr,cll the Property.Lrn�fer, priur to the scyui�ition or,ale ; , , _ _.� <br /> � uf'the Pruperty. tihall apply any FunJ. held hy I.ender at thr umc��f aryui,�tiun��r wle a�.,�re�lit agaimt�cured b} , ; <br />� j [hi,Securit� In,tr�ment. � <br /> , �i �.._.. n . _..1 L.: I��.w{=.�n.l..r n_�r;iu�:�(1f7♦ -- _._ � _- . <br /> ': 3..ippiicxtion oi'r-a�mrnt+. 'vuic.,appii�ai,ir i:i�+ �ilu��u2���iuc�n},1:::�::'.::..�...�... ' _. .__—__ __—'-�e <br /> 1 ,�nd ' .hap hr applie.�l: tir,t. t��am prepay oien[rhargr, Jue under the Nute: ,�cund. [u aiiioum, p:,�.,hlc under paragraah 2. �- , ,�p.�•*�.� <br /> � th�rS. tu int�rc,t due:ti�urth,tu pnncipal d¢�::uiJ I; any late chargea Jur under the tiute. . -_ <br /> 4.Char��: LienS. Bormwer,hall pay all�e�timents, chargcs, fines and impositions attributable tu thr Pn�prrty � � �" `�� _,.b.:'�:�i <br />� - which ma� attain Dnority ocrr thiti Secunty Instrument, and IeasehulJ paymenn ur ground rent+. �f:u�y. Borruwer +hall pay ��; <br /> � .� � th�,r uhh�[he m�nner provided in paragrdph 2.�,r if not pa�d m that manner. Borruwzr+nali pay �hen�un tiu�e J�r«ti: �.-=_-=""�= : - <br /> J .;� <br /> � t�,ihr per,un u�.•�Y!p�yment. Bnrruwrr,hall prumpdy lumi�h tu Lrnder all notfre,uf'amuunt.tu hr paiJ under thi,paragraph. • �"�.•.. . <br /> � 11 R„rn,��rr mak�.thr.�paym�nt�dirertly. Burruwrr.hall prt,mptly furni,h tu Lender rercipt.c�iJcncin�thr paymrnn. , . .'.��°��' � <br /> � Burr„arr�hall promptl�•Jiuharge any lirn which ha,pnunty oecr thn Serunt} In,troment unletiti Burruwrr: ia�agrec,in `*. �'_ <br /> . � u nnng tn thr pa}ment��t thr uhl�gatiun,�curc�h� thr lirn in a mrnn�r ac�rptaMr tn LrnJer. �bi cunte,t, m gu�Ki i,�uh thr hrn �;�`� �_-�_ <br /> ' � h�. ur drt�nd, agam,t rnturcrm�nt ut th� lirn m. I�LaI prurrrding. whirh in thr Ixn4c�' ��pinwn �,per3tc tu prr�rnr thc `' '� ^ '�',�, �� <br /> � �nturccmcnt oti the li�n:ur�r�,ecur«frun�thc huldrr ut tfir Grn an agrrement,at►.iactun t., l.rndrr�uhurJin:tting the I�en tu ."`'� `� . � <br /> x.�-- <br /> � ihn S�runt� In,trumrnt. It'Lcndcr Jctrnnin�� that any part uf thr Pru�rtv i++uhje�t t��a lien �vhich ma} attain pri��nty.nrr "4_�'� �� <br /> � thi,Srcurit} In,trum�nt. l.rn�l�r may gn•� Burru�ver a nutire iJrntif}mg the lien. Burrua•er,hall .ati,fy thr lien ur takc unr ur • _- „ <br /> murr ut thc arti�,n,,�t t��nh ahu.�N ithin Il)days uf th��icing of rn,tirr. .' ' '.. _ - — <br /> 5. Hatdrd or Proprrt� In.+utvnce. &�rruw�rr .hall I.crp tht impruvem�ntti ne�w rri�ting ur hereafter crcrted un thc -. <br /> • ' Prupcm �n�ur�d against lu..b� br�. ha�.�rd� incluSrd «ithin chr tcrm rxtend�d coccrag�' anJ �m uthcr h:v.�rJti, inrluding <br /> .��- fluuJ�ur I1�a�Jing. I��r whirh Lendrr reywrr. in+uranrr. 'fhn in,ur:mc�.hall be maintained in the amuunt.anJ ti�r the period+ . <br /> , Ihat L�nder reyuirc�. The in.uranrc rarr�cr proviJing thr in�ur;uice,hall be rhrnrn h� Borruwer .uhj�ct tu Lender'ti appren•al �::' � ��.T• ,� <br /> • which ,hall nut he unrca+onably withhtlJ. If Bon��wrr faih ta maintain ruvrr.�gr Jr.rribeJ abnve. Lcnder ma�. at Lender'� r ` . � <br /> � uptiun.ubtxin ruverage tc�protert LenJcr',right,in the Property in ara�rdance w ith p3ragraph 7. �§� �:� ';f <br /> A l l i n.u r a n c c p o li rieti and rene�valti tihall be ac�e pWble to LxnJer anJ .hall mclude a �tandarJ mortgage�lautic. I..rnJer ' �. ; _ <br /> ' +hall have the right to hi�IJ the pahci�.and renewal.. If Lender myuirc.. Bottower+hall prumpdy gice tu I�en der a l l receipts o f __ :� . -- <br /> paid premiums and renewal nnticr.. In the event ul lu,,.Barrow�rr,hall gire prompt noti��tu the irnurancr carrier and Lxnder. � <br /> Lendcr may make pruuf uf Irn�if nt�t mudc prompdy hy Borrc�urr. � �^" =* <br /> Unle,.L.ender and Burruwer nthcrwi�c agree in w��uranre procecds ,hall he appli�d a�r�wtorauon��r rrpair nt the - �i. �. ' <br /> Pn�perty damaged.if[hc rr.turati�m��r repair i.econamicalh fcatiiblc and l.cnder'�.ecurit�• iti niu Ies,ened. If thc re�toration or �' " r <br /> , repair i+ not eronomicall�• f�a..ible ur Lender'�,ecurity w��uld he IcueneJ,thr�n.urance pruc�eJ, ,hall br appli�d tu the tiun�, �,,"_ �: . <br />• - ,ecurrd by thi, Serurit}• In,trumcnt. �vheth�r ur nut thcn Ju�. Huh any �xcc�r puiJ t�� B��rrowcr. If Borru�ver abandum the - �,�,, <br /> � Proprrty. ur doe�not an.�•rr within 3Q day.a nutic� Irum 1xnJrr that the in.urnnrr carricr ha,oftcrui tu>rttle a rlaim, then o'=�=�- <br /> � LenJer may rullut thr imura�►c� prore�dti. L.cnder may u�c the pruceeds to r�pxir ��r rr,turc the Prupcny ��r to pay .un�s .�i` <br /> ` •.'; �ecured by thi�Security Imtrument.a•hrthrr��r not then�lue.Th�3(3-day pericxi will begin when the nrni�e�s given. �;;.. <br /> 7C's. <br /> • Unle�+ Lender and Borrowcr uthcnvi�c agree in wruiag, any application of procecd, to pnnc�pal .hall not extrnd �ir �u •:�:�,: _ <br /> portpane the due Jate uf the monthly paymrnt� rrfcrred tu in paragraph, 1 and 2 or change the amount of thr payments. If - <br /> �•' <br /> undcr paragraph 21 the Pruperty ��a�yuirrJ hy [.�nder. Rormwrr'�nght tu any imuraria p��lirie�and praccedti n�ulung trum - 3��v <br /> dam:�ge to the Property priur to the aryui,itiun,hall pa.�t��LAnder tu the extem uf the+ums�ccured by this Sccurity Imwment .'�',� ���.y.;�.�`: <br /> � •' � immediately prior te�tAe acyui,ition. r �'��`"� <br /> 6.Occupancy. Pre�ervatton,1laintenance artd Protectii�n�►f the Property;fDorro�ver's!w►an Applicatlon;l.easeholdc. "="'''r��.: ,_ _.. <br /> Barrower+hail occupy,e�txblish,and u�e thr Prc�peny a.Borrower'�principal re,idence within�ixry Jay.after the exrcution�f �"'" "� <br /> R �:-~� <br /> . this Security Instrumcnt and,hall �untinue tu occupy the Proprrty a.Bc>rruw•er'�principal reti�denrc ti�r at le:��t unc ywr after ����' ;� , �— <br /> the date�+f ucrupanry. unlr,+ l.ender otherwue agmeti in K•nting. whinc�oment �hall nut b�unreawnably wrthhelJ. ��r unles� '�•�=� <br /> extenuating circumstance. �xitit which arc beyond Borrower'� runtr��l. Burrower tih�ll not de+tmy. damage or impair the _ *_�--'�"�`-�.=— <br /> �• Propcny. apow the Proprrty tu Jctcriorate, ur rommit a• on thc Propcny. Borr��wer tihaU be in dcfault if any tiirfeiwre �=,�: ;. . :_ . - <br /> � arti�m or procrcding. whethrr�ivil ur crimindl. i+ hcgun that in I,end�r'ti gu��J taith�udgment cuulJ rc�ult in tiirfciturc of the , <br /> Propeny ur uthcr�ri+e materially impair th�licn creat�d h� thi.Sccunn• Intitrument ur Ixnder'��ccunty interctit. Burrower may '- ��<'_' �� � <br /> '��:. <br /> , rurr,uch a Jefault and reimtate.„viJed in paragraph 1 R.hc �:m,in=the acuem ur pru�reding 1��hc Ji�mn.�d w�ith a ruling ' : __•;-.,_ <br /> that. tn La:nder', �:��uJ (aith drtrnninauun. prerlude� tiirfciwr; ��t the Burru��er'� �mere,t u� th� Prup�ny ��r uther materiul � �.:-'"— <br /> impa�nnent uf the licn �reatrd h} thn S�rurity In.trume�n ur Lcndcr'� .crurity interca. fiorcuw•cr+hull al,u he in dcfault if - � <br /> Borrower.Ju�ing thc luan applic.�u„n prc,rc.,.ga�.r matcrialh tal�r��r�na�curatc inf�+rman�m��r,tat�mrnt,to Lrndrr lur lailed =-_ <br />� � � tu pr�wid�Lrndrr��ith any matrrial infi,rmati�ml in ronnrcunn Nith thr lu:m�ridrnc�d h� thr Notc. mrluding. hut nut IimitcJ . - . �;"��` . <br /> _ , u�. reprr,cntatiun.runccrnin� Borruurr'.��ccupancy ul thc Proprrty.i,a pruuipal rr.iJcnrr. If thi.Srrurit} In.trumrnt i��m a . - `• .. ---- �- - <br /> Iw�ehold. Buttowe� tihall �umph �silh .tll Ih� pruvistonti uf Ih� IC:1+C. If Bt�rruµ'�f a�ywrr+ lu' ��tl� lu lh� P���p�fly. Ihe .-i'"�+��'��`=f� <br /> Ica�chold and thc fcc tidc�hall nui mcrgc unlc,+Lcndcr agruti tu thc mcrgrr in writing. , • . — <br /> • 7.Protection of l.rnder's ldi�hts in the Propertr. lf Rurruwcr fail�to perfi�rm thc covcnants and agrccmcnt�c�mtaincd in , • � <br /> thi+ Scrurity Intitrumcnt. ur thrrr i.a lcgal pr�x�rJing Ih:it may +ignificantly :�ffect I.�ndrr'�right�in thc Propr«y hurh a� a �� <br /> procced'+ng in bankn�ptry. prubatc. lur cundcmnatiun c�r ti�rlcuurc „r tu rntirrrc law. ur ngulauun.i. thrn I.�nder ma�•du anJ ; '. . <br /> � pay fitt whatrvcr i, nere�rar}� t�� prutert the �alur nl Ih� Pruprm :md LxnJcr'� right. �n the Pruperty. IAnJrr'. acuon+may .. <br /> inrlude paying :m� ,um, •�rurcJ hy a licn wh�ch ha, pnunt} ��vcr thi� Sccunty In,trununt. appranng m court. paying �° <br /> . . rca�unaMc auurnry,' tcr.and rntenn� ui�thc Pruperty to makr rcpa�r,. ,111h�,u�:h l.rndrr ma�• ta6r aruuu wi�trr lhi> (',ar.i�:raph .. <br /> � <br /> 7. I.Cnd�r Ju��nuI h:�v�Iu du�o. . � ■".,. <br /> Any a�uuunt, di.hunrd M Lcn�lrr un�lrr thl. paraer.iph 7 .hall hrr�,nu adduu,nal �Irht nt F3urru��rr .rrured h. tlii. . <br /> ., ti�rurUv Imtrumrnt. l�nlr.� Hurrourr anJ I.cnd�r agnti ti,uthrr trnn, ��I paynirnl. Ihr�r .mwunh ,hall hcsr tntcrc�t Inmi thr . <br /> Jatc ut Ji,huncmcnt at thr tiutr ratr anil �hall hr pa}.ihlr. ��dh intrrr,t. upun nnt�ic Inmi I.�nJrr tn Bnrrnarr rcyuc�t�n� . . <br /> � <br /> • paymrnt. • • <br /> 8. tlort�a�e Inwr�amc. 11 IAr.Jrr rryuin�l nu,rt�agc m.urancr a• a r�,nJiu��n�,t mal��ng thr luan ,rrurrd h� thi.ti���unt� . . �' <br /> In,trumrnt. H��rrnWrr .hall p:ry thc prcnuuni, r�yu�rrd ti� m:untam tb� m��rtzagr �murancc in rttcrt I1. lur anv rea,un. th; � <br /> � m��rtgagr inwrancr ru�ira�r rcywrrJ h� I.rnJcr I:�p�r.�v r�a.c� tu hc tn rtfrrt. k3urrm�rr .li.dl p:iy Ihr prrm�um. rcyuircil t„ - <br /> - �,htain i�,�rrag� .uMtanttally ryui�:drnt w�hr murt�aLr unuranrc pre���,u,ly in rtlr� .i c��•t ,ubtitantiall} r��uivalcnt t�, thc _ ��.. <br /> � ru,t tu Burru��rr �,t th� mnrt�arc tn,uranrr prc�i��u.l� tn �Ilict. truin an alternalr nual_.�gr in,urrr .�pprn�r�l h� I.rndcr. If _ • +- .�_� <br /> . . ! ' <br /> . ... ,.-.., .. , �orm 3028 9�90 _ ._ ._._..:_ ..., <br /> . ' � <br /> � � ti -. <br /> �,. <br /> ---- -• . .. . .------ ---- , _... _ - - ---•- . . . __..._. ...._. .. . ._ .. — <br /> .._ .. . . <br /> -.._.� ^_,___ .. ......................-=� . . - -- . .. . , . <br /> -__ . . . • '-�". - . : ,t . <br /> ' ._L ., . ' . � . . ' . ' •- . . <br /> -- � — <br /> �- - --- - -. --- , - • . <br /> • ' � • � . . .. . . . � . . . .. • ', . . . ; . . ' . <br /> .. . + . • .. • .. . ' . . .. . . .. � . . . , ' . ' . .. .. •s:._ _. . . . . . • , . . � .. .. <br />