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<br /> . ; , . , . � .' ' , � � ` � ' • • . ``� ;.-
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<br /> . g�� 1ti�;��.� ; � . . . .. �_
<br /> , � ; .:.:
<br /> � � f � � .
<br /> (�Ni or part of tlne Property,or a iseneficial"snterest in a trust owning all or part of the Property.is sold or � , . , . '-- -i -
<br /> otherwise t�sferred(other thau by devise or descent),a�►d [ . . . . �
<br /> . (u�The Propeaty is not occupied by We purchaser or grantee as 6is or her principal cesidence,or the f . . . .y'�.
<br /> parchaser or grantee daes so occupy the Property but his or her credit has not i�een approved in accordance • _�
<br /> • with the requirements of ttte Secretary. -•. 3-
<br /> • (c) No V6�aiver.If circums�nces occur that would permit Lender to require immediatc payment in fu11, but . . ='�
<br /> � Lender dces not require such payments,Lendea dces not waive its rigt�ts witb respect w subsequent events. :,���
<br /> (d) Regalations ot HIJD Secretary. In many circumstances regulasions issu e d by t he S e c r e t a r Y w i l t l i m i t �-�T�..�_
<br /> Lender's rights,in the case of payment defanits,w require immediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid. . � `; ._-
<br /> . 'I1�is gecuriry Instrument does not authorize accelention or foreslosure if not permitted by regulations of the I . �...,.�
<br /> - Sep'etary- � -.:��«_
<br /> (e)Mortga�e Not Insared.Borrower agrees ttiaat if this Security Insorument and the Note are aot detetmined w . ��;�
<br /> be elig�ble for inswcance und�the Natioaal Housing Act within 60 days from the date hereof,Leiedea may,at r .. . .i i�s..�
<br /> its opdon, requue immediate payment in fiill of all sums sec�ued by this 5ecurity Insaument A wriuen I -_
<br /> statement of any authoii7ed agent of the Seccetary dated subsequent to 60 days from the date hereof,declining , .:�-_:;,'��
<br /> to in�re this gecurity Insuuraent and the Note. s6at1 be deemed conclusive proof of such ineligi'b�ity. �--�~
<br /> Noiwithstanding the foregoing, this option may not be exercised by Lendex when the unavailability of
<br />�'•i insurance is solely due to Lend�'s failure tn remit a mortgage insutance premium w the Secretary. ,�����
<br /> ` 10.Reinstatement Borrowex has a right to b e re i n s t a i e d i f L e n d e r h a s r e q u i r e d i m m e d i a t e p a y i n e n t i n f u ll b e c a u s e •-��:
<br /> of Borrower's failure to pay an acnount due undea the Note or dris Sec�uity Instrumeat'This right applies evea�after • f, ;,�
<br /> °; foreclosure pmceed"u►Ss are insuucuted.To reinstate the Security Iasavmen� Bonower shall tender in a l�mp svm a11 „ :�
<br /> ms
<br /> unounts required to bring Boaower's ascount current including,to the cxte�t they are obligauons of Bomower under � • � �'-
<br /> �i this Secacity Insuument, foretlosure costs and reasonable and customary atwmeys' fees and expeases propealy .-s
<br /> this Secarity Instrument an� the • #' '
<br /> .� associatcd with tde foreclosure proceeding. Upon reu�statement by Bozrowca, '_�?' :
<br /> ti - a,. , ,,.:�� •_
<br /> � obligations that it secures shall remain in effect as if Lender had aot req�ited immediate paYment in full.However, ' '•;�� .
<br /> '� Lender is not required w Permit reinstatement if: (i)Lender has accepted reinstat,ement after the commencea►ent of .� � �
<br /> .,.,�
<br /> .� forerlosure proceedings within two Years iinmediatelY Precedmg the �°uu°encement of a cutrent foreclosare •����: .`:.
<br /> � Psoc�ding, Cu)remstatement will preclude fore�tos�ue on different grounds in the future.or(iri)reinstatement will :.. i�'�..
<br /> _i adversely affect the priority of the liea creat�d by ihis Sec�uity Insuument _ �•._�
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Re[ease�; Forbearance By Lender Not a waiver. Exte�sion of the time of payment or .,. �.
<br /> modifiration of amorti�ion of We sums secured by this Security InsGrument Branted by Lender ro any successor in {`-
<br /> ;.." �_,
<br /> interest of Borrowa shall not operate co retease the liability of the original Bosrower or Boirowea's successor in inUerest ,• ;��
<br /> s Lender shall not be required to wmmence proceedu�gs against any success,or ui inteaest or refuse w e�ctend time for � �` � �'
<br /> . { ',�asw`..�.'�`��ii"'-'__.
<br /> t payment or od►eawise modify amorda�ion of the swns secured by this Security Instcument by reason of any demand ,�
<br /> made by the original Borrowea or Bmmwer's successors in interest.AnY forbea�ar►ce by I.ender in exercising any right
<br /> or remedy stnll not be a waive.�of or preclude the e�cercise of any right or remedy. '..• ,
<br /> r cer
<br /> 1Z.Succeswrs and Assigns Booad;Joint and 5everal Liability;Co-Signers.7tie covenants and agreements of
<br /> this Security Insuument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of I.ender and Botrower, subject to the �-�r�"�-.._�'
<br /> � �� provisians of paragRaph 9(b).Borrower's covenanu and a�ements shs+11 be joint and seve:al.My Horrowea who . +::�: � -
<br /> �o-signs this Security Inswment but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing ihis Security Iaswmeni only w ����
<br /> martg�ge.g�rant and wnvey that Borrower's interest in the Propeaty undcd the terms of this Sec+uity Inswment;(b)is '. '"�:__'>:K.����._
<br />.. not personally obligated w pay the sums secured by this Security Insuument;and(c)a�ees that I.end�and any other •. :_,r+ �,; .
<br /> ' Bonower may agrce to eatend,modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security ��_.������.
<br /> Insuument or the Noie without that Borrower's consenL "L''��''- �
<br /> . :*�:.�. ..�
<br /> . .�_. :.Y
<br /> .' .. ... .
<br /> Q `-��Ir�� . .
<br /> ��R(NE)tceos�.o� Papsyo�e ininau: ` '
<br /> � � " . • . . . . r-
<br /> . . . . .. . . . .. . : • . �
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<br /> • �� � ., , . • � • � , .. .� , . _ ' ' • . . .. r � . . _ f �.. .. . ' y' , '�' ,�'. .�:',...'' � ,
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