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<br /> • 13.Notices.My aotice ro Borrower provided for in this Security Inswment shall be given by delivering it or by � . ; '. � . _.
<br /> mailing it by fust class mail unless applicai�le law requires nse of another method.The notice shall be directed to the � ` � _ F-
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by noticc w Leader.Any no�ce w Lender shall be given by � . , , .
<br /> . first class mail w I.euder's adctre.cs stated herein or any actdre,ss I.ender designates by notite�Borrouer.Any nouce 4 � ...._. - �'�
<br /> . _- - ..�-�
<br /> _ � .. _,;� .
<br /> - provided for in tfiis Security Inst�umeni shall be deemed to have been given ta Bonowea or L.euder when given as , �
<br /> ` piovided in this paiagraph. � . •
<br /> . 14.Governing Law;Severability.This Security Inshurr►ent shall be govetued by Fede�al!aw and the law of the � . , , _
<br /> j�isdiction in which th$Anperty is located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the `; . . -
<br /> Note wnflicts witb applicable law,such conflict shall not affeci other provisions of this Security Insuument or the Note �, • -
<br /> • which can be given effect without the confliciing pmvision.To ihis end the provisions of this Securiiy Iastrument and ` � ` �y-�'
<br /> the Plote are declared Yo he seveaable. [ . �_s�
<br /> , ' �-�_
<br /> 15.Bor�owe�'s Copq.Borrowa shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security lnsaument , : , _ _-
<br /> � 16. Ha�rdaus Sabstances. Borrower shall not causs or permit the gresence,use,disposal.storage.or release of ' - - ..----
<br /> . � any Ha�dous Substances on or in tIie Propeaty.Borrowex shall aot da,nor allow anyone eLse to do,anything affecung Y :'�"`'�
<br /> i the Properry tdat is in violation of any Envimnmental Law. The pTeceding two seatcnces shall not apply to the presence, . %.;�=--
<br /> use, or storage on the Property of small quantides of Harardous Substanr,es that are generally re�gnized m be � . ; ,,�,•,,��;�;�
<br /> • i , ,� ..= -- _
<br /> appmpriase to nnrmal residential ases and w maint�ance of the�perty. �;° ,:.
<br /> '� Borrower shall procuptiy give Lender ariuen notice of any iavesti�tion,claim.demand,lawsuit or othea astion by f �� ,��
<br /> an ove�amental or re agency or rivate involvin the Pcopeaty and any Hazardous Substance or E � •� �-'"'
<br /> Y g BulatorY P P�Y S f ��.::"—.�M.�.
<br /> � ``� '::-
<br /> .:; Environmental Law of which Borrower has acwal knowledge. If Borrowa le�rns.or is notified by any goveramental or � _.. .�, '' rt L— .`
<br />. regulatorY authority. that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Su6stances affecung the Property is - .��-.` ��
<br /> ��;`�� necessa�y+,Borrower shall prompdy hake all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. .� . � i.`�='--.-._--
<br /> As used in tLis paragraph 16, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha�ardous - : ..o:...
<br /> substances by Environmental Iaw and the following substances:gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or wsic peuole�m � .c.', . •
<br /> products, toxic pesticides and heabicides, volarile solveats, mateaials containu►g asbesros or formatdehyde, and � �`��
<br /> radioactive materials. As used ia this paragcaph 16. "Envuonmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the � .'. - °
<br /> .�:;4,.� . . �. .-
<br /> jurisdicdon aheae the Propaty is locared that relate to health.safety ar environmental protection. . '. , .: --
<br /> .....�:r�- :��.. .
<br /> i`s�i 4 �
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVENANfS.Borrower and Lender furiher coveaant and agree as follows: " A +� <j r
<br /> 17.Assignment ot Renta.Borrower nncondi�onaUy assigns and transfers to L.euder all the m.nts and revenues of • •,��..,�,`.'�� �' .�
<br /> • Pae Pmperiy.Borrower suthorizes Lender or Lender's agents tn collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each ��' '` � �j� ; � `�
<br /> •_,,:: .
<br />. te�nant of the Roperty to pay the rents tn Lender or I.ender's agents.Howevex,prior to L.endex's notice to Borrowes of . :';"''�,.,`-"�' '
<br /> Borrowea's bmach of any covenant os agreemeat in the Securiry Instrument,Borrower shall cellect and receive all renu �� �
<br /> and revenues of the�iroperty as trust�ee for the benefit of Lender and Bonower.'It�is assignment of reaits constitutes an `'��, ,=
<br /> . �,,���L�:
<br /> absalute agsignment and not an assignment for additianal security o n ly. .
<br /> f,�r..
<br /> If Lender gives norice of bmach w Bormwer: (a)all rents rereived by Borrower shell be held by Borrower as %Y%;°
<br /> trustee for bea►efit of Lender only,to be apptied tn the sums secwed by the Security Insmunea� (b)Lender shall be `��-.--- t�' ••.�':: �.'--_
<br /> endiled w collect and receive all of the cents of the Froperty;and(c)each tenaz►t of the Pceperty shall pay all rents due •��`�<_�
<br /> and nupaid to Lender or Lendea's agent on Lender's wriuen demand w the tenant ,.T�,--__. ��_� '��
<br /> Bmrower has not eaecuted any prior assigament of the rents and hav not and will not perEorm any act ihat would �
<br /> prevent Lender from exaciqing its rights nnder this paragraph 17. ���''�
<br /> � � .r..�.; _.- -
<br /> Lendea sha11 not be required tn enter upon,take conuol of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice of ��'•''� � i
<br /> breach to Bormwea.Howaver,I.endea or a judiciallY appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach.My �`-._., : J
<br />.. � ! applis�tion of rents shall not cure or waive any defa�lt or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lendea. This - ;�_ ��"� �
<br /> assignment of rents of the Property shall tenninate when the debt secnred by the Security Instrument is paid in full. T _
<br /> . . �; •�-:
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