.. . � • . _ . . , . _ _ _ . . • � ` `• �.. . . � , `S,:T � . _ �c_-
<br /> � " . .. � . - � , � - . ` .. .� ; . . - . � . p .� . ` - • ` _:-
<br /> . .. _ ,._.._..--------._- -.._..�_ _'.. . _ '. ' __—.._.._ . . . .� - �'�...._ __.�4e.I • . i . , —
<br /> F , , .T'
<br /> g�m 9,����.� �� � `� . r =
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<br /> Boirowa shall also be in default if Borrower,during the toan applicatian process,gave raatenally false ar inas:curate � • : ' : ,
<br /> - informarion or statemen�s tn L.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any material infor►Ration)in connection with the � ' ,.- - - -
<br /> '..� loan evidenzed by the Note. including,but not limited tn,represeatarions conccmu►g Bonower's occupancy of t6e �- .- ,
<br /> � Propeaty as a principal residence. If this SecuEity Instrunsent is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with the ,.
<br /> � provisions of the lease. If Borrowea acquires fee title to iha Propeaty,[he leasehold and fee tifle shall not be meaged
<br /> untess Y.endra agrees to the metger m�rriti.ng. � -.-
<br /> � b.Condemnation.'Ihe proce�ds of any award or claim for damages,lisect or consequeutial,m conneaion wit� � ^ �
<br /> . any condecnnatinn or other taldng of any part of the Property,or for wnveyance in place of condemnarion,are hereby • �
<br /> assigned and shall be paid to I.eudea W the extent of the full amount of the indebtedness that remains iuipaid under the ! . � " ^"•
<br /> Note and this S�uriry Insaument Lendea shall apply sucb proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedt►ess under the Note "' ' •.--
<br /> and this Seca�ity insuument,first tn any detinquent amounts app}ied in the order provided in paragraph 3,and then ro : .�;�-��
<br />,. � prepayment of prmcipaL Any applicaiioa of the proceeds to the principal sha11 not extend or postpona the due dars of the ' ���:_
<br /> montWy paymenis,w6ich are refeared tn in paragraph Z,or change the amount of such paymenis. Any excess proceeds ;'�, ���';`���¢.
<br /> , over an amount reqnued to pay all outstauding indebtedness under the Note and this Secanity InsGmrmeni shall be paid w -`�-----
<br /> the entity legally en6tled diereto. . . :..:� "`�" ---
<br /> , � 7. Charges to Borrower and Protertion of l.eader's Rights in the Property. Borrower shall pay all _'� ��.'�, —a�
<br /> govanmental or mimicipal charges.fines and impositioas that are not included'u�paragraph 2.Bomower shall pay these , :'�1��:�"
<br /> , . obligatioas on time direcfly to the enfity whicb is owed the payment If fa7ure to pay would adversely affect L.euder's . . ����
<br /> iaterest in the Property, upon I.euder's request Borrower shall prompily fumish tn Lender r�pts evidencing these �"
<br /> a payments. . ��?.
<br /> .•:; If Boirow�faiLv to raake these payments or the payments required bY P�B�'dPh 2,or faiLs to perfoim any other . . .: ,�..:.:
<br /> covenants and agoeeanents con�ai.aed in this Security Insu�nnent,or theae is a legal proceeding that may sigaificandy -
<br /> �n
<br /> affea I.enda's rights in the Property(such as a proceeding in banlwptcy,for condemnation or to enforce laas or '. .; � `
<br /> regularions),then Lendea may do and pay whatcver is uecessary to Frotect the value of the Property and Leaidea's rights .. , .l .
<br /> . in the Propeaty.incladmg payment of taxes,ha7ard insvrance and other items mendoned in paiagraph 2. .:�,.; ;_
<br /> Any amounts disbwsed by I.ender under this para�aph shall become an additional debt of Borrowea and be �,.�a'�:�.: ':�,'.'.
<br /> secnred by tbis Seauity InsuumenL These aruounts shall b�interest from the dare of disbursement,at the Note rate, �; �` s s` •�
<br /> and az the option of I.e�dea,shaU be immediateiy due and payable. �s �.'? ,�`�
<br /> �:
<br /> So�rawer shall prompUy discharge any lien whisb das priority over this Security Ins�meni unless Borcower:(a) _ j �.
<br /> _,. agrees in writmg to the payment of the obligarion se�uned by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(b)contestg in
<br /> es
<br /> good faith the lien by,or defends against enforceA».ent of the lien in,lsgal proceedings which in the Lendea's opinion y••}_�
<br /> ' opeaate to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holdear of the lien an agreement satisfactory to �__
<br /> � ; I.ender subordinating the lien to this Secuiiry L�swment If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subje�t w :--�
<br /> .� a lien whicb may anain griority over this Sec�uity Instrument,Leader may give Borcower a notice idenafyiug the lien. �- -� �.. f: �'-: _
<br /> � ' Botrower shall sarisfy the lien or take ane or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. .����"� '
<br /> S.Fers.Lende�may collect fees and charges authosized by the Secretary. •�= �
<br /> 9.Gtounds far Acceteratioa of De6f.
<br /> (a) Befaul�I.ender may, eac�ept as limited by regula6ons i�sued by the Secreta�y,in the case of payment ' �4`
<br /> defaults,require immediat�e payment m full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: ,�'�' "'�r'-.
<br /> -'�.�: ;
<br /> (� Y 8 P Y Y P Y� �l Y tY ,�� '
<br /> ,� i Homnwer defaults b fail� to a in fu11 any monthl a ent r uired b this Securi Insuument ' �.;�-�_--
<br /> prior w or on the due date of the next monthly payment,or �;�� �
<br /> .�.� `��.'"'
<br />• (n7 Boimwes defaults by failing,for a pe�iod of thirty days,to perform any other ob ligauo n s w n t a i n e d i n ��?�"_ •�
<br /> this Security Instr�ment � '
<br /> • @)Sale Wtthout Credit AppmvaL I.ender shall,if pern�iVed by applicable law(including Secdon 341(d)of . -. �����
<br />� the Gam-S6 Germain Beposiwry Institutions Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.]701j-3(d))and with the prim approval of ` •` ��'
<br /> ;�,r�„".�.��.:,Y. .
<br /> � the Secretary,require immediate payment in full of all sums secnred by this Securiry Inswment if: `_
<br /> z»�!�j:i� - _
<br /> ��r+�'f.e . _
<br /> . �Y�+fIM.{'``
<br /> . �4R(NE7(c80q.ot Papes oto inuiais: . '-�°,.��"°'-
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<br /> � ' '. . . �� • � , ' � ' �• � �...... ._, , --�_._..�._:
<br /> _ _ --.�-....-^-- . � , , . � , . �•.
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