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.. .,�,� <br /> - � . . � . . . . • : ' . � � -��: � • � �.,;� <br /> .-- �. _. . ... .... . � ' ' . �� <br /> � �` , _.. <br /> � 13. L6VDER'S R1GHT TO CQi�L'lI�NCE OA D�END LL•{3611..AC?[ONS. Grantor shall iRmed�ately ptovide Lender wfth written notiee of any aUual or . . `� ;,�-; <br />' < threatened action.suit.or other prooeedn9 aKecting the Property. Gramor heraEy apQo(rtts Lender as its attomey-in-fad to eorttmence.?rrtervene in.and f <br /> ` d9fend such acifons,suits,or ather legal procee�ings and to cor�romise or settte any daim or corttra�ersy pertelning���s��^r�e►efrom INotheng � . � -- <br /> j Graator fa any action.error.mistafce.orrdssian or dslay penaining to the aaicns desuibed in this pa�aph anY 9 . . <br /> I comsined herein wi11 prevent Lender from taldng the actions desvibed m ihis paragraph in its own name. � , � . � — <br /> • i � 10. IND�4Ul(RCATIdN. Lender s�hall not assurre or be responside tor ihe perfortrenee of ar�of Grantor's oh�igations with respeu to iha Propetty under <br /> any prcurretanfles. Grantar shall irtQnediately provida Lendai wrt@�nducGn�att meys fees andtlegal expenses).cauaers f acti n.actions�surt and � <br /> � errq�loyees and agerrts harmtess from al dtims.dama8es, iab ( 9 � <br /> other iegal proceed►n9s(eurreulativahr Ga�ms�Pa�ning to the Property(indu�ing,but no1 Iirtdted to,those imotving Hazardous Materials). Grantor.upan � <br /> the reques[of Lender,sha11 hire legai counsel to dsfend Lender irom such GaitTts,and pay the attomeys te9s,legal e�enses and other eosts incurted in� �� <br /> connecdon iherewith. �n the altematinre• Le�der shall�e ertatled tc emp�oy its avm legal eounse�to defend such Ciairns a1 Grantors cost. GrantoYS; .__ <br /> cbligation to indertviify Lender under this para�aph shal�survive the tertHnanon,releass or toredosure oi this Deed of Trust. � ,_ • � - <br /> 16. TAXES ANO ASSESS�iEMB. G►arttor shallpay a11 taxes and assessm9Ms relating to Proparty when due and imr�ed'iately provide Lendar ev(dance� ._ •�__ <br /> of payrreni of sarre. Upon the request of Lender,Grantor shall deposit with Lender each month ane-tweltth(7/12)of the�irt�ee���i of taxes. <'`�_ <br /> prerraum,taxes and assessrtnrrts Pertaining to the Properry. So lang as there is no dafav�,iheae arrourns shall be appl �e�nds so held to� ;-�� <br /> asssssmerrts and insuranoe as requlred on the the evern of defauit.Lender shal{have the dgFrt,at its sole opHon,to app(y <br /> pay arry taxes or against the Obligations. Any funds applied may,at lBnders option,bs applted in reverse arder of ihe due date lhereot. � <br /> 1g, (NgpEC7idN OF PROAERTY,BOOKS,RECORDS AND REPORTS. Grantor shall a11ow Lender or its a8errts to exarrfne and inspect the Property a* • � <br /> and exartina.inspect and malce copies of Cirantor's books and�eoords pertainfng to ihe PrapeAy from tlme w time. Cirantor sha0 provida any assistance�i . <br /> required by�,en+�r for these purposes. Ali of the signaiures and ir�o�rfration cornafned'm Gtantors baoks and reco►ds shall be genuine.trua. ��a�Iy , ��� <br /> compete in a11 respects. Granwr shall nate ths existence of Lender's benefidal Urterest in its books and recor�ds pertafntng to the Property. � <br /> Grat�tor shall a fatm sahsfactarY to Lender,such irrtammllon as Lender may request regardng Grantor's finandal oondAton or the Proprerry. The .. .. _ <br /> irdom�ation shall be tor such peciods,shall reflecc Grantors records at such�d sha0 be randered with sueh frequency as Lendar may designate. All ,•4- : <br /> infomation fumished by Graritar to Lender shalf be Vue,aaurate and comptete in all respects,and signed by Ciratrtor'rf Lendet requests. 4. . _ �..F. _ <br /> ;�"'."c; •� <br /> , ..• .�;:.,4 <br />� 1T. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES. WAhin ten(10)days atter any request by Lender.Grarttflr shail deliver to lender.or any irrtended transferee of Lender's . ` .:�•=- ';.� , <br /> righ[s with respeet to the Obifgations,a si�ed and admowledged statemeTrt sP�h��9(a)the outstancGn9 balance on the Obligations:and(b)whether , _ <br /> a�r p�ssesses any daims,defenses.set�ofts or coimterdairtcs vrith respect to the ObligaUons and'rf so.the nature of such daims.defenses.set-offs ar . '• �;�,� <br /> tha eve ihat Granto rfaiµs t provide the IrecNesled slatemerttp n a timely manner.der may make to the irrtended transferee wilh respect to these matters in . � •. <br /> � '�i <br /> :�� .�«�. :��.."`� —_ <br /> ' 18. DEFAULT. Grantar shail be in defauh under this Deed of Tnut and ihe Trustee s power shall beeorrie cPerative in ihe evertt that Grantor.Bartower or ._�: ,,_� <br /> any guararrtor of the Ohligations: - � � �� '�- <br /> (a) fa(ls to pay any Obiigadon to Lenderv�han dua: or covenam to Lender camained in this Deed of Trust or an other presertt or future ��z r=- -- <br /> (b) faits to perfortn any Ob�igaUon or breaches anY wartanty y • _ <br /> agreement: - . �'� <br /> (c) desvoys,toses ar dam3ges the Property in any material respect or subjects the Ptoperry to selzure,conf'iscation,or eondertviation; `�� <br /> (� seeks to revoke,terminate or olhenvise IirtYt its tiability undar arry guaranty to Lender, ' <br /> j (e) d�s,beoomes IeSaliy d�ssoNed or ter►rtnated.beeomes ihn�so�e rnoluntary patition�In banlwptey fi�teden whi�rarrtor�8otrtaw r • ��t�� _ <br /> 'on undenhe federal banlwptoy ..�. �.� �� <br /> � debts as they beeatre ch�e.files a ReUU :.. : . —. <br /> or any giiarantor is nartted.or has ProAerry tataen under any writ or pmcess of eourt; t � <br /> �. <br /> (Q aiiows goods to be used���or stored on the Property,the possesston,transportation,or use of whieh,ts iltegal� . .. , . ..� <br /> (g) al�cwrs arry party othenhan(iraritor or Borrawer to assurre or undertake any OWigation wi�hoN the wdtten conserrt of Lender,or , . �� •' ` <br /> to deem Kseif insewre due to a si�ificant dedine in ihe value of the Proparty;or if 4endar,(n good faHh.far any reason,beileves -� �¢; ;" �. <br /> •b (h) eauses lander � _,i � <br /> that the prospect of paymertt or performance is irtpaired. . . ,�.•, _ __ <br /> ' �k. ' �-. <br /> 19. BIGtiI,OF LENDER OSV OEFAULT. If there is a defauft under ihis Oeed of Trust,lender shali be emittad to exercise one ar more of the follavring � F�.•��.`}�� : <br /> rerr�es without notice or demand(except as required by law): �; ,..�11 <br /> . {a) to deciare the Obllgatfons fmrematefy due and payatrie in(ull: . _ _ ;, �.'' <br /> (b) to collect the autstan d ng O b l iga t ions with or without resorting to jumdal pmcess: '. � �E , � <br /> ' _ (c) to raqulre(irantor to delivet and make available to Lender any personal property or Chattels constiwting the Property at a ptaae reasonabty � �ry�•,` ,_,�� <br /> • oorrventem to arantor and Lender. . �x- -� � <br /> • ' (� to errter upon and take possession of the Properry without applytng tor or obtain(ng the appointment of a recetver and,at Lende�s option,to �,�� <br /> aypoint a teceiver without bond,wRhout flrst brin�ng suit on the Obiigatlons and wilhout otherw(se maeting any statutory eont511ans regarding � <br /> • ' reeetvers.It be(ng irttended that Lender shall have this coritractual d8M to appoiM a reeeiver. � . �"'�'.=��I�:;'•.-- <br /> � (e) to ert�ioy a managing agertt of the Properry and let the sarre,e8her in Trustee's own name,in the narre of Lender or in tha nama ot Grantor,end �;.��� <br /> ' reoe(ve ihe rerrtc.Inoorres.Issues and proflis of ihe Preperty and apply the sarre.efter paymertl oi a11 necessary eh2r9ea and expenses,on aocoum of � <br /> .�;� <br /> �: the ObllgaUons; ` � • "` •��s' <br /> � (� to pay arry sums In anyr tonn or manner deemad e�edwit by Lenc�er w protad the sewrtty of ihis Deed of Trust or to are any defauit other lhan ___;� . ` . ; <br /> �' paymsm of Irtterest or prindpal on the Obllgatlans; _ " <br /> �.�� (g) to fore�ose this Deed of Trusl ju�dally o►nonju�dally and to drect the sale of the ptoperty throu�exerdse of ihe power ot sale as referenced in �`_.,�,,,:*,� <br /> paragraph 20 hereof in aoocordance whh appiicebfe Iaw: :.:fi-..�. <br /> ' J (h)to cst-0fl Cirantar's Obilgations against arry arrourrts owed Qrer►tor by Lender indu�ng,but not Omited to,monies,instrumems.and deposft ,._� ., - <br /> ' aoeourrts mairttained with Lender or eny curtemy existlng or hdure a(fliiste of Lender,and , �.- d � ,� ��' <br /> '; (q to exerdse ail other rl�rts avaitabte to Lender under an}r ather miuen a�eemam or apqicaWe law. . � ''�_.� <br /> �; Lende►'s ri�s are curtnilat�ve and may be oxerdsed together,separately,and In erty order. In the evem tha!Lsnder instltutes an actlon seektng the ,, <br /> reewery o any of ihe Praperty by way of a prejud�nent rerr�edy in an actlon against Grarrtor,arentor walves the posdng ot arry bond wF:ieh mis�! <br /> mherwlse be requlred. Lender or lenders desi�ee may purchass the Proporty at eny sale. Prooeads of any T►usteas sale hereunder sh�'16e appited 'i'!+r .�� <br /> .� firsl,to the costs end e�nses ot exerdsing thepawar oi sale and of the sale,induding the payrrerrt of ihe Tnistee's fees actualty incurred and not to �, <br /> oxceed the amount vuhich rtay be provlded tor In this Deed of Truh,seoond to payrrent of tFs Obll9attons secured heteby,lhird,to the paymem of Junlar <br /> trusl deods,mortgages•or othe►Ilanholders,and the balance.if any,to the person or persons Iegaliy ernhled thereto. Theproperty ot any part thareot may . , <br /> ba so(d in one parcel,or in such paroeis.manner or order es Lendei in tts sole 65aeU�on�ma��tlend�oil e or more exerdses of the power hereln�artted , _ <br /> chall not ex;ln�ish or exhaust the pcwer unless the errtire property s sold or the o6U � <br /> • 2p. TRUS3'�'S EXERClSE OF POWER OF 9ALE ON DFFAULT: If Lender electe to sell Orantor's irrterest in the Properry by exerdse of the power of .� � <br /> ;�'� sale hereln contairtad.Lender shall notity?rustea in tho mannor then requlred by�aw. . . <br /> Upon receipt of such nWce of Lender and at the direetion of Lender,Trustee sfiail cause to he recarded,published and delivared such notioes of default <br /> � and notices of sale as may thon be required by law and by this Deed of Trust. Trustee chail,only at the dlrection of Lender and without demand on Cirarttw. ' <br /> after sueh tirrs as may then be requlred by law and after reco►dation of sueh notieo of delaufl ond after notice of sale having boen given as recg�ired by Iaw. <br /> � sell the Prope�eR ihe tirre and piaee of sale flxed by it ln such notloe of sale,either as wfiole or in sep�te lots or pareeis or items as Lander shail deem <br /> o�e mem,end n such ordor as fl may determine,at{w611c auctlon to the highast biddsr tor cash in lawtui money of tho Unfted Statesp�yable at che time of <br /> sale,or as othorwise rr.ay ihen be roquired by law. Ttustee shall deihrer to such purchayet or purchasers iheroof fts good and sutflelerrt dead or doeds r�° . <br /> conveying the propeAy so sold,bul without any covenent or war►anty.o�ress ar Impiled. fie redtals In such deed ot any matters or tacts shall be .. <br /> condusive proot of the tnnhtulness thoreof.My person,induding,wflhout Iimftation,t3raritor.Trustee or Lender,may purchase at sueh sale. Trustee may <br /> in the manner provldad by law postpone sale ot atl or any poRlon ot ihe Property. . • . <br /> , <br /> 21. RE�llEBT FOA NOTICE3: atentor requests ihat a copy of any noUco of default and a topy of any notice of sale hereunder bo mailed to eaeh person �. <br /> who is a party hereto at the address o}such person set forth herein at the same limo and In the same manner required as thou�a separate request . • <br /> � thereof had been fited by eath such parson. � , — <br /> a . . <br /> ' � • <br /> 1 . <br /> r <br /> � . <br /> � ( �, __. <br /> ; f _ . :- <br /> :_ <br /> r �. � <br /> Pr-0o3d8�"i� �:l � , .� �°v. <br /> NEDOTC Ra�.3r56 � a=.- <br /> � . �i <br /> [r,. ..-._–.r.!_ ,�; <br /> . • . - ---�'���— .. , . . •. •. , . . , . ! . ' � s. � ... - `� .• ,� - . � .. . • . .� . . .._ • ,." � . <br />