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<br /> (c) AII ap�icabto Iaws and regulations,indud�ng,without tinvtation,ihe Artericans with Disab7rtes Act.42 U.S.C. Section t2tOt et seq. (and all ' ' � ,r-�,
<br /> regulations prortwlgated iheteunder)and ail toning and buld�rtg laws and regi�lations relating to the Proparty by virNe of any federal.state or r.uniapal , ;� _
<br /> • authoriry with junsddion over tha Property,preserrtly are and shall be ohserved and compGed with in all rreterial respects.and all dghis.licenses, i . ; ` •'-_�
<br /> pemits,and teAlficates of oaupanry(indudmg but not lirrited to zoning varfances,spetial exceptions for noncanforming uses,and final inspeciion � ,,
<br /> approva�s).whather terr�orary or pamianer�t.v�hich are rtgtedal to ihs use and oocupancy of the Property. Preserrtiy are and sfiall be oL•tained.� `+ Q
<br /> • preserved and,whare nacossary,renewed: ,
<br /> (d) Grarnor has iho right and is duly authorized to execute antl pertortn its OfoGgations urtder this Deed of Trust and these acaons do not and shafl r�ct'�
<br /> eonflict with ihe provi5ions of any statuta.reguiauon,ordinance.nile of law,comract or ather agreemerrt vrhich may be bind�ng on Grar►tor at any time: � „�
<br /> (e) No aGion or procead�ng is or shall be pending or thre�ensd which rtdght matsrialty afFect the Property:and � . �.:
<br /> � (� GrarROr has noi violated and shali not vioiate any staIUte.regula8on,ordnance,ruis of lav,contract or other agreemem(indu�ing,but not lirtdted to.
<br /> , those govaming Hazardous Materials)which might materially aNeet the Pmperry or Lenders rights or interest in the Property pursuant ro this Deed of � � ,
<br /> Trust i .-
<br /> 3. PRtOA OEEdS Of TRUST. Grar�tor represarns and vrarrarrts thaz there a►e no prior deeds of mist affecting any part of the Property exeept as set forth� j, � � ,_.
<br /> ' on Schedule B attached to this Deed of Trust,which Grantor agrees to pay and peAortn in a tlmety manner. It ttiere are any prior deeds of trust ihen
<br /> Grantor agrees to pay all arrourtts owed,and perfortn ail abtigations raquired,undsr such deeds of trust and ihe indabtedness secured thereby and turtheri� �
<br /> agrees that a defauft under any priar deed of trust sha:l be a default under this Deed of Tnist and shall errtitle Lender to all riflMs and remedies contained� . �
<br /> . herein ar in ths Obiigations ta which Lendst would be errti�ed in the everrt of arry other defauft. �•
<br /> .� _ . � �
<br /> j 4. TAANSFERS OF THE PRO�EHTY OA BHdEFlC1AL INTF�iESTS IN GRANTORS OR BORROWEAS. In the event of a sata,corneyance,teaso. . , �
<br /> comratt tor deed or transfer to arry person of all or arry paR of the real properry desuibed in Scfiedufe A,or any irrteresl iherein,or of all ar any benefidal
<br /> � ir►tarest in Borro�Her or Grarttor(if Bortowar or Grantor is not a naturalr rson ar persons but is a carporation,lirtited liabiliry cam�pany.parmership,trust,or •-
<br /> �,� other legal antityl,Lender may.at iLS optton dedare ths ovtstandmg prindpal balance of ihe Obligations plus aoaued interest thereon irtrred�ately due and . ; ! ' , _
<br /> payal�'a. At Lenders request,Grantor or Borrower,as the case may be.shall fumfsh a complete st�ement setting forth ell of its stocldiotders,members,or
<br /> paMers,as appropriate.and the extertt of their respective ownership irrterests. j �
<br /> 5. ASSIGNAIiENT OF RENTS. In cansideration of the Obiigations,which are secured by this Desd of Trust,Gramor absolutely assigns to Lendsr a!I � • . , _..
<br /> GrantoYs estate,right,title,iMerest,daim and demand now owned or hereafter acquired m alt existing and tuture leases of tha Properry(ndudng f' ,_._ :'.,..�
<br /> extensions,rarn:xrals and subleases�,all agreemerrts for use and oowpancy of ihe Property(aIl suefi teases and a�eemems whetl�er tvritten or oral,are � - -
<br /> _ hereafter referted to as the'Leases�,and all s�uaramies of lessees perfimtanee under the Leases,tagether with ihe imnedate and corrtinuing rigM to : .
<br /> oollect and receive all of the rents.intame.reoeTpts.revenuss,issues,profits and other incarre of any nalure now or hereafter due(indud�ng any income of `�
<br /> ; any n�re oorring due during any redemptton perio�under the Leases or from ar arising out of ihe Property indudng minirtum rer►is,addiU'onal rems, . - :
<br /> • percemage reMs.parking or comron area matrrtamance corttribuuons.tax and insurance corrtribuilons,defidency rertts.Iiquidated damages toilovring �. - � . .
<br /> defautt in any Lease,al!proceeds payal�te under any poiicy of inwrance covedng loss of reriis resultlng from urrtenarrtahilityr caused by destructlon ar p3,_,
<br /> damage to the Properry,all prooeeds payabte as a resuR of a lassee's exerdse of an option to pur�hase ihe Property,all prooeeds der[ved from the . � �
<br /> terminaUon or rajectian of any Lease in a baniwptey or other insoNencypraoee�ing,and all praeeeds troen any nghts and daims ot any ldnd which Grantor . • •j
<br /> may have against any lessee under the Leases or any occupants of tfie Properry(aU of the abeva are hereafter coltecUuely referred to as the'Rerrts�. fiis ��\j�;�i
<br /> assignmeM is subje�to ihe right power and authorriy gnren to the Lender to wllect and apply tho RerAs. This assignmem is teoorded in acoordanee with . - �...�•t.,
<br /> • a p p li c a b te s t a fe taw;t he l ion a e a t e d b y t h i s a s s i g n r re m i s i r rt e n d e d to be s p e a fic,p e r fected.and choate u p on the recordng of this Deed of Trust,all as . , �i��
<br /> _ ptov(�d by applieahle state lar�as amended from time to tirra. As long as there is no default unde►ihe O b ligations or this Deed of Trus�t.LenJer grants ' '�� �ir � _
<br /> Grarrtor a revocable lieense to coliect a11 Rerrts irom the Leases when due and to use such prooeeds in C3rarrtors business operations. Hawever,Lsnder - .. `� n-:::�=
<br /> may at arry tirre requ(re QranSOr to deposd all Rents into an accourrt maintained by Grarrtor or Lender at Lendets ins6Mion. Upon dsfa�At in the payment , •;`'�s!�¢�' '
<br /> of,a fn the pertomfance of,any of the OWigaUons,Lender may at its option take possesslon of the Properry and have,hold,manage,laase and operate the � . `�'. s�
<br /> Pmperly on terms and for a pertod of Ume tt�Lender daerrts proper. Lender may prooeed to collect and receive all Rents(rom the praperty,and Lender , �,
<br /> shali hava fuli power to rt�alce aKerations,renovations,repairs or replaeemerrts to the Properry as Lender may deem proper. Lender may apply all Rertis in ,. ,,t � :��' '
<br /> Lenc�rs sole cLscretion to paymem of the OWIgaUons or to lhe paymem of the cast of such alterations,renovations,repairs and repiacemerrts and any ; �,- -
<br /> e�enses indderrt to taking and rotafn(ng possession of the PropeAy perlodcaily end the managemerrt and operatlan ot ihe Property. Lender rtay keep the • , . ry��:;� ••
<br /> Property prapedy insured and may mscharge any taxes.charges,da(ms,assessrtietrts and other liens whieh may acaue. The expense and oost of these •.�,� s .� •
<br /> a z d o n s rt e y 6 epa(d t rom ifis Rents receiv e d,and an y un p a id amourrts shall be added to the prindpai ot the Obli�tions. These amounts,together with r ,'1�
<br /> othet costs.shal l become p3rt of the Ohiigatlons sewred by this Deed of Ttust. � �� '
<br /> 8. LFI�SES AMD OTHER AGREEPAENTS.Qrantor shail not talce or tail to take any actfon which may cause or pemit the teminaUon or the withhoi�ng of � l�rY:� —
<br /> , � atry paymertl in connestion wifh any Lease or other a�eemerrt('AgreemartP)petlaining to the Properiy. In a�+dttion,tirantor,without Lenders pria�written _ . ' �_�1y:?< -
<br /> � consent,shatl nct:(a)collect any monies payabte under any Agreemertt more than one morrth in advanee:(b)modify any AgreerrerA;(c)assign or altow a !�`�:�1���
<br /> lie n,s e c u r i t y i r rt e r e s t o r o t h e r e n w m b r a n c e t o b e p i a c e d u p on(irantors ri�rts,tflie and trrterest ln and to any Agreertserrt or the amounts payable . , �,
<br /> - thereunder,or(�terminate orcancel any Agreemer»excepl for the nonpayrrem of eny sum or other r.iateriai 6reach by the other party thereto. It Grantor , r.
<br /> reoeives at any rre any wrftten cormunicatlon assarting a defauit by Carantor under an Agreerrerrt or purporting to terminate or caneel any Agreemerrt. •
<br /> C3rentor shallpro forwatd a copy of sueh commuMeation(and any subsequem comrunlcations relating thereto}to Lender. All such Agreemertts and • �•�;,���
<br /> ��
<br /> ' ' the artwurrts due to Cirantor ihereunder are hereby assigned to Lender as addrtlonal security tor ihe Obtlgations. . �' ,�`!�.:,'•�
<br /> .. -�. ��. '��
<br /> � 7. COLLECTiON OF MOEBTEONESS FROM THIRO PARTY. Lender shall be errtitled to notify or requ(re Grantor to natiiy any ihird party pndu�ng,hut �, , ,��'
<br /> not lirtited to,tessees,tleensees,govemmentai sulhorfUes and insuranee cortpantes)to pay Lender any indebte�ess or ob(igation owlnp to Qraritor with
<br /> � respect to the Ptoperry(curtuiativety 'indebtedness�whelher or not a defeuft exists under thts Deed of Trusf. Orantot shall d'iligertlly collect the �"�__�-�
<br /> lndebtedness awing to(irantor irom these ihird partIes uMU the giving of sueh noUflqtion. In the everrt ihat Qrarttor possesses or recelves possesslan o} ��:-••
<br /> any instrumams or othet reniriances with respect to the Indebtedness following the glving ot such notifleailon ar N the instruments or other remitlances . „�:� -��-- _�
<br /> � oonstttute the prepaymerrt of any Indebtedness ar the paymer�of any insuranee or oondertnaUon proceeds.Grentor shall hold sueh instnunents and other . . •
<br /> rertittanoes in trust tor Lender apan from its other property,endore the inswmerrts and othor rertittanees to Lender,and immedately provide Lendor wtth
<br /> ��;1 possesslon af the inshuments and other remittances. Lender shall be emltted,but noi required,to oollect(by legal proeee�nga or othernlse),extend tha • .-�',�
<br /> n R e ro r P a y m e m,c o n p r a rt d s a.e x c h a n g e o r t e t e a s e a►ry o b l J g o r o r w 1 i a t e r a 1,o r o 1 h e r w►s e s e t t te an y of ihe Irtdebtedness whether or not an evartt of defauit .
<br /> ' ' exists under this Agreemem. Lender shall not be Ilabte to Grantor for eny actlon,ertor,mistake.omission or delay pertslning to the acUons dascribad In ihis • •
<br /> • paragraph or ar►y dartiages resufling iherefrom Nolwrihstandng the foregoing, nmhing herein ahall tause Lender to be deer�d a . , �.,��_ "
<br /> �� mortgage�irt-possesslon. � 'rM�: .
<br /> :t e. U S E A N D A l 1 A(N T E N A N C E O F P R O P E H T Y. (i r a m o r s h a i l t a k e a l l a q i o n s a n d r rt a k e an y re p a lrs needed to malntain the Pro p e r ry in gcod oondNon.
<br /> C3rantor shall not comrit or pemit any waste to be oo►rmitted ntth resyeet to ihe Property. Cirerrtor shall use the Praperry solely in eortpllance wfth , ` . �
<br /> � applieabie law end insurance pofides. Grantor shall not make any alteratlons,additlons or improv����'�e�b mpe+ty withaut Lender'c priw wdt(en � —
<br /> oonserd. Wlthaut limiting the foregoing,all atteraUons,add;tions and Irtprovamerrts rtrade to the Pro ,eet to U:o benefldal Interes!belanging . . _
<br /> to Lender,shall not be rem�oved wNhoul Lendefs prlo►wriren eonserrt,and shall be made at Cirarttors sole e�ense.
<br /> 9.LOSS OA OAAAAflE Qrantor shail bear the emire rtsk o}any loss,thefl,destructlon or dartmg�(cumulathrely'Lou or Damage')to the Property or any � • i
<br /> poNon ihereot from any eause whatsoever. In the evem of any Loss or Damage,t3ratrtor shall,at the op:icn of I.ender,repair the atfac�ed Property to its . . . ��-
<br /> predous condAion or pay or eause to be paid to Lender ihe deaease in the falr martcet value of the affected Properry. . • �
<br /> 10.iN3URANCE. The Property will be kept Insured for its full fnsurabie vatue(re acement cost)against all hazards inclumng toss or dart�age caused by ; : � � '_
<br /> flood,eeAhquake,tomado and flro,theft or othor casuatry to the extem requl by Lsnder. Orarttor may obtaln insurance on the Pmperry from sueh . •
<br /> eompen�os as are aaeptabte to Lender in ita sole t9scretion. The insuranoe polides shatl require ihe lnsuranee eompany to provlde Lsndor with at least
<br /> 30 days'm81en noUee betore such polidos are altered or eantelled in any manner. fie Insuranee poOGes shall narrn Lender as a loss
<br /> payee��e ihat no act or omission of Grantot or any other person sha0 attect the d�t of Londer to be paid the insuranco proceeds pertalning to ihe • . �•�;
<br /> loss or damago ot iho Properry. In ihe everrt C3rarrtor taits to acquire or mairrtain insuraneo.Lendur(aflor providing notico as may bo roquired by law)may
<br /> in its disaeUon proeureepproprIate insuranee ooverage upon the Proper.y and the insuranea oost shall be an advanee payable and beanng IMerest as � �
<br /> � desalbed in Pera�aph 23 and secured hereby. Grantor shall fumish Lender wilh evidenoe of insurence in�cating the re�ired coverage. Lendar may aet � , �L�,-
<br /> as attamey-in-faet tor Grontor In ma�dng end seAling clalrts under insuranee polieles,eanoolling any poliayr or endorsing CiraMors nama on any dreh or � — •
<br /> negotiable instrumern�awn by any insurer. All such insuranoa potides shall be irtmematety assigned,pledged and delivared to Lendet as turther sseuflty I � . ('�;�•��
<br /> tor thc►Obilgations. In the evem of loss,(3ramot shaA inrnedtateiy give Lendor written nollce and Lender is aulhorized to make proof of loss. Eacf► t �
<br /> insuranee oonpany Is drected to make paymerrts directly to Lender instead of to Lender and Grantor. Lend�r shall have ffie dgM,at ils sole option,to
<br /> apply such monias toward the Obligatlons or toward the cost of rebuilding and restoring ihe Property. My amounts may at Lender's option be applied i� � .
<br /> , the invorso ordot o}tfie due dates thereot � , �
<br /> �� 11.ZONING IIND PR(VATE COYENANTS. Grantor shall not initlate or conserrt to any change In the zoning provisions or private wvenams aifeeting the j ,
<br /> use of 1he Property w8houl Lenders p�ior writte�eonsertt. It Orantors use of lhe Property beoomes a nonoontorming use under any toNng provision. j •�
<br /> { Grantor shall not eause or pemrt sueh uso to 6e�iscorAinued or ebandoned whhout the priot writtan eonsem ot Lender. Grantor vliil imre�ately provide ; �
<br /> Lender v�ith written notico of any proposed ehanges to ihe zoning provislons or private oo�enams affecting the Propsrry
<br /> � 12 COIdDEMNA71t�1. (3►arrtor shall imrediatety provide Lender wilh written notice of any actual or threatoned con�rtnation or eminom domain �-
<br /> ! pr000edng penaining to the Property. All monies pa e to Gtarnor from such condermatlon or taldng are hereby assigned to Lender and shall be applied —�•
<br /> frrst to ihe payment ot Lender's attome�s fees,Ie expenses and other costs(ineluding appralsal fees)in eonnoetion with ihe eondermation or eminerA
<br /> ciomain procaed�ngs ar3 ihss.at tha opr.on ot icrs�t.a 1ha pa+,�nt�!µ.a�g:li�rse cr tt:��rai:cn or m�lr fl!he o,o�rSp
<br /> , �.
<br /> NEDOTB Rev.t196 �2 � � > . � ��-
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