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� . i . � . � . � . - � .-. ��� ....__ . ,�.r'_ <br /> . .._�.__.__._._ .. � �` � .. �� •,` � t_� <br /> ?2, gECURITY INTENESY UNDER THE UNIFORM CdMME�tCiAL CODE This Deed of Trust shap he considered and be effective as a finanang , ,r= <br /> statemertt and a fixture filing purs�rrt to the provfs+ans of the Unifarm Commerdal Cade(es adoptsd in the state whare the real properry is located} ; . . ::- <br /> covering fixtures,chattels,and artidss of personal properry rtow a++med or hereaiter attached ta or to be used in connection with the Propsrty together with ;� . • - •d� ' <br /> ' enyand a!i repLacemerris Lhareof 2nd addrtions thereto(the'Chattets�,and Grantor herebf�arrts Lendsr a sawrity irrterest in such Chatteis. The debtor is � , f,� <br /> 1Sie Grar�tor dssaibed abrn+a. This Deed ot Trust will be effeGlve as a finanang statemerrt filed of��fi�9�(i dudng sa�d fuctures)is situatedv This � - <br /> _ said premises and is to be filed for reoord in the real estate records of eaeh county vrhere any part � , �,-, <br /> �Jeed of?rust shall also be ei(ective as a f.nandng statsmem covaring arry othsr prertices and may be filed in any other apptopriate filing or recordn� , `.- <br /> cifiee. p carbon,photagraphic or other reproduetion of tfiis Deed of Trust or of arry finanang statemerY re��ng to this Deed of Trust sfiall be suffiderrt as� I i_�% <br /> finandng statement for any ot ihe purposes retarted to in this Para�aph. The sewred party is the iender dssaibed above. Upon dsmand Grantor shall� k . , <br /> malce,exewte and daliver sueh secunry agreemerrts(as sudt tertn ts daBned in said Unrtartn Commercial Code)as Lender at arry time may deem � . <br /> � neoessay or proper or requfred to grant to Lender a perfected seeurfty fnterest in the Chattels,and upon Grantots taifure to do so,Le�der�s autho:ized to ' �. <br /> 5���y y�uq�agreemer�t as ihe agem of Grarttor. Gratrtor hereby authorizes Lender to file Snanang stateme�ts(as such term is defined in said Un'rfortn <br /> � a, � <br /> '� Comrreraal Code)with respect to the Chatteis,at any time,without ihe signature of Grarttor. Grantor ronll,tro� arry time uPcn request of Lende . -- <br /> { sign such fimandng statements. Grarrtnr will pay all filing fees for iha filing of sueh finandng statemeMs and for the refiGng thereef at the Umes re�ired,i , <br /> � the opinion ot Lendet,by said Uniform Corteneraal Code• �t the Gen of ihis Oeed of Trust be subject to any seauitY a9reemoM�vering ihe Chattels,th � . <br /> in tha erert of any default under th(s Deed of Trus4 ail ihe right.title and irrterest of Gramor in and to arry end al!of the Chattels is hereby assigned � <br /> ! Lender,together vurth ihe benefit of any deposils or paymerrts now or hereafter rtada ihereof by Grantor or the pre�cesscrs ot sliceessors in frtle � . , __ <br /> � �� Graritor in the PropeAy. , . . <br /> ?3. REt�BURSBfIfH�1T OF A1160UNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lander's op6on.may expend funds(indudng�tameys'fees and Ie .. ' <br /> expereses)to perform any act required to 6e taken by Grantor or to exerdse any dght or rerr�dy of Lender under this Deed of Trust. Upon dsmand Granto► , <br /> shall irtmedi�eiy reirtt�urse Lertdet far all such amourrts e�ended by Lender togsther vrilh trterest thereon�the lower of the highes!rata descnbed in arry : , <br /> Oblig�ion ar ihe highest rate allowed by law trom ihe date of paymer�urrtil the date of reimbursemerd. These sums shall be induded in the definitian of : . <br /> Ohligations herein and shall be secured by the henaftaal urteresi grarrted herein. If the Obligations are paid afler ihe beglnning of publiqiion of notice of <br /> � sate,as herefn prov[ded or in ffie evetn Lender shall,at its sote option,pemit Grerttor to pay any Part of tha ObligaUons after the beginning of puhGcation of <br /> no8ce of reae.�c�iabhl attome�s fees t Uie at omeys for�the Tru�ee and for�h enLendscr.uand a ryeasonable ee ta the Tnutes,and his Deed of�Trus�t shail be ` , . _ <br /> securiry far aU such expenses and fees. . � <br /> �_'-x• : <br /> 24. APPI.FCATION OF PAYMElJTS. The Trustee shali a,oaly the prooeeds of ihe trustee s sate,first,to the costs and expenses of exercisin the power of � ,� <br /> sale and af the sale,indud�ngt�he ymem of the Trustee's fiees acivally ineurred�ta exee N the amourrt which maY be Pro or�other lienho�a�'.°�a ma " ` <br /> �ancde,rf a�ny�to tmhe pers n o�r-persons le�ly�erm'�tled tl�iere oTrust,third,to the yment ot' nior deeds of trust,martgages :`. .'� <br /> rt. <br /> 25. FOWEfl OF ATTORNEY. Gtantor herebyappoirrts Lender as ils attomey-in-tact to endorse Grarrtor's nartie on all instrurrsnts and otfier dowments .,:�:. <br /> pertauiing to ihe OhGgarions or Deed of Trust In addrtlon,Lender shall be ertGlled,but not required,to perform arry adlon or exewte any docurre�t . , <br /> reguired to be taken or executed by GraMOr under this Deed of Trust. Lender's�er(amtance of such acuon or execution of such documertts shall not ,.` <br /> - reheve Grarrtor(ram any Obligation or cure any defauft under ihis Deed of Trust AIf powers of attomey deseribed in this Deed of Trust are coupted with an _ `; :�`L� ,_ <br /> irrterest and are irrevoca6le. t' • • � { ��. <br /> 2& SUBROGATION OF LEN�ER. Lender shall be subrogated to ihe rigMs of lhe holder of arry prevlous lien, security irtterest or encurt�ranee • : ::�,.,.�'�' <br /> discharged wnh tunds advanced by Lender regard�ess of whether these liens,security imarests or other encumbrances have baen released of reccrd. ' �i :�v <br /> 27. COLL,ECTION COSTS. To the e�aem perrtiued by law,Grantor s�ees to pay Lender's reasonable fees and costs,indumng,but not limited to,fees . , .•,��,'� : . <br /> and costs of attameys and other agerrts(indumng without lirdtation paraleSals.derks and wnsuhams),whelher or not sueh�tomey or a is an <br /> � ertpioyee ot Lender,whicfi are inwrred by Lender in ooll�cting any amount due or entordng any d�ht or rertiedy under this Oeed of Trust,w er or not � ' . ` � <br /> suit is brougM,indu�ng,but not timtted to,all Iees and eosts incurted on appeal,in banlwptq,and�or postyudgmertt callection adior►s. � <br /> 29. PARTiAL RELFJIBE. Leader may release its imerest(n apo rtton of ihe PmpeRy by execuflng and recordng one or more ParUal�eeds of . • ' ;E�; : �`;"•, <br /> Recorne y a nce wilhout af(edtng its imerest in the rertsaining portfon of the Properiy. Nothing hereln sha0 6e deemed to o61i�ate Lender to release any of its <br /> irtter��t in the Pmperty(except as requ ir e d un d e r P a r agraph 3 8 o r a s m a y b e o t h e t w i s e r e q u i r e d b y l a w).n o r s h a l t L e n d e r b e obli g a ted to retease a r ry p a r t ' "��"; '� <br /> of tha Property if Cirantar is in defauri undar this Oeed o�t Trust. The lien and sewrity irrterest aeated by the Deed of Trust remaln in effect w(ih respect to „�: � � <br /> t h a t po A l o n o f t fi e p ro p e r ty.a s d e fi n ed in ihe peed of Trust,that is not the subJed of this or arry Partial Deed of Recorneyanoe . , <br /> an of(3rarttors Obl1 ans or Lender's riphts under ihis Deed ot Trusl must be • `�.,' <br /> 2 9 M O fl i Fl C A 7 I O H A N 1 0 W A I V E R. Th e r ro m fl c a t l o n o r w a l v e r o t y 8� ., , - `��� <br /> corttained in a writlng si�ed by Lender. Lender may pertorm any of Borrower's or Grantor's O b i l g a t ions,d e l ay or F a i i to ex e r d s e a r ry o f ft s r}g t n s a r a a e p t Y � <br /> � payments trom Grantor or anyone other then(3rantor whhoul ceusing a wahrer of ihose Wiigations or r(�rts. A waivet on one accaslon shaU not consUtute � _ <br /> a waiver on eny ather occaslon. Cirantara Ob0 orts under lhis Deed of Tnut shall not be aNeeted iflender amends,comprortises.exchanges,faf�s to Y*, <br /> exerdse,impairs or releasas any of the Obti ons beiongfng to any Orarrtar,8orrower or thirdparty or any of Rs ri�hts aga�nst any Cirantor,Barrower or � �4 <br /> third party or any of tho Property. Lenders fa(fure to insist upon st�ict perfom�ance of any of ihe 061igations shali no1�6e deemed a waiver and Lender shali • , •�.`• .;,'_ <br /> ' hav¢1ha right at any irte thereafter to Insist upon striq performance. . i�'-. �� <br /> � �`z`.�- <br /> '• 30. SUBSTRUTE'fHUSTEE:TRUSTEE LIABIUTY;COlIAPENSATION. In case of ihe de�h.inabiiiry,refusal to act or absence of ihe Trustee hom the . . '-:� <br /> state where the reai property is located or�n ease the hoider of ihe Oblfgations shall desire tor arry wason to remove the Trustea or arry substfiwte trustes as �.:.� .'� <br /> � trustee hereunder and to appoim a new trustee in his pisee and stead,ihe holder uf the ObligaUons is hereby granted(u��power to appoint in writing a . . �— <br /> subsUMe bvstee br sald Trustee,and ihe substltute trustee shall,when appolrrted become suaessor to all ri�is of Trustea hereundrr end 7he same sfiali <br /> beeorre vested in him for the purposes and objeets of this Deed ot Tmst whh ail the power,duties and ohltgaUons herein conferred on the Trustee. Trustee �� <br /> shaD not be I?able for any error ot N' �r�e rrt or act done by Trustee,or be mherwise responsibte or aocountable und�r arry dtcurtnlances wAatsoever. , ���"' <br /> Trustee shail not 6e personaliy 1labte fn ease of erttry by it or anyone acting by virtue of the pawers here(n� �ertted it upan the Deed of Trust tor debta ._: ,,,;�'� "��?. <br /> oontracled or Iiability or darnagas Inamed in tho managemem or operatlon of said prflmises. Trustee shat�nava the d�t to rely on any Instrumerrt, , _�:•. <br /> i good tafth to be ganulne. <br /> documer�t or signaWre euthorizing or suppoNng eny acUon taken or proposed to bo tpaken by il hereunder or believed by-it �„ � <br /> �� Trustee shall be entitted to retmbursemer�t tor expanses Inwrred by it In me pertomtiance of Rs dufles hereunder and to reasona6le compensaUon for such , .,�,.-,.Y, . - <br /> � �sav ge and hold it harrtteBSS irom and agains�t ar►y d ail tosws���s1.IiaWliryto 1��ay tl�^� ���verr inw ed by 8(nrthe pe�tomgnceTof I�La duties�d � '.__ <br /> � All moneys received by Truslee shell,urttil used or appiled as hereinprovided,be hetd in trust for ihepurposes for whicb ihey were received.but need not '� . <br /> i� be se�oga:ed in any manner from any other rronsys(exoept to the extem required by law)and Trustee shall be under no liability for interest on any . <br /> moneys reoeived by tt hereunder. � . � . <br /> � 91. SUCCESSOAS AND ASS(GNS. This Deed of Trust shail he bintLng upon�d�sn�dt�o�t,s�naflt of�rantor end Lender end tfielr respectiva : . ', _ . <br /> � suxessors.essl�►sonal represemativos.le ' <br /> , � NOTICES. Except as otherwlse requlred by law.any notice or other corm�NeaUon to be provlded under this Deed ot Trust shall 6e in wrlting and sem � � <br /> ; to tha parties at tfie addresses descrthed in thia Oeed ot Trust or such other address as the parties may designate In writing from tlrre to time. My such . . - <br /> � noUce so given and sem by flrst dass mail.postage prepaid,shall be deemed glven the eadier ot three(3)days after such noUoe Is sent or when reeelved <br /> � by the person to whom such notice Is being glven. . . <br /> � 33. SEVERABII.JTY. Whenever possiMe,each provislon of lhis Geed of Trust shall be iMerpreted so as to be etfectiva and valid under applira6te state ' _ <br /> law. if any provision ot thls Oeed of Trust violates the law or Ia unenforceabta,the rest ot ihe Deed of Trust shall corrtinue to be valid and entorceabte. <br /> � 34. APPUCABLE LAW. This Oeed of Trust shall be govomed by the Iaws ot the state where the real properry is loeated. Unless applieabte law provides �' <br /> olherwlse.GrarROr eonsents to the juristfletian and venue o}any eourt setected by Lendar,in its sole disaetion,located in ihat stato. � <br /> ' 35. AI98CELLAHEOUB. (3rantor and Lender agreo that tima is of the essence. t3rarAOr walves presorttmerrt,demand for paymem,notioe of dshonor and <br /> protost except asrequired by law. NI re}erenoes to Grarttor In this Dead of Trust shall indude allpersons signing betow. If ihere is rtnre lhan one Qrarrtor, �_ <br /> t}:air Ot�OBatlons shall be jolnt end several. Thls Deed o1 T►ust represerrts ihe oomplete irrtegrated understandu�g between(3rarttor and Lender pertaining to � , <br /> tho temu and cond�ttons hereof. <br /> � 98. NO T111R0 PARTY RIGFITS. No person Is or shall be a third party benefldary of anyprovision of this Deed of Trust. Ail provisions of this Deed of � <br /> Trust in tavor of Lender are intended solety for tho bensfit ot Lender,and no third parly shal(Ye errtitted to assume or expact that Lender viiil not vraiva or � <br />� consom to ihe rt�odflcaUon of any provlsion of this Deed of Trust,in Lenders sote�saotlon. � , <br /> 37. PHESERVATtON OF LlABlUTY AND PHIOAITY. Withou�attecting the Ilability of Borrower Grantor.or any guarar�tor o1 the Oblh�tions,or any other �� • ' <br />� � person(exoept a person e�ressly released in writina)for the paymem andperfortronce ot the bbligatlons,and without atfecting the lghts of Lender wfth ' � • <br /> respect to any Property nat expressty released in wrtting,and without irtpaidng in an�yway the prlority of this Dead ot Trust over the imerest of any person P <br /> � acqu ired or first evldenced by recard�ng subsequem to the reoording ot ihis Deed o}7rust.Lender may,either before or aRer ihe maturity of the Obllgations. � , . _ <br /> ' and without notice or oonsent:release any person liabte torpayrrem or peAortrence of all or any part ot ihe Obligations;make anyagreement altadng tAe <br /> •, tertns of payment orperfomianee ot all or any part of the Oblisations:exerdse or rehain hom exerGsing or watve any ripht or remedy that Lendet may have <br /> � under fhe Dned of Tn�st:aea�pt adcLtional seeurtry of any kind for any of ihe Obligations:or refease or othenvise deal with any real or persona!properry , <br /> i secur;n�iY,a L�,".�LC��. P,ny�rs�n eeq�!ri�g or►ecorcfing avidenm ot any irrterest ot any nature in the Properry shall be deemed,by acquiHng sucfi <br /> . irrterest or reeord�ng any evldence thereot,to have oonserrted to all or any sueh aetlons by Lender. _ <br /> ( r e� <br /> y��. l. � <br /> . NEOOiD Rev.I193 Paqe4ol�—-- . " . '-- <br /> 1�-- f <br /> � . . ��.�. �..-._� . . ' • � � " 1 —...P - , . � . .. .. . <br /> '.�..-n...._....^. <br /> —_�� . � . . . . . . . . ..•. .. ',..• . . ' . <br /> . . . . . -�'T'" .-._.--�.--•......-�__y� <br /> .. .. � � . • :,� , . • . ' ' • . .. . <br /> �� ' .. . • , , ' . .., �' . . . '� ., • ... ....' ' • . a• . .,, � <br /> . . . . �ti , ... , . _ . .. . .. _ <br />