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<br /> U�N ° _
<br /> I�IIEBRASiCA 4e3ooaoi3i ,
<br /> � 42�/31/C3H06 . ,,;
<br /> DEED O�TRUST �
<br /> r�/�U�.�� � ' ; � . ` ._
<br /> � .
<br /> e�r�avv�a a�ar�toA i � ; , . . . _. .
<br /> i DAQID J. BOCBOB aa0 OA9ID J. BOCHOR. � k . . . .-.,,.- -- .�`�'�.
<br /> t ; 8Q88Di L. BOCHDR. � �"�"�
<br /> . I HU�HND AND 1RlE I . . , •.. .
<br /> I BII8&N L. BOCBOR I �� . . �, • �
<br /> I � � �.S I . . _ . _d .'�`'^_.
<br /> I � I .
<br /> 327 e��voa_�AVE "..,� �
<br />� I 3]7 CADfPBgd.AYS yp�PIDllI NE 688349716 , .• .'' � .'.�
<br /> pp2apHatt NS 6683]9716 � I � � .•'���
<br /> ' i , ..p�
<br /> i.�Kp, DE7iJHCAttONlfO. . • • ' r,. :„
<br /> ����� ��05685290 ! 505685290 I � • '�;�. ; ,(�t�
<br /> � TRUSTEE: PI&BT HANR, N1 I �.y.M..F.;Y�
<br /> 9191 N NE88 HD(iRAND IBLAND t]R 68803 . _ t
<br /> ' on hereinafter s afiad and any future advanaes or futwe Ohligauons as deflned herem which � ,... ...'�_. '{ .,.. .:
<br /> I n o o n s i d e r a t i o n o f t h e l o a n o r o t h e r a e d t a a o rt o n o d a t i P B � _
<br /> ' m a y h e r e i n a ft e r b e a d v a n c e d o r Inarred and thetrust hereinafter merrtioned and other good and val u a b le cons i d s r a don,t h e race i p t a n d s u(fl c t e n c y o f w h i c h � . :„
<br /> assi,�INy�TRUST WR�Ii POWER OF SbALE fo�r�neflt�sea�of�rspsT�szorac.�i►asoczsa��r ass igns to Tru s t e e. h f s s u c c e s s o r s a n d ; . , _ . �• _
<br /> . Clender�, me • � �� ��
<br /> . �"4 �.. •�
<br /> benefldary under thls Deed of Trus1,under and sub;ect to ihe terms and condrtlons herein set torth,with dght of errtry and possessfon all of(irantors present . .; ..
<br /> and(ulure estate.d�t.liUe and Irrterast in and to the real property�saibed In Schedute A which is�tached to ihis�eed of Tn�st and inwrporated herein ,. . �;;':'� .
<br /> � by ihls mforenee.togather wilh atl present and tuture improvemerts end fixlures:ali tangtble pe�sonal propeAY fndudir�g vrilhoul firr�tation all machtnery, f _: . „ , —
<br /> � equiprtem,bu(I�ng materiais,and goods af every nawre(exduding consumer goods)naw or herealcer toeated on or used in connecUon with the real `��� �
<br /> . property,vfiether or nol affixed to tha land:pr(viieges,here�Dtamerrts.and appurtenances induding aA devalopmerrt dgMs essodated wrth the Property. ___ ;
<br /> whethar previously or subsequerttly vans(erred to the Pmperry from other rea�properry or now or hereaNer suueptibte of trans(er from this Properry to other � ',�!], .
<br /> .A Y::
<br /> real property;leases.lioanses and other agreements:rents,issues and proflts:�vater.welt.drtch.reservoir and mfneral r(gMs and stocks pertalning to the real �, " _t
<br /> , • propeny�aRU�2tivety•propertyl'y;to havo artd to hold the Properry and the rtghts hereby granted for the use and benefit of Lender,his suooessors and ;�, ,-�_,
<br /> � assi�s,until paymerA in(u l l o f a l l O d i g�io n s s e w r e d h ereb y. _
<br /> Moreovar,in turther consideraUon,Grantor does.fir(irantor and G�arrtor's helrs,represeMatives and assigns,hereby e�ressty wanant.eovenant,and f .�;�
<br /> � a with Lender and Trustee and theU suaessors and esst�s as follows: ���- .
<br /> � •.
<br /> 1. OBUQATIONS. Thls Oeed of Tnut shall sewre the paymem and perfomtiance of aii�resem and tuture tndebte�ass,liabilflles,obligallons and �� �-_
<br /> .�.,.,
<br /> - covenants of Borrower or ardntor(am�lativety'Obiigallons�to lsnder pursuam to: _-,z_:•. .��;,�.—
<br /> •.! (a)this�eed of 7rust andihe fi�awing pronissory notes and other a�geemerrts: '.: �'.-
<br /> f�
<br /> • Pp1NC1P�U.A1�tiNt� ' ,
<br /> CRFDITitMR A3AEEFIEIifDATfi �DA� . �8� ,-=�''�•~".
<br /> �•=�—
<br /> �; y:����,_ -
<br /> '. 37,500.00 03/OS/97 02/25/12 983A020131 � ..�_ ,. _
<br /> . . � � y?�3;'
<br /> .. . �
<br /> (b)all olher presern or re,wmton a�eemerns n r at ra er s to s o rust er ♦ e�ne or�tteret►t � .�
<br /> � putposesffianffieto�egolreg)� " -. •
<br /> ' (a)any graranry of ohllgaflona of other parties gtven to Lender now or hereafter exeeuted ihat reters to this Deed of Trust: .
<br /> • (d)tuture advanoes,whether obligatory or optlonal,to the sarre extem as it made cotrtertqoraneousty wtih ihe exeartion ot this Oeed of Trust,rtride or _ ; , i
<br /> � extended on 6ehalf of Qrantor or Bortower.Orantor egrees ihal i1 one o1 the Obligations Is a Ifne of eredA,the Uan of thls Deed of Trust shali oontinue ..
<br /> t urtlil p�ymem In full ot aU debl�e under the line notwfthstan�eng ihe faci that from dma to time(but before temtlnaUon ot the Une)no balance may be . �
<br /> ' outsi�nding. At no Ume during the tertn ot this�eed of Trust or any extension theteof shall the unpald and outstan�rtg secured prindpal tuture , . ,
<br /> ' advanoes,not induding surrm advanced by Lenderto ptoteet th3 secudty of this Deed ot Trust,exeeed Ihe tollawing amourtt: & ?�-tne.00 .. .
<br /> � This provlsion shall not oonsfRute an obiigatlon upon or wmrr�tment of Lender to maSce ad6tional advances or loans to�rantor;and . -
<br /> (e)ell emenMfeMs,e�anslons,renewats,mo�Gf:eatlons,reptacements or s�stitueons to any of the toregoing. .
<br /> As used in this Pategrept�1.ihe temis Orarttar end Bortowor sha11 indude and also mean any Oran:or or Bortov�er if more tAan one. ;.
<br /> � 2 AEPAESENTATiDNS,WARRAN11E8 AND COVENANTS. Grantor represerrta,wanants and cavenartts to Lender that: _
<br /> (a)Grantor has tee simqe rtra►kufa6�e title to ihe Property and shall malMain the Property free of all ilens,sewrity irrterests,eneurtbrances and etaims �.
<br /> � exeept for thls Dead of Trust and thoso desaihed in Scheduie�,which ls attached to this Deed ot Ttust and inwrporated herein by referenoe,whlch _
<br /> Grarttor ajgees to pay and pertorm in e Umety manner, ��
<br /> �� (b)Qrarrtor is in cortplianee in aH respeds v�th all appllcable federal,state and loeal laws and regulations,indudng,Hr.thaut Iimitstion.�hose relating to
<br /> Hazardous Mato�Iats,-as deflned hureln,and other em8ronmontai mattera(the'EmtronmerAal Laws7.and ne(Iher the lederal govamrtsm nor any
<br /> other govommental or quasl goYemmemal emity has fitod a lien on the Property,ncr are ihere arry govemmentai.Iudi�ai or admintstrative acNons v�ith P.-
<br /> � respect to omironmer�tal matters pendin8,or to the best of the Gramors ta�ovuiedge.threatened,which irnotva tfie Properry. Neither Cirantor nor,to
<br /> tha bost ot Cirarrtora I�rnvledge any other party h2s used,genoraled.re!eased,mscharged,storud,or disposad ot any Hazardoua Materials as defined —
<br /> � heroin,in wnnaction w0h 1ho Properry or transpoAed eny Hazardous Materials to or from iho Proporty Grerttcr shall nat cormit or pomit such actions � —
<br /> to be taken In ihe tuture. The tertn'Hazardous Materials'shall rrean arry substance,material,or waste vfiich is or bewmas regutated by any
<br /> govomrrental euthortty Induding,but not�imited to,(f)petroleum;pi)frlabie or nonMabie asbestos:(8i)potychlorinated�iphenyis;(iv)those substanees.
<br /> � mato�lals or wastog d�signated as a'hazardous substanoe'pursuant to SecUan 311 of lhe Gsan Watet Aet or Iisted pursuam to Sec�on 307 of the
<br /> ; Cloan Water Act or any imendmems or repiaeamems to these statutes;(v)those substances,rreteriais or wastes defined as a'�zardous waste'
<br /> pursuarrt to Sectlon �OD4 of the Hesource Conservation and Ro�mrary Act or any amendmerrts or replacerror�ts to ihat statuto:and(vi) those �.
<br /> { substanees. matorials d vr�stes definod as a'hazardous svbstance"pursuam to Saetion 101 ot the CortqrehensNe Erniro�irremal Response. .
<br /> Compensation and Liabiliry Acl,or eny amendmems or reptsteements to that statute or any other similar state or}ederal stalute,rule,regulation or �
<br /> ; pr�nar,�r.o:J cr l�ereahe!1n eHect c�ramor shan not toase or eemdt the subtease of the Proporry to a tenarrt or subtenant whose operations may
<br /> rosult in comarrination o1 ihe Pmporty with Hazardous Materials or taxl bstanoes: • �;
<br /> � � i1 � _.
<br /> RE00T Ra.NAb PeGOlof6�� -)�r � �
<br /> � -- — -
<br /> � � -- "�•.'.
<br /> -- -. .�_..... _. �-^^-w �_ — �. �._\ � . .: _' � `+ . G _ :, , _' '
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