. . . . • . • . l"'-- �
<br /> < � � '- — � 'I:�.:.
<br /> , . . �
<br /> .� . .. . _. .__..—.�_. � ,
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<br /> . ._ ---- — . _. . . .
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<br /> � - � `' . �
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<br /> g�• ��2�� . ..� . � ..�-�-
<br /> � 9. Inspection. Lender or ita ageat may make rcasonable eatries upon aad inspections of the PropQrcy. 1-cnder si�FtU 8ive ` . . ,
<br /> Bonower notice at the time of or prior w an inspearon spc�cifying rcasonable sausc for the inspection. _
<br /> 10. Cand�lt�tEoD. 'Ihe proceeds of any award or claim for damages. d'aect or consequential. in connection with aayy .
<br />- conde[nnation or other taking of any part of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condemaadon,are hcreby ass+8ned at►d �•. . `
<br /> shall be paid to Leseder. lastrument, ` - -- - - ; .-
<br /> In the event of a total takiag of the Propecty.the Proceeds shaU be apptied to che sums secured by this Security .
<br /> whether or not then due,with any eaccsg Paid to Bonowcr.!n the event of a partia�talsin8 of the Property in which the fair �
<br /> market value of the Property immediatelY before the taking is equat to o�S*eate�'��e�OUnt of the sums secured by this ,
<br /> ' s:.
<br />� Security lnstrument immediately before che takiag,untess Borrower aud Ler►der otherwise agree in writing.the sums secured .. ' .- ,
<br /> ►
<br /> by thig Sec.urity lastrua►et►t shall be reduced by the aatount of the pmceeds muldplied by the following fractios►:(a)the wtal ` ,� i'�-:
<br /> amouat of the sums secured immediatefy before the takiag.d+vldcd by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediatety v.:��ti�r� -
<br /> before the taking.Any balance shatl be paid w Bortower.ln the eveat of a partial takiag of the Property in which tt►e fair , ' -_
<br /> market value of the Propercy immediately before the taking is less tkian the amount of the sums secured immed'�ate1Y before the
<br /> taking,unless Borrower aud Lender otheraiise agree in writiag or unless applicable law othcravise provides.the proceeds s6ai1 .;•,_' „��+z±F`��
<br /> 6e applied w[he sums secured by this Seasriry lustrument whether os aot the sums are thea due. . �-��-..: -
<br /> If the Property is abaadoa�ed by Borrower.or if,after notix by Lender to Borrower that the condeamor offers to make an ;.,,�`..._� -
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails w respond w Leader within 30 days after the date the notice is given, •,., ���:=:__—
<br /> Lender is authorized w cd.lect and appiy the proceeds.at its option.ather to reswraaon or repair of the Property or w the '�:_ �_;
<br /> sums secured by this Securtry Instrument,whether or aot then due. ' '`.;;,:�;:r��—`
<br /> a liqtioa of roceeds w principal shall not extend or postpone � � :�. �._�._:.
<br /> Unless Leader aud Borrower otherwise agee in writi�►g,az►Y PP p � :�.,e_
<br /> the due date oF the moatlily paymcrou referred to in paragraPhs 1 and 2 or c6ange the amount of such paymeuts• . • _z, _,•�.
<br /> . 11.Bo�row�Not Relezsed;For�araQCe$S'���No!z Waiver. Fattenstoa of the time for payment or tnodifccation , ' —
<br /> of amortizaHon of�he suau secured by�his Security Ins�meat granted by Lender co any successor in interest of Borrower :��.'e�, -
<br /> h
<br /> sball not operace w release the liabiliry of tkee original dorrower or Borrower'a successoss iu intecest Lender shaU aot be ..• . f�.:� �•
<br />, . �y�����ce p��edi�8y against any successor in interest or refi�se w extead time for payment or otherwise modify �;; - ; �- .
<br /> � amortizatioa of the sums secured by thls Secur►�3+ �nsti'um��by�on of any danand made by the original Borrower or ��: `,_ �_
<br /> Borrower's successors in interest AnY forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall aot 6e a waiver of or ��� �,: �:",, �.,.;
<br /> te �
<br /> preclude the exercise of any riglnt or remedy. . t
<br /> 1Z. Suooessops and A�s Bound; Joint and Seveial Liabitity; Co-9gneis. The coveaaats and a�reements of this . � �; ...' _;i <L-
<br /> S e c u r i ry i n s t r u m e nt shall bind and ben�t the successors and assigps of Lendcr and Borrower,sub;crt to the provisions of �. .:.,'�.�. ,�'; ,. �-
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower s covenants and agceements sdall be joint an d se v e c a l. A n y B o n o w e r w h o c o-si� t h l s ��t . . •�. T � ., �
<br /> Instr�ment but does aot execute the Note:(a)is co-slgning this Security Instrument only to mortgage,gan :
<br /> . t a ;'f
<br /> Borrower's interest ia�t►e Property under the termg of this Security lnswment;N)is not petsonally obllgated to pay the awns ��y. � '�f.
<br /> ' secured by this Securicy(nstrument;and(c)a8rees that Lender and any offier Borrower may agree to exund,modify.forbear ;,;y:, ,
<br /> - or make auy accommodadons aith regard w the tezms of this Security lnstr�ment or the Note without that Borrawer s •,^,��, ,._.i� •' �•
<br /> COIISCOL • -- �y=
<br /> 13.Lo�n Charges.If the loaa secured by this Sewrity Instrnment is suhject co a law wiucb sets maximum loap edarges.and -- - _--
<br /> that Iacv is flnally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charga collecced or w be collecroed Ia coaaecdon with the loan , ;•�.�_-=`
<br /> „ exaed the permitted limits•th�n��e��►Y such loan charge sdaU be re0uced by the amount neas�ary
<br /> to redux the c6arge to
<br /> . the permitted itmi�and(b)any aums already collectcd from Borrower whic6 exceeded permiued 1Imlts will b�ref�ade�t° :`��,�;,�-.q�•.•:
<br /> :.u.:
<br /> '- Borrower.Lendet may choose to make ttils reti�nd by reducing tlie prindpal owed under the Note ora m�maktng��audirecc , ;,��r�':-a��--��—__-:
<br />. paymeni to Bortowa. !f a rcfund reduces principal. the reduaion will be veated as a pardal Prcp Y Y _ - �--:�:, _
<br /> pcepaymeat charge under the Note. �"''
<br /> �� �:i,;iw�.._. ` ��
<br /> 14.Notices. Any nodce to Borrower provided for in tbis Security laswment shall be gtvea by delivering it or by maili�►g it � � • _
<br /> by first class mail uniess appllcabte law requires cs2 ef anothcr method.The aoSce shall be directed w the Property Address .
<br /> or aay other address Borrower desigaaees by nooce to Lender. Any notIce to Leader shall be given by fast class mafl w � ;`•�.,, `� ±"'"�?
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or zny other address Leader designates by noflce w Borrowcr.Any nodx provIded for ia this •�,;�.
<br /> ���:ti�..
<br /> Security Instrumes►t sha11 be deeme3 to have been given to Borrowec or Lender when given as provtded ln this paragreph• ,•N�:-fy:,�_""�
<br /> 15.GOV¢ming Izw;Seve�b7ltY.7tils Sect�rity Inswment shall be goverued by federal)aw and the!aw of the Jwisdiction _ .
<br /> ln ahich the Properry is tocated•ln the event tt►at any provision or clause of this Secur�lty instivment or the Nou coatlicts witt� .' "�'. �""
<br /> applicable law,such conflict shall aot affece othee provistons of this Security l�s:rument or the Note which caa be given ef£ect
<br /> s u
<br /> without the conflictin8 provis{on-ro this end the provisions of ttils Sccurity Insvument and the Note are declared to be �-
<br /> severable. �
<br /> 16.Boiro�vele Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of thi+Secudty Instrument . :=.���:: _i L
<br /> 17.Transfe�ot the�'operty or a Bene8cL�0 Interest in Borrowe►.if all or any part of the Property cr any inurest in it . �.
<br /> is sold ot transferred(or if a beneficial intcrest in Borroaer is sold or vaasferred and Borrower is not a natural peraon)without . �
<br />' � �;
<br /> Slr��F�tnliy-FNtAAJFNL11tC UNIFORM IhSTRUMEhT FOR�I 3R2D C81D0 N�9��o}8 Pas�s) , —_.
<br /> EC895L RN 09/09/91 � .
<br /> • ' N88(tASKA �� �
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