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<br /> � 97- i�ZiSA . :
<br /> , . .. _
<br /> � Lender's prior arcitten consenG Lceder may.at its option. reGuire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this ` . .�
<br /> Security lnswment However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prolubited by federal law as of the �
<br /> ., date of this Security Instrumen� f -
<br /> �
<br /> � If Leader exercises this option,Lender shaU give Borrower notice of acceieration.The nodce shall provide a period of not less ;__ _ __ _, _. _. _ _ ._--
<br /> than 30 days&om die date the notice is delivered or mailed widrin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security ;
<br /> Iastrumeut if Bonower fails w pay these sums prior w the expirafion of this period. Lender maY invoke any remedies ; .
<br /> permitted by this Security Instrument withoui fi�rther noace or demaad on Borrower. � ' .� .�.:
<br /> ]8, Bo�owe�(s Rig�tt to Remstzte. If Borrower meets certain condirioas, Borrower sGall have tk►e right to have _ ,
<br /> , eaforcemeat of t8is Security Instrumeat discontinued at any time prior co[he earlier oE(a) 5 days(or such oWer period as F.. . S,:...;•�.��_,�_.-_--',_
<br /> appllcable Iaw may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to ar►y power of sale contained in this � ---
<br />" ` Secwtry lastrumeng or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instniment Those conditions ar that Borrower. (a) , • •.�-.--
<br /> ' pays Leader all sums adich then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no accelera6on had occurred: .._�.j
<br /> (b)cures auY defautt of any other coveaaats or ageements;(cI Pays ail expeases encuned in enforcing this Securiry[nstnunent •_ ,_
<br /> inctuding,but not 1"vnited to.reasonable auorneys'fces;and(d)takes such adion as Lender ma reasonabl uire co assurc °��}`' �
<br /> Y Y re4 ':�:�w -:4i•:•;1-.-:
<br /> thac We lien of this Security Instrument,Lender s cights in the Property and Borrower s obligatioa to pay the sums secured by , fi:, y r
<br /> this Security Inswment shall continue unchanged. Upon minstatemeat by Boaower. this Security lustrumen: aad ths • • � : �,�,��,
<br /> obligadons secured hernby sdall remaia futiy effective as if no acceteradoa had occurred.However,this right to reinstate sdall ,"-..�
<br /> aot apply in the case of accelemdon under paragaph 17. � ' � �' "-
<br /> '��-' � �-•�: ,.��;
<br /> 19. Sape of No4� C6ar�ge of Lon� �vicea. The Noce or a partial interesc ia the Note (together wtth this Security ' � :•`�`�"•• -�,._
<br />• �s Insbvment)may be sold one or more times withaut prior aotice w Borrower. A sale may rest�tt in a change in the entity � '`�
<br /> (k nown as the"Loan Servicer7 that culleds monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument There also • . .��,�-�1�' . _-
<br /> �� may be one or more changes o f t he Loan 5ervicer tm r e la t e d t o a s a l e o f 4 h e N o t e.I f t h e r e i s a c h a n g e o f t h e L o a n S e r v i ce t. • �,•<y., . _,_'.
<br /> Borrower arill be givea written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph l4 above aad applicable law.The notice ��':�y� � .c��.rr
<br /> �..
<br /> w�!state the aams aad address of the new Loan Serviccr and the address w cvhich rayments should be made.71�e noflce will . __ " `
<br /> " •..�;- .y,.
<br /> also contaIa any other informauon required by applicable law. . 1. "' ' • � . �
<br /> 2p. H�rdous Substaaces Borroarer shall aot cause or pecmit the presence, use. disposal, swrage, or release of any . 'i
<br /> � _ . �::
<br /> Harardous Substances on or in We Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else w do. anything affectin8 the :";� i� �
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding taro s�tences sdall not apply co the presestce,uge.or . ' s��
<br /> storage oa the Property of small quantitics of Hazardous Substances that are g�erally recognized to be appropriate to aormal �', , ,�t .�,',�
<br /> residential nses aad to maintenauce of the Property. �.',. ,•..,._ r.:• �'�•� �� ,�
<br /> Borrower shall promptly gtve Leader written aotice of any investigation, claim, demand ��uit or other actEoa by aay ' _� �j�
<br /> ovemmental or law a en or dvate mvolvin the Pro and an HaTardous Substance or Euviroameatal '�'' �, f � �'�
<br /> g � rY 8 �Y P PartY� 8 P�3' Y �. .•.i�=. _
<br /> Law of a+htch Be:roa,tt t�as actuai kaowledge.If Borrower feams.or is aotified by any govemmeatal or regulatory authority. - •- �; , -
<br /> that any c�emoval or other remediadon of aay Ha�ardous Substance a@'ectiag the P�operty is necessary. Borrower shall �;�"° � �� �`-�__
<br /> , ,.
<br /> prompdy take aU necessary remedial acxions in accordarrce with Environmental Law. �.. �"�'• _, ?.
<br /> .;,��,.. . �'...�-�:
<br /> As used 'w thLg paragraph 20, 'Haaardous Substances are those substances dcfined as toxic or ha7ardons substances by ��^.� r,��
<br /> Environmenta! Law and t4e following substances: gssoline,kecosene, other flammable or toxic petroteum products. toxlc • „�: ,�� •
<br /> n 'a..,..�.��_
<br /> pestiddes aad herbicides.volatile solvents.materials containing asbesws or formaldchyde.and ndioactive materials.As used .�,_ _-�_
<br /> in th�s paragtaph 20,'Eavironmentai Laa1'means federal laws and laws of etse jurisdiction where the Property is locatcd that �:.-,.�:-_-.�
<br /> - relate w health.safety or enviroamentat protection. '
<br /> � � ���� ,
<br /> NON•U]VIFOItM COVENAN7'S. Borrowet and Lender fi�rther covenant and agree as follows: ,;�.•;--.:�
<br /> :;k�;a��r, .. ,�ra��,
<br />� 21.Accele�atIon;IPeme�ies.Lender shall give notice to Barrowet ptior to accelerxtlon foltowing Bonowe►'s breact►o�any . _ .,.;-��_s.�
<br /> covenaat or agreement in thls Security lnstrument (bat not prior to acceleration under pasa�raph 17 unless applicabtc Iaw , ..,�� _
<br /> provldes otherwise�The notIa ahall speciiy:(a)the defaulh,(b)the¢ction required to cusc the defwlt;(c)a date,not less than _ -'� � � �
<br /> 30 da s 1tFcm the date the notice is ven to Barrower b whicA the defau[t must be cured•md(d)that failure to cure the default� .. "T} '='
<br /> y g� r Y + = �r.,>.. � : -..'�*._• ,,
<br /> on or before thc date specificd in the notice may result in accelerntion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale . . .. _
<br />� oithe Property. 71�e notice shall fLrther tnfarm Borrotvcr ofthe rigM to reinstate aiter acceleratien and the right to bring a� . '� . ,i', � —•
<br /> ww1 ution to assert the non�acistence ot a detautt or nny other defense of Borrower to accelerntion and eale.If the default is' , ., r; .
<br /> not cured on or before the date specificd in the no6ce, Lender at its optian may require immediate payment in ILII of all suma , . � _
<br /> secured 6y efiis Securlty Instrument xdthout Ihreher demond nnd msy imoke the power of sate and any other remedies permitted . .
<br /> by apDflcaDle law.Lender shall be eotiUed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in Nis paragraph
<br /> 21,inctuding,6ut not ltmited to,reasonable attorneys'tees and casts oftitle evidence. • - ,
<br /> . �
<br /> . �
<br /> Sinpl�Famity-FNIIIlA/FHLMC UHIFORM IH9TRUMENT FORllil� 08180(Pag�b ot 8 Pag�s) � ' ' ,
<br /> NEBRA9KA EC927L Rev 10n4/9t , •
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