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<br />� whici�shall not Ix unreasonabiy withhdd.If Borrowa faiLs to maintain wverage described above.Lender rtay.at Lender's i -
<br /> 1 option.obrain ooverage w protea Lender s rigt►ts in thc Property in accordance witb paragaph 7. F • .
<br /> i ( � ,
<br /> ptl iasurance poGdes aad renewals s6all be acceptable w Lender and shall ittdude a standard mortgagc clause. Lender shaU
<br />� have the right to fiold the poliaes and renevrals. if Leadcr requires.Borrower shall prompdy give to Leader all receipts of � ,. - ^ ,— -
<br /> � paid premiums aad renewal notices. Ia the event of loss. Borrower shall give pmmpc notice to the insurance carrier and _.. _ . _._ .�
<br /> I
<br /> Lender.Leader may make proof ofloss if not made prompdy by Bortower. � ��
<br />� Ualess Lender and Botrower otherarise agree in writit►8• insurance Pr°ceeds ghall be applied to r�wration or repalr of the l
<br /> r . � °-
<br /> p�p�y�r�naged,if the�estondon or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is noe lessened.If the rescorarion , , ,.,,,` ,.`
<br /> � or repair is noc economically feasible or Lender's sewrity would be lessened.the insurance pruceeds shall be applied co the , __ ,.:.�:.
<br /> � sums secuted by tttis Secunty lastrument,whether or not then duc,with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abaadoas .': •<•:•�,,�....
<br /> the Properiy.or does aot answer atithin 30 days a notice Crom Leuder that the insurance rar*'ier has offered w setUe a claim, � . ,:�-.__� _-
<br /> .•;,... ,-
<br /> then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Leader may use the proceeds w repair or restore the Property or to pay 1�
<br /> sums secured by this Sewrity Instrummt,whether or aot then due.'ihe 30-day period will be�n when the aotice is gtven. . 'i :.Y�
<br /> Unless Leuder aud Borrower otherwise agee in writing,anY aPPli'�uos►of proceeds to prin�iPal shall aat eatend or postpone �.�. �.�:— �
<br /> the due date of the monthlY paymenrs referred�° i�p�8�p� I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If nr►der "�--�—
<br /> P�BmPh 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to any Insurance policies aud proceeds resultiug from , �'"'"3'��`:�:;i, -
<br /> damage w tiie ProPerry Prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender w the exunt of the swns secured by this Security ,.�`_�,`..
<br /> �.;',
<br /> Instr�ment immediat$ly prior to[he acquisiaon. ��pw�'s Loan Applic�imn; ''?� °
<br /> 6. ���,, p��ya�u�, flrlamtenaace and Proteetioa of the Propaty; _ ,
<br /> I.CJSC�10I1L4. BOROwet ed3ll occaipy,establish,and use the Property as Boaower s principa➢residence aithin sixty days after J .: '�'�. -,
<br /> tbe euecution of this Security Inshvment and shall continue to otcupy the PropertY a� Borrower's prin«pal residence for at �, ,r, _ —
<br /> ,�. least one year after the date of ocxupancy,ut�le.ss Leuder otherwise agrees in�'iting�wluch cons�t shall aot be unreasonably `-.
<br /> aft '
<br /> witbheld,or unlas extenuating cirr.umstances eaist wbich are beyoad Borrower's control.BoBrro���b �default if any '•� �� .
<br /> "t or impa'v the Property.allow the Property to detetiorate,or commit wasta oa the ProPercy ;'-
<br /> ,� _..���.
<br /> forfeiwre actioa or proceeding, v�tether civil or aiminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment oould result ua _ .,'Y' . •r
<br /> forfeimm of tiie Properey or otherwise materially impair the Iien «eated by thi�Security lasnvment or Lender's security � Z . .
<br /> t �
<br /> interest Borrower may cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in p�8�pb 1�•by���g�e acdon or proceediag to . .
<br /> ' be dismissed with a rulin8 that,in Lender's good faith detennination,pm,ctudes forfeimre of the Borrower s intm'est w the '
<br /> 4 Properiy or othet matcrial impairmeat of the lien cxeated by thts Security Instrument or Lendet's sec�rity interesG Soaoaer .,,� �
<br /> shall also be is►default if Borrower,during the loan application process,gave maurially false or inacwrau infortnadon or �.� ...; .�:.,
<br /> statement�W Lender(or fa�ed to provide Leuder with any matecial informadoa)in connection witb the loat►evidenced by the ;. :.
<br /> Nou,including,but not limiud to.representations concera�ing Borrawer's oceupancy of the Propesty as a priacipal residence. .. "� y ``#�.:
<br /> If this Securi t y laswment is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all che provisioas of the lease. If Borrower aequires �:-:_�:j�
<br /> fee dtie to the Pcoperty,the teasehold and the fee tide s6all not merge u n less Len der a g r c e s c o t h e m e r g e r in a+ritin g• • �,� : �
<br /> 7.Protection of I.�d�'s Ri$6ts in the Propei'ty.If Boaower fails to perform the covenaan and agreements wntained in . ':� �.:.'_��i: ..
<br /> :���r �r.�;
<br /> this Sewrity Instrument,or there is a legal procxedic►g that may sig�ifccandy affea Lender s rights iu the PropectY(such as a w• �y=-
<br /> Proeeeding in bankruptcy.probate,fot condemnation or forfclwre or to caforce laws or reguladons).thea Lendes may do and ' ,��— _
<br /> pay for whatever is neoessa►y to protect the value of the Property and Lender s dghts in the Property. Lender s actions may
<br /> �; ,��
<br /> include paying any sums seaued by a lieo afiicd t�s priarlty over this Secudty lnstrument, aPP�°8 ta court. payir►8 .�� _�
<br /> rrasonabie auomeys' fecs and entering un the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take adlon�nder th�s ':'�_
<br /> :,�:a� _
<br /> paragraph 7.Leuder does not have to do so. . �� '-�:, �.
<br /> My amounts disbwsed by Lendet under this para8taph 7 shaU becomo addiHonal debt of Borrower secured by thia Security -
<br /> lustrument Unless Borrower and l.ender agrce w otY►c*terms of paymen4�esc amouuts shaU 6ear tnterest 4'rom the date of � � y �.. ,�•�
<br /> disbussanent at the Note rate and shali be paya b tc,ari t h inteces t,up o n ao6ce from Lendet to Borrowcr requesting payment .:•;��.,:;�F- _
<br /> ��•�r���
<br /> g,Aqortg.�ge Insurance. If Lender cequired mortgage insurance as a coadition of makiag thc loan securcd by this Sccurity _;>=,"i�;d__
<br /> Insuvmmt, Borrower shall pay the premiums requ►rcd to maintain tlie mortgage insurance in effect If,for any reason.the v�q
<br /> mortgage insurence coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases w be ia effcct.Borrower shall pay the premiumr requir-d w _ : :'..>�.:,"•..'�i.
<br /> �_ ,,;,: , :.;.
<br /> obtain ooverage substantiaqy eq�Ivalent to the mortgege insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantIaily cquivatent to the y
<br /> cost w Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in etPect,from an alcetnace mortgage insurer approved by Leader. If :.,. . ', �!}`
<br /> snbstantiatly equivalent mortgage inswance oo��erage is noc available.Boaowcr shall pay w Lender each month a sum equal
<br /> to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insuraace prcmium being paid by Borrower when the iasurance coveraga lapsed or :
<br /> ceased to be 3n effen.Lender will accep�usc and retain these payments as a lose reserve iA lieu of mortgage insuranca Loss ,
<br /> reserve paymmts may no longer be required.at the option of Lender.if mortgage insuraace ooverago(in the amount and for , , � ;,
<br /> the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lender again bewmes available and is obtained. .,�;�. •,
<br /> Borrower shaU pay the premiums required w maintain mortgage insuranco in ef£ect,or to providc a loss reserve. until thc
<br /> � . � �.;�.
<br /> requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any vrriucn agreemcnt betwecm Bonower and Lender or
<br /> . applIcabte law. � �
<br /> Sinqb iamity�FNA�AlFNLMC UNIFORWI INSTRUMENT iORAA 9028 OO1D0(Pay�3 of E Pag�s) �
<br /> ecess� Rev o9rog�� .
<br /> NEBHASKA . , ■
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