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<br /> THIS SECURITY INS7'AUME\T combines uniform covenaats Cor na6onal we and non-uniform covenants with Limited ' , �
<br /> variationg by jnrisdiction w constitute a uniform security iasuument covcring mal property. , -
<br /> U'VIFORM COVEVA,tiTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: �
<br /> 1. P2ymEn4 of P�3n(�j1�uid IIIt�¢.sh, Psep�aym�t aiid I.a4e C�tges. Borrower shall prompdy pay when due ttte �I` � �
<br /> Prinaga!of ar►d int�est on the debt evidenced by the Vote and asay prepayment and late charges due under the!Vote. E: ' _ . <----- _
<br /> 2. F�nds for Taxes and Lisu�aIDce. Subject to applicabte law or to a written waiver by Lendec, Borrower shall pay to � � �
<br /> Lender on t4ie day montlily payments are due under the Vote.until the�vote is paid in tLll,a sum('Fuads')for.(a)yeariy � � � � _
<br /> taxes and assessmeats which may attain priority over this Security Irutrument as a lien on the Property;(b)Yearly leasehold f � • . ,
<br /> payments or ground rents oa the Property, if any; (a) Yearty hazard or property inswance premiwns; (d) Y�arly Qood �`. . .
<br /> insurance gremiums. if aaY: (e) Yeariy mortgage insurance premiums� if aay; aad(� any sums payable by Borrower to . `
<br /> Lender,in accordaace with the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage���+�+roe ptemiuAls. T6ese � � � - -
<br /> items are called'Escrow[tems.' Lender may.at any time,collect and hald Fuads in an amount noi to esceed the maximum � '
<br /> amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan a�y require for Borrower s escrow axouat uader the fedecal Real ( '. ' . . .,,:_.__.-
<br /> Estatr Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 az amended Srom ame to time,12 U.S.C.S�:tion 2601 et seq. ('RESPA7,naless ` , ��-•' '-
<br /> another law that applies w the Fuads sets a lesser amotmt If so.Lendet may,at any time, coUect and hold Fnads in aa � . �r�:
<br />_ amount not w excead the lesser amount Lender may es6mate the amouat of Euads due on the basis of curreut data and �: . '�_? �u_i--•_•_�
<br /> reasonable estimates of eapendidues of tudue Esaow Items or othernise in acoordaace with applicable law. � � . _ -
<br />� 'ilie Funds shall be hetd'ut an insriwdon whose deposits are insured by a federal ageacy.instrumeataliry,or eatity('iacluding ` �--.��`
<br /> Lender.if Lender is such an iastitution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Leader shall aPPty the Fnnds w pay the Escrow f ' '�'�:;s-_•r•_-v
<br /> . „ 1,�•- -
<br /> Items. Leader may aot charge Borro�rrer for holdiag aad applying the Funda,armually analyting the escrow account,or �-�_;.� �. _
<br />= verifying ihe Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower?ntcrest on the Funds and applIcable law penmits Lcnder to maJce • � '�`"°` �
<br /> such a charge.However.Leader may require Borrower w pay a one-acne c6arge for aa indepeadeat real estats tax reporting �-' ..,�:•�'-�_�
<br /> service used by Lender in oonaection witb this loan,anless applicable law provides otheiwise.Unless aa agreement is made or � -
<br /> - appficable taw requires interest w be psid,Leader sdall not be required to pay Borrower aay inte�est or eamings oa the Funds. � , , ' �'t��:'•�•
<br /> Borrower aud Lender ma a m wrItin ,however,that interest shall be aId on the Funds.l.ender shall ve w Borrower. +�'t�
<br /> Y �� 8 P gi . .. � ��,
<br /> without charge,aa annual accounting of tbe Funds,showiag credits and debits W the Fuads aad ffie pnrpose for wLich each � ,
<br /> debit w the Funds aras made The Funds are pledged as additional sea�rity for aU sums secured by this Security Imsm�ment � ���
<br /> if the Funds held by L.eader exceed the amounts permIued to be held by applicable law,Leader shatl account to Boaower for . ��``
<br /> the excess Funds in accordance witti the requirements of applicabte law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any � '
<br /> '....4'.>f'� . . Y' _.'
<br /> time is not suf&dent tn pay the Escrow It�a�when due.Lender may so notify�oaower in wdaag,and,In such case Borrower . - �:
<br /> r, .;
<br /> shall pay w Lender the amount necessary w make up t�s d�ciency.Boaower sdall make up the de6cicvcy ta no more than ' ' �" �r - `: .'
<br /> tarelve montttly payment4.at Lender s sole discreaoa � -�-�-,..� �
<br /> Upon payment in flill of all sums secured by this Secusity taswment,Leader shall pmmpQy refi�nd to Bosrower aay Fauds . ' - ��j�
<br /> held by Lender.If,under paragaph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lendec,pdor w the acquisition or sffie of .
<br /> the Property.shall apply any Faads held by Lender at the time of acquisidon or sate as a credit agaiast the sums secured by •�• ' �� �
<br /> thi9 Secutity Instrttment �- '�•'+. �Y� .• .
<br /> � 3.AppiicltloO of P'aym�ts.Unless applicable!aw provides otherwise,all payments receIved toy Lenda unda paragraphs 1 'c�", _
<br /> and 2 ahall be applied:fiist.w any prepayment charges due under the Not�seooad,m amounts payable under paragraph 2: � � `%� �
<br /> third,W intes�est due;fourth,w prinapal due;and last,w any late charges due under the Note. -�''`'•�r, :*�,r :_ �- _
<br /> 4. Charge� I3�.v. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, chazgcs. fines and iss�posiHona attributa6te to tho Property '''�'�° '
<br /> whicb may attaia prIodty over thL�Secudty Inswmen�and leasehoid paymrnts or ground rents.if any.Borrower shall pay • . �- .�.�..�-,:-_,_
<br /> these obllgatios�s in the manner provided in paragaph 2.or if not paid in that manner, Borrowa shall pay them on dme '6�� ="-,`
<br /> direotty to the person owed payment Borrower shall prompdy tLrnlsh to Lender aU aoScns of amonnta to be paid uuder rhis ' � y�`�
<br /> are h If Boaower makes these a ments direaI Borrower shaU rom d fi�mish to Lender rece� ts evidencia tha � � �'�;•°� �
<br /> P &'aP • P Y Y• P P Y P 8
<br /> . payments. ,�
<br /> . Borrower ahall pmmpUy discharge any lien which has prioriry over t�is Security Inswment nnless Boirower. (a)agrees in , ' .. '�.�"—*'.'�---'���.
<br /> writing w the p�yatent of the obligatIon aecured by the liea in a manaer acceptable w S.ender;(b)contesta in good faith the lten �,x �.s����"«•
<br /> b or defends a ainst enforcement of the tIen in, t a9 rooeed' whIch tn the Lendcr e o mton o erate w rcvent the • � ��
<br /> Y. 8 e8 P � P P P ,.,..,•,,,�,,:-,ry� _�:"
<br /> enforcement of the IIen:or(c)secures from the holder o€the lien an ageement sadsfadory W Lender subordinatIng the lico to �. , -..�, .•
<br /> th�Security instrument If Lcnder deicmtines that any part of the Prcperty is subject to a lien which may attain pdority over - . ,;, '�� -
<br /> this Secudry Ins�men�Leader may give Borrower a nodce identifyicg the Qen.Borrower ehall satis4'y the lien or taice one or � • ' . •
<br /> more of the adions set forth above aithin 10 days of the giving of nodce. � : "' '
<br /> S.Ha�srd or Propeity Ins�aot.Borrower shall keep the improvemenb now existing or hereaRer erected on the Property � --:_-_
<br /> insured against loss by fire,ha7ards tncluded within the term'extended coverage'and any other hazards,includ'cag ttoode or . .. . • '
<br /> tlooding,for which Lender requira inaurance.T61s insurance shaU be malnYaIneA in the amounts and for the perioda that � ' � " •
<br /> Lender requird.The ins�uence carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject w Lender's approval . . �
<br /> �..
<br />• Sin��FarNty FNMAIFFII.iAC UHIFORM IN9TRU�AENT FOttM 3� 091D0(pa9��of 8 Pagn) ' . .
<br />' MEBRA3KA E�L Rev 09N9fDt '
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