' . • � �� � . . , �.. .
<br /> -•- - � --- - --
<br /> - - -�----� - - -- . _ _.. ._. - ---� - -------_--__ ____ _ _ _ _ .. .. . _ — - -
<br /> ` . . _ , • • � . de Lor�ier with written notica of zny acwal or [ ` � --
<br /> CE OSi DEFQ�ID LELi��A��g. Grantor shall irtere�atety� � ,
<br /> 13 LENOER'S R14i}4T T�C0� � Grantar herebY aAPotrrts Lenc�r as rts aitome��n-taa to corturr�nce.tMervene in.and �
<br /> . � eNecting the PropenY• mtse or settle any daim ar controversy Pe�ing thareto. Lender shall not toe Itab!s to .. . ,
<br /> tisreatened a�lon.suit.or other��9���and to corctpro h or any dama9as resuiting ther&from Nothing
<br /> defend sue�aet►ana.sults.ar othsr lsgal Pt° �n�g to the aetions dasaibed in this para�aP .
<br /> I a tn fts own nama. . �.
<br /> ,Grazrtar for any actlon.error,rtdstelm.arttsslan the a�Wons dascribed in this para�aPh under ' .
<br /> cprttained herein�vf11 preverrt Len�r fram taldn9 ,.
<br /> ,I 14.INDEIVa1�FlCA7lON. Lend9r shall not assume or ba respcnsibla far the perfom�nea of any°t Gramo�s obU�ons with respect to tho Property ( 4
<br /> Qrantor shall imr�iate�Y Pmvids Lendalta4iGties�liendudi g attomeys�tees and eh g a l e�q�e�sesl•c���°��OM1.aa ans�suits an�
<br /> J any dreurt��- s hamiass hom all dalrrs.dama89 mdudn8.but rtat lir►dted to.those imlohring Hazardous Malerials). Gramor.uPcr� p
<br /> 1 er�loyeas and agerrt rt3ining to the Prope�'h�f the attomeys fees.legal e�nses and other costs inaured in
<br /> � othar isgal Proceedngs(wrsuladvaty'qatrts�PQ
<br /> the re�e�of Lende►.shaU hire�ega��°unsel to defend Lender trom such Ga1ms•and PaY �unsel to dofand suth Claims at G�ars°O�- G�or's�
<br /> • , h shall surviva tha�s►rti°att°�•�1e�or foredosure of this Deed of Trust. �
<br /> conneqion therewith. In the altemash�e.�-endar shaN ba enUtled to emplo fts o�m legal
<br /> � o6Ggat!on to indertnity Let�er ur�der ihis para�P when due and itrared�ate�Y Prov�de l�nd�r evidenoe'Q
<br /> � 1b.TA}tES A��iD tti.SSF.�•SMB�J�S• Gramor shall pay all taxes and assessmerrts relating to PropertY rri of taxes.
<br /> v�ith Lender each mornh one-tweltth(i/12)af the�rrahted��insurance�
<br /> � of psrymert ot sama. Upan the request of Lender.Grantor st Sfl�a��thare fs no detautt,these amo at its wle opu8on to ep�lY the funds so hstd to . .
<br /> rtaining to the Pmperry• •
<br /> � premium.texes and assessrtents PQ�on the PropenY. in�he evert of default.Lender shall han rever�order of ttie due date thereof. � •
<br /> assessments and insurance as�ons. tunds aPA�ied may.at Lendsfs aptlon,be aPP��
<br /> pay any taxes or against the Oh�i9aU �Y y�t • . ,
<br /> o�s books and records Pertaining to tho ProPertY fm�►Urre to Ume. G'rantor shall Provide an7►assistanoe , .
<br /> 1& INSPECT10dl�F PROPFA7Y,BOOK�S RE{�RDS AND REPOATS. �°���o L°n��rar�M��shall be Senu�ne,vue.aaurate and , `
<br /> , and exartina.insAe�t and malce coPtes to the PrapertY. A�6tionalty. - , �..
<br /> reguired Ir/Lender for these p�uPcses. Ail ot the si�re s ared inbrss¢tlon . ._, y
<br /> cortplete in aU respeaa [3rertror's finandal condHon orthe PropeAY. The
<br /> Grarttar shail note the e�dstence of Lender's benefldsl Uiteres!in its books artd reoP�PB��T��Lendar may desf�ats. AII
<br /> (irerrtor she11 raport.fi a fortn sallsfaetorY to Lender.such irrfom�aUon es lsnder r►�aY ra�s��'�°B . • _�'....�.
<br /> '� r. infometion shall be tor such periods,shall reflect Gtantars reeo�d S�iet���a��5.���d bY Grantf°t1'�Lender requests. i_ ' -
<br /> infnmiation fumisfied by Ciwar�tor to Lender shali be true.axurat irrtendsd transteree of Lendsrs � � .� - --
<br /> st Lender.Grantor shall deliver to Lender.°onihe Obligations;and(b)whether • :_��---�-1
<br /> - 17. ESTOPPELCEHTIFlCATES.nW aisi�diand a�dat�owtedg��st�ernera spedfyi�9(a1 ihe ouw�tand�ng bafance . : .
<br /> dghts with respect to the Oo!(gatic to ihe Obligations and H so.the nature of such dairts.�oethe��e mai[ers n :";�..'``:'�°
<br /> ` Grantor possesses arry cialrr►s.detenses,set-0fts ar ooumerdairr�s with respect . �'' �.,�:;---
<br /> � courrterdairts. Grarttor wiil be condusnrely bound by anY reP�senta8on ihat Lender may make to the irtended transteree wilh respect -y3'"-
<br /> the evertt that arantor fails to provide ttre requested staaemerA in awneN mannar. . • ' ♦ •. _�
<br /> j rativa in ihe evem thai C�rarrtor,Bortawer or . _ :` . ••
<br /> 18. DEFAULT. C3razrtor shall be in default un�r this Deed of Tnist and ihe Trustee s power shall bewme ope , ._,;.y...-=_---
<br /> any guarantor of ihe Obligadans: � �. �_"�,�;:__
<br /> � (a)faiisto pay anY Ob119a�onto Lenderwhen due; W or oovenartt to Lender comained In thi$��of Trust or any other preserrt or fuWre __
<br /> �� ' (b) fails to perfortn enY Ohligation or bteaches anY �ry �w`�
<br /> a�eemert: or s�jects the Pmpertll to seizure,corrflsc�ion.or condermation: '�:
<br /> (c)destroys.Iaes ar darr�aSes the Prope►hi in any material wspeet to Lander. .;�°�'��;
<br /> (� s�eaks to reveks.terminale or atherwise amit fts Ilabillty under enY 9u�Y : 7;=—� -...
<br /> �e) �s.be�rtes legally inoortpeter�t.is�9ssoived or tertrin�ed�bewavu ,s has an fmrolunlarY Petitl��In b��P��Y fl ed in whi�ramor,Bottrowaer = - .
<br /> . debts as they bewme dus.fites a petiUon under the federal baniauPtcY ��.�; --:,.;�: .
<br /> � or any guarantor is narted,or has property taken under any wrft or praoesa of court: ' � r
<br /> (f� allows gaods to be used.lransPorted or stored on the Properry•th0 Possession,transyort�on.or use ot which.is illegal: , , , ;
<br /> + other than Grarnor or Borrower to assume or undertalce anY ObU9ation wf�hout the written canserrt of Lender,or
<br /> �, (9) allows anll D�Y or H Lender.in good faith.tor any reason.believes
<br /> �,; (h) causes Lender to deem ftsatt inseaire due to a si�iftcant dedine in ihe value of the Propeny: --_;
<br /> ' that the ptospecl of paymerrt or performance is impalted. _ : • •. . .
<br /> �i ;
<br /> �,}, �g, p�aH'(g pF L,BdDER ON OEFAULT. It ihere is a defaub under ihis Deed of Tn�st,Lender s h a l t b e e rt U t l e d t o e x a t d s e o n e o r m o re o f t he followin 9 '
<br /> , e� .f; �
<br /> '• ' r s r r�m e s w i t h o u t n o ti c e o r d emand(ettcept as requfrad bY 1aw): =` . , 'i i
<br /> � (a)to dedare tiie 061igatlons ImredatetY�5te and paYable in t u l i: _,�c:.r,
<br /> • (4)to ootleet the outstandi�9 Obligatlons with or without re&orUng to jumdal Prooess: at a place reasensblY :��'. :.
<br /> rsonal property or Chattsis constiMing the Proparty �
<br /> (c) to requlre arantor to deliver end rreke available to Lender any pe �
<br /> comreniem to(irarrtor end Lender, for or obtalning the eppoirttmem of a recelver and a1��ts option,to •
<br /> ' lon of the Properry without epp�yin9 staMo eondNons regar�n8 .. �--�_
<br /> . + (� to erttar upon and talce Pcssess su(t on the Ob�18a►lons and wflhout otherwlse meeUnB anY ry �`
<br /> � appotr»a recelver wflhoui 6ond whhout flrst bdnging to im a reoolver, '�" '�`--
<br /> �•.:.'.
<br />� � ,� recehrers.fl being hrtended that Lender shall have this eomraeh�al rt9M app° - . �'-
<br /> � (e) to ertQioy a mana�ng agertt ot the Properry end let ffie sanro.either in Trustee s own nart�e,of ail neoessarY�d�ar�g and expenses,o�n acooa um of +�,
<br /> end the sart�o.after payme .. r � �"=:
<br /> � reo9hre the rems.incomes.issues and Proflta af iho PropeAy eDNY �:
<br /> : theOhiigaUons; '�.:, ���_. "
<br /> • ` tfl PaY�Y oM Londer to proteet the sea+ritY of ihis Deed of Trust a to are any detauit ather than . ���
<br /> to sums in arry fortn or manner dee��red e� tiY ��,��t�r�-�.
<br /> ` payment of Ur�.-ast or pr(ndpal on the 0611gadons; '_
<br /> (g)to foredose ih�s Geed of Tnist judclaily c►na"jut8dal►Y and�o direct the sale ot the properry throu�exerdse of the power of safe as reteretioed In :___� _
<br /> paragrapt�20 hereof In aoeaordanoe wflh applieab�e law: �ender(ndudng.but not limited to.monies,instrumems.and deposil ,�-.,r".,�,.;
<br /> (h)to set-of}Qrantofs OhtigaUons egainst arry amo
<br /> utlt8 oWBd Ci(alltOf by - :.`-.,�.+.`..F �'--�-�
<br /> � aoaourrts rralmalned vi8h Lender ar any curtemty existing or future afffflliata of Lender,and ��_�
<br />� � (I)to exerdso all other d�ts avafls3Yble to Lsndar under any other written agreertixA or ePP�eade law. *;_�._.
<br /> ;-:+,•.v....•='�ily�.
<br /> � ; landers d ere w►n�tative and maY be exerdsed to mireerr�seA��anyac lon��ega�insi Q(arROr,�Grantor w�s�ee�sti g of a�ny aband wT�leh rti B .�,%:. � .
<br /> se�ar �t
<br /> rewyary c�arry of the Proporly by weY o1 a prep�tf�ne r��ihe PropeAy a1 any sale. Proeeeds ot arry Trustae s sate hereunder shall ba applieC .
<br /> � atherwfse he required. lsnder or Lende�'s desi�ee trwYpu �f�: �' '�'*"
<br /> � 1 (irst.to the eosts and e�enses c'exerdsin the power of sale and of the sala.inclutIIng thepayrt�em of the Trustee's fees actuaiiy incurred��d}non�t�o .
<br /> m ot the Ob-'�9ons sacurod hereby.ihird,to Lhe paymie N
<br /> ; ex�eed me amoum wnicn may�aovidad�a in tfiis Deed o1 TrusK,seoond.te PaY►rre entilled thereto.Thep�aperty er any part tfieteot may ' .
<br /> trust deeds.mortgages.or other lienholders,end Uio baleneo.if any.to the perscn or rsons legatlyy
<br /> U �
<br /> i be sold in one pateel.or in such pareo�si urn�nne�he emire proPe►h►1s so�d o ihe o�19�0���d n hiil.e or more euerdses of the power herein�ented '
<br /> '. shall not extln�ish or e�aust Uie powe •
<br />, � j exerdse of the pawar oi
<br /> ' sale harain�nti+Jn�Lender shall nowiy T�ee n ihe�rr�n�e then re'qulred by iaw.s to se11(3rantofs Imerost in the Prope►ry bY . '.
<br /> ,f• �
<br /> Upon recelpt of such noUoe of Lendor nnd at the direetion of Lender,Trustee shail eause to be racerded.WbOshed eRd dsifvered such naUees of defauit . �
<br /> end nWces of sate as may lhen be r�ired�I��b reeordati n ot such nWoe ot defau'�ft and after notice ot sale having boen gl e as r�e4ulred bymlawr.
<br /> after such Urre as may then be requ bY . •
<br /> � �p�prapeRy�th0 time and place o}sale fixnd by it In such notlee ot sale,either es whola ar in se i e lots er P�roels°�����"�shatl deam �
<br /> � a m,and In such order as h may dete►mina,at Wbiic eualon to tho hi¢�es161dder for caso in I�a����mnsu�go d��e��0�orUdeeds '
<br /> t
<br /> e,or as otherwlse may lhen be required by law. TNStoe shail detiver to such W�hMase The realels in sueh deed of any matters or faets shall be
<br /> comeytng the property so sold.bu1 without any oovenant or wartanlY.e�ress or implied. rchase ai such sate. Truslee may ' .�
<br /> � i�n tho mann�fovlded bt Y aw PcstP°�cale�y�O��P°Non ot the P o�po�on,Grantor,Trustee or Lender,rtny pu
<br /> 2f. REnUESTh reA�N�e�ess of suchu pe►scn se1 fo„h�her�eln at�t�he sam911mo�nd in Ute s�ame manner r�equh d aa tAouBh a se tParate r ques► .
<br /> �rho is a party --
<br /> thereot had been filed by each su c h porson. .
<br />_ , � t . _
<br />_ . .. � �`, f` `/�,�, i.._. .. . . . .. ,._
<br /> '_� Pa�r3d8 1�__. _ - I, - .
<br /> NEDOTC Re�.39& � `
<br /> .
<br /> � � � i
<br /> ,
<br /> ----� . . . . , _ - _.. . _— , --�� .. . . , . -- _.- _ - . _- .- -, _ .,_ ._.
<br /> . •. ., . . . ,
<br /> ,..
<br /> . . . . �. . � ... . , . . . . ..
<br /> ,�•. . ... .. _ . , . , •;�. . .. . . .. .
<br /> .. . .
<br /> . . . ;.. , ,.
<br /> . : .� . . . . � „ .
<br /> , . . . , , . . . . ;�• . .
<br />