_. ._ __ � - __ �__
<br /> icab,e laws and regulations.indud�ng.ailhcut lirtetation.ine Amsricans vdth Disabil'rtiss Act.4b N�e o(�anY fad3ral•s�►��� `� ' •<�.�
<br /> (�� �I�� t , e d t h e re u n d e r)a n d a l l z a ni n g and truildng laas and regulatfans relating to the Property Y • ',
<br /> , regulations prorni 8at Q ars and sfiaii be obsarvad end ca r►�f i e d w i t h i n a l l rt r a t e r i a i re s p e c ts.and all daMs.licsnses. �,`
<br /> � authoriry vrith jurisdction over the Properly P►os mN �� y��d shall ba otrtained. �
<br /> • permits.and ceNfl�ates of aowAanaY Ondudng but not lirr¢ted to zoning variances.spodal exceptions for nancartforming uses.and final inspectian � `,,
<br /> ` or rtrenen�whid�are►sgterial to tho us9 and oauPancY of ihe Property.P �Y .
<br /> approvals)..whethet tert�ora►y P8 � �
<br /> preserved and where necessary.renewed; � .
<br /> lation,orcGnance.ru�a at�av�•�°�«ar other a�eemem wh'eh maY��nding on Graritor at any tirte:
<br /> (d) Gtantor has the right end Is du�Y su�h°rized to execute and pertom�its Ob��fldtions undar this Deed of Trust and these actions do not and sh nat � . `
<br /> confliG vrith ihe provtsians of arry slatu�e.reSu � .
<br /> ' ie) No aaion or proceedng is or shall be pen�ing or thraatened��o o���N e of����,�a or other a�esmem(indu�ng�io this D of I
<br /> (� Grantor has not violated and shall not violate any statute.regu �
<br /> � those goveming Hazardous Materials)which rtn�rt materially affect the Property or Lenders ri�ns or imerest in the Property P I �
<br /> � Trust. of the Pro except as set for[ .
<br /> • i
<br /> to and perfortn in a timely manner. If there are anY Prior deeds ot trust ihe
<br /> 3. PRIOR OEEDS OF THUST. Gramor rspreserrts and wartanis that there are no prior deeds of tnut aHe«'ng anY Pan �
<br /> on Schedule B attached to this Daed of Trust.wh�ch(3rarrtor agrees PaY
<br />_ - i Grarrtor agrees to pay alt amounts or dead o�V�ust shal�be�a�det'tauit un�derthis D ed of�Trust andfshall emitle 8�Lencteb t rigMs and erred:es wdnla�rned `-_ _
<br /> ' � agrees that a detauli under anY P�
<br /> i herein or in the Obligaiions to whieh Lender v�ould bs e►rtnted in the evant of any other defautt ,�
<br /> 4. TRANSFERS Of THE PROPERTY OR BS�1�iCiAL 1 oN�R�E���G�T��in Schedu e�o any irtterest ih$rein,or of all oreany benefid
<br /> convaet tor deed ar transfer to any person cf aU or any PaR ersh trust.or .
<br /> irtterest in Borrovuer or t3�arrtor(it 8orrovrer or Qrarttor is not a natural pea n�P�f�e 061tgCOations�plus��acaue�ime�rest the�reaonny�im�rrs�atel�y dus end .
<br /> other legal emity).Lender may.at rts option dedare the outstand�n9 P� P� F.. . -
<br /> PaY�ple. At Lendets�Nand�the e�ertt of ther iie8spective ownership irrterests tumisA a cort�tate stater�ern settlng forth all of its stadfiolders.members.or .
<br /> partners.as aPProP� • i �>'
<br /> 5. ABSfGNME[JT OF HENTS. In considsration of the Wligations,+vhich are secured bN this Qeed°f Trust,Gramor absolutely assi9�s to�ender ali 4
<br /> , � Gramofs estate.ri��t•title. trrterest.daim and demand now owned or heref tliea P�PertY lall such leas s and agree�mems whetherPwr'mermorioral�are , , r :�.�
<br /> axtensions,renewals and subfeases),ail agreemarrts fot use and oxupanoY er wrth the�rts��e�d cotriinuing right ta
<br /> heray(ter reterted to as the'Leases'�.and ali guatantlas of tessees perfo����e��� �n�re now or hereafter due(indu�ing arry incorre of - --
<br /> collect and receive sU of the rerns.incame.reoetpis.ravanues.tssues.Pro indumn minirtum rerits.addNonai rents. . ��;....�.;:
<br /> any rmture oorting due dudng arry►edertpticn Periocq under ihe laases or fram or atising oul of ihe Property 9 . . :
<br /> � percerrtage rerrts.Partcin9 or comnon area ma(ntenance�cortl;Ibutiun�co e ng loss of rems resu�ffing fromeur enarrtabil'dy,icaused bY deswWon°B . , i �
<br /> � a
<br /> � default in any Lease.a�Pro�s PaY�a under any po.laY � all roceeds.derived from tde , sr����
<br /> � i damage to ihe Properry.all Proceeds PaYable as a result of a lessee s axercise of an o lon to purdiase ihe Pr°�d��Pof azry bnd which Grarttor ;,_ '
<br /> or other insoivencyprooee�i�8.and el�a°ceeds ftom any right �r
<br /> terminatlon or rejedion of any taase in a baniwptey of the Properry(eil of the ebove are hereafter colledively referred to as the'Rerts�. fils , .
<br /> may have agafnst arry lessee under the Leases or any oaunpants e Lender to collect and apply the Rertts. This assi�merrt is recorded in axordance with ` -�.��-
<br /> i. ' �si�rterri Is su6�eC1 to ihe ri�t.pawer and aulhority gN g ...
<br /> appliea4te st�e 4aw:the lien ereated by this assignmerrt is irttended to be speeiflc.Pertected.and ehoate upo��e�Uds D�eed of 7��Lendzr�ants ..
<br /> prcvided by appGcabte state law as amended irom Ume to tlrre. As long as thera is no defaufl under the Ob11 , �..�'-
<br /> . .� •
<br /> ma tr a revo��ire Qrantor to depo tt all Rertts frrto an aocourrtemalrtteinedtby Cirarttor or L�end�ar at Le�n�de�i's instftutl n�Upon�defauft in the PaYmert - ,. f
<br /> y any ssion of the Pra rly and hava.hold�a9�.I��d operate the . ,,:��� ; -.--
<br /> of.or m tfie pertormance of,any ot the Obtigations.Lender may at its o�n����tc oollect a�nd reoeNe all Rerrts from the property.and Lender � � . —
<br /> Properly on tertns and br a periad of Ume that Lender deems proPe►• r Lender may applY atl ReMS in '' , . . � , ; :
<br /> shail have full powar to rreke altarat3ons,renavat�ons,repairs or replacerrerrts to the Pmperry as Lender may deem prope• ,
<br /> ., �.end�s sote cLscretfon to payme m o f t h e O b l i g a d o n s o r to tfie p a y m errt of the cost of sueh alteretfons.renovations.repairs and redaeemartts�d any .: � •��.H
<br /> r(ocGealiy and the managemeM and ope r a llon o f t he Prope r t y. L e n d e r m a y l a e ep the '
<br /> � e x p enses inadern to taking and retaini n g possession of the ProPBrtY Pa , ...: ;�f .: '� � _
<br /> , 1'roPerty P�Ae�Y insured and may m s c harge any�es.0 d�a�e�urrts shall be added odthe prtndpal of ihe Obtlgatlons. Th se eamounts.togothe r 1 w i t h . . .
<br /> a c t i a n s m a y b e p a i d fr o m t h e R e rt s r e o e N e d�a n d y p a td � . �.-.: .
<br /> other costs,shal l recorre Part of ihe Ob1�8aUons secured 6y ihfs Deed ot Trust. �
<br /> o r t a i l t o t a l c e a ny a c�i o n�(��y�ss or p ertril the termination or the wfthhol�ing of � � ' •"���. ,'��
<br /> 6: L E A S E S A i d D O T H E R A G�t E E f J I F M S.G r a n t o r s h a l i n a t t a k e ,
<br /> � �►Y PaYment in oonnecdon wfth any Lease or other a�rrent('Agreerrem�peRalning to t he P r ope r ry. i n e d�t i a n,G r a r i t o r. a�tne�r�it(e)assfgrgnor afloxr ea � `!�' .
<br /> oonsem,shall not:la)�oP.e�1 any monies payable un r any Agteemem more tt�ar►one mortlh in advanee:(b)►ro�itY anY���ar the amourrts payable . "°�+ • �-
<br /> ' 11en.sewrity inlerest or other encurrmrance te b9 plaeed upan Qrantors dgMa tiUe and irrtarest in and to any A� �r
<br /> thereunder,or(d)teminate or canoei eny Agree�aent except tor the nonpaymarrt ot arry sum or other materlal breaeh by 1ha ether PartY therew. if Qrantor
<br /> ' recelues at eny Ur►�a►g'written cormunieaUan assening a defauR by Grantor under an Ageemertt or purporting to tertninate or canoel any AgreemenL ..'.•��;;:,{,__
<br /> Cirantor shatlprortpUy(eM►ard a eopy of such carmunicatlon(and any subsequern oormunlesUons relating iheretoj to Len�r. AD such A�aaments end t...-�_
<br /> the amounts�e 10 Grantor thereunder aze hereby ass�gned to Lender as ad�Uonal securtiy fcr the ObligaUons. . � �:-
<br /> y��t..
<br /> InUu�ng,but
<br /> �..� 7. COLLEC7tON OF INDEBTEDNESS FROM THIHD PABTY. lendar shall be entitled to notity or requfre Cirarttor to rso�1y any thfrd party( �=� ^'-. •.
<br /> not lirtited to,lossees,Iicensees,go vemmental authorities and(nsuranoe cortpanles)to pay Lender any indebtedness or o611gation owing to tirarrtor whh . ��
<br /> respect to the Praperty(curru l a t i ve ly'In d e b t e d n e s a�w h e t h e r o r n o t a d e t a u R e�sts under this Deed of Trust. Citantor sha11�IlgerNy cu��ect 1he � _�
<br /> � lndebtedness owing to Orat�to►imm these thir4 partles urttil ihe�v(ng of such noUflcation. �of sud�noUflrat o orlt t�he(nstrumems (o othe�te�tan°as x"
<br /> � • :i any Inshumerns or other rertittances with respect to the Indebtednesa foilowirtg the glving d `�j�, -. ,
<br /> aonstitute ihe prepaymeM of arry Indabtedness or ihe paymiem of any Insurance or oondertnalion proceeds.Orerrtor shall ho►d sueh instrimerrts and other
<br /> ; endorse the insbumerrs and atlwr rerttittenoes to Lendet,and ImrBdiately�cvida Lender wilh
<br /> � rerrittanCes in trust for Lender apart from its ott�ar properry. or otherarlse).extertd the �°"
<br /> � possession of ihe instrumetrts a�d o�her rerti�cy-sces• Lender shall be errtitied,Gut not required to ooilect lby►egal prooeecin9s `�`�.
<br /> tim�tor peymem,cor�promtse.exchan�or celease any obiigor or collaleral,or otherwlse serile arry ot the Indehtedness whether or not an evam of defautt �•:==-r-�
<br /> exista under this A�eerrenL Lender ahall nol be 1ia61e to CirarTtor for arry aclion,error,mistako.onisslon or delay pertalning to the acUons describod in thls :, * __
<br /> .. para�aph or any dama9es resutUng therefrom Notwfthstamm�g tha forego(ng. nothing hemin shall cause Len�r to be deerr�ed e ;_.�,�, r.:�
<br /> mortgageedn-possesslon. '� —
<br /> � 8, U8E ANID MAINTENAN�CE OF PROPEkiTY. Grantor shail take all actions and malce any cepal�i seehd�eduse�Pro lperiy satu�ly in co�mptianoe w�ith . r'��
<br /> Grantar shail not cormit or pertnnt eny was:a to be comdtted wBh respect to the Property• a . _
<br /> applicablo taw and insurance poltdas. Gtaritor shall not make arry alteraUons,eddAions or improvamems to ihe Proporly wflhout Lenders prtor mitten �. —
<br /> . to Lenmd�er,shall not be remova wAhoui Lenders��prior�n eonse�m.��d hall bo madetat Grar+tora srnole o�xpenseb;ecl to ihe benofldal irrterest belonging , , —
<br /> , � poNO�ihe�ROf fr�a�nE�rse whatsoever�Ine ho evem of any Lo s�or Damage,(irentor sh�ali,�t e�n o�f Lenderrrepalr�'atfected ProDeY��t�s . . : �
<br /> prevlous condition or pay or cause to be paid to Lender the Qeaease in the talr markut value ot the affected ProDerty �.
<br /> 10. INSti?AT4CE The PropeAy wID he kept insurod for Rs tull insurable valua(repIacemerrt eost)agalnst all hazards induding loss or darnegs caused by i
<br /> . flood,eatlhquake,tomado end flre,thefl or other casualry to tho oxteM requlrod by Lender. Grantor may obtain insuranoe on ihe PropertY from such
<br /> �RpynLo as ere acoeptabfe to l.endot in ita sole�serellon. The insutance po��des shall require the insurance corrpanY to previde Lendet with at least �
<br /> 3� days'writlen notice before su�pofidus are attsred or eancelled in eny manner. The insurance polides shall narre lendor as a las �._
<br /> pyee ean��e that no ad or amission of Grantor or any other person shal!atfed ihe rl�n of iender to 6o pald the insurance Froceeds portaining to the �
<br /> loss or darnags cf the Property. In tAe ever�Grantor faiis to acqulre ot rtsirtrain insurance.Lender(after providing noUce as may�dre���n bY�est as �
<br /> in its Nsaetion proare approdprsle�cured har y aramor shall tuml hr Lsnder withhevl�dence of in�suranoe in�ng t�he�requpired ccverage. I-ender may act �
<br /> described in Pare�aph 23
<br />, t as attomey-in-fact tor Grarrtor in�8 er. All suidi nsurar:ce�poIicles h�I��ide�s.�qtte1y I81i,Qn ���lecy na�d��luer�ed�0i �Lna3sr�a.s funhei se�ai or . �
<br /> negaUafde insirument drawn by any tlge
<br /> � � for the Obligat�ons. In tho evoM ot ioss.(3ratitor shalt irtmediatoly givo Lender mitten notiee and lender is authorized to rnake proof of loss. Ea ,
<br /> � insurance corrpanY is direeted to make paymeMa mreetly to lender ins:ead of to Lender and Grarttor. Lender shall hava the rigM,a11ts sole option.to
<br /> � ' apply sueh moNes toward tha ObligaUons ar toward the wst o1 rebuilding and restoring the Properry. My amourrts►rey at Lenders option be applied in
<br /> '• tha Irnerse order of the due dales thereof.
<br /> i .. �-
<br /> � 11. 20idiNa A.tiD PANATE COYENANT9. Grantor shall not inftiate or conserrt to any ehan9e�n the zoning provislons or private covananis atfeciing the � � �
<br /> use o11he Property wilhout Lenders pflor written oonserit. H Grantors usa of the Property beou►ries a noncontomdng use under any zoning provislon. �
<br /> Grantor shail not cause or portrit such use to 6e d�seonUnuod ot abandoned withoul the prior written oonsent ot lsnder. t3rzrrtor wili irtrrodlatety provide
<br /> � � Lenderwith writton notice of anY proposgd d�anSes 10 the zoning provisions or private oovenems afteetlng ihe Property. � . �°"':
<br /> 12 CONDEMNATION• (3rantor shall immemately proe deG���from sudi oonderr�atio oi taking are hereby assigned�to Lender and shaehe aPpli9d
<br /> 1 proceod�ng perialning to the Properry. All rtqnies payab ----
<br /> � first to ihe payrtent o}Lendefs attomeys'lees,1eg21 expenses and�oleh Qb�����ons o9 ihere totation�or repair Ot iha property. n��ation or errinent
<br /> � domain prooeod�ngs end then,at th9 option of Lendsr.to ihe payme 9�� � .
<br /> . , '
<br /> � �
<br /> ��s/���: �;...
<br /> . veoezas —
<br /> NEDO7H Rw.�t9d , �
<br /> ' �+T"_
<br /> - _ _ . .. . . . --•.�"`^"' . - ' _ . . - ' •.
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<br /> .:._::" "'_"__' "' . .__" .._ � ..— " �_. -., — ' — _.._ ___ - __' — ' _,_ � _ _- _ . • _ - .. .—
<br /> � '�_.n`.' _ . .
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