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�< <_ __ ._._. ..____ - -- --•�- - �_.._ _ . . � . . .._- - eHeaive as a enandrsg _ �- - _ _ <br /> s �s tocated) � . . _ <br /> ed in the stata�vhete the real properlY� <br /> ' ?2 SECURITY IN7EREST UNDER tiHE UNIFOR o s o�s Ur.�C�B���Cade (as adop be can�darad znsi to ether with . . . <br /> � st�ertr�M and a fixture filing pursuaM to ihe provi� now owned or hsreafter attached to or to bo used in eo�nterest in such Chatt�elsy Tha d2htar is . <br /> eovaring fixtures.chattufs.and arUdes of persacrdi pmPe►tY. s Lender a sswrilY.. . . �. <br /> .any and all reAlacerrems�hersof and ad�tiosts�herero(tt�e Chane�s'.and Grantastaie M��ed as a fature filing wnh respaa to all fiztures indudad within ` •_ <br /> � � , . . <br /> the Graritor descnl�d aaove. This Deed of Trust wiii tre etlective as a financmg of safd prEnisss Mdudtrg said fixQxes)i�situaled This .�f <br /> e filin or rewrdn9 <br /> said premises and is w he f i le d f or record in the real estate recards of eaeh oou�wh�e re�ses a�nd n�a Y b�fited irt any other apyroPriat 9 <br /> i Deed of Trus4 shall also ho eNeG�e as a finanang statemsnt eovering a�Y is the lender dasaibed above Upon de�nd Grartor shali , . <br /> offioe. A r�tbon.Photo�aRh3�or otfier raproduGian of this Deed of Trust°The s�eycufi ed�P�'nA9Y�te�t relaung to this Qeed of Trust shall be suHfaeM as a ` • : ,, <br /> � finaneing statemeR►�°r any ot the purposes refetted to in this,ata9raRh- <br /> time rrra deerr�Q <br /> a mems las such term is deflned in said Unctortn Corrariercia! Code) as Lendar at any Y_ <br /> �a��My Irrtorest in ihe Chattels,and upon C�rantors fai�ure to do so.Lsnder is suthanzed to`Q� � <br /> �j make.execute and delhrer sueh securiry �n�er a pe me�ts las sueh tertn is defined in said Unitortn� -. <br /> n3cessary e�ProPet or required to 9raM rime upon request of Lender. <br /> authorizes Le�dar to fiie financprq state <br /> sign any such agreemerrt as the agem of Gramor. Grarrtor hereby _ <br /> with resped to the Chattels.a1 any Urte.w�1ho��e sigrrature of Grantor- Gramor 9 i�,in , <br /> Commereial Code) �o any seturiryl a9�emeM covedng the Chattets,then� <br /> 5����f�a�9 statements. Gramor will paY al►filin9 fees for the fiGng of such finanang statemems and tor the refitirt thereof at the timas requ <br /> � ihe opinion of said Unitortn Cortariero+al�°de. If the ffen of this Dsed of Trust be sub:ed s��or suaessors in tiUs ot <br />. — in�eva�thernwith U�enbenert of any deposits or pa�yrf�nisMnow or hetesfter��made�the�reof by�trantor or he'predace hattels is hereby assi�ted to - <br /> LB <br /> Grartor in the Property . <br /> d or remedy of Lendar undsr this Deed of Trust UPcn demand.Grarrtor <br /> �, pgi4lfBURSEl1�EN'f OF A1�U���DED BY LENDER. Lender.�LencEe�s option,maY expend tunds(induduig attomeys fees and I <br /> expenses)to perform any act req�tred to be taf�n by Ciramor ar to exeroise anY 8� <br /> � shall irtmed�ately rei�wrse Lender tor aU such amau�s e�n��Y Lender together wiU�irAeres4lherean at the ImNer otthe hi�est rata desafbad in any <br /> ' Ob;igatian or the ht�est tale altawad bY taw hom the dale of paymerit um�l the date ot cei�ur��� These surrs s�1��of d��On of notice of . . <br /> harefn. If the Obtigatlons are patd after the bsgin 9 P� <br /> Obligadons herein and sha!{be seared b1r the toene8dat hRerest HraMed Q�ar to pa arry Parl mf the Obiiga�ons aftar ihe beginning of publfcation of . . <br /> � herein prav(ded or in the evertl Lender itso t��d��nses in�lry the Trustea and Lender in oonnection vuith sald publication, � <br /> nctice of herein ptovlded.lhen.Grarrtor shall pay � , � _ . <br /> indud�ng raasonati�e atto�ys fees to the attomeys for the Trustee and for ihe Lender,and a reasaiabte fee to the Truslee.and�his Oeed oi Tnist shall be :.,";. <br /> security for all such expenses and fees- g _'°"" <br /> ?A. AP?UCATION OF PAYMBITS.The TruStee shallapply ihe proc8eds of ihe Vustee s ihe cosis and expe vided fo��e Deed of Trusit ' —�-_-. <br /> rtt of the Trustee's tees achially inwrted not to exceed ihs amourrt which may be Pro ar other tie�holders.end ihe �;`.�:-=y�- <br /> sale a i of the�le.indud�ng�thep yme nt of junior deeds ot trust.mort9a9es ,::�_ -_�- <br /> secen4��PaY�nt of tlse obligation secured by the Deed of Trus4 the payme . - - <br /> balance.rf anY•to ihe persan or persons Isgally enlitled therem. '_,� <br /> 2 5. P019ER OF A770ANEV. Grantor hereby a poirrts Lender as its anomey-irt�tact to endorsee Grantors nama on all Insprurrenis and other dawrrerts '.:�� .__�:� <br /> perta(ning to the 04Ugations ar�G a t o und r��Deed of�7 rn���'Lenders e�derfom�anca e i su�c h a e upo n o r e x e�c,u t i n o f s u e h d�oeumer ts shall not . :, �.:.�. __ ,� <br /> _ r e y u i r e d w b e t a k e n o r e x e w t b Y �-�-►'-'� <br /> � rei�eve Graritor from any Ob119ation ot cure anY d e f w n w d a r t h i s D e e d o t T r u s t- A l l l o w e rs of attome y described tn this Deed of Trust are couPted with an <br /> .. � laterest and are irrevoeab+a. ��, <br /> • ; of tha holder of arry previous Iten,securi►Y Irtterost or encumbranoe ,.. <br /> 26. SUBROGATIBN OF I.£N�EA• Lender shal� be sulxogated to ihe d9hts i���or otl�er encumbranaes have been reteased of record• �_= <br /> '' + mscharged with funds advanced 1tiY Lender re9ardess of whether these�tY� , ..:,.••: <br /> ' Lenders reasonabte fees and eosts,indudfng.but not lirritsd to,fees t r��� <br /> 2T. COLLEC'f9aN��. To the exterrt pemitledby law.C3ranlor a�ees to�Yderks and consuitarAs),whether or nol sueh attomey a agertt is an _ . <br /> n whhout limda�tion paralegal � r thls Deed of Trust.whether or nat ' ��`� ' � <br /> and costs ot attomeys and other agerrts pnclum g nt colleetion acUons. ' �'�� � . .�`t = <br />. ett�loyee of Lender.whtch ere inwrred bY Lender in collsctlng any arrourtt due or e�or�ng an�yd���- d��unde h <br /> tor <br /> suit is brought,(ndumng.but not lirr�ted to.all fees and eosts(neurred on appeal,in banlwptey. '.�,;� ; <br /> and recordng one or more Partla! Deeds of ". ',� ;� ,. <br /> ?g Pqpnpi,REI..FJ18E. Lender may release its irtterest in a pordon ot the N pe 9 h$�e�����to obli�t e landeno release any of its :�`; Y •,;;:. <br /> othin <br /> Rgcorrveyance vYithout atfecdn9 its irrterest in the ramai�ning portlon of the PropeAy be °'„:,� • <br /> irrcerest in the Prope�►Yae���defautt�imdder thtls Dea�d o"f tru^��1. The Iten yand se�w��riy�Inte�i�xeatsd by the�Dehed of Trust rematn�ineeftec�with�re�pect io '. � <br /> of tha PropeAy ff Grarit � �, . � <br /> that panion of ihe delined in the Deed of Trust,that is nat ihe subject ot ihis or any Panial Deed ot Recomrayanee � . � <br /> of Qrantors Obligaticm or Lendera tt G h t s under ihis Deed of Trust must be � ��j' .,,!'� • <br /> . ., ?B. 1 4 f 0 A 1 F t C A'R O i 1 1 A N D W I l I V E R. Tha modfication or waiver of anY °::;,�;•:. .f;�; <br /> aontalned in a wr(ting si�ed b1►Lende�• Lender may pe�°��5►of B nrtowe rs or G r a rt t o�s O I�I i g a H o n s,d e l a y o r f a 3 1 t o exerdse an y oi fts dghts or aooept <br /> ��ms�Q��a�y�����Grar�ta,Nithout caus(ng a watuer of those Oidigattons or dghis. A walver on one occasian shail not oonstitute . • � •s c � <br /> ` a wahrer on arry other oxas ton. C i r a mo r's O b l i o n s u n�r t h i s O e e d o f Trust shafl not be effepdaerd ff I.endsr amen�d► r ry romtses.exchanges fa(is to _^`y�:aT • Y:. <br /> exerdse.irtpalrs or releases any o�n d e�s l a l i u r e t o i�n s inu n p 8 o n s s t r l y U p�er�to�oe of any otthe d6(f-Saticns shal n 1�6 esdeemed awa(ver�an�d L e nder shall +��. � � '`:. - <br /> thiro party or arry of ihe Property. � ��� <br /> , have iha rtght a1 eny Ume ihereafter to insist upon striu pertortnanee• �;-� . <br /> -�;� ,�.- <br /> 90.8U89TRUTH TFiUSTEEs Io�putedorEin ca�se t�he o deMr of iBttegOAbtig�ations sha�ll des�re f�r a�nyre�asor n to er ove th�e Ttu�o at►y su TbsU te tru�slee�as .r �ti - : - <br /> slate whsre ihe real proDertY g <br /> s�u�a vuste�e fornsaid T�ee,and�e ubstiNte�trust�halL��eDPohrrted.beeoma�uessor to all rl�tts o�f Trustee{�h�efeundor�and theisarre sha�l .rr!:5. .�� <br /> beoorr�e vested(n him for the purposes and objeets of this Deed of Trust with al1 ihepower,�ttesand obllga2ions hereln corderred on the Trustee. Trustee . �:-`�N <br /> e h a 0 n o t be Ilahte br a r ry error of�u��or aa done by Trustee,or be othe�se ot the�p o Ners�In�eMd�i�ipo�n the Oe�ed of Trusi�for debts ��-: �;; <br />� Trustee shall nat be personal►Y�i a b ie"'�'e o1 emry by fl or alryone a e t i ng b y �t�n y��{�to be nulne. �"'�' <br /> � oosNaGed or fla6(1'rty or darte.$es incurred in the mertage►►�tatmn or�o�sed t�bed t mn by R heNre�ur�iderha betieved tsylt t 4wad on eny in�merrt� .-:-J:,�r'"�.�• <br /> ' dacumem or st�awra authanzmg or suppoNng any aetion ��°��o��of fts dMes heseunder and to reasonabTe oortpensation tor su� �`� <br /> � Trusiee shal�be ent�ed to reimbwserrorA for e�enses ineurted by(t B � n��e Trunee he�eM�f end relmbursa Trusteo tor and � .•.:�;�� <br /> . of its servioes here�mder as shatl be re3ndered. �rentor wiil,irom Ume to time.Pa�d e�nr>e whatsoever inwrted by it in the pertomance of ita duflos. .. . �,�;A <br /> savs ans!hoid it hamiess from and ag3lnst arry end ali loss,oost.11ab(Itly.dama9e • • •-�:. <br /> _ _ . ..,�: <br /> All moneys recehred by Trustee shall,urNl used or eppited as herelnprovided,be held in trust torlhe ses tor which Utay were recelved.6ut need not • � <br /> be�gregatad(n any manner hom any other moneys(exoept to the extent required by law)and rustee shall bo under no Nebility for iMerest on any ��`, <br /> -•_-�vis+�-:;:�-�-- <br /> � moneya reeeNad by(t hsteunder. , , <br /> � <br /> • suaessorsE st�s,irustees.�ecev�aTS,adrriolstra'to sTpersona�repress�ntatives.�teg tc sa�and�devisees.nefit of Orarrtor and Lender end iheir respeqNe , 4 <br /> � �NpmCEg, Exeept as othorwlse re�lred by law•er►y noUce ar other comnm�eallon to be providad under thls Deed of Tmat shall be fn wriUng and seM ' � <br /> to the partios al the addresses desuibed in ihis Deed o1 Tru��l��e���e earlie�of�th.ree f3�da�e�afternsu�notlae Is���rttoU vhen rewive�d <br /> notlee so ghren and sem bY flrst class rrsil.Peslage PreAald• �"::-�---°:-•�r'' _ <br /> by the person to vfiom sueh notice is being givan. . • . . . _ <br /> . lax,.H�eny�oBiAtsi`an tth s Oeed o�T►us�viola a�eaw oris�une br�ab er the restl of ha DeedoTrust shall corAinue o be valid and enf�reeablo. �e l. . <br /> ; <br /> 3�{,pppL[CABLE LAW. This Oeed of Trust shall be govemed by the 12ws o�the state where4�e real propertY is laqted. Untass applieable law provides ' . <br /> othenvise.6rantor oonseMa to lhe jurisdellon and venue of eny oourt selected by Len�r,in its wte dscretion,�icated in that state. � <br /> m,notice of mshonor end <br /> �p cr��eCoEeLp�tre�qUured by law AO re�feren�s oe(ihranto►�this Deed o1 Trust��indudo a��persons�si�iing be ol w��if t�heyre is more ttv3n one t3rantot. � . . <br /> theit Obligatfons shalt be p' irn and several. This Oeed of Trust represaris the cortpiete ime�ated undorstan�i�8 6etwee�arantor and Londor pertalning to <br /> t�o tertns end condrttons heraof. <br /> 38. HO 7HIRD PARTY HIaFRS. No person is ar shaii be a third pazty beneflGary of any� oi this Daed ot Trusi. All provistons of thla Oeed ot . <br /> con:eirA o tha rtqdificatio 1 tanY Drovision ot lhls Oeed of T st IneLo def soler mscrelleo.� �e���to assurre or expBd ihat Lender wiil not v�aive or �� . - <br /> 3r/, PRESERdATtON OF UA91L1TY AA10 PRIOHITY). Wilhoul affecting ihe Ilability of Borrawer.(irantor,or any guarantor of the Obllgattons,or an other � <br /> � petson(ex�plPrperson���essrole�adsed i�wrillntg�and whoN i�ir�aldn9 irfonrrt�,�n�Y the pOoll�of his Oeed ot T sl ver8 heer ter�est�ot�an� pe�rson <br /> respocllo Y pe�'N y <br /> aoqu ired or first evidanced by recor�ng suhse oe^''tao�tF�'�reoo�91 o�h��o���o all or any part ot herObligatlonsfter t�he�tuan'�ry1e�m atte�ing the <br /> and w'ithout notice or wnserA:release arry ps Pa p rty . — <br /> � �o�of p��M orp�rfomanoa o}all or any part oi the Obligations:exerdse or refrain from exerctsing or weiva any ripTrt or rert�edy that Lendor may have <br /> under the eed of Trust:accept additional securityr of anY Wnd tor any of ihe Obligations:or release or otherwise dea���'�Ya�e�►�aoquring sucF <br /> g y d � <br /> �m°Qa�o�re�^gNany evi�ce hereofo�hag e consomod to a�'di o�eny s�ch acticx�!sf L��re in the Properry _ <br /> v� ��� l� <br /> �// - <br /> - P�BdOl6� - :��i � . <br /> NE�OTD Rw 119a � ' <br /> ✓ �., . . <br /> 1 . ' f's <br /> . ' _ _ ___ _ _ . <br /> .-_�.____ • .-_ . . • `.._"--•--•.•.--�-•-„---• . - - <br /> . . � - �..:-.:- - �---e--- -___ _'-_ — - _ _-___-_ _ - ' _ _ _ <br /> ..--_- _•�_— _—^---• , - ...a.__. '_.'_. " _._ _. . :. _ ..--..' ' _ .� --- - _ _.' -'_'_r __- _ <br /> .. .. .. . . . ._'..-__ -�:--rt.,..._-.::.__:.- _: � :.- . .. , . — -_ <br /> _.,. <br /> .. -..� . � . �... � � .., . . � . . . _ . .. <br /> .... _ .-.=-. <br /> , . . . , . . ,,ti ' . � . . .`'. . ° . • 1 . . ' .. • . . . ... . . <br /> , _ • . . ._. - _ - _ . . '�_. . .. . ._ . .' _ .. - • .. ��,�. . . � .. • .. ._ .•�'�. � � . . • ..�. _". . � . . Y.r '� .. . <br />