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<br /> O�t7D ISLAL�NE 688031101 '. ���� �
<br /> I pyayD IgLaHD NB 688031101 �""
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<br /> �xo. n�a►txo:� �xa ��r�nat0 95129 � �.�.
<br /> �• 507745129 � � i�A-- �_
<br /> TRU9TEE: n8am sat�oa soams nntaamA tm .�`•
<br /> �r?�.f:
<br /> P.O. BOI 5400 BSOIII PWS.B BD 57117 .,. �.•-.
<br /> _�+_�! r_.�
<br /> In consfdetaSon of the loan or other aedt acoomrodation hereinafter spedfted and any tuture advanees or tuwra Obligatlons,as dafined hereln,wh(� � . '
<br /> may hereinafter he aciwanoed or incurred and ihe trust herelnafter rrertUoned�d o��o�d�g���eys and asstgns to T nea�his�Suexe sars d x
<br /> ffl _
<br /> are hereby admowledged.Cirarrtor here�y UrevaeaWy wartartts.barga�n• s . %4:'..("`,
<br /> barga
<br /> assigns.IN TRU3T WITH POYUER OF 3ALE to►ihe benefii and sea�rty of Yirsc Hank of BontL Dakvts lNaGtonal Aa�oaiscion) - ;�:,,_°
<br /> i . s: .
<br /> • (�LEfide�.111B .,��' 4�'.'
<br /> benefidaryr under this Deed ot Trush,under end subjeG to the terms and eondi8ons heretn set tonh,v�ith ri�n of emry and possassion ali of Qrarttafs preserrt ;� ,� ,
<br /> d UUe and irrtsrest in and to the real property desaibed in Sche�le A which is attached to this Deed c.��sl and(neotporated herefi , `::,'}� -
<br /> . and fuwre estate. 8h1. � � includu�g wIUiau!Itrritatlon ali rtrachinery. �' . f ,.
<br /> hy this referenee,tagather with all preserrt end fuwre irtpovomerns and faNres:all tan ' e rsonal properiy
<br /> equipmem,buii�ng rtr�terials,end guods of every nature(exdudng eo��rner goods)now or hereafter located on or used in eonnecUon wRh the real �.�-_��. `�!.::
<br /> prapetly,wheUter ar nat atftxud to the Iand:prtvlteges,hered'rtamen+s.end appurtenanoes Indu�ng all de�reloprt�rrt dgMs assodffied wfth the Propany, •.`�,•�'�
<br /> � whether p�reviousry or subsequently Vanslerted to 1he Property from mher teal property or now or hereafter suscepti6le of transter from ihis Properry to olher -:�� ��
<br /> reai propeAy:leases.Ilaenses and olher agreerrems;rerrts,issues and profits;water,well,drtch,reserwir and mineral dgMs and stadm pertalning to the real , �. . •.I ,,.:.--
<br /> propany�qrrtu�ativefy•property�;to have and to hotd the Property end ths rights hereby granted for the use and benefit of Lender,his sucoessors end ;? _ i�s �`
<br /> assigns,uM9 payment in full of ell Ohligatlons soeurad hereby. ': �,�
<br /> Moteover,In turther considerailon.Grarrtar daes,for Qrerrto�and Cirantor's heirs,represernaUves and auigns,hereby oxpressly wartartt,oovanam.and
<br /> a�ee with Lert�er and Trustee and iheir suaessors end assi�s as folimvs: '
<br /> 1. OBLGA'RON& This Oeed of Trusl shall secure the paymerA end perbrmanoe ot all presem and future fidebtedness.Ilahilities,obligatlans end ,���.� —
<br /> cavenants of Barowe►a ararrta(curtuiatively'Ot�igationa�to Lender pursuarrt to: . �.�.��=..�
<br /> (a)this Deed of Ttust and the faUow►n9 0romtssory notes and other ageerrerrta: '-�-_- s:°L-^:=
<br /> PRINC1P�ttIt1AQUH'C► l�7F.1 ilASttAPiY LOAN . +��!°��
<br /> L'fi�I1tL11NF JIGRE�JAEIiTQAT� pA�B �� , '• �_,_-�- -
<br /> '��'�+�'�
<br /> 24,500.00 02/24/97 08/24/Oa 4190080805187907 �..���•' -• `-
<br /> _..;c �.':l�:r.'-"-'�
<br /> . "���f----- —.
<br /> (b)all othe►presem or ,wmten a�eemants w�t r at re r s y to s o n�st r o camo or 6flc�nt � -� -_ --
<br /> purpo�ssthantltstorsgoln9): • .. �,�•-y'!�.:
<br /> (c)any guaranty ot ohligations of other parties givan to Lende►now or hereefter oxecuted that refers to ihis Deed of Tnut: : . _.:.��_°�::-
<br /> (d)fuWre artvances.whethe►obUgatory or optlonal.to the sarrte extent as it made oorrtertpntaneously with U►e exeanlon of this Deed ot Trust,made ar -..� ,
<br /> � extonded on behatl ot Gramor or Borrowar. Qraritar a�ees tha�it one o!ihe O6ltgations Is a line of aedA,the Oen of this Oeed of Trust shali continue • . •
<br /> urm7 paymetn in fuil of all debt due under ths fine notwlthstandng the faet that from Ume to Ume(btri betore tertNneUon ot the lino)no baianee may be � • � �
<br /> ' outstar�ng. At no tirre during iho tertn of this Deed of Tnist or any extertsion thereof shall tha unpald and outstan�ng secured prfncipal fuwre . . ,
<br /> • advanms,not ineiu�ng surm advaneed by Lendar to proteet the socurfty ot this Daed ot Trust,exeeed ihe loAowing artnum: �Z-soo_on _ ,
<br /> Thls provlsion shall not constid�ts en oaigation upon or cortmftmem of lander to make addrtlonal advances or loana to(irantor,and . ��
<br /> (oj all arnpndmarrts.extensians,renewals.rmdfintlona,repiaeerrents or substhutlons to anyr otihe foregotng �
<br /> As used in thts Paragraph 1.the tems 6rantor and Borrowor shall Indude ann also mean arry tirarttor or Bortcr�e►if more ihan one. ' ' ' . - -
<br /> 2 REPRfSENTA7E0N3,WARRANTIE9 AND COVENANTS. Qr2ntor repraserrts,wartams and eavenarrts to Lender that: .. �
<br /> (a) Grantor has tao slrtqlo rrmrfceta6le tiUe to ihe Properry and shail malntaln ths Properry irae of all ilens,sewrity Irrtemsts,encur�ranoes and olaims = � • _
<br /> e�rzpt for thla Deed of Trust and ihoso described in Sche�rte B,which is attached to thls Deed ot Trust and inoorporeted hereln by re}erence,whlch : •. �.�
<br /> Grantor a�es to pay and partorm in a Umety manner: .
<br /> Sb) (irantor is In oorrFilanee In all rezpacis whh e0 applicaMe foderal,slate aid local laws and regatatlans,indu�ng,wiV�out limitation,those rotaUng to • �
<br /> Haratdous Materi�ils:as deflned herein,and other em(ronrmnWl mattora(the'Emironmental Lavrs�,and ne'rther ihe tederat govemmorrt nar any
<br /> other govammontal or quasi govemmemal erttify has filed a Iien on the Ptoyerty,nar ere there any govommental,ju�dat or adrtinistrative aetlons v�ith • .. � !;.,
<br /> respect to arrvlronrtental matters Pending,or to the best of the Citarrtors Imawiedge,threffioned.vfiich imrolve the Property. (�either Cirantor nor,to •
<br /> � the best of(3rentafs ImowleQgo.aoY oUwr pariy has used.8eneratod,reieased,dscharged,stored,or dspoced o}arry Hazsrdous Materials as dofined , _w
<br /> heroin,in cenneeUon v�iih the Property ortransportod any Hazardous Msterials to or from the Property. (irantor shail not eom►it or pomtit cueh actions •
<br /> to he takon in the future. The term'Hazardous Materlals' shall rrean an}r su6smnee,rtmterlal, or wasto wh'.ch is or becomes regiilffied by erry . �
<br /> gpysmmontal authoriiy induding,but not Ilrritod to.(q petro!eum:(i)Ma6te or nanfriab(o asbestos:(iii)polychlorinated dphenyls:(iv)ihose substanws, � •. �t .'.
<br /> matoriais or w2stes desigrated as a mazardous subslanoe'pursuant to SecUon 311 of the Gean Water Act or listad pursuarA to 3ecllon 307 ot tho
<br /> Clean Water Act or any amen�r�errts or ropiaeemems to these statutos:(v)those substanoes.matodais ar wastes d�Sned as a Tazardous vraste' .
<br /> pursuant to Seetion 1004 of ihe Resoutea Conservation and Reoovery Aet or arry amortdmertts ar raplacemctrrts to that statute:and(vi)those _
<br /> substsnces,mazerials or wastos defined a5 a liazarrbus substanee'pursuant to Section 101 of ihe Cortprehonsiva ErMranmemal Rasponse. � .. ; '
<br /> CflnpensaUon end LiabiGty Aet,or any arrendmims or mplaa�mems to that stetute or any rnhor sinilar state or tederal statute,rule,►egulatlan or I .
<br /> .j or�nanee now or hereatter In eftocl. Gramor shail no1 toes9 or pemit the subtease ot the Proparty to a tenam or subtenam whose operations rmy �
<br /> :,�!�p•�_t�tl�pf thq Pronarty wilh Hazardous Matarials or toxle substat�a3s: � �'
<br /> : � Q� 1 .- ��--.--_--.--�
<br /> azp�t o�6 i //��V . - . .. .
<br /> � NEDOT Rev-1196 "
<br /> �— ° .�",.,.`
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