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����r ��-� � <br /> � - <br /> __ ---. �� ___---_ _�--__-= -- _- -=-._----= --- _ _ <br /> ,, <br /> ; To James S. Thor.zas and �"alter A. Wood ?,Iotivin� ana Reaping �;.ac'r�in8 Gom.nar_y: You anc� each of you- <br /> ; aze hereby no-��fied that on the 2�th day of ;�:arch, 1907, I Purchased of the �reasurer of Hall <br /> ;; Coun�ty, Nebrask�, at �rivate tax sale, Lot no. 4 and 5 in block no. 7 in Raker' s Addition to the i <br /> i� City of Grand Island, Said lots were assessed and taged for the year� 1905 and 1907 inclusive ini <br /> ': the nare of Jarr:es S. Thomas; Said �ialter A. �lood :�iovaing and Reapin� 1��iachine Com}�any, seer� to � <br /> assert so�ie claiml against said rremi�es . Tuat after the ex�:..iratian of three r.�onths from the � <br /> � date of the service of this notice a tax deed irom the Treasurer of saicl Hall Countu wil.l be ! <br /> � applied for, the tirne for redenintion fz•o�;a such tax s<le �rlll.l. eg�ire on 7�-�+..�.3Q��<l,94 9 '� . <br /> �� `r�-U�Y�e�� z ��,�9 0$, Ar t hur C. R�a e r. � <br /> �� Cert i icat e PTo . 6666. ! <br />� �� Publication fQe �2 00. ' <br /> �; <br /> !; Proof of Pu'�lication, i <br /> ;�; State o�' Nebraska � ' <br /> ; ��a � <br /> ii Nall County. ) I, 0.:��.�uacken'►�ush, having been first duly s�rorn, say that I ar� Pu'►�a_isher; <br /> � of Wood River Interests, � legal n��rsp����er, printed ar.d l>ublished in ; <br /> '�' the toum of qlooci I�i�rer, �3a11 Coun�ty, NebrasYa, ana of general circulation in said county; that � <br />' �� the said �lood River Interests has a bona fide circulation of more than 200 copies v�ee�ly, and � <br /> `li has been ��u'�lished ��rithin the county aforesaid for r�ore than 52 successive weeks prior to the � <br /> �' pu'blication of the anr.exed notice; that t7ie r.o�ice hereto attaca.ed �as been pu'c�lished in the <br /> ',;; said �ood �tiver Interests for three consecutive ��ee�:s, the first p�ii�lication bein� on Friaay the � <br /> ;; 2'7 day of ITover�ber, 1908, and the last publication being on Fri�ay, the llth day of Dec. 1908. � <br /> " � 0. �+�. uackenbush. � <br /> u' --__�-._-_-- --__--__ �.. � <br /> '. Subscrit�ed in rny ��resence and sworn to befare r�e tnis 14th day of Dec , A.D.1908. I <br /> ! �f. L. S raUue_ <br /> i� (SEAL} �dy ��ommission exr�ires r�arch 27, 191�. �3otary Public . i <br /> i i <br /> � <br /> (; , <br /> --------CC�0000000------------ <br /> i <br /> ;: To C�ustave Koehlar. f <br /> � You are hereby notified that on the 29th day of I;iarch A.D.1907 , I purchased <br /> j of the Treasurer of �iall Count3r, ISebrae�a, at private tax sale Lota tTo . 5 and 7 in block No. 14 �': <br /> � in Scar�f� s Addition �o S�es� Lawn, an �ddition in the City of r.►rand Tsland. Saicl lots v�ere j <br /> assessecl and taxer� for the years 1901 to 19�7 inclu�ive in the name of Gustave Koehler. That ' <br /> , after the expiration of three months from the ciate of the �ervice of this notice a tax deed from . <br /> j� the Treasurer of said Hal1 Gounty will be a�plied for . Tl�e tir�e for recler�ntion frorri such tax <br /> � sale wi11 o�:piro on the 30th day of ��arch, 1909. � <br /> Arthur C., ��a�er. � <br /> � Cert�f ica�e�66�6, j <br /> i Publication Fee �a2 G0. ' <br /> �� PRODF OF PUPLIG�TIO'_t, � <br /> � State of Plebraska ) - ; <br /> E��. <br /> )S� i <br /> � Ha,�1.1 �ounty. ) I, 0. 1��5. Quackeni�ush, ilaving been first duly sworn, say that I aM � <br /> Publisher of �Jood �iver Interests, a legal news�aner, prin�ed and publishe�l <br /> ; in the to�rn of �ood R3ver, Hall County, r,ebras�a, ancl of �eneral circulation in said county: ; <br /> � �! Tha� �he said �Jood River Interests has a bona fide circulation of more tlian 200 co�ies �reel�:ly, � <br /> ;' and has Ueen ��ublished �ritYiin the county afore�aid for more thaTj 5� successive weeks prior to the; <br /> ;'; pu'qlication of the annexed notice; that the na�i�e hereto attached has been published in the <br /> +`: said �ood River Ir.terests for 3 consecutive �reaks, the first publication being on Friday, the ; <br /> !! 25 day of Dec. 1908 and the last ��ublication being on Friday, the 8th day of January, 1909 . i <br /> � 0. �. �uackenbush . � <br /> � SubseriUed in my �resgnce and s�rorn to i:>efore r:.e thi� llth day � <br /> � of Jan. A D. 190�. (SEAL) h{y commission exnires �dar. 27, 1°12 � , ' <br /> !' Zri�-�J ��ti ��ti-C/-���, i <br /> �' OCOOU0000-----G�� � � <br /> �; ------ � <br /> i <br /> � Legal Notiees: <br /> � TO Ezr¢na Janss, Cornf'ort L. Dunkle. You ancl 3ach of you are noti�'ied that on the 2�th day of � <br /> s, I�iaxch, 1907, I purchased of the �reasurer af Ha11 County, r�iebraska, at �riva�e t�: sa1e, Lota ; <br /> �! No. 10 and 12 in block RTO. 18 in Scarff's Addition to West Lawn, an addition in the City of I <br /> �' �rand Islana. Said lots vrere assessed and taxed for the years 1905 to 1�08 inclusive in the � <br /> . name of Emma Janss; and the sa-id Coir,fort L. L'unkle, seems to assert some claim upon said �remise�a; <br /> That after the ex��iration of three months from the date of aervice of this notice a tax deed ! <br /> ;' froM the County Treasu-rer of said F3a11 County will be ap�.�lied for . The time for rede .r;ntion from , <br /> �aid tax sale will ex�ire on the �Oth day of i::arch, 1°U° . <br /> November 24th,1908. Arthur C. lt�i_ er . <br /> ;, Certificate 6666. � <br /> Publication Fee �2 00. � <br /> Proof of �u'�lication . � <br /> ' St at e of 2�?ebraska. I <br /> �sr I <br /> '". Ha11 County } I . 0.1�?.Quacken'aush, havin�; peen first duly sworn, say that I am Publishe <br /> ' of �ood River Interasts, a le�al ne�rspaper, �r�ted and pul�lished in <br /> , the to�vn of �ood F,itiTer, Ha11 County, 1�Tebraska, and of general circulation in said count;r. That <br /> ;, the said �dood River, Interests has a bona fide circulation of more thar 200 cories weer:ly, and <br /> �; has been publishecl tivithin the county aforesaid for more than 52 successive rreekg Prior to the <br /> publiBation of the annexed r.o;�ice; that the not�ce hereto attached has beer� r�ublished ir_ the sa3d <br /> �! Wc�od P�iver Interests for �hree consecutive �reeks, the first ��ublication being on Friday, the <br /> • 27th day of November, 1908, .anci the last �ublication �eing on Frida�, the llth day of Dec. 1908. i <br /> ; � <br /> � �� � . 0.�3.Quacker_�ush. � <br /> �' Su'r�scribed in my presence ancl sworn to before me this 14th day of Dec. �..D.1908 . � � <br /> � <br /> �' (SEAL) My coi:mission ex�ires .�arch 2i, 1�12 . W.L.Srra�;ue. ' <br /> �' �Notary Pu ?ic. � <br /> - � I <br /> ;, <br /> � � <br /> , <br /> ;' , <br /> � <br /> i' <br /> i; <br /> i � <br /> i� <br /> � <br /> � <br />� r - <br />