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l� I � <br />-��.:.. ._._. _.._..__._ __. .._ . _... .. .. . _ <br /> - '_ <br /> COtJtdTY TREASi�'RER' S CERTI�'ICATE OF TAX SALE. ' <br /> ;; <br /> ii <br /> The State of Nebraaka ) _No. 6665 ���� <br /> )ss �' <br /> . fia11 County ) I, �I. R. Kin�f, �reasurer of the County of Hall, in the State of ;; <br /> Ne�ra�ka, do hereby cextify that ths f allo��ing de�cri�arl real estate in �aid county and state, ; <br /> to-.tiit : Lots �'our (4) �zncl Five (5) in Block Seven (7) of E3allerR;s Addition to the City of Grznd <br /> .i <br /> Isl�nd, rte"ara�ka, �as on the 29" day of i�,�iarch A. D. 1�07, duly sold by rne in the manner provided ? <br /> by la�►�, a�t Priv��t� Sale at the County Tre��urer' s office in Grand Tslar�d, �3ebraska, such r�al ; <br /> ; <br /> ;3 <br /> e�tate havine been ?�r�viously o�feracl at public sale �ut not sold for r:�ant of bidders, for tne ;; <br /> '� <br /> delin�,uent taxes the year 1905, upon the ak�ove de�cri'r�ed prer:�isQS amounting to 4'7:100 Do1Z�.rs �! <br /> < <br /> ineludin� interest anci penalty thereon, and the eosts alloweci b�r la�r to A. C. �dayer, far the �; <br /> sum of One &�1:100 Dollars, he bein� the hi�hest and bast bidder for the same. And i further !� <br /> C@rtify, that unless rQae.,:?�tion is m�de of said xeal esta.�e in the m�anner provic�ed b� law, the ', <br /> r <br /> i� <br /> said A. C. ��yer, his heirs or assi,.�ns �fill be enti�led to a deed there�'or on and after t.�e �0" � <br /> . �, <br /> �' <br /> day o�' T,�arch A. D. 190° on surrencter o�' this cartificate, p-roviaeci the law as made in such cases ; <br /> has been complied zFritn, In Witness �dhereof, I have hereunto se� my hana this 29" day � Pdarch, !! <br /> i1 <br /> j� <br /> A. D. 1907 . ;f <br /> �1. F'�. Kin . ! <br /> (SEAL) Treasurer of Ha11 ounty, tate o <br /> ��ebraska. !; <br /> �l 21. R. L. Harrison, De�uty. (� <br /> �ti <br /> COUt,�TY Tr�EA�TJ'i�.ER' S CERI2FICATE OF T.� ;ALE . ;` <br /> ;f <br /> I10. 6666 <br /> The State of Ne�ra:��:a } _N <br /> �J� , !t <br /> �3all County. ) I , W. R. Kin�, Trea�urer of t�;e Count3T of Ha11, in the State of ; <br /> iE <br /> Ne'pra�l:a, do here':�y certify that the f011c�V�Ti1'1v�' descri�ed real eatate in aaid county and �tate, '� <br /> , <br /> ' 1 <br /> to-�,�it : Lots Fifteen (15) and Sevent�en (17) in �lock thirt�en (13) ; Lots five (5) and seven (7} ;� � <br /> in 'p1ocY Fourt�an (ltr) ; Lots t�n (10) ana twelve (1��) in blo�k Ei�hteen (1�3) ; Lots Six (e�) ei�ht ;� <br /> ,� <br />` (8) �en (10) , t��elve (12} in �lock t•T,enty {2p} ; all in:;Scari�'' s Adcli�ion to West I,avm, in Grand ,� <br /> ;I <br />, Tslar,d, i�e�;��a�l�a, ��as on the �9" cla;; nf i,2arcri A. �. 190r auly sold by �nP in the manner provided �' <br /> i il <br />; %� lav�, at Priv�.te Sale at the Count� Trea�ur°r ' s office in Grand Isl�.rd, ��ebraska, such real ; <br />� ! <br /> est�te having �aeen r�reviously offsred at public sale �ut not sold �or wan� of bidders, for thQ �i <br /> ;; <br /> , <br /> ;,. <br /> delinc:4uent taxes tho 3*ea�s 1895 to 1g05 upon the above descri�ar� �remi ses, amoun�in� to forty- <br /> three & 1�:100 �.ollar:�, including, inte-rest a.nd penalty th�reon, �nd the costs allo�recl by law � - <br /> to A. C. l��a�er, for t710 suu: of Ei�;hty-one & 25: 100 Dol��ars, ho being the hi�hes� and best `� <br /> � �� <br /> . , <br /> �icider for the sa�e. And I �'urtner certify, that unl�ss reder���tion 3s mac�e of saicl rea]. estate !� � <br /> ,� <br /> �, <br /> in the manner providecl by l��v, tha saici A. C. i�:ia;oi, 'nis hQirs or assi�rs will be entitleci to <br /> a deed thereior cn anci a�'�er tha �0" day o� :��arch A. D. 1�09 on surr�nc�e-r of this certificate, � <br /> � . <br /> providea the law as m�de in such caues has been com�alied �vith. <br /> „ <br /> In �i�tness �'hereoi, T have hereunto set my hanci this 29" day of i4Sarch A. D. 190'/' . ;I, <br /> ;� <br />� � �� <br />� { � 81 25) W. R. Kir��. � li , <br /> Treasure-r of Hall County, S�ate ;; <br /> of ���e�rasti;a. if . <br /> (SEAL) R. L. Harri�on, De�uty. ` <br /> � <br /> � ��,t ��< �` �' �' Q� , ;; <br /> A. Eno ��"T. r . <br /> , <br /> rv , er of H <br /> ._ 1 <br /> ,, <br /> .� - - <br /> - . �. <br /> a.. <br /> � . <br /> :� . <br />� <br /> ; <br /> i �! I <br />! � _ �� ' , <br />