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�.I � � � . <br /> -.- =..__ __ .-:.= --_-r_:�---�—=._� <br />__�� ..�..-=, �._M.�____-�_._ -:-_ _ - --.__--. — � <br /> ;: <br /> TO J.M,Arthand. <br /> You are notifiod that on the 29tr. day of I�:arch, 1907, I �urchased of the Treasurer '; <br /> of Hall Goun�ty, Iv'ebraska, at private tax sale, Lots l�+o. E and 8 in block T�o. 20 in Scarff's <br /> Addit3on to West Laan an ac�dition in the City of Grand I�l�nd. Said lots were asaessed and taxed <br /> f'or the ;Tears 1901 to 1908 inc2us�ve in the name of J. ��. Arthand. That after the expiration of <br /> three m�onths from the c�ate of service of this notiee a t�r c�eed from the County Treasurer of <br /> saici �a�l Cour.ty �ri11 '�e a�plied far. The �irne for reciemp�ion from saia tax sale �rill e.�pixe on <br /> the �Oth day of :��tarch, 190�. <br /> Nov. �4tY�i, 1�08. Arthur C. 2�a�er_._____� <br /> ert if icat e 6�66. <br /> Publication Fee :;;�2 OG. <br /> Proof of Pu�lication. � <br /> Stat� of Nebx�ska ) � <br /> )�� <br /> Hall Count�>�. ) I, 4.I�I.O�uackenbush, having been first duly sworn, say that I am Publisher <br /> of �'ood Rivar Interests, a legal rews��a�>er, prir.ted and �ublislzed in the ; <br /> town of �inoc� Piver, Hall Coun-Ly, I�lebraska, and o� genaral cir �aulation in said eounty. That the <br /> saia Waod River Snterests has a bona fide circulation of r.,ore than 200 conies u�eekly, and has beer� <br /> l��ubl�shed �rJithin the county a�oresaid for �ore than 52 successive ��ee�s prior to �he rublication <br /> of the annexed no�icQ; that the no�ice hereto attached has been pul�lished in th� said �ood F�iver ' <br /> Interests for three con�ecutive t��eaks, the �irst publication bein� on Friday, the 27 day of <br /> 2toven�aer, 19G8, ancl the last ��uUlication bein� on Friday, the llth day of Dec. 1908. <br /> 0.��. Quackenbush. , <br /> Subscribod in r�.y preser�ce and s�orn to before r�e t?�is 14th �` <br /> aay o�' Dec. A.D. 1908. � <br /> W.L.S x.�$.�ue •_. .� <br /> (SEAL) I��iy co:c,mission ex���ree I:ar. 2'7, � Notary Pu"�lic . <br /> 1912.. <br /> ---------c000�oaoo-------- <br /> 'Tc Grant H. i�illard: <br /> You are hereby rn�ifisa that on tl-ie 2Qth dap of 2�iarch, 1907, I purchased of <br /> the rnreasurer of Ha11 County, T�ebra���, at r�rivate tax sale Lots r�o. 1Q and 12 in block T3o:". 20 <br /> in Scar'ff' S Auditi�n �;o ucest La��m, ar. addition in the City of Gr�.nd Island. Said lots were ` <br /> as��ssed and taxed for the years 1901 to la0$ �.ncyusive in the name of Grant �i. �ill.ard: That <br /> after the ex�.�iration of threQ r�onths from t�ie date of t�ie service of t?�is notice a tax cieed from <br /> tn� Treasurer of said Hall Coun�ty �r311 �e a�;lied for . The ti�e for reder.mtion from such tax <br /> ;a1e v:i1i ex�:ire on the 30th aay of �:iarch, 1909. . � <br /> N over�bex 24th, 1�'08. Arthur C. 2��i�er. � <br /> Certificate 6666. <br /> Publication F�e �2 i�0. <br /> Proof of Pur�licatiar:. <br /> State of Nebrask a <br /> �S� ". <br /> ��all County ) I, O.r�i.Qv.acken�ush, h�ving '��en first duly sworn, say �hat I am <br /> Pu�lisher of �ood �'�iver Interests, a le�al ne�rs�<per, �rinted and <br /> published in the toidm of �"ooa Rivar, Hall CountJr, I�'e�xaska, �.na of �eneral circulation ir. said ' <br /> County: Tha� tne saicl �Jood niv�r Interests has a bona fir�e circulation of more than 200 <br /> copiss �reekly, and has bc�er. ;�ublished �rithin the eounty aforesaid for more than 52 successive <br /> ��reeks �rior to the �u�lication of tho annexed notice; 'Th�t the not�ce hereto attached has been <br /> puuli�lzed in the �aicz ;�ood River Interests for tiiree co?�sQrx��.ir�e weeks, the first r�ublication ' <br /> �einU on Friclay the 27 day of ��?o`rer�rer, 1908 , anc� the 1a�t publication being on Frida;r, the <br /> llth day of Dec. 1908. <br /> 0. ��. �;uacl:enk�u�h. <br /> �ubscribed in my pregence and ��vorn to be�ore me this 14th dAy of -" �' <br /> �ec. A,D,1908 , <br /> (SEAL) 3�1�y corimission exrires ��.L.Spraf ue. <br /> Tdarch u7, 1912. t��otary Public . , <br /> ------------QOOOOOOGOOflO------------- <br /> To Jose�hine A. Eno �nci Charlos t�. �car�'f; <br /> You anc� each of you are notified that on the �9th day of ��iarch, 190'�', I purchasecl ` <br /> of the '�reasurer of Ha11 County, �debraskr�, at private tax sale Lots 15 and Ir, in block i1o. 13 <br /> in Scar�f' s Ac�dition to �Vest La�fy�n, an addition in the City of Granc� Island. <br /> Saicz lota v���re as�essQd �nd taxQd for the year 1�01 to 1908 inclusive in the narne <br /> of Jose;�hine A. Eno . �aid Charl�s �. �charff seems to hold a mort�;age upon said �r�r��ises; that <br />� <br />� <br />,�_ _ ��; � <br />