. . . . . . . _
<br /> . . . . . . . . _ .... .. � ,
<br /> � . ; .. ._. � . _ _ . • �°: _ '_ ; .. �.�.
<br /> g�o io��.o ! �
<br /> `� 13. LENOEH'S RtGliT TO COAISNEMCE OA D�ErID LE(iAL ACYIOHS. Gtantor s�imme�aas is�aito�y-�n�-faet t earte�nca�rnerv�ene�n,and � � � � � _
<br /> . � threatened acticn.suit,or other proceading afteWing ifie Property. GraMor horeby appa' '
<br /> detenSf such act�qns.suits.ot other legal proceedn9s erid to ca r r�ro r r i s e a r s e tt ie an y delm or corriroversY Pe��y 8���g����9�e�°��N��ng � p
<br /> ' � Qrdntof for Eny acUOn.errar.mistake.amission er delay pertairting to the aetlons dasaibed in�hts Paragra�h
<br /> � fn fts oun name- , ���..'•_
<br /> � corrtained herem wN prevem Lertder homtaidng the acUons desaibed in Ws paragr�Ah . ` --
<br /> 10. INOEl�IIFlCATlOM. Len�r shall not assume or be rosponsm(e for the pertomian�of am�of Granto�s obligations with respeet to ths Property urder c
<br /> � any dreumstances. Cirantor sfiall irtenedr�ery Rrovide l�rtderliabilidss(n�cfud�rg etto sys fess and�e8�e��).dcauses ot action,act[onsrssuits and � ,- . 'F .^-
<br /> amployees and agems harmless trom ali dairre,dartsa9e .�
<br /> i othsr legaf pro�n9s lamula�8�y�C��p�T�ning to ihe Properiy(indu�ng,but not limited to,ihose imohring Hazardous Matedals). Grantor,upon
<br /> �1 the request of Lender,shali hire legal couase�to detend Lender from such Gairts,and pay the attomeys tees.legal expenses and other costs inwrted in ` ,
<br /> oonnedion therewith. In the attemative.Lender shall be emitied to emplo its cvm legal caunse�to defend such Ciair�at Grantofs wst. Grarttors ,
<br /> � pbiigazlon to indermify Le�dsr wder this parag�shali survhre the terrtl�on,retease or foredosure of this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> � � t6.7AXE3 AND ASSESSM�TS. arantor sha11 pay all taxes and asseumems relating ta Praperty vrhen�e and irrmedateiy prcvida Lender evidence '
<br /> � of payrrant of sams. Upon the request of Lender.Grarttor shall depos(t ttith Lendsr each rtanth one-ttveltih(1Ji2)of the eshrtated annu M of taxes, - . � ---,_ , :''`
<br /> 1 prertium,taxas and assossrtgrrts Pena�ning to the Praperly- 8a long as there is no default.ihese amouMS shalf b9 apptied to the payme , ' . , `—
<br /> assessrtsrrts and insuranoe as re4uired on the Property. In the evertt of defauit.Lender shall hava the d�it e[its sola option,to apply The funds so held to
<br /> PaY�Y taxes or againsl ihe Qbligations. My(unds a p p iIad may.at landers option.be appGed in reverse order of the due date thereot. . _ —
<br /> � 18. IHSPECT[�N QF PROPERIY.BQOKS.R@COA03 AND REPOATS. (iraritor shalt silow�m ti�to times Grantor�shallnprovide any ea siros'tar�i� ' __.,...-
<br /> e ,..__. _
<br /> � and exarrine.insped and rttelce copies of Gramor's�ao}s and recor�s pertalning to tlte PropartY . r ., - ..•�'-,�
<br /> ao
<br /> �equfred by Lender tor ih�� ro�shall noDe�the ew'�ste�n�of Lenders henefidal irrterest(n'd�s books and records pe�rtain�'mg to�ih P operty. Ad�tior�altya ...
<br /> , i cortplete in all respscis. 9� Grantors finane�l condrtion or the Proparty.The ,. -,�tt?'�� "i`.-
<br /> Gremor shall repoA.in a tortn satisfaetory to Lender.suct�infomatlon as Lender maY re�W �n9 as lender may dest�e. AU `��d-�
<br /> de ' -
<br /> fnfartration sha11 be for such perlods.shall reftea Grantafs records at sucfi tima.and shall be rertdered wlth such irequencY . . . :. �'• ,;,";
<br /> ! intom�ation fumished by Carantor ta Lender shal!be true,acarate and compiste in aU respecis.and signed by Grantor it Lender requests.
<br /> , ��-:�i'��Y.
<br /> 17.ESTOPPEL CERYIf1CA7'ES.Wrthin ten(10)days after any requesi bY Lender.Grantor shafl deliver to Lender.ar any irrtended uansferee of Lenders . ' �-���_
<br /> tights with respect to the Obtigadons.a sl{�ed and acimaw(edged statemertt spea(ying(3)ihe outstan�ng hatance on the Qbiigations:and(b)whether _ - _
<br /> Grarttor possessas any daims.defenses,set-offs ot courtterdaim5 wtth resped to the Obligations and.'rf so,ihe nature of such dairr�s.defenses,setoffs or '�,",x:..-__-
<br /> am
<br /> eourrterdairrs. (3rarrtor vnli 6e wndusivety hound by�►Y rePra�er�Tation th�Lender may maf�to the(rttended transferee with respect to these matters in ,::r;•. =�',�,�_
<br /> � the evant ihat Grarrtor fails to pravtde the requasted statsrtem In a brr�ty m3nner. . , ;.,�_,:,�":• ,
<br /> , �`, ' =��iy;:"�__--
<br /> � � 18. OEFdULT. Cirantor shatl be in t�fauft under thls Deed ot Trust and ths Ttustee's powet shall beeome aPerative in the evarrt th�Grarrtor.Borrower or ., f,,�y`�4�.:,_'
<br /> any guarantor ot ihe ObligaUons: `_-,
<br /> 'Y� (a) failc to pay any Obii9ation to Lender when due: ; .
<br /> � '� (b) fails to pertortn anY Ob119aticn or breaches anY wana►rtY or wvanant to Lender coManed in tfiis Deed of Trust or azry other present or firture
<br /> � a�eemerrt: ' " ,
<br /> .. ��y destroys,loses or damages the Pmperty In anY rtaterial resped or subjedstc LendePr��sefzure.conftscatlon.or condertnation: �� . :. ,.;
<br /> " (� seeks to revoks.temitn�e or othervutse Ihrtt its liabiliiy under arry guarantY `
<br /> • (e) des,6eoomes legaily incompeterrt.is dsso l v e d or te m in ffi e d.b e o a re a insohrerrt.makas an assl}ytmerrt for thefil�ed in whi��(3rartt�or�Borrow�
<br /> debts as they beeorre d�e.files a petitlan under the tederal banlaupuY la��s.has�imroluntary petiUon in hanlouptcy �+ ,,, • �..
<br /> � • or any�uarerttor is nar�ed or has propeftSr teken un�r arry writ or process of court; ;;'
<br /> (f) allows goods to be used.transparted or stored nn ihe Properiy.the Possesslon.transpertation.or use of whioh.is iilegal� . �-• .
<br /> - (9) ailaws any PartY othenhan Ci►ar�ter or Bortavirer to assum�or unde►rtatae any OWfgation wfthout the wrftten oonsent of Lender.ar . !
<br /> (h) eauses Lender to deem itsatf insaaire due to e si�ift�ant dedine(n ihe vatue af the Froperty:or H Lender,in good feith.for arry reason.be�eves ;14
<br /> : that the�ospeet of paymam or pertarmanee is i�aired , ;
<br /> 19. RlGHTB OF LS'10ER ON OEFAULT. if there is a defauft under ihis Deed of Trus1.Lsnder shafl be entitled to exerdse one or more of ihz fo;lowing ' :}, ' T �
<br /> � remedtes without rtatice or derrend(exoept as requlred by law): ''• , jc
<br /> - (a) to dedare ths ObItSaUons immematety due and payabie in fiill; �:� . •�z �
<br /> '� ' (b) to wtlea the outstandng 06itgations wflh or wfihout resordng to ju�dai qooess: or Chattels wnstttWng the Propetcy st a ptace reasonaDly .:��`-•-', �'':
<br /> . (e) to require(irarrtor to deiiver and rt�available to Lender any personal ProPe►h .. s. �•
<br /> comraNem to Gramar and Len�r, for or obtaln.ng the appolmmertt of a reoeiver end.at Lendefs oPtlon,to ,-r!" "'� C �
<br /> (� to etrter upon and tal�possession o1 ihe Rraparty wlthout ap�lYlnB ��-�
<br /> appoU�t a reoeivar wfthout bond withoui flrst b�(n�ng sutt on thB Obiigati I�m a r oeN�erut otherwise rteeUng arry st�utory con�tions regarcan8 .;,. �,... :
<br /> reoelvers.it 6eing irrtended that Len�r shall havB lhis com�achial ri�i to eppo i+. �.,�
<br /> � (e) to errpoy a managing agem of tM Proparty end let the saR�e,ehhsr In Trustee s c+un na►►m•ot alt nnecessary�eharges and e�en�s,on aoro�um e` �
<br /> ' recelve the teras.Ineomea iuues and profits of tfie Proper►Y and app►Y the sarte.after Pa7►me . ""'�""_'---
<br /> � �����' ot this Oeed of Trust ar to cure arnr de1au11 other than -�- �
<br /> � ' (�} 10 PaY any sums in any(orm or rt�nner daemed e�edern by Lender to proteel the sewriry µ . _.. �� "
<br /> , paymertl of irtterest or prtndpal an the Obligaitans: through euerdse otthe power of sate as referenced in '..u,�:..,� � s
<br /> (9) to toredose this Doed of Trusl juddaRY or nonju6dally end to direct the sale ot the praperiy .t.� ��•�""
<br /> � paragaph 20 horooS in aoocordanae xftth appi[rable law: =»•�;;•-�-° -•:
<br /> (h)to set-0tt ararttora Ob119aUons egainst arry ertnu►rtg°wed�°��Y�ndor indu�ing,hut not flrrited to,monies.Instrumerrts.and deposit � ;�_._,..
<br /> axounts mafritalnod wtih Lender or eny curtantJy e�dsting or fuhae aftiliate at Lender,and . _�fe i��c=�
<br /> p�t o e x e r d s e a i l o t h e r�i�t s availablo to Lender under any other wrfttan a�oement or appiieab�law. "^'�_"
<br /> Lende�s d�1s ere curtulative and ma,y be exerdseeJ top�re dy�an aetion�again�YdMOf,IGTdIAO W2IYB S�1h0 POS11 Q 0}8I1}/b011d Wt11C11�9 4 t O
<br /> recave r y oT arry of the PropeAy b Y way of a prejucl�ner y Ted . � �m�u:. .
<br /> otRerwise 6e requlred Lender or C en d o rs d t�s i g n o e t e o f sate and of it�e s�a l e y d u n d I n9l�he PaY►naM of the T stee's fees c t u a l ry I nairte d an d n�ot to . . • �
<br /> tirsl,to the costs and expenses of ewarctsing the pow r m of iunio� �
<br /> exoeed the ameum whtch may be pmvided tor In this Deed of Trust,seeond,to payrt�M of the Oblipatlons seaued herebY.lhUd•io the pa}m�18���y .
<br /> ' qUSt deeds.mortgages•or ather Iienho►dets.and the balanoe.il atry.to ths peTSOn or rsons tegalty entiUed thereto. The propenfr c►enY V� ..
<br /> shall not�extfigulvsh o'i e�aust thB pOMI'0�W110S91hB 8MIf0 p►Op9AY 18 SOId Cflth9 Oblig3tl0 s^�are p�aid,n fi�l e or Rtae exerdses of the power hQreln�anted —
<br /> ' 2p, TppgTEE'S EXERCiSE Of PdWEB OF 9ALE ON OEFAULT: If Lender etects to seil Cirantar's Irtterest in the PropertY bY axerdse ot the poNJer ot _
<br /> sale heretn eorrtained.Lender shafl natity Trustes fn lhe mannor then required by law. . •.
<br /> Upan reoe�Pi of such notiee ot Lersder and at the mredion of Lender,Trustee ahall e�:se to be recorded,pubHshed and dalhrored such notices of defauh __
<br /> � and notlees oi sale as may thon be required by law and by thla Daed ot Trus►. Trustee shall,onty at the direction ot Lender and withoN damand on(irarttor, . ' �"
<br /> atter such drre as may then be requ�red by law end after rocordatlon of such noticc o�default and attar notice of sale haNng been glven as requirod by law. _
<br /> sell tho PropertSr ei tha time and ptace ot sate flxe d b y i t In su C h n o t i c e of s a le,oither as whole or in separete tots or paroats or items as Lender shall deom _ , ,
<br /> e�odiom,and in such order as tt may dotertrine,at pudic auctlon to the hl�est biddor tor eash in larrful rroney ot tha Unfled States payab�e at the tirre o f
<br /> sale,or es othorvrise may then bo required by law- Trustee shall deUver to such purchaser or puretiase►s thereof its good and sutfiaem doed or deeds
<br /> oomreyfng the propeRy so sold,6u1 without any covanarrt or wartanty.cexp►esa e►IrrQiied. Tho recitats fi such deed of gy�matt�e�e.�T gslee rtmy . �-
<br /> conctusNe proot o}the fitthtulness ihn0�f•o o}Y pe f�y���mn of the Pro Ipe�Ay�.ion,(in�tUor.Trustee or lander,may purchas .
<br /> in tho minner providod Ir/taw Pcstpo all o � _
<br /> 21. REQUE9ThFO�N�eF ddr�es�f such perso seto r�ih herein at tho same Uma end in�ihef saryre imaMer�ra�lred as ihough aes teyatffie equest .� , —
<br />• who is a party
<br /> • . thereof had 6een fited by each such person. . .. _
<br /> • �
<br /> ,�-.
<br /> • . � � . . �... .
<br /> ,
<br /> � � v�sas -- - --- - �
<br /> NEDOTC Qcv-3h6 1 ���
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<br /> . . , . -,---�'�"^_" .
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<br /> j_ a
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<br />