, . � �o�o ;, _ . ,_--.
<br /> 97- : , .� . ° -
<br /> • ,� (c) Ali appticable lavn and regulations.indud�ng.without Ilrtitatlon.the Miorleans with Disabi'.'Nes Aet.42�'N8 osan,federal,staTe oQrtun apal . . ` ,
<br /> ' regu�ations Frortuigated thereundet)and all zoning and buildng laws 8nd reguiations mlating isd�i���Q��respeets.ancf a11 nghts.liconsos. `
<br /> � a�horiry wrttl.jurtsdidion over tha Property.Preserrtry am end shall bo observed and corr�t` , S�,
<br /> ; indudin but not limlted to zoning varlancos.spedal oxooptions tor no�contoming uses.ond Iinal Inspoction ,
<br /> �emdts.•and certiftcates of oetupaeaY( 9 of tho Pmparry.Presernly are and shall bo obtamed. . --
<br /> approvals).v�hether temporary cr Permanerrt.which are materfal to the use and oaupanaY
<br /> preserved and.where necessary.renawed: . :.� .
<br /> �d) Citantur has the rigM and is duly auThurized to execute and pertorm Rs ObliSallans under ihis Deed ot Trust and theso attions do not and shall not
<br /> eonfl+ct with ihe provisi0ns of 2ny sta►uta,regulaUon,ortLnanoe.nt�e of law,oomract or other agraernem whi�h rreY�b�nding on Grarrtor at any tirre. i �
<br /> i .
<br /> (e) No aGion or ptoceeding is or shaii be pend�ng or ihreatened wh!ch rtd9M m3terially eftact the Property and .. . '�„
<br /> (f) orarrtor has not violatsd and shall not violate any statute.reBulaUon.ordinanee.nita ot la�+.�M�aU or other a�eement lindu�nUg.�,�o this Deedlol i " •
<br /> those goveming Hazardous Materials)which rdgM materialty afted th3 Properhr or Lendars rigMs or imerest In the Properry P • , .
<br /> r TN� except as se�fanh
<br /> 3. PRfOA QEEOS OF TRUST. Grantor represenu and warrants it�there are no prior deeds of trust aftecting any part of the Prope.ry � - -- ��
<br /> on Schedule B attached to this Deed of Trust,which(3rarrto�a�ees to pay and perform In a timety manner. It there ate any pnor deeds of uusl ih°n � . .
<br /> Grantot agrees to pay all amourrts aw�tl d V�us�t�Sh�I b�a8d�efauR n�r this Deed of�Trust andfshall entitis Lefndertto ali rigitts�and remedes codrltained � ,
<br /> �ess Utat a delautt under any P .
<br /> herein or in the Obllg�ians to which Lender would be entiLed tn tha everrt of any othsr defauit.
<br /> 4. THANSFERS OF 1FlE PROPERTY OA BB�IEFtCIAL oINTERESe S�INpQ desaibed(n Sdia�18 A,r��irrterost d�erefn,ooi alt o�ar�iy 6enefidal . __
<br /> rson ot a!t or any paR Sd a � �' .
<br /> camrael for dsed or transfer to arry pe p� •
<br /> ' �otherr legal errtity)@Len�y{at its apti n deatare the outstan��n9�PdndPaf balan�Of ihe i0hllgauons p�us�'aoaued i�the�n�irt��iat y�dua�td � �d,;--_.
<br /> � payabie. At Lendefs request.Grantor or Borrower.as ihe case maY be,sha11 fumish a oort�lete statemertt settlng forlfi all of its stadfiofders,members.or ` ,_
<br /> p a rt ners,as appropriate.and the extertt of theU respective o�Hnership interests. j ^. �
<br /> .���_.�b
<br /> this Deed of Tnist,Cxrantar ahsolutely esslgns w Len d er a l l f -�.— .
<br /> 5. ASS[GIdMENT OF RENTS. In oonsidor�ion of ihe ObGgaUons,whfM are secured by mdudng . �°����;,_
<br /> Grantors estate.rigfit.title.imsrest.daim and demand nov�owned or hereatter acqulred in all exisUttg and tuture leases of the ProPenY C ��.�.
<br /> e�oensions.rertewals and subleases).all aSreerrBrrts tor use and axupaneY of the Property(aU sueh leases and agreerrerrts whather'►rtitten or oral.are _ ����_
<br /> : onllsa and rece'�vetaai ot he rt s,ino�omearecei�pts.revenuese(ssues.profrts�artd alher�fneorr�of arry nffiu�re now or hereatt�e�e p duc5ng y tn9oort�ie of • j� •• ��. _,Y.
<br /> any nature coming due during any redemptlon Petiadl under iha Leases or ham or atising aut oi the PropertY indud�ng rtinirtum rertts,additional rerrts. ,.�l - -
<br /> percerdage rerrts. Parldng or comron area matrrtenance canMbuUons.tax and insurance eontrf6utlons.defldency rerrts.tiquidated dama g f ctf�or . . ;�,-x'•�.
<br /> default in arry Lease.ail proceeds PaYabie under eny pofiey of insuranee oovering loss of rerrts res�dtlng trom uMenantability pu���m the . .. ��'':
<br /> darrrage to the Pmperty.all proceeds PaYable as a resutt of a lessee's exerdse of an optlon to purchase the ProPer►Y. proce -- -.`,r� :
<br /> .-�� teminaUon or rejection oi any Lease in a banlwpteY or other insoof the Pmperry(a911 ot ffie abo re are hereafter coll�ec.Yiveiydraterred o as the'Reirtts7. Thcs ; , 4 . -
<br /> ,: may have against any lessee under the Leases or arry oawpants '.
<br /> • � auignmerrt is subject to the right,power and su1hority given to the Lendsr to colled end aPA�fr�e Rems. This assignrretn is reoorded in acoordanae wtth , ..
<br /> appiicable state law:the lien aeated by ifiis assignmerrt Is irnended to be spedfie.perfected�d���n ffie reaording of ihis Oeed of Tnut.all as ��r
<br /> _�,.M��' --
<br /> .. provided by app�cable state iaw as emended from time to tirtg. As long as there is no default under the igations or ihis Deed of TrusK,l�ander grants :;�
<br /> Grantor a revoea�ta fieense to eotleet all Rems irom the Leases when due and to use such proeeeds m Qrarrtors business apetations. However.Lender �� .s.. '.i'
<br /> may at any ifms requf[e Grarnor to deposH all Rerrts irno an aocourn rtei►rtalned b!f Grarttor or Lender at Lenders instiddion. Upon defauft in the Pa9rt�rt� 4., �{'.`,
<br /> of.or in the performance of,anY ot tha Obligations.Lender may at its opti����d to coellect-and recehre�all�Re from t�he�Property,and Lender '_
<br /> Properry on tertrs and for a period of tlrre that Lender deertB proPe• y as Lender may deem ProPer. Len�r maY applY ali Rerrts in ';, k.`
<br /> shali have tull power to malcs alte*�lons.renovatfons.repairs or replaaem o the 1 fie�tPo su�aiter�lons,renovations,repairs and replaeeme�rts and any . _.
<br /> �� Lendels snle d�saeUon to payrtem of ihe Ohlig3tions or to tAe payrre M�d operaUon of the Propetty. Lende►maY kesp the , �r r
<br /> ' � e�enses(ndderrt to tafdng and remlNng possesslon of ihe Propei'►!i Periom�lly and 1he managert� th ,
<br /> ProPenf�ProPe�1►insured and rtay�6scharga any taues.diarges.daims.assessrtierrts and ather Itens whtch maY��ns. These�amourrts,ogether vrfth , `s .
<br /> ,d aetions rtray be�d from the Rems receivad�d�Y unP��DUrrts shall be added to the p r indpal of the Obi ,� :s ':.' �_
<br /> � other costs,shal Yecorre paA of 1he Obiiga8ons seeured by this Oeed of Tnist. _ .. ., � _..
<br /> � •� ?• - `
<br /> r ��
<br /> .t�Y�G
<br /> ;� &L.EqSES M10 OiHER AGREEMENTS.Grarrtor shall not take or fail to take�n(nA to the P pe y.In addtUan,C3�rantor,wfttiout Lendets prtor��written '- . . *° {�
<br /> �y P a Y►r em In eonneetion with any Lease or athera�eemem('AgeemenY)pa � A metrt;(a)assign or ailow fl .�._..__ ` �'.7 ! —
<br /> eanserrt.s h a l l n o t:(a)c o l l e c t a r ry m o n t e s p a y a b l e u n d e rar►yr A g r e e r r�e rt t m o r e l h a n o n e momh in advance:lb)modly Y � a�`
<br /> flen, searfty Urte►est or other encumbrance to be Pla c e d uP°n Cirarrtofs ri�ts title and irrterest in an d to a n y A�e e m e r rt o r t h e a m o u r rt s p a y a h l e t
<br /> thereunder,or(�temtnate or cancei any A�eemerrt except for the nonpaymemuot��A oT��e�r���I��nB icbertrinffi ar�o�el arry �A�eeme►rtr ��
<br /> receives�arry Ume anY vrtitten comrunleation asseNng a default by G►�nt � �'�
<br /> Orarrtor shall prorrpUY bTM�ard a eopy of such eormunieation(and arry subseQusrrt eomnu°featlons retadng ihereto)to Lender. All su�h A�eementt�a�d �?�„�-'.
<br /> �`: ,:.- �.��
<br /> ihe amourrts due to Orantot thereunder ere heretry assigned to lander as ad�Uonai securhY for tha Obilgattona•
<br /> ,'�• _-.
<br /> 7.COLLECTIOI�IOF INDEBTE�HESS FR06A 1HIRD PAATY. Lender shaU be enUtbd to n�n�r a�ny indebtedness or oblig�ation owig toi Cirantor with , •' ��-
<br /> not Iirtited to,lessees,licensees,govemmental auihurities end insurance certpan►esl to pay .
<br /> respeet to ihe PropeAy (umulaUvety'Ind�bt°dness7'nfiether or not a detauri exisla under tfits Deed of Trusl. Orarrtor shail d�ligerAty eolleet the ';.,;`'�.;�,'_
<br /> " �ndebtedness owing to GrarAor from these third parUes urttil ihe�ving of sud►notitleatlon. In tfie event that GrerstoT possesses e►recelves Pessesslon of
<br /> ._ any tnsVUrnerits or other remittanoes wlth►esPecl to the Indebtedness follawing the gtving of cuch noUfleation or if the insUurrerrts or other rertattanoes "ti.,,;,�'_" =
<br /> constihite the prepaymer»ot any Indebtedness or the paymem ot any Insuranoe or condermation proceeds.arar�tor shall hold such Instrumetrts�d othot �:.., �
<br /> remittanees in trust for Londer apart hom Ns othor properry.endorse tha Instrumems end olher remittanee3 to Leader.and Imredlatety Provide Landor w(ih • "'�;°
<br /> ( n or olherwlse).extend the �r"��c•-• „
<br /> possoulon ol the instrumerrts and other rertittanoes. Lendor shall be entiiled.but not requlred,to coilecl lbY egal P►0°B� 9s
<br /> U m e for p a y m e rt t,co m P ro m i s e.e x c h a n g e a r re l e a s e a t ry o611 9 er or oollaterel,or othetwise se�le any of the Indebtedness whether or not en eveM of default . --
<br /> ' existsunderihis A�eemerrt. Lg ndesulUngn herefrome toNot�wrih atan�ng a h le.fo�in�othirng �herel n eshal�eau se Lende�to g be daeme d ia ,—�+ _
<br /> para�eph or any dam� ,� �_
<br /> mortgagee-in-possession. _ . , . .
<br /> ..,�.
<br /> & USE AND MAIl7TENAHCE OF PROPERTY. Orairtor sha11 take all actions and make any re��a!ra'oededu�"P����ty,���Iiance w°f►h • • ,
<br /> (3ramor shall na1 earmit or Oemit any w�e to be eomdtced wfth respact to the PropeAy. C� . , :
<br /> • applicable law and Insurance poBdes. Qrarttar shall not maka any e1tes�elons.add�tione or Irtprovetre hall bo sub�Pto ihe benefidal irherest belonginH . �
<br /> cansem. Withoui Iimiting the toregoing,ail atteratlons,add'Nons and irrprovamerrts made to the Proporty I� .
<br /> to Lender,shall not 6e rertaved without Lendafs prlor writtsn eonsem.end shai!bo made at G►arrtoPs sole e�anse. . . •
<br /> g, LOSS OH DAlAIIGE Cirentor shall bear the errtire risk ot atry loss.thefl,destructlon or danege(axru�aUvely�Lou ar Damag�)to the Property oi ang � .
<br /> : portion thereof ftom any cause wh 0�Vefd to Lender he de��ase in ihe i��Acet va�ue ot1)ie att�ed Prope�n�r,repair the aNeeted PropeAy , �
<br /> prevlous condrtton or pay or cau P�
<br /> 10. INSURMtCE. The Property wiit bo kapt insuced for fts fu0 InsureLie value(repIaoemertl cost)agalnst all haiatds indumng loss or damage eaused , .
<br /> fiood,eaAhquaks,tomado and flre,theR or ather casualtyr to the exterA requlred by Lender• Cirantor may obtain insuranoe on the Property from su � ,
<br /> • �onpan e as are aaeptable to Lender In its sote diserotion. Tho insurance pollGes shail require the fnsuranee cort�anY to provide Londer with at least •
<br /> �� days'written notica before sucfi polidas are aftered or cancoiled in anY rnanner. Tha I�surahco polides shafl name Lender as a loss _
<br /> pyyee—�ptovTc�e thal no act or omission of�rantor or any other pnrscn shall aftacl the rl�t ot Lender to be paid the msurance prooeeds pertaiNng to ihe
<br /> loss or damage ot the PropettY• In the ovem Gramor ta(Is to aoquiro or trelrrtain insurante.L.ender(aRer provlcLng notice as may be roquired by Iaw)r►�ay
<br /> � .
<br /> u and bearin interest as
<br /> _ � in its disaetion prxureap proprlate insuranee eovera upon the Properry and the insutanoe cost shall be an advaneo payabl 9
<br /> dcrsaibed In Para�epA 23 and sewtod hereby. C;rarrto�t shall fumish L.c�ndar wflh cMd3nco ot insurenoe;meatin n t�ho��8 I�r��'g n�o�"�y�or � ��
<br /> as atlamoy-in-taq for Gra►Aor in making and setUing dalms under Insuranoe potidea,eancelling erry Po,�,d and dolivered to Lender as lunhor securttY
<br /> : � nogaUa6le(nstrumem drawn by arry insurer. AII such insuranoe pelides shal�be�rmiem netn���d��is author{zed to rtmkB prool ot loss. Ea�h . -•—
<br /> 1 tor tho ObtlgaUons. in the evam of losa.Cirertor shail irtmedlatery ghr ���'�`
<br /> Insurance cort�anY►s�rected to make payrre►rts direct�Y 10 Londer instead ot to Lendor and arantor. LQndor shali hava the dpht,at its sole optlon,lo —
<br /> apply such rronles toward the Obilgations or toward the oost o1 rehuileflng snd restoting the Properry. Any a►rourhs may at Lendefs option be appiled in
<br /> � � the invorso order o}the duo dates thereof. . . _
<br /> 11.ZONINQ AND PiiIVATE COVENANTB. Grentor shall not Inttiate or oonserA to any chang�in the zoning provlsions or private oovenarAs aNecting ihe � �
<br /> use of the PropoAy without Lendtifs pdor written oonsoM. It Qrantor's use of the Proporty beeames a nonconfortring usa undor any zoning provislon. : —_
<br /> Cirantor shall not cause or pemit such use to be msoominued or abantfoned wilhoui ihe prfor written oonsent ot Londor. (irantor wiil irtme�atofy provide �__
<br /> Lendor with writton notiee of any proposed ehanges to tho zonfig provisions or prlvate eovanarrts attacting the Properly. �_
<br /> 12 CONDEN'iNA1lON. Graritor shali Irtm�atery provide Lenda►wilh vrritten notiee ot arry actual or threatened eondertnation or eminerrt domain y-,,
<br /> ' j protee�ing perialning to the Properry. NI monies payabte to(3rarnor from such wndermatlon or taking ate hereby asslgned to Londer and shall be app�ied
<br /> J first to the payrnoM of Lender's attomeys fees,iega�exPensas and othor costa pncludng apprefsai teos)in eonnettlon wdh ihe oondemnation a orrine�»
<br /> ���or,�cfinas and then.at the oplton o1 Lender,to ihe paymonl ot the Obligatlons or ihe restoratlon or repalr of ihe Property `
<br /> � i e
<br /> . 1
<br /> , i �_:
<br /> Pape2d6 ,.. . - -- t . -
<br /> NECOTH R9v 11,96 I .
<br /> - � ... �`-�.,`�+'�-.
<br /> �_� • ��—� ._._.... -.1., —i''t^---- -� �:�'-•• 1 . ' . ,l � . ' .F —. '
<br /> - _ .. � . ..♦ . . .. � • . � . . a. '' •. . • •. . . �. .... .. . ' .' t . �r ,_ . .. � •. , .. ' . . . • '• .. Y . •.. . • - %.
<br />