.. . .-,=.,.__ .
<br /> " . • ' ' � � E .. . =
<br /> � 97- �.��,0 � � �.� �� _
<br /> � 22. SECURITY 1NTERF.�T UNDER TtfE UNtFORM COIAMERCIAL CODE This Oeed of Trust shall be wnsidered and be ettective as a finandng ; ` .;
<br /> � nat�martt and a fixture fiiing pursuant to iha provisions°now uowrted or hereafter atta�to ogo�ha used in wntnec�o wnh the Proper�ty tagetha�wtth ; � • �
<br /> coverN tixtures.,phatteis.and srtidos ot personal properry, . ,-
<br /> ` any an�a11 repiaceinents thereof and addnions thereto(the Chatlels'►,and GraMor hsmby�ar►ts Lender a seeurhY imerest m s�+d��els. Tha debtor is
<br /> ' tAV t3ramor deseribed above Thia Deed ot Trust will bo effecdve as a flnanein9 smter+ienl filad as a 9xture filin8 wilh respett to all fixtures induded within _ '._i'
<br /> satd prerr�tses and is ta bs filed for rewrd in tha real ost3le records of etuh oourrtY vrttara anY Pat►of said PreMses pndud(ng said fixtures)is�ituated- This ;t . ;!
<br /> ` Doed ot Trust shall also be e�ifecto h�����on of this Daed of T s[or of any fin�anang s�acemem be ati"9 to mis Oteed ot�sAi shali Ibe sufNaer�rtas e ' , ��
<br /> ' office. A carbon.photo�a9h m���is ihe Lender descnbed above. Upon demend.Gramor shzll �
<br /> ' finandng statemerrt tcr any ot iha purposes reterred to(n this Paragraph. � .
<br /> make,exewte and dalivar such sewrt.y agreemeMS(as s�ch term ts deftned in satd Umform Commerdal Code)as Lender at any time rrny deem
<br /> neeesserY cr P►oper or reQuired to�ant to Londsr a parfeeted securily i►nerest In 1he Chattets,and upon(3ramors faiiure to do so.Londer is authorized to
<br /> sign any such agreemerrt es ihe a8ent ol Grarttor. Qtamor hereby aiAhorizes Lender to file flnandng statemerrts las such tertn is defined in said Unrfortn
<br /> �prrrre�cla!Code)wnh respect to the Chanets,at any tirr►�.without ihe signature ot Grarrtor. Grantor wfll,hawever,at arry time upon request of Lendar.
<br /> sign such ftnanang statemeMS Grantor will pay al filing foes br ihe fili�of sueh finandng st�erre�ns and tor the refiiing�e��re�erin e th Cha�nels.�then ,
<br /> ' the opinion of Lender,by said Unitortn Cormrerdal Coda. �f the lisn of ih s Deed of Truat be subrxt to any seauity agree 9
<br /> � in lhe eveM ot arty defautt under this Deed o!Trusi.e!!the ri�►•titie and irderest of G►antor in and to any and all of ths Chattets is hsreby assigned ic
<br /> � Lender,to�ther with ihe benefit of any daposits or paymerrts now or hereffiter made thereof by f3rarnor or the predeeessars ar success°�s'"�Q ot � • `
<br /> Grantor in the Properry.
<br /> "J 23. RdN[BURSENiENT OP Aet�UNTS EXP�'1��BY L.Q10EA. Lender,at Lendet's opUon,may exFend tunds(indu�ng attomeys fees and legal �
<br /> � expeases)to perfortn anY act required to 6e taken bY Grarttor or to exerGse any r1�1 er remertY of Lender under this Deed of Trust. Upon demand.Gramor
<br /> � shall irtmed��ety reirtburse Lender for al such ambwits enpended bYm�the�erof reirAwrsemem. ThaSS surts shal!bs�in�cSudsd in the defin�lon of ` - - �
<br /> � � Obiigation ot the highest rafe allowedby la�v irom the date ot payme �herein. If ihe O�igadons are patd after the beginning of pubficaQian of notioe of ; ',r
<br /> Obiigauons herein and shall be secured bY ttse bensfidal irrterast�atrt ot�9 py�g�ons�ter ihe beginning of publicabon of � ���•
<br /> sala.as herein ptouided.or in the evard Lender shall.a11ts so18 opdon,pemit C3►amor to pay eny part � ,
<br /> ! n�.ice of sala,as herein prov(ded,iheo.arartter shall pay on dert8nd aD e�enses incurred by the Trustee and Lender in connection with said pubHt�tion.
<br /> � (nducGng reasonaNe attomsys tees to ihe attamays for ihe Truste+3 and for the Lender,and a reasonable fea to the Trustee,and this Deed of Trust shall be ,�
<br /> ' security for aU such expensss and fees. , _.y•.'�"y;.-_,°
<br /> ?A.APPUCA710N OF PAYMENTS. The Tnutes sha11 aadv the Proceeds ot the trustee's sale,firsl,to the costs and expenses of exerdsing ihe power ot , � . ,-_���
<br /> � sale and ot�he sats.indud�ng the yma�t of the Trustee's fees�ltY lncurred not to exoeed the a�rmurtt vrhich rt�ay be Pm�n�me��lienhotders.'ar�d m .� - � '
<br /> second to paymert of ihe o6ligauon sewred bY the Deed ot Trust,thitd,to the paymeat cf junior deeds of trust,rmrtgage
<br /> � appo - - ��j`
<br /> balance.if any.to the person or persans legatly erttitled thersto. ! �,e.
<br /> . _ p�erta�in nwgEto�t�he pa�ons or Deed�ot T� In addtfonn Lendor shall be emiUed.tbut nat[e qGu d�to��rtortn anyiac6on ortexecute anydocurtBms :� �
<br /> rey�ired to be taken or executed bY Grarrtor undar ihis Deed ot TrusL Lsnderspe rtcrtnan�e°f such a`"`�n or execution ot such documerns shail not
<br /> ,,,-��•;�� _.
<br /> � relieve Grantor from any Obligation or are any defautt under thfs Deed of Tnist. AI!p'e'ers of attamsy desaibed in this Deed ot Trus1 are coup►ed wfth an _, _�
<br /> ir►terest and afe irtevoea�is. �'J ,,, '�
<br /> � ous lien, searihr irrterest or eawmbrance � ':�..
<br /> � ' 28. S�BROGAiION OF I.�IDER. Lender shels b f�u��es�e�8en�se�arit5r�1e►��or othsr e�rtixances ha�e bee�reteased of record. � ._��.'
<br /> dscharged with tunds advanoed by tsnder regartII '�� ';:
<br /> . . 27. COLLEC7i0N COSTS. To ihe exterrt permitted by out�Iirtitaalon p�ara�let�oIs�Yderics and��ulm�ntsj ewtrelher�o not sud►att mey lortitedm�is an , `
<br /> and costs of at'.amoys and other agems (mdud'ing wtth ge ` ��(
<br /> enptoyee ot Ler�aer.which sre inarted by lsnder in co11eeUng arry amounl�Fiie or enforc(ng arry�IgM or remedY ��iledton�ons.N��ethsr or not • ;
<br /> suit�s brought,indudng,but not limited to,atl fees and costs inarred on appeal,in b�ntauptcy.and tor post-judgme
<br /> L RELEAS� Lender uey release Bs Irrteresl in aportlon of tho Property by exeaning and rewrtQng one or more Pardal Deeds ot � �
<br /> 28. PARTIA . in herein shali be deemed to obllg�Lender to release arry of its , �� �,�ii . ■
<br /> Reoomreyance whhout affecting its(rnerast in the remainin9 Per�sn of Ute Property. Noth g - � ,•
<br /> irrterest tn the Pro�erty(except as recNired under Pararuaah 38 or as may be soethwerwlse requiTed bY lax').nor shall Lendorbe oWigated to refease anY parl � '. +t
<br /> � of the PropeAY(f G►arttor is��fi n e d h�i t h e D e 2 d of T�N S t.i h a 1 is noi�ihe subjecc of�his oi any P�D�eed ot Re�oo�rnrneyance��eH�wnh resped to i
<br /> t�at poRion o f t hs prope r ty. �� �`�,
<br /> � 29, NlOD(FCA7TON AND WANER• �hs rtc�ift�i°n or walver of any of Cirantors Obiigatinns or Lenders rt s under thls Deed of Trust rtust he
<br /> .t,t
<br /> • � �yr�nents fiam a�eor�oreadt ryor e other tfi�GrarrtoYr withoul eaus�8�a w'aivar ot thas pbligatior�ai ns.delay Ka�r on ona x�asian shal�g corstiMe --- �
<br /> r�s A
<br /> othor oaaston. Grantors Obli ona under this Deed of Trust shall nm be aftected n�..ender�rnnds.�° mises.exche"ges,fs�1s to ��,•
<br /> �rn �T°
<br /> a wahrer on any _
<br /> exerdse.IrtQairs or reiaases ary of the OYrii ons belortging to any Cirantor.Bort�rn��ver or�ih�oaASr�s�Y���i�s g��a wya�er�an�d 1 ender shall ____ _
<br /> • lhird party or arry of ths Froperry• Lendefs failure to insist upon striq perfomia►�ce anY Obl ._ �
<br /> have ihe rl�t at any Urre thereafter to insist upon slricl peAar►►ence• • T���'.
<br /> . } - .
<br /> .' � s�tade w h B ere i s��I P�'o�E��E�,��hol�r ot t�hag0�ii�oi ns s�h�a11 deshe f o�Y��'n t o r�e rt�n v e t h�e T r u��or�ar ry�seubstin'ride��stee�as �-':,••...
<br /> � ed fuli power to ap�otm in wdting a ':���
<br /> trustee hereunder and to appom1 a new trwtee�°hig Pta�end stsad the holder of the Ohlig�ions is hereby gant
<br /> ' s�s11Me trustee for satd Trus!ea,and the substiwte trustee shall,wheo appoirrted,becerre suocesse►ro all tl�ts of Trustee hereunder and the same sfiall �� ��:�
<br /> became vested in him tonhe putposes end objecta of ihls Deed of Trusl with ali thepower,�rties and abilgatlons heroin conterred on the Trustee. Tnutee r, _ .�'r•
<br /> ' shall not be liahie tor eny ertot of�u�rr�ent a ac1 done bY Trustee.or be otherxrise respans�bls or axourttabie under any drarts►ar�ees whatsaever. �. .
<br /> Tnnteo shal not be personaDY�lable fn ease of entry by it or arryone aeUng by virtue of the powara heretn pranted it upon ihe Oeed o1 Trust for debts .'�.-
<br /> ' wrttracted or Ga6iliry or darnBes inamed in the managerrertt or operetion of sald prertises. Trustee shaD have the d �no re f a�ftfi Y6esg�e e� - ,-. ;.•�
<br /> documem or si�ature outhorizing or supponing any ealen taNen orproposed tn be teken bY it fiereunder or believed by� .,�'�,,r-
<br /> ulh
<br /> � Trus�ee shall be emRled to reln�u serrem for expenses ineurted by 41n 1he Portamsanoe of(ts duUes hereurtder and to reaso e wrtpensaHon te►such T __
<br /> . �save and hold ri h�aminess hom andhagains�t any an�d�all oss�wst.r1iabililY�damaSa end�se wh�atsoever�neurted by it�lo the perfoman�Tof its d�rti� T—
<br /> pu .�._ '!�,
<br /> � All moneys�I1ned bY�neehom any outhe�mon�s lex�oepl�on e ext�r�equlred b}��I �jrand Tru��ee shall be��undei no labil'�rtyr for�imerest on any .. � .
<br /> ' de��. �Y . .. 'ia�_
<br /> ' , rtnneys reee:yed by rt hereunder. . - . .
<br /> ' 31. SUCC£SSORS AldD ASSIGNS. Thls Deed cf Trust shal�be bl��ing upon and Inure to the benefit of Grarttor and Lender and thelr respective nr,r.: >� -- . :
<br /> suocessors.assigns.trustees.receivers.adrrinistrators.persona1 reP►eserrtathres.tegatees and devisees. . .
<br /> . � N���t�he addr�ess1es d�es�airb d�in th�Deed ol Tr�us�or sud�e oU a�ddri�oas�th�P�s�rray desi ngnade indwriting hom t rre to tlr�rengArry such � , .
<br /> • to lhe pariles � d 6hall be deerted gfven Ihe earlier of three(3)days afler such notice is serd or when reoehred
<br />' notice so gMen and sem by flrst dass ma1i.Po� 90 D�P� •
<br /> by the person to whom such notice is be'n9¢ien• �
<br /> 33, SEVERABiLITY. Whenever possibie,each provlslon of thls Doed ot Trust shail be intsrprted so es to be eHecthre and valid under epplicable state
<br /> �aw, I}arty ptwlsion of thls Deed ot Trust vlolates the law or is ununbrceahto,the rest of the Qeed of Trust sfiall eontinue to bo valid and enforoeable. .
<br /> , � o ha1„PSeuGrAnertto��nsents to�he�sdiction and ven u ot any w�urt seleeted�by Lender Nin its so e�isaetlon lo leatod in lhat�state. �Plieahle law provides •
<br /> � g5, 1�SCE1IAHEOUS. Grarrtor and lander agree ihat Urr�e is of ihe essenoe. Gtantor walves pressmr��1,demand tor paymom,notico of dishonor and
<br /> pratest exceDt as recNUed bY�aw• al references to 6ramor in ihis Deed ot TNSt shail lnduds eil parsona signing betaw. If Ihere is more than one Grantor.
<br /> thelr OWigations shall be�oirrt and soveral.Thls Deed of Trust reprosents the cortpiete Imagated understan�rt9 between(irarAOr and Lender pertalning to
<br /> iho terrre end contLtiona f�ereof.
<br /> 38. NO THIRD PAHTY RttiHTB. No porson is or shall be a third patty henefldary of enyprovislon of this Deed ot Trusl. Atl pravislons ot this Deed ot , _
<br /> �nse�m to the rrodification o any�provi�lonyof this Deod of Trust.In�Lender's sole ms�aotion�I�BntiUed to assume or expact that Lender will not walve o►
<br /> ' 37. PRESERVATION OF UABIUTY AND PRIOHITY. Without aifeeting the Itability o9 Bartower,Cirantor,or any guarantor ot ihe ObilpaLons,or any other _
<br /> person(except a person expressty raloasod in writing (or the payrrorrt end perfotmance o1 the Obtigations,and wRhout affecting the ri�is ot Lender with
<br /> i respoct to any Property not e�ressl roleased in ng,and wfthout Impalnng in any way the priorityr o1 this Oezd o!Ttust over tha interest ot an yI t'pe�r�ssai
<br /> � ac�ired or tirst evidenced 6y recor�ng subse4�en labts tor p�ar�nerA orh��Deo��Tof al or any paA�of lho Obl�gationsn0mako an ay �g erefms►»attenng the -�-
<br /> and wiihout notice or consem rolease arry pa Y�
<br /> I tortns ot paymem orpoAormanoe ot ail or any part of th9 Obligationa,exardso or rairaln hom exerdsing or�vaive any ri 1 or remetty ihat Lender may have � __
<br /> ? under ihe�oed of Trust.acespt addrtionai ssairfty of any kind for any of 1he Qbligations:or re'oase or otherwise de�viith any real orpe rsonal properlY
<br /> ....�;,,�_a�ne�±i�atio�s Any person accluiNng or reeord�ng ovid8nco ot any interest ot any naturo in iho Prop[rfty sha11 bct deemed.by aequiring such � -
<br /> � interest or rocording any svid�nce iheroof.to have conserrtetl to a��o►anY sud�aci�ons���r�r �
<br /> . • Pa�sds � .
<br /> NEDOiD P!v 1196 f ' ,
<br /> -.. L.�. � .. . . . . ..�. � . .. . . . . . ,
<br /> . � , - . . . : . ;.,. _. �r.' _ . . � , . . � .. .. ' . . �� .. ., , . . -: . ' . . .i. .
<br /> ,.,.. .. ,- .
<br /> . . ..
<br /> .
<br /> . . . ��. :.. . . . , .
<br /> ' --_ � ... , . . � . - . . . . . . � . � . . . � .. .. .. . .. . . . .. � . . • . . . . . n.. _ . . . • : , �. '_ ._.. �.. . .. ,t', , . . .
<br />