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<br /> E' �.-_
<br /> 03-2�-1997 DEED aF TFiUS'C �7 9.d�(��� Page 3 � � -
<br /> Loan No 441410 (Con41n1�� _--
<br /> to pay,so long as�-enders interest in the PrapertY is�ot Jeopardized. li 8 Aen a►tses cr is PJed ae a res�At af nonpayrtient,Tntstor s1�aU witNn —
<br /> � fiReen(15)days after the Uen erises or.if a fien is fi►ed.wrihin fifte6n(15j days aRer Trustor h�noN.ce of tA9 fiUnp�seaue the dESChar6o of ttie
<br /> Uen.cr it re4�ed by Len�,dePosit wHh Lendsr cash or a sufti�snt carparato aurety bond a ather securfry satts[actorY to Lertder In an _
<br /> amount suffelent W discharge tha Cea pius any oasts and eftomeys'fe�or oth�cha�6es that could ac�nts e3 a reswY oi a toredos�ue or sele ,
<br /> und5r the lien- In arry contest,Trustor st�aA defend f•self and Lsnder and shaU saflslY anY adve�se lud8�nt batoro enfacernent apafnst the -
<br /> property tn�stor shaA nams Lend�as an add�onei obliyse under anY surety band tumishsd in Na coM.�t Procesdinys. • .
<br /> Evidar�ce of PaytmcnL Trwtor Shall upon demand fumish to Lendsr satisTadory avidanee ot payment of the ta�or essessments and shsil _
<br /> authorfze ihe approprtate govemmenffiI officlat to deGver to Lender at any time a written statemer�ot the tazes and ass�ssmenis e9atnst th9
<br /> Property.
<br /> tiotke of C6natrur.tton.Trustor ShaU notifY�ender at least 6fteen(t�days betore any work I5 commerxed.any services are fumshod.or any �
<br /> materiats are supPiied ta tha PropariY� if a�y me�a�iC�13en, mats�rialmari's 1'an,cr other li9n coutd be asserl�d on e�eount ot the work. . --_
<br /> servioe��,or matedaSs. Trwtor vriD aPon request of Lender itunlsh to Lender advance essurances seitsfsctory to Le°der that Trwtor can and vn'U � �
<br /> • pay the cost o!such improvamenfis.
<br /> PRaPERT1l DANIAGE INSURAKCE The to8owinp prov�sons relatln9 to fnsurEng the ProPefi►ere a part ot thLS Deed of Trust . �,'
<br /> endasements an a 'g�'
<br /> lylakt�ee of Insuranee. Tnntor shatl procure and matntain poHda�of fir0lnsuranoe+Kith sffindard e�dended coverape .
<br /> rsplacamsnt 6as!s tor the fid'.insurable vatue coverin8 all improvemer�ts on the Reel Prope►lY in an emount sufBdeM to avotd appBeadon of any _
<br /> eo(nsurance dause.and with a standard martpaQee dause in favor ot Lender. Tcustor shall also Drocure and meintain comprat►�r�siva Q�e1
<br /> ' tiabiGty insurance In srach covera9e amourtts ss Lender may request with trustse and Londer beiny namad es addHonal(nsureds In such t'iebi6ty � 'as�
<br /> insurance PoL�cies. AddrtionellY,Tn�stor stiell maintaln such other insurance. indudtnp but not Omited to ha�rd.bustness IntortupUoa�,enC � ,
<br /> � boner insurance.as LerMer may reasoneb►y requtre. Policies shatl be written(n(orm.amour�ts.covera9es and basLs reasonaDh►eaePffibte to : . .
<br /> Lender and Lssued bY a comPany or companies reasonabty aocePteble to Lender. Trusta.�►P�n request ci Lendor.wi0 de6ver to Lentler trom • '.•
<br /> dme to tlme tha Polk�es or cerhficates ot insuranaj in icrm satlsiactory to Lender�IndudirW stiPulatlons that covxapes w�t not be canceBed or ; �'
<br /> ' �mtNShed without at teast ten(10)days pnor wri8en norioe to Lender. Efleh i�uurance PoL'cy aJso sha11 Include en endorsement provldinp that f , � . '� :
<br /> �u
<br /> � coverage in tavor of Lender will not bs impahed in any waY bY erry ecf.omisslan or defaut!of Tnuta w any oU�e►person. Shauld the Real . v . � •y"�-
<br /> Property at any 8me become Iccated in an erea de�nated by the Directa M the Federal Eo�erpencY Mt+nayert►ar►t AGenaY as a SPec�a�� � ; ,
<br /> harerd area,Trustor agrees to o�ffiin and ma:ntain Federai Flood insurarsce for ihe fuA unpaid pdnclpal balane0 oi the loan.up to the ma�dum
<br /> � Policy ifmfts set under the National Flood lnsuranoe Propram,or as otherwise reqWred by Lender.and to matrdaln such inswanoe tor ths teim at . ; - --
<br /> ;;.
<br /> .,� the loan. , ,•, '
<br /> no Lender of an Ioss or damaqe ta the Pmperty lsnder rr�y mak�proof af loss N Tnsior I ��-�
<br /> AppBe�t;w�oi ProcaeQ�. Trustor sh�11 PromPflY 1NY Y {- , . . �•,��.___.
<br /> � falis to do so wlthin fifteen(1S�days of the cesualty. Whether or not Lender's security is tmpebed.Lender moY.8t its ela�fo�,tecelve and retaln
<br /> '• tha prooeeds of arry insivance and epPty tha proceeds to the reduciion of the InQebtedness.PaSrtnent of eiry tien atisdlnp the Property.or Me � . .
<br /> ���.
<br /> . .� restaatlon end repafr ot tiae Property. If Lender atecls to appN fhe Praceeds to restoraUOn and repaU.Tnutor shan tepak a rep�aoe 1he . _�s.
<br /> � damaped or destroyed Improvaments in a manner satisfadaY to lender. tsndef shall,upon catistadory Ptoof o!such ezAanditure.F9Y a j.. . ;`
<br /> .� reimbwse Trustor irom lha prooeeds tor the reasoneble cost of repair cr restoratlon If Trustor is not in defauit under this Deed of Trust. My �. �;�;'��; r-::
<br /> prooeeds wh#ch have not been disbursed within 180 days after thetr re�tpt and tivh!ch Lendar has not comrtdlted to the repeir u cestaaEon uf �., •,;:. =. –
<br /> h�
<br /> , tha PropatY shali be used itrst to pay any amount owing to Lender under 1Ns Deed of Tnut,ti�en to pay axrued interesl.and the wmel�de►��f ` �
<br /> any,sfiall he eypAad to lhe pdncipal batance of the Ind9btedness. it Lender hotds ar►y ptoceads after PaYment in fiN of tha Indebtednsss,such . �. �ti
<br /> proceeds sheli be patd to Tnutor as Trustors intarests may appear. � ' ..
<br /> � tAte�pired Inwrmee�l Saie.My une�tre0lnsurance shs0 inure W the beneffi o},and pass i0.the pur�haser of the P►'cPeAY covered bY this , . �-
<br /> f Deed at Trus3 ei any Uustee's sate a other sale held under the provlsions of ihis Deed of Tn�sf,or at any finectasure sale of such PropeAY• .. , . . ,�
<br /> Trustor'a Rs�rt oe�nwr�nee• UPon request of Lender,however not mae than orx:e a yeer.Tnuta shaU furrdsh to Lender a rapart on eact► .. :.,. : [".
<br /> � c�istlnp pofi�y ot irt5urance showtng: (a)the name of the insurer; (b)the risks insured; (c)the amouM of the poOcY, (d)the property insured. .- .
<br /> f the then current reptaoement value of such Property.and the menner of determintnp that valua:and (o)ttp e��atlon date of the poQcY• � •.�,,•����, �
<br /> Trustor shall.uPon request of Lender.have an Mdependent apprelssr saUsfacluY to lender de�rmine 1he cash vatue reptacemerA cost o1 the ;i�.e c
<br /> Ptoperty. . . -.�...��� ___
<br /> p(PpiplTllFiES BY LENOER. If Tnutor falfs to wmpiy with arry Provlslon of lhis Ceod of Tnul,or if any acUOn a proca�dinp is comrt�ericed that -•:�"�::
<br /> wout�mntwbDY afloct LenQers interests in the PmDerly.Lend�on Tn�to�s b�twif may.bu!shaA not be requt�d b.tak�any ocUOn ttut Land�r • 4 � '�::�,•:-
<br /> deems apAroPriate. MY amaun!that Lender e�ends in so dainp wttl baar tnterost at fhe rate proNdad Wr in Uia Note irom Uw data incixrod ar pald ,.: �,y;'�•
<br /> bY Lends to the date of reptyrtwnt by Ttustor. AY such expers�s,at Landei's opUon,wul (o)be payabW an demand, (bj bs add�d to 1h�b�lanca ;�• ;��:�-
<br /> W the Nota and bs�DP���^�and bs PaYabfe wtth anY Ir�Gmont pa5�enb to becocru duo dwirt�dtAar (�tM term af enY�RP�� .;.,:.,. .,�-
<br /> Insuranca DoYcY a(t�the remaiNnp term o!the Note.or (c)be treated es a bWoon payment which w�be due and paYabio d tha Nota's matiafh. �.
<br /> .
<br /> This Deed of Tnut olso wtU securo payment o?these emounb. The�iyhis provtded tor In tht�paraQreAh shall be in adduan to arry ather Aphts a anf► � � ._
<br /> d 6
<br /> remedss to whfch Lende►mty be entitled on account of the default. Any such adWn by lsnder she11 not be construed es curinp the dehuN so es to . � -�
<br /> bar Lendet irom anyr remedy that(!otherwise waWd haw had. � . .:`� �
<br /> ' WAAAAIiY1f:C�iSE OF TI7LE.The fdtowlnp provlslons retaHnp to owne�shlp ot ths Propaty are a part a4 thb Oeed of Trusf. �' . � , .
<br /> T N l�. T n u t a w a r r a n b t h a t (a)T r u s tar hd�Qoad and marfcet�ble tltle of reead to tAs Property In fee atmpto,ino an9 deor W�fl Yem end . ; __
<br /> encumbnnc�s othsr thtn Mas�sW talh In the Real ProPertY desMDUon or in anY tltle Insunnce DoticY tltle reAaf.a Anol tlUe cP i n l on i s s u s d In ., ='
<br /> tava of,and acoeAted bY.LenQer in connecdon with this Deed of Tnssf,and (b)Tn�stor ha.s the tutl rlpht,powe�,and authafty to�ecute and .. �:
<br /> daliver this Deb of Tn�st to Lender. � � �� —
<br /> ptt�n�oi Ti�e. SubJoct to the wccepUon In the parapreph abwe,Trustor warronb and wUl farever doknd the tNle to the Prop�rty opa�nst 1►�e ,., --.
<br /> lawtul cWms of aN Persurrs. In the event anY actlon or Proceedirg!s cammenced that quesUons Tn�stors tlli�a tri0lntaast ot Tnstoe a . ,• �. • .,_
<br /> Lendar unde►thts Deed of Trust.Trusta sha�7 Qe(end tha ac8on at Ttustors wqwrise• Tnuta rtwy be the nomiml paR�r in such proceetltnQ,but - � �W
<br /> � Lertder shaA be entiHed to pailk�pate In the procaedinp and to W represanted in the proceodirg by cour�sal of LonQe�s awn choioe,and , .
<br /> Trusta wIR dellver,or cause to be deitverod,to Lender such InsbumenLs as Lender may requesl from tlma to 6mo to p�rtrdf auch putldpatlon. � �•::
<br /> ComptWsce WHA L.aw�. Tnuta wartanis tnat lhe PropeRy and Trustars use o!ttw Propedy compik�s with a9 mdsUnp apPlk�able inws. , . �'-
<br /> ordinanae�s.and re�ulaBons W Qovemmental aulhalNes.
<br /> CONDEILfiATtON.The toitowlnp provlslor�s retaU�y to condamnatlon proaaedir�era a paR ot this Deed of Tnst. . � �
<br /> Appik�tfon o}Met Proeeeda. If ell a any pert of ttw PropeRyr b Condemned by eminent dometn proceadlnps a bY any proceadinp a . ,
<br /> purchase in Ueu of condemnaUon,Lender may at its etection require that eli or any poAlon of ihe net proceeds of the award be app0ed to the
<br /> Irtdebtedness a 1he rePair o►restoa►tlon o11he Property The net prooeeds of the awar�shaU mear+the award after poymant of ail reasonabi� —
<br /> eosb��er�ses,and atlomeys'tees Incurtad by Trustee or Lend�x In conr�ecNOn wlth the condemnatlon. --
<br /> � � T
<br /> ProeMdin�s. It any Drooee�np In wndemna8on is filed,Tr�ta shall promptry noUty Lender in wdtlnp,and Trusta shaY promptry Lke sueh __
<br /> y�taps as may be neoessary to defend the actlon and obta1n the award. Tnutu may be the noMnsl party in such pr000ediny,but Lender s4�a11
<br /> ba ar�itl�d to puft�ot�In ihA prooeedinp and to be represontad in the proeaed�nD by counsel of ib own chdca,and T►usta wiN da8var or �
<br /> cause to be deltu�red to Lender sueh Instrumenh u may be raqwsted by N from tlrt�to tlms to psrmfl auch particip4tlon•
<br /> IIWPOSITION OF TAXES.FEE9 Af�iD CaIARGEB BY(iOYEii!lN4ENTAL At1TF10siITIFS. The touowlnp prov'-"a�v rela8np to Qcv�emmental t�ces, � .
<br /> teas Bnd Charyes ete e peA ot this DeeO ot Trust
<br /> CuR�t11 T�[u,F�es�fd Ctwpes. Upan roquast by Lender.Trusta shoA eoceCUtA such dxumanb In addiUon to fhis Deed of Tnist and take . �'_
<br /> whateva othx aotlon b requested by Lendar to perfect and cordlnue Lsnder's Oen on 1M Reol Property. Truwta sha0 roimburse Lender(or all
<br /> taxes.es desa(bed betow,topethet with afl e�enses incurred in recar�ng,Perf,9etlna or conflnuMg thb Deed ot Tnist,Indudinp without —
<br /> Ilrtdtation all taxes,fee9,documentery stnmps,and other charpos fot recor�np a repEsteiln0 thb Deed of Tnis� .
<br /> TaYU. The tn9or�inp shall cor�stitute taxes to which Mis secllon uppiles: (a)e speciflc t�c upon thls typo of Deed of Tn�st or upon ell or arry � �
<br /> put p}1he Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trush, (b)a speclfic tax on Trusta wMch Tn�star is aufhorized a requUed to dsduct from
<br /> paymenh on the Indebtednoss secured by thts type ol0aed o1 Tnut; (c)a tax on thls type of Deed ol Trust ctwrpaabte apalrist the lsnder or _
<br /> the hdder of the Note;and (d)a spsc;iflc fax on e11 or any poNon o!ths Indobtadness or on peymer�ffi af pdndpal and Interest made by
<br /> Tn�sta.
<br /> � Subsequent T�ces. If any t9x to whtch this socUon flpplies is enacted su4sequent to the dnte of this Dsed o!Trusf,this ovant shatl have 1he
<br /> i sema eftect aa�q Event of Deteutt(es deflned balaw),sn/Lertder maY exs►cls�any or a11 ot its avail�bla rom�di�tor an Evant pt Default�s =__ _
<br /> � provfded baiow unless Trustor efther (a)pays the tax before it becomss dennquent,or (b)contests tho tax as provlEsd above In tho Texes and �
<br /> � Uens sectlon end deDOS���1A Lender cash or a suttictent corporata surely bond or oli�tr secur�iy sa�tac4ray to Lsr+Cat. �
<br /> o —
<br /> , � s, • �
<br /> �
<br /> ---� .._. -.._ . .
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<br /> - � . • - - � , � '� • , � � .. . - , . . � ' " � `.
<br />. � . . • . . .. .. � . .. . .. - .. . . . . � . .. . _. • . .. . .. . • . . • - ._ . � _ ' '_ _. .., t-. �. . � _ _ . . . .
<br />